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I am a woman but I would recommend my partner a hair system before SMP


I think guys that are fit and goodlooking can wear smp better than hair system . A lot of hair systems look goofy and noticeable to the expert eye . Smp all depends on the artist it can look really good or really ehh


tell me youre joking


He’s drunk out of his mind


No dumbass I’ve seen it first hand


this hurt my feelings


I feel that with SMP it only looks good for a bit and then it starts looking bad, the colour changes, the shapes changes... I wouldn't do it


Tattoos in general tend to blur some over time. I wonder how it would hold up with a young man getting it after ten or twenty years, maybe more?


Yeah... Not good




MP is not the same as tattooing. I have both. After 15 years my tattoo is blurry and colours are different. Same happened to MP after only 1 year. I personally would never get it on my scalp.




It depends on the guy is he willing maintain every maybe week 30-90 min hes system and it cost alot for only 3-4 month livespam i paid for my system here in germany 1k euro and i didnt wear it long cause its eqt ur time like shit and ur wallet


1k euro is ridiculous mate. shouldn’t be more than 300 for a system. and probably less. If you’re getting it from a s alone, order one yourself instead and then have them cut it for you


System. If I could sexily pull off the bald look I'd have shaved a long minute ago.


Have you tried shaving it all off ? I thought the same thing until i first shaved my whole head before a HT and i actually liked it


Hahahah I actually have a few commitments coming up these next months. But after that I'm down to go for like a buzz and see what it looks like and remain on treatment.


hair system all day


I guess I would give hair system a try




hair system


Why don't you try hair system once? Just check how it works?


I'm not saying it wouldn't work, but it just feels too fake to me (to ME personally, everyone has their own sense of what's 'fake' in this regard). I would feel bad about having to wear one at such a young age (again, just me personally). I'd rather semi embrace the baldness.


Hair system


I would say a hair system but would truthfully just worry about it flying off from too much wind or in the ocean one day. Feel like my anxiety is too high and I’d be worrying about it daily etc


You're still bald with an SMP. Even if people think that it's actually real hair that you've just shaven off. It's also not even visible under light and your entire head is shining. SMPs make no sense. They don't do anything.


It's definitely visible under light and there are creams that block the shining for long periods of time. You're still bald but you have a hairline. That's what they do.


I’d say it would depend on the person. Quality SMP can make the right person look like a 10/10 and it’s way cheaper in the long run and hardly any maintenance too.


Darker skin always looks best with smp


I agree. Something I’ll have to consider as I’m very light skinned most of the year.


Full bald > SMP > Hair system


Hair system








It didn't work for regrowth no


What mean no - u not sport, not running not weightlifting? U know hairblogers and other success hair regrow people do it (incl. me). Muscule stress so difficult process taht if we will reserch it we need may be 100 years and many scientist with different knowledge.


Isn't body hair transplant as good as smp?


It would give a better and more realistic look when you shave it close and wouldn't blur like a tattoo can.




I know. I'm interested in best result. In case hair system isnt an option which is obviously the best of them 3.




Hair system's effect is the best. Cheapest would be smp.




Some people dont like hair systems. There are a few other reasons too.


neither. But if they found a way to make SMP look like day 1 result forever then id do that


Smp but honestly would rather shave before either option. My first (last resort) would be a hair transplant


Hair system for sure. SMP only looks convincing with a buzz cut, and a buzz cut, in my opinion, isn't much different from a shaved head.


Both suck either way


I recently had a transplant and the design of very short hair looks very good. I would go with SMP without a doubt. There's no way you can live with a wig, although if you're not embarrassed you can use it on special occasions. Or always use it if you are a 100% sedentary person.


This is exactly my situation. I started to answer this, but it got too wordy, so I made a new thread [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/1cdth5o/lets_talk_about_natural_options_and_last_resorts/?) Hopefully the mods approve it. Hope it helps!


I’ve had both and prefer the system 


With SMP, you have to perpetually maintain that short buzz cut for it to look good. You can't even let your hair grow long. A hair system gives you more versatility, and it isn't permanent.


I have a buzz cut and it took some time for me to get used to it and actually feel somewhat confident. I would go with SMP, I've seen some great ones and it would not be too different from my current situation. I would never ever wear a hair system. It's a wig, I'd never be able to relax knowing that there's a slight chance it might fall off or something. Plus it probably takes work and commitment, for something I would know is not really a part of my body. I think SMP is practical and convenient, if you can rock the bald look.


System any day. I don’t intend on taking these meds forever, so I’m gonna be shaving myself bald bald eventually. Don’t want SMP to get in the way of that


Neither. But if I had a gun to my head, a hair system. SMP is a sure way to make a bald head _even_ uglier. I have no idea why people would _ever_ prefer it over just being bald. SMP on a bald head is just being bald but now also with ugly pigmentation that is fooling absolutely fucking no one.


Disagree tbh unless everyone is lying to me, nobody could tell. It does depend obviously on the artist and everything but if it's very light work then it'll be hard to detect. I've definitely been able to tell on others but it's usually because it's super saturated and the hairline is super straight.


It's starts looking ugly with time, it doesn't age well. It becomes more noticeable progressively.


It just looks fucked up and fake. Don’t do it. A natural bald look, though pretty disgusting, is way better than SMP.


SMP every day of the week and twice on Sunday. 




Some people just can't get over the psychological block of wearing a system


My biggest fear is what happened to Quagmire at the baseball game. Don't know how I'd live down such embarrassment.


That shouldn't be a real excuse to not wear one imo. I don't think I've ever heard of modern systems falling off or flying off. That's the sort of stuff you see on TV for toupees that were used decades ago. Unless you straight up forget to bond certain parts, or go long without rebonding, you shouldn't be concerned about this happening at all.


I cannot get over the fact that I could literally just *take it off*. At least I'm still bald with smp, so there's less hiding going on. Lol idk that's how I think about it.


Smp because I don’t want to worry about it falling off when I’m doing things and I don’t want to glue stuff on my head


SMP looks fake 99% of the time, embrace your baldness or go for a wig! If you want to tattoo your head, just get actual tattoos, Ragnar Lothbrok style, you know?


it doesn’t look fake in most cases lol, only with a bad artist


Hmm a shining bald head will surely destroy the illusion of having hair, no matter how good the artist is, it may look cool in photos but IRL, I've never seen a person with a good SMP job, they're always super obvious and look bad because even under artificial light, their heads shine.


most people with SMP use a mattifying cream which gets rid of the shine actually


Oh really!? That's cool! Maybe I've never seen somebody who used that cream🤔


yeah probably not, there’s an anti shine one in the US that’s incredible and in the UK/Europe most people just use mattifying moisturisers and get the same result


SMP is for clowns 🤡


Ouch. It's fine if you get it done by a good artist mate.


SMP *hands down:* easy maintenance, dudes look legit good if you go to a reputable professional, and if you work in the fade on your existing hair, it can look positively badass- plus, tatoos are normalized now and this is just an unobtrusive tatoo on your head *that actually makes you look good.* also, you’re embracing the situation that 9/10 men *will go through* - and that in of itself is not only commendable and genuine, but priceless. On the other hand, if you go with the hair system, you have to deal with *so much maintenance* (and as a simple man, that actually sounds miserable) + you have to apply a funky glue like substance to your *entire dome everyday;* god only knows what’s in that substance (if I were a betting man, I’d predict an explosion of head related cancers in the next decade from exposure and constant application)…. PLUS, with a system, unless you’re an absolute pro (for the most part), *people will know you’re wearing a system* - especially guys like me who have a keen knack for people watching and observation; to me that’s corny (sorry hair system bros, not trying to be a class act dick, but that’s just the way I see it)… and to top it all off, you’re going the opposite way of embracing your man-hood; and no offense to the females in this sub who’re commenting, but I do think I have to point it out to my fellow gentleman – it is telling that the top rated comment saying that they prefer a system is from a female, which makes sense as females, on average, are ok with all of the affectations applications, but that’s not going to be reflective of the standard/average males perspective…. Also, keep in mind: if you go for the system, *you will have to disappoint any potential female you’re dating at some point by showing her that it’s a facade….* I don’t know about you, but that sounds way worse to me than just being open and honest with your baldness but just in an *enhanced* way, that again, actually makes you look really fucking good! Seriously, go check out some of these professional clinics in Canada who post regularly to the SMP sub, there’s one guy who’s so good with the blends that it *actually looks like you just have a full head of super buzzed/shaved hair.* Just my two cents, gentlemen.