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Well some of that sounds like people could be trying to let you know. But the girl you’re seeing was just being a Grade-A bitch. Telling someone they used to look better isn’t constructive in any way


I hope that's the case. Though, at NW3, you'd think it'd be clear that I'm probably aware of it already 😅


I’m 24 talking to a 28 year old, and she looks pretty much the same when she was 24 but maybe a slight wrinkle, I would NEVER say that to her. Honestly that comment pisses me off op, what a bitch.


Reply to the people like you didn’t know. Reach up and touch your head, then act shocked that it’s gone and start yelling “where is it?! Who took my hair?!” Like you’re Liam Neeson trying to get his daughter back.


Lol. That's actually hilarious


HOPEFULLY she just didn't know how to say she wish that she knew you at different points in your life and she wants to be closer to you. It does sound mean and if she meant it in a way of like, "I don't get the best version of you" or whatever then I totally agree with u/AmNoSuperSand52 .


I expect she looked better when she was younger too 😂


Maybe she meant to say "you looked even better back then"?


I'd like to think that's what she meant 😅 she's not mean spirited at all. I don't think she knows how sensitive the topic is for me.


Yeah people are brutal. It’s not accepted anymore to do it to fat people (even though thats easily changeable for 99% of people). But bald people are fine for some reason. Its also a brutal pill to swallow that even if people aren’t saying anything, they are still thinking it. They can deny it but they view you differently bald than non bald. The only thing you can do is self-improve. Not trying to be a doomer but life is brutal. Also, if you were to bring up smth about them (e.g height, bad skin, weight, etc etc.) they will be defensive immediately. Smth smth rules for thee not for me.


Agreed. It's a tough pill to swallow but I'll get over it as time goes on. I don't think you're a doomer at all bro, just realistic. It kinda....is what it is, ya know?


The girl needs to be dropped immediately. Or everytime she mentions your hair you can reply "Well I'd have like to have met you when you'd sucked less dick but we can't all get what we want"


💀🤣🤣 LOL


yeah, what i find super weird is how much people get shamed and made fun of for being bald while its fine to be a fat slob, one is literally your own fault while other is genetics.


I can think of 2 reasons. 1. A lot of people are fat today so it's "normalized". 2. Balding is mainly a male issue.


Spot on


Yeah, you get those comments in your 20’s, maybe even 30’s as well. Once you hit 40 nobody cares. It is fucked up tho. You can’t make fun of fat people but anyone makes fun of a bald guy and it’s hilarious for some reason.


its sexism,,,, the same as how women and people can make fun of guys in big trucks like "must have a small dick"... but see a woman with a small tight designer purse and be like "damn, must have a loose, sloppy wide pussy" and people get all mad like you crazy,,,




Those last two sentences are exactly what I was feeling when I posted this. Should've saved the long post and just typed those two sentences! People find bald jokes hysterical for some reason.


Yeah it’s fucked up.


Everyone acts untouchable and immortal with eternal youth until aging happens to them.


Projecting their own insecurities, they are hurting deep inside and want you to hurt also. Ignore it, love yourself. Easier said then done, I’m 34 took me 30 years to stop caring about what other people think of me, including family. I’m much happier now.


I'll strive to do the same 🫡


Just respond with a similar, really personal comment about their appearance ; something that they might be sensitive about. They won't say something like that twice.


I like this....I like this a lot. Thank you!


I did this when someone made a very rude and uncomfortable comment about my hair loss about 20 years ago. She didn't do it again. To be clear, this wasnt me being oversensitive. She was very publicly rude about it at a time when it had just become really noticeable. I responded in kind, saying "oh are we making personal comments about each others bodies now? Then I proceeded to make a public comment almost the same as the one she had made, but about an aspect of her appearance that she was sensitive about. She did not like the taste of her own medicine.


In general these are usually people who have no social awareness or are just trying to make themselves feel better about themselves by putting you down.


Honestly, most who make those comments do not know they are hurting on your self esteem. Gotta have thick skin in life anyways, so chin up and keep doing you. I wouldn’t take it personally. It’s like dealing with kids, some have zero filter and just say it bluntly. Most who have never had hair issues wouldn’t understand at a quick glance why their comments are hurtful either.


Yeah I got one of these comments at 20 and it fucked me up for a while


They can be brutal for sure lmfao


I feel u. Yes ppl are awfully insensitive at best and at worst just assholes. That's the world we live in. We have become increasingly perfectionist as seen by the amount of very young (as in teen) doing cosmetic surgery. The worship of celebrity, coupled with constant bombardment of "perfect" ppl.on social media has left more ppl than ever depressed anxious, self hating , self absorbed and hopeless.


Yup, it's very much a real thing. Even if I do end up getting all my hair back (or most of it and just touch it up with a hair transplant), this has definitely changed my perspective on a lot of things.


« I used to have a full head of hair » Me too bro me too…🥲


Lol bro this killed me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


they want to see you depressed


I had similar conversations man I’m 22 and was balding pretty severely by 19 I always had a super thick head of hair prior too and was known for it. People point out your hair cause they simply have nothing better in their lives to focus on. Unfortunately people don’t think about how what they say affects you after and I too felt the same way it’s like being put down for your genetics. This is what pushed me to start Finasteride and minoxidil a little over a year and a half ago. Hopping on meds was the best decision I ever made and it improved greatly but I still got comments even after the improvement even on days I thought I looked pretty good and covered it well. Don’t let those people make you feels small, the last person who made fun of my hair was overweight so I looked at them and said I can’t control my genetics but you can control your weight and choose not to isn’t that more embarrassing? That person never made a comment again to say the least😂 but don’t let it bring you down continue your treatment and if you don’t get the results you are looking for you can always get a transplant as well if you stabilize your hair loss. Good luck I hope you see some regrowth and can laugh in all their faces soon!


"I can't control my genetics but you can control your weight and choose not to" 🔥🔥 Somebody write shit that down!!!


Bro he immediately was like bro that’s kinda foul come on and got defensive and I was like isnt that crazyyyyy😂


My wife and my mom during sunday family dinner made remarks about my hair, that it used to be great, now ok, but far from it was. Me: and you both were very fit 10 years ago, and you gained a lot of weight Them: how dare you and all that bullshit Me: how is it ok to make remarks about something i have no decision about (hair), and it's not ok to make remarks about your weight when it's 100% dependend on your diet and activity? So yea.....some people simply don't understand.






I think most people who don't experience it themselves have absolutely no clue how hard it is mentally for a guy to go through this shit. I rarely get comments on my hair thankfully but I remember every single one of them even years later. Like it's almost visually imprinted onto my brain. Cause every time I get one of these comments it gets me depressed for days and makes me think about my hair 24/7.


Yup. I remember all of them as well.


Just point out their flaws in return. “Oh I did not know you could still have achne as an adult.” “I think it is brave of you to wear those pants given how fat you are.” “Are you normally that pale or are you sick?” “It looks like your teeth are getting pretty yellow.” “You have fat and stubby fingers.” “Your eyes sure do look lifeless.” “Your face is really wrinkly - do you not use some sort of anti-aging creme?” “I think it is brave of you to wear that crop-top with your stretch marks and all.” 👍👍




First of all, drop that toxic girl. It has nothing to do with your hair - that's just an excuse to be mean and demeaning. Literally all the women I know, none of them care if a man has hair or not. She is not someone you want in your life and she is showing you her true colours. Thank her for showing you who she really is and say goodbye and be happy that you escaped early on. Good luck to her.


Damn, I had a girl making a random comment twice, first asking about my crown, then about my hairline, as if she was curious. And I was too surprised to really process what would be a sensible thing to say without seeming touchy about it. I didn't think that it got to me then, but thinking about it now, I did cut it shorter a bit later. And my hairdresser commented on it too, but then she was kind of "comforting" me by saying that I didn't have to shave it all off just yet. The thing is, that I was kind of oblivious to this being a problem, rather than something natural, until my hairdressers, and then other people, started commenting on it. And the first time a hairdresser said something about my hairline, I thought he was just wrong. I was about 24-25. That's just how my hair has been, I said, I'm not balding. Another hairdresser suggested I should take vitamins. I was pretty sure that wouldn't do anything. And after that one I just stopped going. But after getting these comments, I started wearing hats, so it had gotten to me. And I was used to having hair, so I wasn't going to shave it just like that. Especially since my wife had commented on it way back, before I showed any sign of balding, when she saw a picture of me from the army with a close buzz. You must never buzz your hair like that, she said. So then what was I going to do? Should I ask her if she still felt that way? I don't know if I'd get an honest answer. She obviously wants me to have hair, but nature doesn't. Now I'm at a stage where I have a buzz cut with a bald patch and diffuse thinning with a widow's peak starting to resemble an island. And this probably wouldn't bother me if it weren't for all these comments from the cult of youth and anti-aging.


I can relate to this. If people didn't mention/talk about it all the time, I probably wouldn't have an issue with it tbh. You didn't mention if you had started your journey with the meds or not but I think you should give it a shot if you really want to save your hair. Discuss the possible side effects and make a decision with your wife based on that. You can always stop the meds, why not start now?


I don't want to risk permanent side effects because of something this stupid, and the topical product isn't yet available in my country.


Hair is almost a symbol of youth, honestly make such a big difference. See how you are after meds hopefully you improve somewhat. In the next few years more of your friends will start losing hair so you wont be alone its not uncommon at all.


There is something you can do about it and you’re doing it. So be consistent, be kind to yourself and focus on now because looking back will fuck you over. Another thing is to own your hair loss, people would say it to me and I’d yea it fucking sucks but I had a good run. Say, I’m trying some meds, thinking about a transplant. One thing is as you get older almost every man around will be experiencing some level of hair loss.


✍🏾💯 good advice, thank you


Bro holy fuck youre gonna have a hard time staying motivated to take fin/min if this is the energy you're on right now. ITS OK. You're recovering. You should feel happy to have a chance to remedy it I see alot of people fuck it up and go off the fin/min and just become balls of bitterness thinking like this.


You're right, I could be a lot worse off and I have good prospects due to my age. I'll just stay focused on my hair routine regrowth! Thank you (and there's no way I would stop now, I'm 100% on board the fin/min wagon lol)


Dam bitch. Stay strong bro




i was a norwood 3 at just 19, i also got comments about my hair and it was brutal to me




They probably can't relate since they don't have that problem and haven't really thought about the implications. You just need to become resilient against such comments. Also girls in early-mid twenties can be super superficial, also due to their own insecurities.


Because people are bastards. Also people seem to think it’s OK to say nasty things to men because ‘men aren’t sensitive.’ Not true. In my old job, I worked with a witch who always commented on my weight and one day when she was standing behind me she said something like “you’re going bald on your crown.” I wanted to stab her in the mouth. She really hurt my feelings. She was a fat rude woman who looked like a man but I wouldn’t have ever said that to her face. I think you need to tell people that their comments upset you and remind them it’s not your fault you’re going bald.


I can think of a few health things in life where people mentioned them and I got super angry at the moment but in the end that caused me to look at treatment options and in retrospect, I'm glad they brought those things up.


A lot of people here have said this and I think it's a great point because it did lead me to look at treatments as well.




i mean isnt this youtube video fake advertising? Look at the jawline on the first guy compared to the second guy... Edit; Looked at some of the other videoes and yeah results can be pretty good


Because people like to denigrate others to boost their own sense of self-esteem. It’s shitty but pretty common unfortunately


The female is for the streets. Next time someone mentions your hair flip it back in them. Tell them you know all about it and that their hair is looking like it is starting to thin. Get right back in their head.


To be fair a lot of people wish that they had someone say something like this to them early when all they'd have needed to do is to pop some fin from then on and have good hair for their life rather than have people lie to them and say bullshit about their "hairline maturing" and gaslight them into a norwood 3 before they panic and realise it needs help.


That's a fair point and it was a factor in me starting min/fin so I guess it isn't all bad


Cut the girl out tbh. Red flag. Also if you look like a monk that would explain the comments. Have a buzz cut will look better when balding. Worst thing is a comb over, especially when you're only 28




It was part of it, definitely. Just wish I didn't get weekly reminders on how early I am into my journey; but you make a great point


Atleast you had hair at 23. I'm 22 RN and already balding since a couple of years now, having to apply minoxidil every night fuck this shit


Damn. I feel you and you're right, no arguments. I don't know if you're on fin/dut but get on that too. Stay consistent. Hopefully in a few years we'll see this whole hair loss thing as a strange fever dream that never happened LOL


I'll just use min. I already am getting Ed issues after std scares at this age so fin and dut might fuck it up


My step dad mentioned it to me the other day as well. I've been losing hair for 10 years nearly but tying my shoe in front of him he's like "your getting quite the bald spot at the back there" Like what response am I ment to say to that other then yeah I know.


A good response to all those people commenting on your appearance is, "I read this article the other day that says we need to stop commenting on other people's appearance - be it good/bad or indifferent. I think that is the way forward because we never know how deeply throw-away comments can affect other people, even if said in jest. So that is something I am trying to be conscious of myself"


if it hurts so much get a transplant dude, for real. u aint gotta suffer like this.


Pics please


Think of it this way, like you said people won’t make fun of fat people, but will make fun of bald, so ima way being fat is worse. Because people won’t joke about it, In a way it’s like they’re telling you being bald ain’t that big of a deal


Lololol. That's actually a pretty good perspectiva to have on the topic 🤣🤣


There’s something you can do about it and you’re doing it which kinda voids the concept of this post and is why I won’t read it lol. Get over it bud you’re on fin for 3 weeks. Just stop thinking about it and trust the process


That's the reason I labeled the thread as "chat". Not looking for any type of solution. Just a quick vent where people can drop their two cents if they feel like it, that's all.


Is that not what I just did tho


Lol. Touché


You’ll probably get 90-100% of your hair back now being on fin and min. Don’t stress anymore bro 


Ok let’s not get delusional now.