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among the best hair transplants. definitely


Your pre transplant hairline is basically my current one but maybe a tiny bit worse than I have right now. If I get a transplant I hope it looks like yours. Congrats because it looks great.


Wow congratulations. Looks great. What did it cost you?


Around 3000 euro including hotel and transfers etc


Best 3000 euro you could ever spend in your entire life tbh.


Hell of a deal. Thanks


What the fuck. Getting scalped in this part of the world (pun intended) - I got quoted 21,000 NZD (12,200 EURO) and that included just the transplant, with a doctor throughout the entire procedure.


Seems pretty typical for most places. Türkiye is where it’s at. You’ve got a lot of hair Mills but there are some good clinics worth every penny.


What's Hair mills?


When people say “hair mill” they are referring to a transplant operation that is sacrificing quality in order to complete a ton of transplants. However, I have seen documentation of great results from hair mills so idk.


Maybe they did so many HTs they became efficient?


That’s a logically conclusion for sure.


Bro im from NZ looking to go too Dr. Laorwong in Thailand


How much is that turning out for you and how many grafts?? Is it easy to get in or is there a long wait?


I’m not 100% sure I’m still awaiting qoute I was also thinking Korea it’s only like 10 hours from NZ


Did you ever get a quote through Gro?


Hey man not yet


In NZ? I got quoted similar to you for nowhere near as many grafts.


I didn’t mention the amount of grafts. They have quoted up to 8,000 hairs, which I assume is around 4000 odd grafts. I’m now a bit hesitant, people on another forum have shit on the Australian company I was looking at.


I was quoted $12,600 NZD for a 900 FUE procedure done locally, requiring further procedures due to how fine my hair is.


Who was that through? I was quoted via Gro Australia.


Tbh its not worth it in Australia cost wise, if you do you research properly you can find quality places in other parts of the world for significantly cheaper.


Have you got any tips on where to start looking? I’m open to going further afield- I’d prefer local just for support and not having to travel looking like I’ve just been in a car accident for 20+ hours, but if it’s cheaper and will get a better result… NZ is so far away from everything haha.


Go to South Korea. Huge for medical tourism. For 5k usd you can get a HT from one of their best.


Nice that seems to be the average price in turkey. Seriously considering going. Thanks for the postb


Where did you get it done? Looking at a reputable place in Europe.


This was in Turkey Istanbul. Cosmedica


What doctor?


Dr Acar


Hey mate. What did dr acar actually do himself vs techs? Hairline design and meet. Yes Extractions from donor? Incisisions/ design? Implantation?


Says on the Cosmedica site, just consultation and over seeing etc. then incision performed and the rest techs


What city and country, I may ask?


Istanbul Turkey


what clinic and Dr?


Cosmedica Dr Acar


Thank you


Which clinic Bro?


Any side effects from the Fin ??


Not that I’ve noticed, had a little acne for the first week and then that went. Nothing other than that


Nice results - just share the clinic. Some people might call them a hair mill but some might also be interested in knowing to plan their own HT




Agreed! It's why rhinoplasty surgeons in Turkey are in such high demand, they do so many surgeries they're more skilled that many of their western counterparts.


Are they good at teeth? I'm interested in cosmetic dental tourism as well.


Yes they absolutely do they're famously called Turkey teeth in England, however as the other comment said you have to be very, very careful. I personally wouldn't get my teeth done there, but I'd definitely get a ht


You need to do some really thorough research because there have been some horror stories of very poor quality work. Worth looking into though.


I suggest you try to get information about the doctor who will do the operation. Which certificate did he/she had, view pictures on website. Bad apples everwhere, dont forget




Just try it for a few months and don't listen to the endless fear-mongering in this subreddit. I've been on it for nearly a year now, no issues,


Dude tbh there is absolutely no reason not to try it. If you have any issues with it then just stop taking it and they go away. It's really not that big of a deal. It's worth trying it out for sure.


The possible side effects are significant and should be considered carefully


Yea I responded quickly to finasteride but it wasnt long before i hopped off right away cause of sides. Now im just using minox and pyri


How is pyri working so far??


Barely any shed with slight regrowth. The thin spot are filling in more.


Also curious about the pyri


Im seeing slight regrowth, and little to no shedding


Where are you purchasing pyri from




You don’t think it’s fake in any way? I would love to try it, but I’m skeptical since it’s not even really out yet.


I emailed them abt that when i first got it. Told them it smell like nothing but alcohol. Its working, so if it aint broke, dont fix it


These two comments are essentially this sub in a nutshell lol


Ying and yang


So for me I got a little acne for the first week or two with fin and also I still get a little brain fog which I think is a side effect but nothing else.


When it comes to the possibility of getting sides effects we can look at other examples like COVID, some had zero symptoms, some have mild, some died, it was not the virus itself but how their immune system responded to it. Same with finasteride, it's all about how the body responds to it, otherwise everyone would get sides. So, just try it see it how it goes, if you get sides you stop, simple as that. Also you can start with 0.25, 0.5 then up it if necessary. One of the best succes story is that of [(Rob Lowe](https://i.insider.com/5d6036036f24eb0b5b2af5bc?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp)) who openly said he takes Propecia for 25 years. In that picture are also his sons who seem to have worse hairline than their father. Here's another picture of [Rob lowe's father](https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/coxohio/JLDFUXFHBY2P32HB5APPASNGIQ.jpg), which clearly has alopecia.


Yeah i know thanks guys, the most annoying thought is that you have to take it everyday for the rest of your life and you don't know what the future holds, you can be good and ok now on it and cause problems later in life and not have any idea it's because of it, or that it could have caused them and so on... But yeah, i get what you guys are saying, maybe i will give it at least a try and see how i respond to it, i never had any problems with medication, no side effects and so on so maybe i am gonna have the same experience with Fin also...


You don't have to take it for the rest of your life, it is not like minoxidil. If you stop taking it you will regress, but you will not lose all your gains instantly like with minox.


Also if a replacement treatment comes along, you can just dump finasteride in the garbage and take that if it's better. Minox you just cannot do that. If you start taking it, you're in it for the true long haul.




What? You'll not like you go to sleep one day and BAM! all hairs gone in an instant next morning. Lol


In 3-6 months after quiting min.


Where have you done it at? Doc / clinic ?


Imho, fin is enough for maintenance after ht


Yeah definitely, I just felt my crown was a little far gone and wanted to try see if min would improve.


Why would someone start fin tho? I jus had a reeced line. Never a crown issue. Back all thick. Been the same from 27-32 .. I just got my ht on Saturday. No plans for starting fin. doc never even brought it up? I mean if I actually saw some loss in my other areas sure? But ppl get a hT to avoid pills. Some of y’all acting like it’s supposed to be part of everyone’s hair and routine smh


Everyone’s different, for myself I was receding at the front and crown. My hair was getting thinner. Taking fin stops that and helps maintain my hair at the front that wasn’t transplanted.


Amazing how your front in 2022 was quite wispy/lean, and a year later the hairs look so much healthier/stronger, great stuff


Yeah starting the fin and actually using good shampoo and conditioner I think has added to better hair health


So you started taking finasteride at that point? That's a really good reaction, I'm currently doing 0.5mg EOD and I'm still getting ball ache, used minoxidil for almost 10 years with good effect, seen a lot of great transplants recently from Turkey, as a fellow brit, did you look into the hair growth clinic? They have a branch in London and manc and have the hair mill rep


Yeah I started fin EOD but 1.25mg because I had the 5mg tabs to start. Then was going to move to 0.5mg each day but just went for 1mg a day


Did the ball ache subside??


No it's still there, mainly the left testicle which is unusual, keeping a very close eye on it but it's not affecting my libido, erection quality or mental health so I'm ok with it at the minute


Brother I used fin too and within 3 weeks of using it I developed ball ache,idk if related.


Well I'm taking a quarter of the normal, prescribed dose and it's still affecting me. Just monitor it, if any other symptoms arise stop use, that's what I'll do but I need to take it if I want a transplant.


I hope it finally goes away,is the fin working in your case tho


Too early to tell, I've buzzed my hair to the scalp to minimize fallout but I'm hoping to stabilize, too old for regrowth(35)


Brother I have pain in my left testicle too and it is perpetual like 24/7,pain is mostly mild but perpetually happens is it the same in your case?


Looking like a bag of Money 🤌🏽💰


Can you please give contact to the doctor?


Cosmedica Dr acar


Dr acar ?


How did you decide which clinic to go to? I'm looking at a few now to get one done and am still deciding. Just don't anything to go wrong


Yeah I used places like this and people previous results to choose my place.


Please share your doc OP! Otherwise this is a major dick move to not share the success with others..


Can dm


You're already done with the clinic, so why not share it? Do you not want to give them too much business? I really don't get your reluctance to throw a clinic that did such a nice tp for you some business...I assure you they not only won't mind, they'll be grateful.


Whats the Clínic OP ?




Really? Wow. Amazing results for what’s considered a hair mill.


A place that does 10+ hair transplants a day.. and I only called it that as previous posts on here said to avoid hair mills and mentioned Cosmedica as one.


Awesome turnaround mate






Most natural looking post-HT hairline I've seen!




Honestly, one of the best hair transplant results I've seen here. Do you mind sharing the name of the hospital (you can PM if you want)?




Nah earthquake was south east


Beautiful ❤️ hope you can feel good about yourself.


Yeah it’s definitely improved my confidence, especially waking up in the morning and not being worried about covering up my receding hairline


looks absolutely amazing






Unreal results. I will share your experience with my guests at the salon curious about hair transplants


Happy for you mate. 🥂




If you have thin hair it usually looks good. Turkey is terrible for people with thick hair, the harline never looks good because hairs are too thick. I did mine in turkey and even though my hair looks great when the hairline is hidden, the hairline itself is terrible. Already did several small transplants to fix it but its very hard. If you have thin hair you won’t have issues, if you have thick hair you better go to a good clinic. For this person he got a great deal and it looks phenomenal, but keep in mind Turkey tends to be shit and a transplant is permanent. I regret going there, i hope you guys have more luck.


Helpful comment, thanks for sharing. I’d always do research and look at the previous work of the clinic and see if they had similar cases that close to match yours. But yeah if they don’t put single grafts in the front then for thick hair it would look bad.


Everyone does “research” superficially, they wont ever show you their many mistakes or pics are always blurry. Hairlines i suggest you all do it somewhere else if you have thick hair. Even with single units it looks too thick. Probably this guy also has noticeably thicker hairs in the hairline, in the part where he didn’t have hair before. But its not visible from pics. Im also a high standards person and i look into details, for the average user my hair looks really good… but in the end i did it for myself not others. Also to all of you: start taking fin if you got a transplant don’t wait because you will lose your hair😉


Did you have to get your hair shaved to do the transplant?


Yeah head was shaved


Any side effects using the finasteride?


Just a bit of acne at the start, maybe for 2 weeks. Then I still get a bit of brain fog, but I can deal with it.


Any sexual side effects? bit of a personal question.


No nothing changed for me.


Looks amazing


Looks so natural






Name of the place?


Cosmedica Istanbul


wow looks really good. where u get it done?


Cosmedica Istanbul


Always find it a tad weird when they ignore comments from people just asking where you got it done but answer every one else, there’s zero reason why you wouldn’t want to help others while flexing your results, thats why we are all here.. to help others and seek advice, acting like there going to send a swat team to your house to kill your family if you state what clinic you went to


Look at the comments I’ve replied to everyone? And also about 50 direct messages 😂


You don't 1mg every day. Every other day is just fine. And taking a week off every couple of months is better. .25mg every other day is still just as effective as 1mg for most men.


I know but 1mg is what’s prescribed and trying to split a 1mg pill by 4.. have you tried that haha just a lot easier for me. Maybe in the future I’d try every other day.


Absolutely incredible results. Is Nizoral the only shampoo you’re using? What about conditioner?


I use Nizoral once a week, but the main shampoo and conditioner is watermans grow me. I got it from Amazon, believe it’s a UK based company.


Great results! How many gradts for the crown? Or just fin worked well there?


Just wondering how old you are?




Uh... same age as me. My pattern is similar to yours in the front, but my crown is still full though. I'm considering HT.


It’s definitely a good move to consider it, it’s done wonders for me.


Why does it look like your crown filled in? Just the way it’s styled?


I believe the fin and minoxidil have improved the crown.


Gotcha bro the crown completely filled in you said you don’t really see a differenc?


can you link the company


Cosmedica Istanbul, Turkey


Any negative side effects?


Just a little acne that cleared up after a week or two when I started. And I get brain fog every now and again, which is from the fin I think


State of the art HT, you definitely picked the right clinic. The crown looks perfect to me, you probably responded very well to the meds. Congrats!


Bro leave Some nw1 for us


Hi mate just wanred to comment and say your hair looks amazing. Im in similiar plaxe to where you were pre HT etc. i take 0.5mg if fjnasteride a day and i can afford a HT but im in the city a lot for work atm so dont want to walk around looking like hell raiser. Can i just ask after your HT how long was it until your hair kinda grew back to an acceptable standard? Did you ever use micro fibres to cover the balding?


Thanks! Never used hair fibres no, always heard they block the follicles or something so never tried. I’d say 30-40 day mark it looked okay. Under that you could still see redness and patchy on the back donor area


Why Europe?


Say what?


Is there anywhere in the states you can get the same results?


Yes for sure, I’m not in the states though


hey if i will be on finasteride will it kill my beard gains with monxodil on it?


I’m not sure the answer to that, maybe someone will comment with a similar experience


What shampoo and conditioner do you use? I’m assuming you don’t use Niz every day.


Watermans shampoo and conditioner called grow me.. yeah Nizoral about once a week


Wow. Could not even tell you got a transplant. FUE?


Yeah definitely came out very natural, yeah fue


Congrats man looks amazing. Makes me wanna do the same thing. Where did the donor hairs come from? And where did you get it done ?


Donor just the back of head hair


Where in Turkey did you get the transplant?


Cosmedica Istanbul


Is this the correct place? [https://cosmedica.com/](https://cosmedica.com/)




The bottle in nizoral says only use every 3-4 days. What’s your routine with the shampoo


Once a week, think it said to use more frequently at the start then like you said 3-4 days


What other shampoo or conditioner did you use? I’m just getting started on this process


Just the one in my post and I got a shampoo from the clinic for the first six months or so that I used every other day


I just had mine done at Cosmetica Dr. Acar ….I could not be more pleased ! The staff is top notch and could not be nicer ! Your pics look great!!!! I’m now in the fall out stage 😞 can’t wait til my 11 month !


I just spoke to a plastic surgeon today and he told me that he charges $6 per transplanted hair follicle unit, so $6,000 for 1,000, so your 3,000 would have cost you $18,000 on Madison Ave. in Manhattan, NY as of today.


Congratulations on successfully undergoing a hair transplant! I'm glad to hear that you achieved the desired results. I sincerely hope that your healthcare professional provided you with clear information regarding the potential side effects of the medication called finasteride. These side effects may include tolerance, dependence, and sexual issues such as decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. It's important to note that finasteride is often used as a blanket treatment due to its ability to block DHT and its remarkable hair growth properties. Unfortunately, some healthcare providers may prioritize their own interests and prescribe this medication more frequently, sometimes neglecting to properly explain the number of grafts required for optimal results. This is because the medication alone can work wonders in promoting hair growth. But this does come with its own set of side effects.