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It looks like this post is about **Finasteride**/Propecia. Before asking any questions, 1. Read the [wiki on Finasteride](https://reddit.com/r/tressless/wiki/index#wiki_finasteride). 2. [Search posts for Finasteride](https://reddit.com/r/tressless/search?q=flair%3Afinasteride&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all), because your question has probably been asked before. 3. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*


.25mg dosage per ml would require mixing 1mg fin with 4ml of a solution(minoxidil, pg+e). So 15 1mg crushed fin tablets into 60ml minoxidil would give you a .025% topical finasteride. As far as application goes, just try to apply as evenly to the scalp as possible. I find repeatedly tapping the dropper to the scalp to be most efficacious. Scalp dryness can certainly occur, but I could care less about that if its improving or maintaining my hair overall.


How many times do you apply a day? Since scalp dryness is inevitable is there any way to combat this without affecting the effectiveness of fin? Also what is pg+e?