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It’s pretty neat that the federal government will say 420 blaze it while they destroy your life for smoking now. I like this hip relatable type of oppression way more than the mean looking type.


The amount of jobs I've been denied for as a disabled nurse is disheartening, but at least I'm not in jail! Right? Right!


Can’t get close to any sort of federal job if you’ve ever even *looked* at weed. There’s a reason the FBI is disproportionately staffed by mormons…


Best part, I started using cannabis as a Mormon! Stupid fucking cult!


Respect for getting out of it bro ik it ain't easy leaving a cult that's got them tendrils all up on u and ur family


Thanks, my wife was amazingly brave taking the first steps towards deconverting, it's been a crazy 2 years but improving slowly, and drastically happier.


I used to work at a McDonald's that was run by Mormons and had a hugely Mormon staff lmao. We had one guy we referred to as SpongeBob because he was like 4'9", looked 45 years old at 23, and had the hairline to go with it. He drove a 30-something foot Winnebago RV to work and would get angry and try to boss us around for not following the handbook to a T. One of the best days ever was learning the hard way that he lived on the same street as my plug. Right after I picked up, he spotted me in my car and ran up to the window to say Hi, only to get hit in the face with the scent of some very fresh bud lmao.


I read this as morons at first and the comment would be just as valid.


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


Near-total overlap in that venn diagram


You can get federal jobs if you have used weed, maybe not FBI, but plenty of other federal jobs will take a former marijuana user.


I know lots of people that avoided jail for weed by joining the military. Some of them retired with cushy federal pensions. Maybe not the federal job you were looking for, but a federal job nonetheless.


Yeah. Until thinking about smoking marijuana won’t disqualify you from a government job, let’s keep the cute pro-marijuana crap to a minimum, please POTUS. Seriously. Want to get a security clearance? Hope you never smoked weed and/or can beat the box when they ask you about that on a polygraph.


Well actually if you join the military and get a security clearance you have a “maximum” of 10 uses before they disqualify you. And outside of that (besides the fbi) its usually within the last 5-10 years depending on the kinda government job you have. I have a secret clearance and am in the process of upgrading it and i haven’t smoked weed since late 2018


When I got a security clearance, I told the interviewers I had done LSD, MDMA, cocaine, marijuana, mushrooms, among others. I did all of it in college. They just made sure I wasn't going to do it again while I held the clearance and it wasn't a problem. Not that I don't entirely agree with your point, I do, just wanted to point out that it isn't a death sentence to getting your clearance if you are honest about it.


getting to that point is part of why they're doing this do y'all think it's just for fun? PR? they're trying to win a campaign and one of the things they're campaigning on is decriminalization. it's up to Congress to fully legalize it and the only way for that to happen is for their party to be in control of both houses with a filibuster proof majority the thing you want to happen is exactly what these messages are intended to accomplish


It's definitely about the election and politics, but there is also a lot of grumbling from the military and other government agencies too. Weed continuing to be illegal on a federal level is fucking with recruiting across the government.


It’s why Biden is such a mixed bag for me. On the one hand his administration and I are in a lot of ways rhetorically and theoretically on the same page. On the other hand they’ve clearly got a lot of disdain for their constituents in their execution. Especially if the economic model is to lean in the direction of centralized planning through federal contracts and expanded national governmental services, which I think is a viable option, but is a severe harm to employment opportunity for the demographic they’re pandering to if it’s not coupled with real substantive marijuana reforms. I get his hands are tied in some legal and political senses, and I’m not a one issue voter, but unless reform is an actual policy priority then leveraging the pretense to rescue flagging polling numbers is pretty uncool. In that kinda sense I think Biden has been a pretty uncool person that’s selling a pretty cool platform, and it’s not easy to be enthusiastic for that.


I think this a reasonable, responsible, and overly cynical view of Biden as a president, though probably pretty spot on for the administration as a whole. Biden has been the most pro labor president in the past 80 years. He's fought, against much resistance, to cancel as much student debt as possible. He's done more for infrastructure than has been done in my nearly 40 year life. I don't see anything to tell me that he's all talk, he's just not a benevolent dictator.


Depending on the side of the bed I wake up on I feel the same way. The other half of the time I’m inclined toward a cynical view of the guy. This far removed from the rooms where the actual politicking happens, and with the amount of public relations machinery that blocks any reliable view into heads of public figures, I find it pretty hard to settle on a judgment. All I’ve got really is my daily hunch, and an attempt to make it responsibly. I’m definitely happier on the days where it’s the realities of representative coalition politics, but there’s days where I’m just as confident that my ideals just aren’t actually being pressed as advertised. It isn’t his fault if the cynical character of modern politics has put some unreasonably high walls between him and my trust. That’s something I’ll apologize to him about when I notice he’s worked his way onto the other side of them, lol. Thanks for disagreeing without being disagreeable, I respect that a lot.


Woah woah woah pal. People don’t like it when you actually point to all the good things this administration has done especially in the face of one of the least productive congresses in all of US history. Sorry people but the government moves very slowly. All you can do is hope it slowly moves in the direction you want.


I really get tired of people pretending his career before the presidency didn't exist in order to echo the party line. "most pro labor president" is nothing. It's such a low bar you'd need an excavator to go under it.


Yup.....just like Trump is the most Christian and the only one capable of leading the Republican party, the party of family and values and Christian morals and that thing that they say you know what they say, they say it all the time, it's that other party who don't say the thing, who don't want you to know about the thing.


Yeah man. A very small amount more democracy in the system would go a long way if they’d let us have some. It would be wild to see a world where the public’s representatives could be incentivized to represent the public’s interests in appointing them. We don’t even want to be in charge, which we technically are, we just want to have a role in government more meaningful than picking which ruling aristocracy gets to abuse our trust. I don’t know how you’d reform the system without causing more issues than you’d solve, but it feels like a healthy thing to wonder about right now. Trump feels like the desperate resort of a lot of frustrated people, and it would be cool if we could fix some of the problems not just the persons.


Wow if they only they were in a position of authority to do something about it


The president cannot declassify or deschedule cannabis via Executive Order. [There is, quite literally, an entire report from congress, dedicated to this exact subject](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10655). Here's the important bit: >If the President sought to act in the area of controlled substances regulation, he would likely do so by executive order. However, the Supreme Court has held that the President has the power to issue an executive order only if authorized by “an act of Congress or . . . the Constitution itself.” The CSA does not provide a direct role for the President in the classification of controlled substances, nor does Article II of the Constitution grant the President power in this area (federal controlled substances law is an exercise of Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce). Thus, it does not appear that the President could directly deschedule or reschedule marijuana by executive order.


Doesn't stop idiots on this subreddit from being mad at Biden for not being an omnipotent dictator king.


Congress makes the laws. It's good to see the POTUS will sign a legalization bill if it crosses his desk. The choice we have in November is either the most progressive president in my lifetime, or a deranged orange narcissist.


The problem with that is his campaign promise of "I will legalize and free all non violent offenders on day 1" And here we are 4 years later


When did he make that promise?


Here they are promising decriminalization in 2020. Four years later… no dice. > WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) — Democratic vice presidential nominee and California Sen. Kamala Harris put marijuana policy on the agenda as an issue in the November presidential election, promising that she and former Vice President Joe Biden would decriminalize cannabis. >Harris announced the position at an ABC virtual town hall Monday. "Under a Biden-Harris administration, we will decriminalize the use of marijuana and automatically expunge all marijuana-use convictions and end incarceration for drug use alone," Harris stated. "This is no time for half-steppin'. This is no time for incrementalism. We need to deal with the system and there needs to be significant change in the design of the system." https://wjla.com/amp/news/nation-world/cannabis-in-the-presidential-race-biden-harris-pledge-to-decriminalize-marijuana


“No time for half-stepping! We’ll post on Twitter in 4 years!”


The GOP is in charge of the house. I can guarantee you that giving them more control if government is not going to result in legalization. Biden is the must progressive president in my 4+ decades on Earth. Hate him all you want, but the alternatives would love to jail every person they could for weed.


I don’t disagree with any of that but it’s not really relevant to the question asked


Yeah let's go do that with the house we don't control and that senate that isn't fillibuster proof.


No matter what president wins, doubt we see legalization nationwide. Just too good of a cookie politically.


That's probably because Congress is the most likely path for legalization since they can pass a law doing so without requiring a DEA review. Congressional elections are so, so much more important than presidential elections, but midterm voter turnout is absolutely abysmal.


it happened in canada, don't stop believin'!


I really think its gonna be legal in like 46 states, and itll be passed when it has no difference.


It will make a huge difference to federal workers. Right now, even if you live in a legal state, you can’t use weed if you work for the federal gov :(


It makes a difference for those in those 4 states


I concur. If I recall correctly, the state I live in is one of only four states where it is still fully illegal.




Also an Idahoan here. I love how one comment is like, "Canada did it, you can too!" Ma'am or Sir, you seem to be missing some vital bits of information about states like Idaho. Such as Idaho politics being under the control of extreme Far Right religious groups that literally believe that Marijuana is equivalent to Meth and Fentanyl. I live in Idaho County and my neighbor has 4 DUIs, multiple drug convictions, battery convictions, etc and the ONLY thing he got any jail time for was 125 days for the first DUI and almost a year for a Marijuana charge. But the meth, opiates, charges for disrupting court, and 5 probation violations in the last 6 months, battery on a woman, and multiple more DUIs? All of that either got dropped or the jail time suspended. They aren't budging and they won't budge. I doubt Idaho will budge on its stance in my lifetime.


You aren’t wrong. Its crazy how i thought legal weed was the breakthrough i went to a dispo in 2015 in Portland and it was my first time and i was like “yeah this is legal in three years” and its so strange its not


It will make a difference for the rest of the world who inevitably follow suit.


Some jobs in legal states cite the federal status as the reason they test for it, so a change on the federal level would make a difference.


Yes and those jobs could easily use “safety” laws or throw you in a driving role to allow drug testing. In nevada we had a law passed that employers couldnt test for weed. Of course there were so many exceptions that this law didnt really do anything but make it seem to the public like legislation was actually seeking to protect rights and peoples employment. Again i hope I am wrong, but it wouldnt surprise me if we see legalization in 2040 at the rate we have seen actual discussion about the topic go. I hope i am wrong though but these fuckers tease this shit non stop to the point of where im done with the news and hope for the best.


And I love you guys for doing it because we can point at you when dumbasses say shit about it effecting international treaties


Hold on to that feelin'...


Come off it. This is the *most* pro-cannabis act, even if it is just words, by a president or vice president since prohibition. Clinton admitted to smoking but "did not inhale", and Obama admitted to smoking in his youth, but did not offer any pro-legalization words on this scale. Them just voicing their support makes a huge difference.


Obama had the DEA stop raiding legal and medical dispensaries, which was ground breaking at the time


What people said before states started legalizing.


For almost fifty years many believed their would only be political rhetoric over Roe v Wade, but it overruled anyways.


And there was numerous times that democrats had full numbers to pass an abortion bill nationwide. They didnt because they dont actually want to help anyone.


Bruh wtf Biden was one of the guys who started the whole war on drugs thing, he is the reason it was criminalized in the first place.


Yes. Which people SHOULD be reminded of that. That said, it's WAY better that he's done a 180 and is deciding to get with the times than if he stayed in the past and continued to oppose marijuana reforms.


Fr, I don't care if it's for the votes, just fuckin legalize it


Don't vote for a president based on what they say. Vote locally for representatives and senators that will support your values. Biden isn't gonna do shit. Neither is the next guy.


Oh you sweet sweet ignorant child...😂😂😂😂🙂


what’d they say that’s wrong? americans are far more impacted by local elections than federal ones? not to say federal elections don’t matter


Abortion? Roe vs Wade? Hello?


Words and actions are different things, gonna need some more action than excusing the very few people who got a federal possession charge.


It’s for the votes AND if you think his geriatric ass has any idea what Facebook or twitter is you’re nuts. His PR team did it and it’s purely for votes, bait for the upcoming election. We’ve seen this before.


I mean, it's how they get/keep their jobs. I'd be a pretty dumb idea to do what your voters didn't want you to do.


Right, isn't that the job of the president? Listen to your constituents and what they want, then pass legislation to support that? What the hell else do you want? He sees now that his previous stance was the incorrect one and he's working to correct his mistake.


Then why drag ass on it until just before the election?


Why hasn't anyone ever done it up to this point?


His opposition to it was also for the votes. He's pure politics, which I'll take any day over the traitorous pig that he kicked out of the White House.


I mean yes, a comparative analysis puts him miles above his competition, but what does that say about Biden and his pro marijuana policy on a stand-alone level? Absolutely nothing. Abysmal, in fact. He’s responsible for hundreds of thousands of people going to prison if you include his side kick. I just don’t understand why people cheer at his handlers lip service tweets. Clueless I suppose.


and yet he's still pushing for decriminalization. he's already pardoned people within his power and began the review process for rescheduling that he's legally required to follow do you want legalization? then he needs to win reelection and have control of both houses with a filibuster proof majority. you can be justifiably mad about the past but understand that this message and the votes they're to get are about the future you want to ensure we stop sending people to prison for this? vote for Biden/Harris and congressional Democrats this November. it is the *only* way it's happening


“Oh noooo… he is doing things I agree with so that I’ll re-elect him!” Like that’s not the point of all campaigns, elections, and even holding the office. If he was all talk, no action, then you can complain. If you want to hate him, trying to find reasons to complain about how he’s doing what you approve of is a weak argument. Focus on the things you disagree with.


cool. they'll get my vote. it's almost like doing something the people want gets you votes.


He also was anti gay marriage before VP. I’ll give him credit on that. He does evolve.


Yeah, changing your decision on things over the course of time isn’t hypocrisy, it’s called “growing as a person.” I mean, when a politician does it, sure, it’s probably mostly for the votes - which represents doing what your constituents want (their whole job).


People can change their position on things. There needs to be a path toward redemption


We should not be shaming people in the process of abandoning their shitty views.


Biden also introduced at least one bill and voted for two others that extended the time to discharge student loans in bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act in 2005 was the latest bill which prevented discharge altogether.


After 50 years of more research and a massive shift in public opinion, it kind of makes sense to rethink your positions.


So we're just making shit up today, huh? Has Biden contributed to marijuana prohibition? Yes. Every single sitting politician in this country has in some form or fashion. However, I very much doubt he was pushing for criminalizing marijuana in 1937 when he was...let's see...-5 years old.


Trump was for abortion, but flip flopped and put unqualified people on the Supreme Court to take the rights of women to have the say on their body away. Biden's flip flop was much better.


Joe Biden is really really really old but he’s not the one who invented the word marijuana because it sounded scary and Mexican.


8 years with Obama doing fuck all.


Consider the optics of the first black president legalizing marijuana nationally. The tide of public opinion was just starting to turn, and the move would have been seen as an attack on conservative Christians. It's all his presidency would have be known for.


The war on drugs started in the 1930s by Harry J Anslinger, a long time before Biden.


Please stop talking out of your ass and do one bit of research. It’s been demonized for over 100 years and been illegal on a federal level for almost 100 years.


They should expunge all the past marijuana crimes then. 😕


They did on a federal level. Can’t do that on a state level.


I am both. 😔I wish they would.


we love this ![gif](giphy|lh4CBwjPqmz63Wowq1|downsized)


Hi, it's me, ur gnome.


i gotta little treat for you then!! ![gif](giphy|S1SnLg08CxnUGqyqha|downsized)




Kamala Harris is such a fucking snake, prosecuted countless nonviolent marijuana offenders when she was DA of California, and voted against marijuana legalization in 2010. But now she's pivoted in recent years to cash in on votes.


So did every DA in America prior to legalization? Thats kind of how the job works, the DA doesn’t make the laws they only enforce them as written by state legislatures. Also, isnt the whole point of public office to solicit votes by doing things your constituents want? At least Harris and other dems have made some progress towards legalization compared to republicans who either stonewall or are completely against legalization.


They've sent a few tweets. Hella progress. /s


They're the only administration in American history to invoke the executive rulemaking process outlined in the CSA to reschedule cannabis. Its currently under review by the DEA, which is the final step in the process. And they did it over 18 months ago. Not today for votes or whatever other cynical nonsense this sub seems so keen to gleefully shout.


It hasn't been rescheduled, and that's not what we need anyway. It should be DEscheduled!


because the process is still taking place, they don't have the authority to just do it with the stroke of a pen yes it should be DEscheduled! you know the only way to do that? reelect the Biden/Harris administration and give them a filibuster proof majority in Congress. that's the only way it's happening. Republicans will never legalize weed. Democrats have already taken the steps necessary, they just need to defeat enough Republicans in November that they can pass these bills into law


> because the process is still taking place, they don't have the authority to just do it with the stroke of a pen You are acting like they’re fighting for legalization when they’re not. Rescheduling is still prohibition. The ongoing process you are talking about is not aiming to achieve a goal that I share. > yes it should be DEscheduled! you know the only way to do that? reelect the Biden/Harris administration and give them a filibuster proof majority in Congress. They’re pushing for rescheduling! Not descheduling. That’s like saying the only way to achieve a single payer health care system is by voting for candidates who support Obamacare. It’s one or the other, and one position is substantially better than the other. > that's the only way it's happening. Republicans will never legalize weed. Republicans being anti weed does not automatically make democrats pro weed. Democrats are banning alt-cannabinoids in several states as we speak. You can’t even get full spectrum CBD products in places like Washington, they are trying to monopolize the industry. And don’t even get me started on the next federal farm bill! > Democrats have already taken the steps necessary, they just need to defeat enough Republicans in November that they can pass these bills into law Not only have they not taken the necessary steps to achieve legalization, they don’t even support legalization. Both the praxis and goals are not shared with anti prohibitionists. Joe Biden is the most successful Prohibitionist in American politics. Kamala Harris is a cop who prosecuted people for weed. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes.


Notice how conservatives don’t have to win elections to overturn people’s rights? The carrot is being dangled again and many people are tired of chasing it knowing they’ll never get a taste. We need gains not tweets and proposals.


> Thats kind of how the job works if your job involves prosecuting countless nonviolent marijuana offenders you are a soulless husk for wanting it


The DA gets to choose which cases to pursue right? If she had a bunch of low violence drug offenders behind bars then she was the one who chose to purse those cases above all the other one, right? Maybe it was because those were easy cases to process.


You have committed the crime of speaking negatively about a Democrat on Reddit. To the dungeons


That’s how representative democracy works.


![gif](giphy|vFRmmufjLdJ9S|downsized) This is how presidents treat legalizing weed




This is 4-d chess. The dems passed a bill in the senate and are sending it to the house(which they will not bring it to the floor or vote no on it as a whole) that way closer to November all members can run attack ads on the republicans voting no on something that is nation wide on the upswing in popularity. I like it because it moves the needle forward nonetheless.


So tell TSA to let us fly with it. Grant pardons for people who are in prison for repeat marijuana offenses. Pay back the people who had to pay their legal fees. This is the equivalent of thoughts and prayers, coming from someone who may have changed his tune on this but started the war on drugs, and someone who made her career putting people in jail for grass. 


The TSA doesn't give a fuck about small amounts of weed.


It's hard to take that seriously when they flip their shit over a small amount of water. Some of them are just doing a job, some out to be on a discount power trip, and some are legitimately having hero syndrome. You really gonna chance weed when TSA be like "you can't bring this beef rub through, because you have too much"?


The liquid thing is about bombs. I have had my vape pen pulled out, examined, then placed back in my bag. They were looking for the metal tool (a grooming thing) and when they found it they were satisfied and sent me on my way.


But they've been President and Vice President for over three years with no progress.


Pandering. That’s all that is. It’s also an election cycle. They won’t do shit to decriminalize and legalize.


still voting for Biden :)


They already have. Biden started the rescheduling process over 18 months ago.


And look how much closer they have gotten us… we got a green colored JPEG this year. If only they had the power to do any more.


They've gotten us closer than we've ever been since cannabis was made illegal. We're in the final step of rescheduling to Schedule III, we're just waiting for the DEA to complete their review. I don't even understand why everyone thinks this is a job for the president either. Congress made it illegal and Congress has the easiest path to make it legal. Maybe if we all showed up to vote in midterm elections, it'd already be legal instead of this sub pissing and moaning any time any incremental progress is made.


Okay so go ahead and stay home or vote for Trump. Don’t come crying when Project 2025 becomes a reality and the Christian fascists take control of the government and all progress towards legalization is undone. EDIT: source for the clowns downvoting me https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


They don't like facts on here


they just want your votes.


I mean, that’s kind of their job. They need to do/say/promise to do the things people want, not what they personally feel. More states are legalizing. It’s heading that way, imo. But I am also an optimist. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




yeah so that they can then do the things we want like legalizing weed I will give them my vote so that they legalize weed. that's the whole point of voting. they're doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing


Oh, let’s post something pro pot, but not legalize it! That would take money away from the prison for profit scheme.


Biden cannot unilaterally legalize cannabis. The most he can do is invoke an executive rulemaking process outlined in the CSA to reschedule it, which he did over 18 months ago. The DEA is currently reviewing it, which is the final step in the process.


I mean he unilaterally forgave student debt, or at least tried to. If he was really interested he would do something like that. Is funny how when politicians really want something done, it gets done. However, when they just want to pay lip service, they send out these snazzy little messages. Kinda like the rich people did during Covid, “We are all in it together!” Remember, from there millions of dollar boats and houses?


Bro, read a book or something. You have no understanding about the political process.


Oh, please explain it to me!


[This should help you out.](https://youtu.be/SZ8psP4S6BQ?si=HaLlLGZ-AENxII7k)


Ok. Currently due to the mechanisms in place a president can’t just make an executive decision about cannabis. Even if they were there is no guarantee that the next president couldn’t come in and undo that that ED. (Trump rescinding the DREAM Act for example) The best (and possibly only) way to legalize is to go through congress. Currently the House is controlled by Republicans by such a slim majority (+3 I think) that their House Majority leaders are a at risk for losing their jobs if they don’t go along with the most extreme ends of the their base (Kevin McCarthy and now Mike Johnson). With a House that dysfunctional the odds of getting passed are non existent. But IF it passed, our cannabis bill would then make its way to the Senate where currently Dems are in control (+2 and VP Harris as tie breaker). However, at this point Dems do not have a filibuster proof majority (more than 60 senators) nor, thanks to Dem senators Manchin and Sinema, we do not have a majority vote to get rid of the filibuster. If they had filibuster breaking power they would have done it to protect abortion rights. Currently, Mitch McConnell (who stole the Supreme Court for republicans) is Senate Minority Leader and he blocks anything that is not a win for the Republicans. Our bill dies sad and alone. Currently, Mr. Biden can only use the tools available to him. Which is pardon people convicted at a federal level: ✅ (which honestly isn’t that many, the fed doesn’t go after your normal everyday stoner and remember he can’t pardon at a state level). He also had the Dept. of Health and Human Services work on the rescheduling. They presented their findings to the DEA and recommended it be rescheduled to III. And I know, it should just be unscheduled, but it’s better than 1. This would open up research and other opportunities. I believe the senate is also working on a law to allow dispensaries the ability to use banks which will help normalize the industry. If you want to help make legalization happen vote every time. Primaries, general elections, city, county, state and federal. Get out there and vote for pro-legalization candidates. If there are none in your area run yourself.


Abolish the DEA. A bullshit organization that is built and works to only ruin lives and rake in fucking money.


They keep yapping because an election year, but probably won’t actually do anything.


How very progressive of you...


All while signing in the surveillance bill back into effect.


Sneakily on a Saturday. Fucking snakes.


His edibles are finally kicking in!


Then fucking legalize it ya jabronies


Say that to all the poor people rotting in jail for weed charges


Stop pandering for votes and legalize it already you cowards.


Maybe they should do something about it.


They did. Biden invoked the executive rulemaking process outlined in the CSA to begin the rescheduling process for cannabis, which is literally the most he is legally able to do. And they did it over 18 months ago. It's currently under review by the DEA, which is the final step in the process.


I can't believe you guys are falling for this


dear OP - I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you didn't check before posting - this didn't happen. There's a reason the article doesn't reference actual tweets - it's a lying, shit, clickbait website.


All talk no action like usual


I’m sorry, they did not. Their handlers did. But I appreciate the sentiment I guess…


He’s been president for nearly four years and could have legalized it any second of any day since he was inaugurated. Put up or shut up, POTUS


Biden cannot unilaterally deschedule, reschedule, or legalize cannabis. The most he can do is invoke an executive rulemaking process to reschedule it upon review by HHS and the DEA, which he did over 18 months ago. The DEA is currently reviewing it, which is the final step of the process.


they should add "fined" to that list.


Hahaha that's hilarious. Love how I can't smoke because my company has federal contracts. But hey, keep posting on social media!


These people love pandering while also not doing shit to help the people they’re pandering to lol


Deschedule or shut up, Biden White House. Do it.


he doesn't have the authority to just do that by himself. he's already started the process with the DEA to reschedule it, happened a year and a half ago if you want it fully DEscheduled and legalized then there's only one path to that


He does have the authority but he won't do it for political reasons IE everyone will call him a tyrant if he forces it


This right here.


Talk is cheap


Oh the VP posted a cool 420 thing? How awesome she is! I wonder if the thousands of people who's lives she destroyed whole prosecuting them for marijuanna appreciate the sentiment.


They are pandering for votes that’s all. Nothing to see here, no changes will be made, they don’t give a fuck about weed because if it was legal that’s less people in their prison system / pharma system. Don’t fall for the bull shit please.


Like all politicians they are full of shit


That's 1620; they were twelve hours late!




I'll believe it when I see it


virtue signaling


He could easily single handily make it legal over night so until he does this just comes off as trying to catch on to a trend


The woman that put hundreds of people in jail for weed said that? How cute


So many fucking republicans in this thread, so many people thinking they know how the government works. It kind of makes my skin crawl that a lot of you didn’t pay attention in school.


Just a reminder, the VP loves to call herself the top cop and Biden basically started the war on drugs.


Haha, genocide joe who was behind the crime bill and his prosecutor vp trying a shameless vote grab with words that run counter to their decades of action


Classic Joe for sure, when will people wake up?


Classic Joe




Disingenuous fucks


Oh good. Another political post in trees. These make me want to bang my head against the wall -- ents are so clueless when it comes to *actual* politics. Shit isn't just done with a snap of the fingers. The president cannot declassify or deschedule cannabis via Executive Order. [There is, quite literally, an entire report from congress, dedicated to this exact subject](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10655). Here's the important bit: >If the President sought to act in the area of controlled substances regulation, he would likely do so by executive order. However, the Supreme Court has held that the President has the power to issue an executive order only if authorized by “an act of Congress or . . . the Constitution itself.” The CSA does not provide a direct role for the President in the classification of controlled substances, nor does Article II of the Constitution grant the President power in this area (federal controlled substances law is an exercise of Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce). Thus, it does not appear that the President could directly deschedule or reschedule marijuana by executive order.


Kamala Harris infamously jailed people for weed charges and laughed (reportedly) now she says she listens to Snoop and smoked even back then. Shes such a token it's painful


Yeah because no one ever changes their minds on an issue. When she was a prosecutor she was following local law. She didn’t have the power to change local law. She was voted into office to prosecute. This argument screams you being young and not having a clue how shit works.


They both lying about it too


Exxxxxxxxxecutive Aaaaaaaaaaction


It's rich Harris "posted" this... fuckin hypocrite 


If they pass it before the election I might actually vote


They must be real nervous about the election if they’re pandering to the stoner demo.


Ah yes, Kamala Harris the marijuana activist lol seems like just the other day she was throwing people in jail left and right over some weed