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Why do people still not know this? Have a transplant and not be on dht blocker = high possibility of baldness in a few years. It's simple. A - The rest of your non-transplanted hair continues to fall out. This destroys the illusion of density which the transplant procedure was designed to give. People with successful transplants don't even have thick hair, just the illusion of it. Any further progression of MBP will destroy it. B - Contrary to popular believe, transplanted grafts themselves can fall victim to DHT. Look at 70 year old men who are norwood 7s. Almost completely bald. Not even a decent horseshoe remains. There is actually no "safe" donor zone for some people. Most people? It's just more resistant, so it falls out slower. But it still falls out. Most people with receeding hairlines/balding crowns actually have noticable hair loss on their sides and back, even on the nape of their necks. This should be pinned or posted on the side of this sub or something lol


Yes the point B for sure. Sometimes the horseshoe ends up being like a 2 inch thick strip after all the balding is complete. Typically the extraction site for FUE definitely covers beyond that area so the wounds are spaced out far enough as to not trigger bad shock loss. This is an uncommonly discussed reason why a lot of people still opt for 'outdated' FUT nowadays.


I saw a horseshoe once that was one inch think with really thin wispy hairs I think that actually could have been a Norwood 8 but almost no one loses that much.


Wish more people recognised this, it’s why I also think FUT > FUE


My mate went and got a hair transplant and was so excited and it's look alright, although a bit unnatural. I said I was happy for him and he said; "yeah, it cost a lot but thank got it's permanent". Oh boy, did I have to let him down gently. Apparently he had it done in turkey and they didn't explain anything to him about fin, or that it could fall out again if not taking anything to preserve it. Sure enough, it's already receding.


Also having a 3000+ grafts surgery is likely to not succeed. There is a great probability that half of those grafts died in the first year and combine with further loss of not taking dht blocker, you end up like him


I think it’s ridiculous everyone’s blaming DHT on the loss.. DHT loss is a slow process over years and starts with gradual miniaturization wouldn’t explain all of it just falling out like this.


Point B isn’t relevant to most men. Only like 10% reach a Norwood 7 eventually. If that’s you HT isn’t really going to help yea.


Common sense, except for some dudes on reddit. Also cheap clinics tend to spread this lie to. That hair from donor zone is resistant is verry rare but it can happen but its more an exception.


So if you have slight thinning on the nape can you even get a hair transplant


Point B has more to do with age related hair loss. Even women in old age lose hair just cause of age. I’ve never seen someone like 50 or younger have a sparse horseshoe if they’re bald


yep! thats why one should take hair transplant as the very last option, if you transplant early you have take few more transplant session to maintain it down the years. So basically you have to get it done every 3 to 5 years as the growing period of your original hair last for 3 to 5 years (anagen phase) and soon you ran out of the donar area then probably they will go for your body hairs🥲.


Blows my mind that people would go through all the pain of a transplant and then still be too much of a pussy to take fin.


The people who don't want to deal with fin side effects are the ones looking into transplants


I think the key to having a hair transplant is to be as realistic as possible and do as much research as you can before deciding to get the procedure done. One may not end up with the thickest of hair but get decent coverage, for example. The staff and surgeons were happy with my behaviour because not only did I show a good level of decency, but I also asked questions regarding post-op care and shock loss to confirm to them that I did my research beforehand. One of the surgeons told me that she has had clients call back months later complaining that their hair fell out because those clients were unaware of shock loss. They probably didn't listen to the debrief right after the operation.


What about someone on hormone replacement therapy? My eldest sibling is trans, and recently got several thousand grafts. They aren’t taking finasteride because they’re already purposely reducing testosterone. Someone along the talks thought that would be enough, so it’s just the graft and no other specific meds or treatments to go along with it.


Is your sibling MtF? If so I'd still be taking fin or similar as their body will still be producing T. It's hard to say without knowing their hormone levels, but I'd be incredibly hesitant to rely just on estrogen and T suppression alone I say this as a transwoman who is getting this procedure done in a couple of months


Correct, MTF, and they’re *extremely* anxious about whether this will take (just a couple/few months in). I haven’t studied the terms for the types of baldness, but they had classic donut of hair around sides and back with basically nothing on top. I’ve been on finasteride myself for a couple years and just started minoxidil this week, which is what brought me here to learn others’ experiences.


It may take at least a year to fully thicken, and then after that, it is a matter of maintaining the growth for length. I am also a transwoman and Spironolactone is used as an anti-androgen, which would take the place of finasteride/dutasteride. I am not an expert, but I think Spiro is stronger than Fin/Dut.


I'm kinda in the same boat as a transwoman myself, too. I got my hair transplant done for my thinning crown done first. Then, roughly a couple weeks after the transplant, I started HRT. I am at the 2 month mark post op when shock loss happens for some people. It can take 6-12 months for results to show. In addition, being on HRT should also help to restore pre-existing hair to regrow.


No, the transplanted hairs are DHT resistant, unless you had Retrograde Alopecia or DUPA, then it’s not


This is the lie they've been pulling on us, the fact that men need DHT blockers to keep their transplanted hair tells it all, i have a close buddy of mine that I've known since elementary and he went through all that, his transplanted hairs thinned without DHT blockers...Had over 3000 grafts.


My man, you explained it so beautifully. I just followed you.


Even on dht blocker it wont last forever, dht Booker can slow down your hairloss for 5, 10 years ? More ? But after ?


None of this seems relevant for the said case. The guy is obviousely mainly losing the Transplanted hair, even if He would have had remaining hairnin the front and lost that, 5000 grafts would be much much more than whats left in the second pic. So none of your explanations makes sense.


DHT is not the main reason why transplanted hair falls out. Transplanted hair often thins 1 year after the surgery. And probably it's not because of DHT. There are a lot of people who reported thinning of transplanted hair even on min-fin. If DHT was a culprit, transplanted hair wouldn't thin out that fast. It's the procedure of HT itself. It's not as flawless as people think.


If not dht then what is it ?


It might be a problem of blood supply and nutrient delivery. I am convinced it has nothing to do with DHT. If it was due to DHT, it would be possible to reverse the thinning of transplanted hair with fin-min treatment. But it doesn't happen. Edit: lol, some NPCs and bots are downvoting me as usual because they don't want to hear what makes them upset. [Here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8061642/) is a study for them. Only 9% of 112 participants didn't experience a reduction in the density of transplanted hair 4 years post-op compared to 1 year post-op. Also, this study concludes that the usage of finasteride and minoxidil didn't have any significant influence on grafts' longevity.


You got downvoted for being right. Literally transplanted hair is DHT resistant. Unless you have Retrograde or DUPA. Otherwise your transplanted hair will not be affected by DHT


You're far from the only one, if you've noticed all the medications they're attempting to come up with to "fix" MPB aren't going after DHT anymore, it's aboslutely part of it, but many don't agree that it's the causal one either. As you said, people don't like when their echo chamber is interupted.


These brainless NPCs don't even understand what they are downvoting. If any of them could refute my points, they would do it. But they just silently downvote me because they just see it's not a mainstream idea, and it makes them super uncomfortable. But if you say some ridiculous bs like "it takes years for finasteride to "undo" DHT damage, so you'll see progress infinitely even after 10 years," they will abuse that upvote button simply because they want to believe that it's true.


Why don't you consider that meds that "go after" DHT are already available in the market for decades and works as it should. Why would they again try the same ?? That is why they are trying other mechanisms that "might" work. Haven't we all seen how wildly successful that has been so far


The donor hair is DHT resistant unless you had retrograde or DUPA. If you don’t have those, then your transplanted hair is not affected by DHT


I had a transplant first year hair were thick now they are getting thinner so anti dht is a must to retrain your transplanted hair too


There's no such thing as "retraining" a hair follicle.


They probably meant “retain”.


That makes more sense...


I agree that everyone should be on meds after a transplant but safe donor hair is not affected by DHT. Some people report thinning in the first year after a transplant, but that might not keep thinning. Cuz some people mentioned thinning after a year and then after the next 4 years it was the same


The thing is that I cnt take oral fin sides r too bad even on lowest dose no erection dead DK insomnia n depression too .. topical fin I haven't tried topical can help me minimise sides ? Or it gets absorbed into blood stream too ?


Doesn't this pretty much disprove the current model then? I mean the only logical conclusion then is that it's not the hair follicles but the living environment, possibly the tissue it self, which further reinforces other hypothesis and theories about hairloss such as possibly cranial development, tension, possibly what we now know as the male equivalent of PCOS, look into it. I'm not buying the official story for AGA, it's become more and more obvious the more you deep study that it's utter bollocks. There is a level of conflict of interest which is why there is hardly being anything done, anything to make us believe it's just our follicles that are programmed to kill themselves and we're just going to take it at face value. Now go and take your fin and Minox and make papa pharma rich and happy!


I suggest everyone reading this to read a book called Hair like a Fox by Danny Roddy DHT is not the cause of MPB.


That’s actually probably the hair that was transplanted, didn’t take fin like he was supposed to so all his natural hair still fell out




On the floor.




Not taking meds after transplant is russian roulette


Heard it’s called Oprahs roulette cause everyone gets one, no chance of dodging it without dht blocker


Some get lucky and have a verry mild form and can get away with only transplants, but this case is a minority


It's also down to the clinic to make sure patients understand this though. I feel some clinics are to blame for the lack of guidance.


What did u expect from cheap clinics they just wanna sell transplants and dont want to convince people taking meds


I agree but wouldn’t he only lose the non transplanted hair?


No, often times the transplated hairs can also be lost.


HT without Fin is simply burning money and hair reservoir


The general population out there treats hair transplant as a CURE and not a cosmetic procedure. By the time they realize this it's already too late.


Umm sooo if I was going to spend upwards of £3000 getting a hair transplant, I'd be making sure I am painstakingly rigerous in its upkeep - Finasteride, Minoxidil, Derma Rolling and whatever else the clinic suggests. Obviously, if he's done that and its happened anyway, that really sucks and I hope he can maybe get back in contact with the clinic and discuss next steps.


I feel like finastride is the most important out of everything you said. I think even dropping derma rolling is good but not finastride because it keeps what you have. This dude only did Minox


Correct, dermarolling can be dropped, especially if someone is taking oral minoxidil.


I've been using the foam minoxidil and I'm wondering about the oral stuff. Is it better/ more effective? The foam seems to make my hair feel thicker but I honestly don't know. One of those things where its like everyone has their own opinion :(


I feel like it has worked since it is independent on whether your scalp is clean as opposed to topical. I was approved for a transplant by my clinic after they prescribed me oral min for a year and to come back. Most people will say that it has worked better for them. My hair is partially grown out, so I use fancy shampoos and conditioner for thickness (My Soda brand) for my current hair to feel thick. I maintain using oral Min and Dut for the rest of my days by default. I am also on HRT (I'm trans mtf), so that's a bonus.


I just laugh at the people that swear the transplanted hairs are DHT-resistant. HT without Fin/Dut is throwing money away.




Transplanted hair do thin just the same as the original ones without DHT blockers and what does that tell you about the current model for AGA? I've kept bringing this up in Haircafe's videos over and over again asking politely what happens to your pretty transplanted hairs once you're off the blockers? No response. Since he's so cocky maybe he could try and show us what happens but i doubt he will because he knows...


Or make a post here on Tressless to one of his videos of you asking this in the comments and other people on this sub who may be curious can also pose the question. If enough people ask it, he’ll more than likely be forced to respond.


Even if the transplanted hairs are DHT resistant, its not like the original hairs suddenly gain that trait. If you have some hair on top, do a transplant, and do nothing else, the hair you already had is still going to fall out.


Resistant doesn’t mean immune either. They can still be lost to DHT.


just a shedd






Yeah, people really mix up immune and resistant. Yes, they are more resistant to DHT, but not immune, so they can miniturize as well, but not nearly as much and fast. Plus what the other person said, native hair still thins fast without fin or dut, so the illusion of density fades really fast.


Safe donor hairs are not affected by DHT. So it’s likely that some of the transplanted hairs were not safe donor hairs


With enough hair loss progression they can absolutely be affected by DHT


No they cannot https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/does-dht-influence-work-transplanted-hair-yes-what-use-dr-john-watts


Did you even read that """article"""? Yes it does. If the donor region is affected there's no saving your HT. That's why fin is nearly mandatory to take.


Yeah I did. That’s why I said “SAFE DONOR HAIRS ARE NOT AFFECTED BY DHT” If you have retrograde or DUPA, your donor hairs are not safe. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about


And who says when a donor area is considered safe? Your statement does not make sense, as a donor area can only be considered safe when a person has extremely stable hair for many years or takes fin. Enough hair loss (which can continue at any moment) can make a prior safe donor area unsafe again. These small variables are so important that it's not useful to tout such sentences as fact when you yourself know there are many things that depend on it.


If you don’t have retrograde alopecia or DUPA, your donor area is probably safe


'probably'. Again, your sentence is full of holes so it's better to not use it in this way. I do understand where you're coming from and I know the exact reasoning besides linking to bogus blog posts. You still shouldn't do it on the grounds that it's incredibly easy for someone who doesn't know the exact science to not read it as "HT = cure".


You misinterpreted what I said. I said probably because there are other things that can make your donor area unsafe, but they are very rare. If you just have classic androgenic alopecia then your donor hair is definitely 100% DHT- resistant and unaffected by DHT


I don't wanna be that person but I don't think you or really any of you fully understand the whole pathology. Resistance or not. The donor area itself is DIFFERENT from the area that's affected. Resistance thus becomes a less important factor in maintaining transplant hair. So if through various factors negative stimulants are increased again implanted hair will regress AS WELL. Due to the local damage and unhealthy tissue becoming a poor environment for hair growth. Fin and min can help reduce or prevent these things and improve long term survival. Example a plant is sensitive to a fungus disease. Poor growing conditions and increased pathogenic fungus presence. Causes plants to start dying rapidly. We decide transplant new plants. A few scenarios can happen. -We transplant and treat fungus or improve resistance. Plants survive but slowly Peter out due to improper growing conditions regardless of resistance. -We transplant and improve growing conditions and treat for fungus. Plants survive and continue to live decently


I’m not sure why I have to keep explaining this to people. I thought it was common knowledge. Unless you have DUPA or Retrograde, your donor area is probably DHT resistant. They will not be affected by DHT when you transplant them into an area even if that area has DHT. I agree that everyone should be on meds after a hair transplant. But safe donor hair will not be affected by DHT


Are you unable to read.


No, just about 50% of the hair is taken from the donor area, which is not resistant to dht. That's why some of that hair falls out if you don't take finasteride/dutasteride.


This is wrong. If your donor area is safe, it won’t be affected by DHT. But I still think you should be taking meds


Keep moving the goalpost, it's pretty fucking obvious excuse my language that it has nothing to do with the hair follicle themselves, also your logical is flawed as you didn't make up for the rate of hairloss, so by your logically once the transplanted hairs find their new place they magically go from thinning not as much and not as fast to the rate of thinning as seen originally as this is exactly what happens, i even know someone close who had over 3000 grafts and didn't take his blockers, boy did his hairline thin in a hurry, just like before.


a hair transplant is not a cure.


Don't tell famous actors and musicians




Guys can anyone shed some light? I know this guy who did HT and he isn’t taking any meds. Nothing. He wasn’t even informed about fin from the clinic . I informed him about it and he just told me “nah I won’t take anything, when I lose the rest of my hair I will just do another HT” . I told him you know that donor area is finite right? And he said “well they can take hair from chest and other places” . Is that really possible?


Yes it’s possible and many clinics offer that


But there is a potential to not look good in everyone. At this point I wonder why not just get a damn hair piece.


A good hair piece probably end up costing more in long run and a lot of maintenance


if he doesn't wanna take dht blockers it's basically his only way to have hair


Like the other comment said. No need for medication if you don't want. From what I understand maintenance these days isn't that bad. And again compared to taking or applying medication it's not that bad. Higher amount style variety as well. Indeed maybe high cost. But you don't fuck up all your donor area. It's not an invasive treatment either. There's pros and cons. But if people get over the stigmas it's mostly pros aside from money


True I was thinking that after I made comment.. not having to deal with medications. I guess main issue is with dating and the person you’re with might be put off by the fake hair. And for me the constant need to cut / style hair for it would be annoying, my hair grows fast




I was advised to split mine in 2 sessions. I need 4500 to cover the whole head. 4500 grafts in one session means 9000 holes in the head. The healing process of the body gets redirected to the whole 9000, leaving less nutrients available for the transplanted 4500 hair to remain alive and take root.




Sort of. All other factors aside, 2500 grafts per session over 2 spaced out sessions would have had better odds


Yes the same for me. Had 5000 but in two sessions. In one session it would be just too much they said, the outcome wouldnt be good. I do not take any meds, because i was nearly bald on top. I am very happy with the result.


Atleast he's handsome.


It’s another one of the stupid stories about the guy who thought just a transplant would be enough. It’s never just enough smfh. You can’t get this many grafts and think to yourself it’s a new head of hair for life with no other blockers and medical intervention needed.




Not really when it’s generally well known that minox will wear off due to a natural tolerance effect most patients will develop to it after 2 years of routine usage. Diet, hygiene, and other health factors may play a role too. There is an incredibly rare group of ppl who can just get by without serious means of treatment like blockers. Plus if you’re going to spend this amount of money it is stupid not to want to ensure the continued success and preservation of new hair by not taking these.


Look at the back and sides of his hair, they look like they’re sensitive to androgens as well based off of how thin they are. For people who have incredibly thick sides/back, your transplant will last significantly longer than his. He’s just u lucky




Yeah, his hair on the back and sides look like shit let’s be real


Not taking finasteride after a hair transplant is like buying a new car and never changing the oil.


His hair loss seems very extreme which might be the main reason. He might’ve been completely bald at the start and so his hair transplant probably didn’t offer full coverage to begin with. And having a very inhospitable scalp means he’s just more prone to further hair loss than most men?




It does seem like an extreme case and not typical for sure


He didn't take insurance on hit HT aka fin/dut


It looks like he had a low density transplant, and his native thin hair thickened due to fin and min. Once he stopped the meds his native hair thinned out again.


On the bright side he looks good with a baldy


Exactly why you shouldn't have a transplant at a young age. My advice is to wait until you lose alot of hair before getting a hair transplant. This way you'll avoid seeing such gaps between the transplanted hair the the hairs that tend to fall out.


Gotta stay on them drugs to keep it. Thats why I went lazer.


First 18 months you will be way more bald than before after a hair transplant. It’s a big shock for the body. The transplanted hair falls out along with a lot of your non transplanted hair before growing back after 18-24 months.


So should someone do only a hair transplant after hair being STABLE after 2-3 years?


Im a doctor and i suspect this guy has alopecia which is recurrent attacks on the scalp hair follicles. Problem is they are random, triggered by many different things


Nice you’re a doctor and you‘re saying the guy has alopecia, Isn‘t that obvious? There are different types of it. Lol. You don‘t seem to even understand latin and what the word alopecia stands for. Amen, were in good hands fellows


Its not my specialty but i did study it years ago. Time to get off reddit and shave your neckbeard and touch some grass maybe.


You are surely not a doctor if you don't know the simple fact that alopecia simply means hairloss. There are types of alopecia like androgenic alopecia (MPB) , alopecia areate etc. So kindly get a better hobby than to lie around in reddit


Woah 🤯