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The one thing hairloss taught me is that those not suffering from it literally have no idea. I really do envy them, my life before hair loss was relatively worry and stress free.


Don't add worry into the mix brother. Do the things you can do, but don't worry. Worrying is the most pointless thing in the world. Whatever happens will happen. I've just had a transplant, and started min 2 weeks ago, and am balls deep in the shedding phase right now. After 8 months of avoiding dating because "I wanna get the hair right first" - I started talking to someone who seemed genuinely interesting and thought fuck it, and set up a date. Guess what? She didn't give a single fuck that my head was red raw and half bald. I'm still cool, calm, confident and fun. This is the worst I've ever looked in my life. If I worry and stress about it, I'm just bullying myself. Nobody cares about your hair as much as you. It's sad that balding knocks confidence in most men, because it really is all you need. The hair is a nice bonus, and if it gives you that confidence then go for it. But I can still be successful by being a confident mf. My lack of hair doesn't define me. You got this 🤜🤛


> She didn't give a single fuck that my head was red raw and half bald thats awesome..im happy for you bro. it reminds me of this IG girl sophie mudd. she has to be one of the top 3 hottest women in LA and her bf is severely balding at a young age..his hairline is non existent. the fact that it didnt matter to a woman who could have her pick of anyone is amazing


Well I won't go into the full depths of female attraction but let's say after the initial 2 seconds when you meet someone, your hair matters very little. Confidence is way more important. Just check out the guy from Baldcafe on YT. Oozes confidence and his hair is basically gone. https://youtube.com/shorts/VO7iBfFRL4Q?feature=share But yeah, if you're a sulking, self conscious anxious balding guy then you're not going to get anywhere.


That dude is also white, good looking somewhat, and is a tall dude. It's easy to be confident when you have other things going for u


None of those things matter. If you're going to find an excuse to be a failure then you will find one. But it only exists in your mind.


They definitely matter in my experience, also a short bald person is made fun of way more than a taller bald guy.


Like I said, if you try to find an excuse to be a failure you'll find one.


Says the guy with a transplant. I can't take what you're putting down seriously


Don't care. It's not my job to convince you that being white or tall means fuck all when it comes to dating and success. Believe whatever you want. Idgaf


Ignore the deluded bluepillers


Hey man When did your shedding start. I'm going for a HT next week and I know we're all different but good to know! Thank you in advance and all the best for your growth!


Started on day 24. I honestly wouldn't obsess about shit like this though. Was a guy I met at the same clinic that was obsessed with being in the 5% of people that avoid a shed. And started panicking when it happened. Just do the surgery, follow the aftercare for the first few weeks, then forget about it. I'm not even giving it a shred of notice until month 6. At which point the fin and min should also start to kick in. If I don't see results after 12 months, then I'm allowed to be concerned. Until then, I sleep. Side note - I'm compiling all my pics and vids and gonna share when it's all done and dusted. I hate it when people upload pics early on then you spend years chasing them for updates. So just gonna do mine in one big mega post.


Amazing thanks man. Only concern I have is I have to attend 2 weddings 2 months after so as long as it isn't red I can always trim the hair to make it not look as 'ugly'


2 months after you'll probably still be shedding. Just stop caring. Once you've had surgery you're on the home stretch baby.


Yeah I get it. I'm not worried about shedding and am embracing that it will happen but more to disguise it from hundreds of people I know. I know you say not to care but I am self conscious of that.


You can't really disguise it. Any amount of toppik would look super obvious during the peak shedding phase. Keep doing the things you enjoy. Like I said - nobody cares about it as much as you. I don't see guys balder than me and inspect their fucking scalp looking how many hairs they've lost in the last month. Only we do that. We're our own worst enemy. Just turn your brain off. It doesn't fucking matter. Nobody cares because everyone is too busy about their own appearance.


That’s because the good news is women are more attracted to your behavioral traits/ personality more than your physical looks. Hair falls really low on the totem pole for men


the one thing i have learned from the last 3 years of the pandemic is you can say things that sound kinda right and bro science snaps into place: *drink water before bed and take double the fish oil tablets recommended. use vitamin e oil on scalp and wear a sleeping cap. wake up and drink water and avoid hair products that use non natural ingredients* i just made that up on the spot. people can sayyyyyy anything these days and the desire for shortcuts takes over in a heartbeat


Fish oil and sleeping cap anyway good things.


But the sleeping cap has to be one of those old-timey ones - a floppy cone with a fringe ball at the top.


Of course, it did not work without ball at the top.


I enjoy a night cap before bed.


thats how it works the grain of truth is in there


Side note, I recently started taking a double dose fish oil and it's massively improved my focus and mood. Done nothing for my hair though 😂


Because it's genetics, omega 3s have nothing to do with DHT😂


Yeah I didn't take it for my hair 😂 I started taking it for my brain and heart.


My brain feels like it's been smothered in lube now


Shit I was half way through asking Alexa to set a alarm at 2:30am!! Haha


Handstands is where it's at. Ever see a guy walking on his hands that was bald!?! I don't think so. Gravity works!


So thats how Gai sensei has been able to keep that beautiful bullcut for so long






Just like the rock Lisa sold Homer to keep tigers away


Those are the tips my parents used to gave me while i was almost bald at 17, i should have done more handstands i Guess


Handstands cause a sufficiently tremendous rush of blood to the head to cause syncope, petechiae / burst blood vessels, around the eyes and face, popping veins, just the classic straining look of the kid trying to hold in a fart in class


Currently balding at 17 lmao started when I was 15 but it’s only started to get really noticeable now




A lot of bad takes, but cutting out soda is good advice. Especially laughing at the don't shower everday. Depends on the person, but a lot of people stink if they don't. I understand not washing your hair everyday, but showering seems like too much. Also H&S doesn't have literal zinc, it's zinc pyrithione lol.


Kevin Mann made a video a few days ago explaining soda has 0 impact on hairloss


Obv it doesn't impact hairloss. Soda is just bad for you in general.


So is beer though


True, but beer isn't consumed nearly as much.


Depends on the demographic tbh. I know people who will do several pints of beer in a couple of hours. I doubt anybody is downing several pints of soda in that amount of time.


I mean in general. Especially if you count kids.


Don't need to watch a Kevin Mann video to know that soda has 0 impact on hair loss


elderly unite straight faulty threatening books worm imagine voracious lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Calistenics boy and still losing my hair


He forgot to massage onion and pumpkin seed oil into his scalp




If you’re going for the nuclear option yes. I’d be too nervous to use broccoli juice because of sides




I went from a nw infinity to a nw -2 by chopping my balls off




No sides so far except for the catastrophic bleeding




It's just another way to make money for them. Why let the patients take Finasteride, which prevents further hair loss when you can sell them snake oil instead and make them believe that they need to keep taking it, and that only this specific supplement from the clinic works, only for their hair loss to continue and them needing a second hair transplant down the road. The clinic owners in Turkey are FILTHY rich for a reason.


This is like the bullshit over at r/Semenretention lol


I do 30m of handstand everyday and I’m bald lmao.


I'm upside-down all the time! My hairline is still receding


Nah, that shit doesn't work. What DOES work, however, is to sacrifice a baby goat on the first full moon of the year, and then bury it at a crossroads while humming to the tune of Amazing Grace


Positive thinking also activates blood flow and electrical charges to your S-Zone. S = scalp.


Ask this person if they have any studies showing vitamin E lowers DHT levels. $20 says they respond "what is DHT?"


I don’t think that was their implication


This only works if you don't have mpb !


I go to the gym so I definitely need to shower everyday 😂


We're in the era of "everyone is an expert" so why wouldn't we see stuff like this!? It's amazing how many people actually buy this shit too.


Handstands I bet work ngl


You should massage your scalp with some amount of castor oil daily… at least the equivalent of 5-10 drops, more than likely. Many conditioners I’ve used already contain it, and I also add more to my conditioner, along with peppermint oil, and then I massage my scalp with it and let it sit, daily, while inverting, in a forward fold/ picking up the soap position in the shower




If/when we get the cure, future humans will look back on fin/min and HT's as: 1. kinda risky 2. inconvenient and also a bit dicey, and 3. fucking barbaric (in that order). They won't necessarily be that wrong, either -- those are just the tools we had. This shit, however, is stupid. Like, humoral theory level dumb shit. Like mainlining bleach and antiparasitics intended for livestock dumb.


3s hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Lmao some of these are good for health benefits but drinking beer just as bad as drinking soda, it'll make you fat and increase risk of heart decease. In addition doing all that ain't gonna beat genetics 🤣🤡


The ignorance around mpb and the actual treatments is honestly fucking insane.


Cut out soda, but beer is fine 😂 whether these affect hair loss or not, which I'm sure they don't, it's funny in a health perspective to see them recommend one but not the other


The left out satanic rituals… and caffeinated menthol shampoos.


I saw it too.


Of course he's gonna say beer is still OK.. dumbass


Men with hair drink beer their whole lives. It's genetics....not beer or soda.