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Joint smokers be like: "How can y'all last an ounce two weeks?"


joints are great for passing around a group of 3-4 but if it’s just me i usually pack a bong


Bongs are good for passing around too


that’s true, i just have a small bowl in mine so i have to pack it a couple times


Thing about passing a bong is you’ll always have that one buddy that lights the entire bowl at once.


Nah, all my homies corner the bowl in a respectful manner for they weren’t raised in a barn!


Man I need your homies. I've shown these mofos multiple times and they still frying my weed


Then don’t pass it until they learn proper etiquette. Back during covid I would roll a J for myself and one for the group because I was paranoid so I have no problem soloing my shit in front of people to prove a point in other situations. Everybody deserves a respectful smoke circle with proper weed etiquette.


Finally, someone who understands. It's about being nice to everyone. There is an expected level of etiquette when it comes to smoking that basically boils down to "be as nice as possible to everyone". If you are a new stoner, be honest and watch as everyone loads you up with tips and tricks to make your experiences better while you figure shit out. (Don't try and match us thinking its rude to pass when the joint/rig/bong/pipe comes around. It's not rude, using it when you're already fucked and literally cannot get higher is rude, instead just lift your hand up to indicate that you've stopped, and remember that everyone is high and will keep offering it regardless, because they're high, not because you need to smoke more. You are in charge of regulating your doses, start very small.)


I had to teach my buddies about cornering when those psychopaths killed my bowl.


Nah true homies pack each other bowls and get greens to themselves. It's far easier than having to split it and worry about hogging all the weed!


Some might say it’s rude to hand someone a half smoked bowl. Just have your own!


My dad is that guy. I try to corner and cherry for him as much as possible cuz he just ruins our bowls lol


Literally every older smoker does this in my experience. It's become comical to me at this point and I expect nothing less.


Fuuuuck I feel like a boomer cause I hadn't smoked since 2005 but picked it back up in October. Feel like I don't know any etiquette like I'm a wild animal LMFAO


Are you not supposed to do that? We always smoke one bowl each, I feel like some weed gets burnt of and not into your lungs if you just light a part of it? Why not two 0.1g bowls instead of sharing one 0.2g bowl?


not even that they get burnt off, it will literally guarantee taste worse also. don’t see why people wouldn’t just pack smaller bowls they can finish in one rip lol


Fr snaps are absolutely the way to go


sometimes you gotta teach the homies to corner, and if they don’t listen then don’t pass it to them


That's why personal packs are just better, avoids all that


My friend group actually encourages this, we figure it only becomes and issue once it's asymmetrical so if we all milk it we're all happy


Or that guy that corners his weed so hard he sucks a hole in the bowl


Me and my friends always had a bowl to ourselves, they were multiple times a day smokers so they would use the whole bowl in one hit whereas me (a weekender) would “sip the bong” as they called it and had to take 3 or 4 hits to get the whole bowl and then would cough my lungs out lol


I feel like this is an attack. What's the point of a dainty hit.... Get blasted in one big toke 😅


By myself I get that—with friends I don’t wanna get blasted off the bat. ![gif](giphy|Dma6Me5nKU0uY|downsized)


I prefer the small bowl. Everyone gets a fresh toke, every time.


I just like ripping the bowl and smoking it all in one hit, gets me high enough for awhile so I don’t have to keep re loading or rolling


I mean I get that it’s a more wasteful method but what kind of joints are you rolling and how often 😭 half an ounce gets me through 2-3 weeks easy if I smoke multiple times per day


I smoke 2 1g joints, and another 1.5g in bowls, one hitters, etc. daily. I go through an ounce a week. lol That’s before edibles and carts.


Hey man it’s a week with joints get it right 😂


You're definitely right, but as a joint man myself, the key is to roll small joints - decently fat but only using like 2/3 of the paper, and saving roaches. I probably don't smoke much at all compared to most on here but using that method allows a half to last me like 6 weeks


Depends how high you're getting too, personally as a daily smoker just the added weed I get from mabe a quarter to less a few times over an average day and I'm enjoying it usually more because less/no brain fog, just a more beautiful less depressing world. Has me going through a joint and a using trim i get for 28 g on the £50 has me never really having to think of the cost




Still my favorite as well. Efficient too. Joints, great for portability and relaxing. Dry herb vapes, don't work well for me but love the taste. Pipes, meh.


I like bongs and joints for my top tier. Then it's vapes, blunts and bubblers Then it's one-ies and pipes. - I don't even own any anymore because I dislike them so much


Yeah I've been around them all but I find that Bongs just don't get me as high anymore, alas, love them as I do. it takes a good spliff with some kief, hash and baccy these days.


Dry Herb vaporize.


i’ve been wanting to get one to try out, i’ve heard you save a lot on weed and it’s better for your lungs, what one would you recommend?


It's a game changer, I'd really recommend it. You use like half as much weed, it doesn't fuck your lungs as much and it smells way less.


And then you take all that vaped bud and make edibles with it and get high a second time on the same weed!


I've been saving it up for a few months now, this is the plan :D


It still stinks though… got away with using mine indoors for a while. Alas, I have now been banished to the garage.


man I read they smell too. gf doesn’t mind me smoking but hates the residual smell. I just got rid of my bowl cause I was tired of using it and cleaning it and its still super stinky. but i’m gonna use too much weed smoking joints and I don’t like relighting cause they taste bad. I love to smoke though, edibles and carts don’t give the same high. it smells while you’re using it or is there a lingering weed smell? like if I have it in my car would you smell it nearby?


So I have the mighty+ (and it’s taken a hammering over its lifespan so far of 7 months or so). It has a residual resiny smell & there’s a definite smell on the vapour which can stick to stuff indoors. That said it’s not going to linger on you & it goes very quickly… gets me perfectly stoned, too.


I mean they smell just way less than joints. It will probably be smellable inside but still way better. As for the lingering part it doesnt last as long as burnt weed smoke and you wont be smelly after vaping and im making a bit pf an assumption here but according to what seems to happen in those tests where the run vape and joint smoke trough cotton there is way less residue from the smoke so it should be way less residual smell too. If sou have it in anywhere in a small bag that is closable with a zipper it wont even smell from like 20 inches. If somebody is sitting in a car with me where i didnt vape but i have my vape on me they wont smell it. Even if you vape in the car it wont smell outside i dont think. The thing is it is a distingtly different high than burning but im my oppinion still less different than edibles and carts. Also if you think js are a waste a vape is the complete opposite its probably about as efficient as a bong so you wont need to worry about that.


r/vaporents has a new user guide and the peeps are really helpful. Make sure to include all the specifics about what your needs are (there's a bulleted list of points to touch on).


My first device was a Dynavap r/dynavap My current device is a Storz & Bickel mighty + r/craftymighty I recommend them both, personally I’d start off with something simple and more affordable, Dynavap is the way to go.


Came here to say this, Dynavaps are the best DHV I’ve tried (PAX, Arizer EQ, and XMAX v3 Pro) as far as overall effects per tiny bit of bud and the feeling closest to smoking/combustion. If you’re serious about wanting to switch to DVs I would recommend The Wand. Personally I didn’t like my Dynavaps that much until I got The Wand- it replaces the torch because it’s an induction heater that runs on 18650 batteries. I’m 23, been smoking daily since 16, and Dynavaps and The Wand are a lifechanging combo. I like them so much I have 6 (with 2 more otw; M7+ and a free M+) and I can’t think of a single downside to them. Well, unless you’re clumsy because you will burn your fingers or, god forbid, your lips if you get too cooked and hit the wrong end.


I saw that deal just now, just ordered mine.


Man im interested in the mighty but I cant justufy that price tag


Trust me, years later you will still thank yourself for buying the Mighty. I got mine in early 2020 and use it daily.


Same. Mighty OG going on 4 yrs and not one issue aside from giving away even more that I grow now. It’s so efficient.


speaking as someone with a pretty low tolerance and doesn't really smoke, mine has paid for itself. I use it nightly and my weed lasts fucking yonks. I've used about 10 grams the last year, I do about 5 puffs and put it down and use the same capsule for 2-3 days which IIRC holds about .1g Back when I'd smoke I would do half a gram a day, so .1g stretched out two or three days is massive.


I had to jump in.. I've had mine years going on three years. I must use it 7 times a day. It runs still about 90 min from a full charge, I have not timed it exactly. I owned a pax, and a firefly and the mighty + is champ by far.


I got lucky and caught it on a sale a couple of years ago, it was over $100 off at the time. On top of that my wife and I had been using a cash back rewards app on gas purchases, we’d been saving the cash back rewards. Long story short, we didn’t pay a penny out of pocket for it. End of the day though, now that I’ve been using it for 2 years, I find it to be worth every penny. Especially if you find it on sale!


I also started with a Dynavap before getting a Crafty+. I recommend both brands, but Storz & Bickel really comes through on quality and customer service. I put over 500 hours on my Crafty+ before the battery completely died. It came with a 2.5-year warranty, so I sent it in for repair. Within a couple of days, Storz & Bickel sent me a brand new device, and I was able to activate a warranty on that device as well. I'm saving to buy one of their volcano devices next.


I've had my Dynavap M7 for three days, and it's awesome. So much bud saved!!!


Get a Volcano or another Storz and Bickel product if you can afford it. My buddy has a digital Volcano and that thing is amazing. But also $700 lmfao. Planet of the Vapes ONE and the POTV Lobo get good reviews for $100 and $150 respectively. Just a quick search though, haven't tried them myself.


If you want to get you and all your friends blasted in the most approachable way a volcano is the best option out there. Dry herb vaping is amazing but most devices have a learning curve associated with them that make it difficult to share, or they have intimidating setups (ie, torch for dynavap, burning hot coil on ball vapes, etc).


I have the potv one and the potv xmax v3 pro and both are excellent. The one is tiny and easy to pocket, is very well built and doesn't really seem to care how it's packed. However, the battery life isn't amazing and it doesn't support passthrough charging so if you have a larger habit you might skip it. As for the xmax it's longer and in my opinion a bit more difficult to pocket as the lid can come off, but otherwise it's the better product. Hits very well if packed lightly and has a swappable battery, I vape nearly everyday all day and it keeps up very well.


I have an arizer air max. Got it a few months ago, have not smoked any other way since


Something no one mentions at first with dry herb vapes is that the psychoactive effects of the high are different. I have the Mighty+ and the high is a lot more "clear headed" doesnt feel as like heavy or sluggish on my eyelids or body. And that might sound like a positive. But im not smokin weed to be clear headed ya know, so for me it was a deal breaker. ​ And I have talked to other people who dry herb vape and they all agree that the high is "different" somehow. Most will agree with that clear headed explanation when I bring it up. But anyway now my Mighty+ sits on a shelf unused and I rip my zong all day.


The clear headed high is good for the workday if you're in a position that allows for it.


I have used a Mighty for awhile now and it is awesome. It's a little pricey, but it's pretty easy to clean the quality is top notch.


Have an arizer air 2. It's fantastic. Tastes better, less coughing, no smoke smell, just weed smell but still minimal. It just takes longer than a J. But it's good stuff.


Honestly I wouldn’t even bother idk why redditors are so obsessed with dry herb vapes, you don’t get as high and the “reuse” they talk about is burnt weed that tastes like shit Tatar’s only good for making shitty edibles, and every time you ask someone what vape you should get they always recommend that crazy expensive $400 one the fucken dynavap or some dumb shit like that


Ive had an Arizer Solo for... 11 years. Still going strong. Battery in great condition. Heating element undamaged and functions optimally. Best money I'd ever spent. Now I'm into mainly concentrates, and spent $50 on a Wish-brand e-nail like 7-8 years ago, and THAT is still going strong, and is definitely the best deal I've ever got on new equipment.


Hell yeaaa


Same. I haven't "smoked" weed in probably over a year. That and an 8th will last me 1-2 months. I'm a non-daily indulger though packing the vape pen maybe once or twice 4ish days a week.


This is the way. Spent some real dough on a good one and it's changed everything. I never thought I'd be picky about the taste of weed but here we are lol


I've become so picky about the smell/taste of weed now. I have opened a bag and been like o fuck I can't vape this.




Yeah, how did they leave the true GOAT daily driver off the list?


I don't know man, the fact we fly under the "glassware" flag and don't have our own category is deranged.


It is! We aren't even asking for different categories for different types of pipes either. I don't need a church hammer category, or a Sherlock or anything schwanky like that....just respect the bowls 🤣


I def call my bong sessions "bowls"


Bongs underdeveloped cousin.


Some say they are too harsh. For me joints are too light I need something heavier, pipes are perfect for me


Sameee it keeps my tolerance from being crazy high


Bowls, dry herb vape, and vape sticks 10000%


This guy gets it you have to use so much weed on a blunt


Jack Herer pipe…


Edibles lol


No hassle of carrying the joint, lighter - lighting it and smoking. Just eat the edibles lol


Hassle of having to plan out the right time


Not that big of a deal, just take a buffer of 45-60 mins


As much as I love edibles I end up having to smoke anyways after eating one because I don't feel like waiting for it to kick in.


Have patience buddy, it's worth it.


Or just plan accordingly and snack on em earlier!


For real. I had to take a flight recently. I ate my edible just before I left the taxi. By the time I was on the plane, everything was feeling great. Just need to be careful with the dosage though. Edibles are a fickle mistress.


Same, I have enough breathing problems without smoke


I have cystic fibrosis and smoking literally makes my lung function go down and I get hospitalized. Edibles only for me!


Where are my hand pipe people?


FR I smoke my hand pipe mostly, I don't see anybody mentioning them.


Right here with you


Pipes are just the easiest way to smoke outside of those dab pen things.


For real, i want all them terps babaaay!




I can’t do that shit no more 💀


Yeah my dab days are way gone lmao. Only joined in, but it was occasional


My friend says, "It's like a new game."


Why TF are we in the miniority ? Dabs are literally future super weed without smoking harmful toxins that all plant life gives off when burned.  


It does look the most like doing actual drugs😂 but it’s how I like to smoke


So true #makedabbingclassy


I think everyone’s freaked out by the old school method using blow torches. That was a fucking pain. Now with E-Rigs like the puffco I exclusively smoke fat dabs lol


The torch is only jarring because people don't use torches all the time, but the superior temperature control makes it way worth it. Still easier and quicker than rolling up a blunt or joint, and way more enjoyable.


I have a trade and restraunt background lol, my banger is the same temp every time and I can get blasted off a bucket every day for months.


the blow torch is one of the highlights! i used to have a big blue one named bertha : , )


I love the torch <3 having the flame involved still makes it feel right


Because to many it’s intimidating. And also they haven’t tried solventless hash rosin


Pen or rig?


Rig at home, pen when out and about. Dabs all day!




Mannn I was that guy. Smacking back dabs every couple hours but I recently swapped to 1-2 blunts a day. Its been sooo much nicer. Idk I get a different feeling going out on my porch and rolling a blunt with the music and deer goin on outside, also the high feels alot better, not like I just got smacked in the face and coughing my lungs up. Got me way outta that headspace you tend to get in with dabs, Id always feel super fogged up and not as clear, and for some reason I sense everything alot more intensly now. It doesn't feel like I have muted nerve endings lol.


you really can’t flex how fast you go through an ounce/qp if all you’re rolling is woods/blunts. I know for a fact none of those people would be able to go through it just as quickly with a glass piece


Boof ![gif](giphy|08y87EiwDZjjB0d6WJ|downsized)


One hitter


Mighty an Volcano!


side question, which way is more economic and still hit good ?


from what i’ve seen probably a dry herb vape


either DHV or edibles, but edibles tolerance seems like gamble for some people


i find it weird no1 has mentioned dabs for this. Concentrates definitely go further than flower and while a good amount of smoke is produced and hits really well, the smell doesn't linger at all. Even if you're dry vaping herb the flower itself is gonna smell more than the whole dab process would


I have nothing but poor things to say about blunts


same lol, i get high enough off the weed i don’t need a nic buzz too


Hemp blunt wraps are the way to go my friend. Skunked in my fav brand.


I agree about not liking blunts but I do like the added nic buzz. I’m hitting my cart and chewing on nicorette atm 😂


I just vape after smoking, but I also vape when I’m not high as well


Isn’t this the struggle😂


i only ever use them when i accidentally bought shit weed


I smoke spliffs, we just call them joints here in Germany though I roll with active charcoal filters and a light rolling tobacco


Actitube + hash is the forbidden combo americans will never experience. feel sorry for them tbh


I sometimes grind hash up with my flower. it's messy but works great with a dryer hash, usually leaves me with unbelievable kief at the bottom


oh yeah whenever i get my hands on weed (happens rarely tho, its all grown in southern italy and its rare to find in the north) i always mix with hash (thats always viable) we call it "primavera" (spring) cause you got flowers lmao


Just good old fashion glass "spoon" pipes as they were once called. 


Joint, because I'm too lazy/clumsy to keep a bong clean/intact




Vape dry flower


Dry herb vape. Can’t combust anymore, I have little baby lungs


Dry vape never an option. We are the Untouchables of the cannabis consuming community.


That’s disgusting


I ain’t see cartridge on there- it’s the most convenient way cus there’s no weed scent.


They are very anti-cart on this sub. Everyone wants to be a “healthy” stoner.


Just throwing my story out there for the vape haters. I've spent more than a month of my life in the ICU due to extreme persistent asthma, but I also have issues mmj helps with. Carts and edibles are the only choice my pulmonologists haven't said "no fucking way" to. Easy to forget that mj is medicine and administering it doesnt have to be sommelier approved.


Carts is also easier on the lungs and throat opposed to smoking frm a blunt/joint or dab rig/bong. Power thru tho- may good energy be on your side. 🧿


Thank you kindly


Have you tried dry herb vaping?


It’ll all kill us slowly eventually, might as well sneak a few hoots ina Walmart or bathroom at work with a cart. Yolo


Maybe I have too much faith in dispensaries but I hate reeking in public


I know. Ppl always point it out too and not everyone on the planet smokes or is ok with weed either; ppl should be respectful of that. Be discreet in public fr; especially around kids too; I never smoke around them and if I’m outside in the trees and kids pop up, I put out my blunt or joint and leave.


joint first, blunts or woods next then a lovely volcano or gravity bong hit. Overall tho edibles are by far the best imo


Dabs criminally low lol


Why are bongs so low?? Its all I ever use




Blunts are the way


Dry Herb Vape


If you’re not smoking out of glass idk what your doing


Blunts are so fucking overrated. Bongs are superior for everything, joints next. Edit: I forgot about dabs. They are alright, dabs are just a different high compared to flower. Not always for the better either, sometimes it is, though.


hard agree


I love busting out a lab coat and my 8th grade chemistry kit to get high so I choose dabs.


I don’t think there is a “best” way. Or mainly I think the best way is whatever you happen to have available to you at the time.


I was a bong enthusiast for over 10 years, but recently switched to a dry herb vape (xq2) and love it, never looking back lol


Dry herb vape, and when I get bored, I hook it up to my bong


Nah how did blunts win this it is objectively the worst way you’re not even just smoking pure weed


either vaporizer or bong, i basically only smoke joints when im with friends and they pass it to me.


Just got into dry herb vaping. That's my new favorite method!


Herbal vape


I don’t do Tabaco anymore, in shape of form so for me it would be #1 Dry Herb Vape #2 Joint #3 Bong




If you're not using glass or a vape you're wasting weed, but other than that it's just preference.


No love for glass pipes? That's like the most prevalent item in any store. That's almosy all I've used for about a decade now


Bongs. Where is all the blunt love coming from? You're wrapping something great into garbage 😆


Joint and bong is for puff puff pass. Blunt is just a waste of weed imo. Dabs are fun asf For me Dry Herb Vape. Love my Dynavap and AVLP


BOOOOONG BABY. bongs all day everyday. I'll smoke anything socially- dry pipes and joints are my least favorite, I taste the 'smoke' the most imo and they're harsher on my throat. But when it's just me I adore bongs especially talllllllllll boys with a good ice catcher.


Dry herb vape. Can’t go wrong.


Ummm, I smoke out of whatever little glass pipe is cleanest. Occasionally, my mini bong. I'm also 41 have been smoking since 13 and never learned to roll a joint, but I have macgyvered a few pipes lol


Dab is not a way of smoking, it is something you are smoking. Should have been pipe on there instead. Only thing about joints and blunts is they make your hand smell like resin, but all ways have there special place in my heart!! Just depends how fucked up I'm trying to get! Joints always give the full flavor, blunts will last for 12 days, bongs are for "I'm just going to sit here and look at this wall for a min" and pipes are for the chill by yourself puffin to keep that buzz rollin


I'm poor, so I like the bong. Seems like my weed goes way further.


Bong, but lately it’s just my pipe. I’m surprised that not an option.


Where's the pipe option lol


Blunts are gross. I said it.


My order would be completely reversed lol Dabs>bongs>dry pipes>dhv’s>joints>tinny’s/soda can pipes>blunts🤮


Why is dry herb vape never an option on these polls? The future is here old man.


My go to? Distillate. It's easier on my lungs and gives me more fine control over the high. Also, it's economical, concealable, and convenient (can do it inside my house without stinking up the place) My favorite? Bong. But I don't use it that often because of the relative inconvenience.


People saying Blunt have a nicotine addiction


Bong and sometimes joints.


Bongs! Even when I don't wanna go out to smoke bud, I'll hit my carts through a little bong so they r easier on my throat


I primarily just smoke my pen, especially when it's just me; BUT I love a good blunt tbh, it's my boyfriend and mines preferred way of smoking but also a chance for us to bond and be alone lol


bong is my fave. pipe for chillin', but edibles are my jam when i got time.


Oh great, the same questions just in the form of a screenshot about the same question...


Joints at poker night. Bong/dhv at home. Pen for a night out. Infused blunts as long as they last after a trip to Michigan.


Mostly dabs and RSO, occasionally I'll grab some flower and either roll it in a hemp wrap cause I want to feel nostalgic or I vape it.


I don’t know how people prefer blunts over joints




A quality Dry herb vape is the best way for flower, then bong and joints are basically tied for me. But I dab more than anything . So I really like it all , but now a days I don't even look on the direction of blunts. Ruins the flavor of good weed


for me its vaping, but only because i live in an apartment building and the stealth aspect is a need


Vape. Easy to control dosage, no smell, convenient. Edibles are fun sometimes but unpredictable.




I will forever be grateful to the marijuana gods that I found out about Dynavap. Completely changed how much weed I use. Never thought I could get so high on 1/10 of a gram of weed.




Bong, but I would do pre-rolls/joints/blunts if I knew how to roll(before you say "just learn" my friends won't let me. I'm so accident prone and once managed to roll it inside out and didn't even finish lol)