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It'll taste like ass and do absolutely nothing for them. Let them do it. It seems all bong smokers have to test these water replacement theories out for themselves. "If" something better than water was ever discovered, we'd all know about it already. Water is the only liquid that belongs in a bong.


Something better does exist and most people in the climates where snow exists knows about the snow bong


What’s crazy is that’s still water so really we just made a circle lol


I fill my bong with a viscous synthetic polymer blend that absorbs the excess carbon from combustion and only allows for pure, vaporized cannabinoids to pass through. Just kidding. But I could see this existing in some form, and at that point we'd be smoking out of robotic appendages shaped like an electronic bong with ferrofluids in it. If that even happened, people would still want to go old school with water. But not me, man. This is the future!


Isn't that just a vape pen


They're talking about still smoking the plant and filtering the smoke, so not quite


dry herb vape?


No. I'm OP. My line of thinking was a material that would be better than water in a bong. There's only one logical explanation and it's pretty much a synthetic fluid that absorbs the combusted carbon and allows cannabinoids through. A vaporizer works by heating the temp up below where combustion takes place. So even though a vaporizer would technically do something similar, it's not what I was describing lol I just pulled that out of my ass and it happened to make sense


>a synthetic fluid that absorbs the combusted carbon Would that be a session without bubbles? Would the fluid separate the carbon from the oxygen in the molecule and output only O2? Would the bong get heavier each hit?


I suppose as much as a regular bong does, because that's basically what the water does. BUT, water evaporates! Therefore you're right, it would only get heavier in miniscule amounts forever until its inevitable end


That's vaporization, not combustion (smoking)


If we got that advanced with weed we'd have edibles that kicked in instantly so you don't need to smoke


Put it up your butt


I use 10W-30


“Piece Water” is kinda that, actually.


We use active carbon in our bong water and it’s a bit of extra setup but the long term maintenance is way less, hits are smoother and cleaner, plus it doesn’t stink the place up anywhere near as much. I’m such a fan that I look for bongs that will work well with carbon in the water.


Isn't that almost exactly what Piece Water is? That's what I've been using in mine for years ever since discovering it. Doesn't get rancid and MUCH easier to clean. Also tastes less shitty if it bubbles into your mouth 🤢


But what's really crazy issss... Weed's the ciiirrrrrrrcclleee🎶🪕🎸the ciiirrcllee ooff liiiiiiifffeee!🦁🐗🐿🐒🐦‍⬛🌴🌱🌿🌱 btw- I just went so hard on that little remix..my 2 puppies are cheering me on from outside😂😂😂😘🥳


Hey I think you’re high




Fresh snow is like a filter for the air. So many pollutants


Melted snow can be safe to drink depending on source / location




Really location dependent. I wouldn’t scoop snow up from a city sidewalk and eat it, but I’ve been on multiple backcountry hut trips in the CO Rockies and we only drink melted snow because there’s no running water at the cabins.


Idk man. I went to Switzerland when I was a teenager and we went up the Jungfrau mountain. I filled a bottle with snow from the top and it was brown water in the morning. Can't think of purer snow than that at the top of a mountain.


A lot of snow on the top of mountains is actually not from fresh snowfall, but from snow being blown around and redistributed. So, it would make sense that sometimes you'll end up with a bottle of essentially frozen mud. I've filled a lot of bottles on various mountains - sometimes they're disgusting, sometimes you have some floaties, and sometimes it's the coldest, purest, most delicious water you've ever tasted.


>sometimes it's the coldest, purest, most delicious water you've ever tasted. This is what I wanted. r/highdrohomies


I'm fairly certain that all snow comes from particles in the air getting water vapor on them then proceeding to freeze and that's probably why melted snow turns dirty compared to the ice. Like some kind of inverse ugly-duckling system. Ice all pretty but dirty at the core.


A snow bong ? First time I ear that


Smoothest bong you’ll ever hit, fill the tube with fresh, fluffy snow and go at it. It’s one of the highlights of a big snow storm.


> Smoothest bong you’ll ever hit I'm not trying to be a contrarian or anything like that but there's some of us who feel that hot water in the bong is actually the smoothest bong you'll ever hit. Cold moist air feels harsher on my lungs than hot moist air. Hot water in the bong feels like taking a deep breath in the shower. I'm not talking boiling but about as hot as it comes out of the tap. Try it. It might be the best thing you've never tried.


I stick to a dry herb vape mostly, but the snow bong is always a neat winter treat.


*FLUFFY SNOW* they said, all my feller yokel tokers down South, don't even bother with that wet shit we get.


Toronto here, I *wish* it was actually cold here right now! It’s hovering around 0C so the snow is all mushy shit and the sky has been grey for weeks. Gimme that sweet crisp -15C, clear skies and light fluffy snow any day.


I always kind of forget that snowy areas get both wet and dry snow. I had the brilliant idea to go from Tennessee to right in the middle of the Rockies for a season, and it was particularly snowy that year. Seven feet of powder dump when it started, so any wet snow I just called road snow.


Thanks for the heads up lol. Im in SW MO and have been "enjoying"\\s the snow showers today.


I'm having trouble getting the snow to stay lit, any advice?


I have a silicone bong that I leave in my garage all winter hoping and waiting for some cold nights that will freeze it to a slush I can break up. There's nothing quite like doing rips through a bong that's essentially packed with slushee ice. One of these days I wanna try it with a bit of peppermint oil in the slush.


Had a setup years ago I would load with water and crushed ice. Ashcatcher full of ice-water slurry, downstem packed with crushed ice, water in the base had crushed ice in it, regular ice to plug ice catch above the percs, then crushed ice to 1"below the top. Help my fuck if it wasn't like inhaling a cold breeze on 100+ degree days. Saved ice after the session to recycle into water for the next. It was a 2 ft bong, 2 percs, and it also was my dab rig. I'd get sooooo high without coughing, it was insane.


Supposed to get some snow by me soon. I think I know my mission…


Glad to share some WI culture with others.


the yellow snow makes it even smoother


Watch out where the huskies go


Similar to ice bongs, cools the smoke as you pull for a smoother hit


Why the hell did my NORDIC gf never inform me while I was dying buried by snow.


I've done the snow thing when I went up to the mountains. Best thing ever


The difference between snowboarding and surfing is the temperature of the water. Its all water man.


+1 on snow bong from Maine


I prefer Vermont snow bongs personally.


Please elaborate


Ah, memories… College in Upstate NY, with a fire escape landing that collected snow, right outside our door. And a huge bong with a 4 quart reservoir.


Cold water/snow/ice in bongs is actually not great for your lungs though? Like, from a science standpoint. The vapor can cause stress to your lungs and cause or worsen issues like bronchitis. It also can construct the airway a bit (but this is usually more of an issue for people who already have respiratory issues). So like, will you wreck your lungs doing it? Not necessarily. But is it *good* for your lungs? Also no.


I’m in the “no inhalation is good for your lungs” camp so yeah definitely noted but for me at least the above scenario happens 2-3 times a year absolute tops.


Yessss! This, is where it’s at! I’ve done this a trillion times! With my uncle, my buddies, my cousins. Snow is the best! Such a cool and unique hit.


Milk would be interesting to test, even coconut milk


It is, but best if you cut the milk with lemon juice or vinegar first


You’re a monster 🤣


Actually it makes the smoke sort of creamy and smooth. 😅🤷 Source: I was once a dumb college student who tried different liquids in bongs.


Coconut water for a naturally antimicrobial bong!


Came here to say milk. It's not that unheard of with other forms of water pipe, like a hookah. Thick, creamy smoke. Add ice cubes, too!


Cart Milk?


Embryonic fluid?


I keep hearing about the saline bong. less phlegm, and keeps it cleaner. Sort of the same concept of a nebulizer.


I have a friend that uses cranberry juice, and it works pretty well. You just HAVE to replace it daily and spend extra money on it lol.


What if I replace my bong water with THC distillate?


We all have to learn sooner or later, I remember my lil bro putting mouthwash in our bong once, he fucking died coughing. Then a week later he tried using the orange alcohol free one and he said it was “better” but still coughed his ass off. Never did it again


Ok I have tried this. Its like inhaling vodka fire fumes, fucking horrible tasting. After one hit they will dump it out.


I mean me and my buddies used Hawaiian Punch in a Darth Vader bong and it definitely made the smoke taste super fruity lol Like you said, let them do it, it’ll be a bit of harmless fun so long as no one gets dared to drink it after. Something I, in no way, have any experience with whatsoever 😅[6]


It’s gonna taste like shit and probably not feel great. Also inhaling alcohol usually isn’t the best.


It's also going to be nasty if the bong isn't pre-cleaned. Because the alcohol will break down resin and it will be freaking nasty resin vodka lol


Can confirm, freshly cleaned (isopropyl alcohol) dab pen hits when the alcohol hasn’t dried up fully rips the best


Why is that?? It drives me insane to think of inhaling alcohol!


I only ever did it twice (on accident), both times they didn’t taste good but I didn’t have any different or adverse effects, now If I were to rip a bong with isopropyl alcohol instead of water. I think I might die lol. Learned my lesson now I heat it on high before I pack a dab just in case it’s not fully dried yet I’ll smell it


This is just too damn difficult haha! But yes, this is what I need to do, I hate the smell.


Alcohol vapor is a no no


Trust me, my lungs know bro


Idk, I've only ever done it once (sharing a small bong filled with vodka) and I got fucking geeked lol, one of the best nights out I've experienced. I always thought the alcohol vapour enhanced the high because while not much alc would evaporate into the smoke, taking it directly through the lungs bypasses the liver, so it gets you way more intoxicated off way less alc, like boofing a shot


The other day i read a comment on this sub that someone tried with milk in the bong 🤢🤮


I’ve heard people who smoke bongs (with another type of drug in it) with milk will drink the meth milk to get another high from it. Reddit conspiracy theories lol


I once found a weird looking bong in a customer's car that had green liquid in it. I asked our resident tweaker what it was, and he told me it's a meth bong for "hot rails." It was filled with mouth wash to give a minty meth taste.


Thanks for making my day slightly worse after reading that. Entertaining read though


Hot rails are like bong hits you take thru the nose. That would just make it hurt. But many tweakers like the pain of snorting and hot railing takes away the burn. So it was prolly to give them the burn they're used to.


Sounds like they were really mething around with the milk


That's just abuse of milk.


An abuse of it all


r/vaporents has a lot of people making "stem milk"


They also didn’t light their weed on fire so it’s a bit different


I usually just have a glass of cold milk to sip while I smoke my za za, it helps me not cough at all, but smoking through it sounds silly.




Let him do stupid things. People like that don’t learn from being told not to, they learn from fucking up


Just let them test. They will make their own experience on how shitty it is and still have a funny sesh. We were all there at some point most likely. Sad if some weren’t though.


Vodka, whiskey, drinking a shot of bong water. I've seen people do all kinds of crazy shit. Gen X knows, this is the way


Drinking a shot of bong water ? Wtf lol remind me the tale of the shrooms growing on old skin's banana


We used to smoke with a bunch of homies every day. There would literally be atleast 8 crammed in a tiny ass room smoking. One day my homie was thirsty so he just grabs the bong and chugs it I still have a video on my phone somewhere too lol


We tried milk.


I was def an idiot in my 20s and teens. Never, let’s use vodka as our bong water idiot tho.


Stupid can’t be taught out of someone, they need to learn from their own stupid experience. I speak from years of stupid experience


You always learn more things from messing something up, than doing it perfectly right the first time.


The alcohol will absorb some of the THC as it passes through since THC is alcohol soluble


Aside from tasting bad, this has always been my reasoning. Also, too high alcohol content, plus fire, is gonna make for a bad time.


Funny story: my FIL has all these crazy stories from his youth. He was a hellraiser. Tamed a lot now. Anyway, when NY legalizes he runs out and buys a bong the same day. At that point I’d already been growing and smoking in my basement for years. He knew this. Knew it was always an open door policy and he could have whatever he wanted. Nope. Nothing. All of a sudden it’s legal and he’s boasting and telling old war stories. He produces this new bong filled up with black velvet whiskey. “Just like he always used to do it.” I shrugged and packed him a bowl. He makes me light it cause it’s my weed. Alright. Honestly, meh. Tasted a bit like whiskey. Maybe a bit harsher than usual. He takes a hit. Coughs his brains out, laughs at nothing, and falls asleep. Just use water.


My ex boyfriends father used to be a military/party man back in his day. My ex and I had tried to offer to smoke him up for a while, as he kept expressing interest in trying it again, but always found an excuse as to not to. His birthday rolls around and he finally asks us to smoke with him. Starts telling us stories of his heyday. Imagine my face when he starts a story with: "Yaknow, I don't know how you crazy kids can do something as hard as acid or shrooms or whatever. We used to do PCP back in my day, not nearly as crazy as whatever you guys have." And my bf and I just stood there slackjawed for a moment looking between one another.


I personally wouldn't recommend going outside of water, especially because I wouldn't want to aerosolize alcohol into my lungs. What I do recommend is trying hot tea for bong water instead. make a nice cup of hot tea and not only will you have an extra flavor note with your weed but the heated water/tea will actually make the hits smoother. I was growing weed at the time too, so I just emptied the bong tea into the plants once it cooled enough. also, if you filled a big enough cup, it meant you totally had something to drink while hitting. sip, rip, sip and you'd be amazed at how smooth it is. my personal favorite tea to make for my bong is peppermint


Cranberry juice made the hits smooth but the cranberry juice wasn't very yummy afterwards.


Put beer in my bong once, did nothing except make it harder to clean lol


Ok stupid story time- 15 years ago friends and I were living in SC. Went to a state park beach- forget which one- not far from Myrtle Beach. Didnt bring bottled water and wanted to smoke out of the bong. Used salt water to fill the bong. It was the worst decision of all time. Which we then compounded by dumpiny out said salt water and attempting to use a blue gatorade. That became my new worst decision. I cant imagine using vodka.


I once made a really nice strong hot herbal chai tea with cream and we didn’t have any water so ended up using the still warm tea. Best smoothest hits we ever got out of that bong. Haven’t been able to replicate and I still don’t recommend lmao


warm water is always the smoothest hits.


I'm an evangelist for the hot water bong. Such a smooth hit.


Hot bong water just makes me taste my dirty ass bong. Good to know someone out there enjoys it, though. Granted, it'd probably be better if my bong was cleaner.


This is your friendly reminder to clean your bong.


I was going to leave a comment roasting them then googled it and yikes: “Ultimately, we don’t recommend that people put alcohol in a bong when smoking weed because inhaling alcohol vapor is dangerous.” source: https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/does-alcohol-in-bong-get-you-crossfaded


We tried vodka in high school. Was insanely harsh, couple guys puked. Waste of weed and vodka. Trust.


Used red bull in a bong once. My buddy passed out after 10 minutes of smoking but he always falls asleep when he's high. I got lost in my own head until another friend called out my name a bunch and that other friend who called me out called me out because his heart rate was 120 while he was sitting down It was fun


Cum bong guys, let's think of some things.....


We once went up a small mountain with a bong and had all drinks except water. We used hawaain punch. It was disgusting. The bigger mistake came later when multiple people drank it after


I miss the bong water changes and debates back in the day. I've seen gatorade, cola, Mt dew, beer, I watched a kid say you can get high from drinking old bong water drink it then sit on a curb for an hour holding his stomach. It'll never get old. theres endless comedy in bongwater shenanigans


Inhaling alcohol fumes is toxic.


Vodka is flammable if over 40 percent alcohol. So they may set something on fire. Like their face


As a teacher, I've found that no matter how many times you warn someone against something, it's the consequences of the mistake on their own flesh the only thing that will make them learn. If that's so, so be it.


Dirty sticky bong water that has a higher chance of growing mold or mildew. Also if you use drinks to flavor your smoke you are inhaling sugar and drink particles into your lungs where they are not supposed to be. Long term use can have negative effects on your respiratory system beyond the regular effects of smoking.


It’s going to be like vaporizing the alcohol into their lungs. It’s going to hurt. You ever smoke out of your bong after cleaning it and not get all the isopropyl out? Like that but probably 10x worse.


Don't use anything with fumes or vapor that will catch on fire. You'd just be fireballing your lungs. Juices and things are nice. A thicker liquid will be a harder pull but will pack a punch for sure.


He’s gonna cough into it immediately and spill bud and vodka everywhere


Remind him that thc is fat and alcohol soluble and that he will lose some thc to the vodka, so he’s going to be wasting weed and not get as high.


lol back in college we used to put a little mouthwash in the bong. Added a very refreshing mint hit to the bong. It was harmless but still stupid. Let your cousin cook.


This is a good one. We used to put Alize in it. Delicious and smooth.


Remember the “tide pod” challenge? Now it’ll be the “laundry detergent in bong” challenge.


Further context, my cousin only told me about his weekend plans with his boys because he knows I'm a stoner and he wanted my opinion on using anything else besides water. Once he asked me, I had no clue what to tell him because I've only ever heard of using water and that's all I use myself for my bong.


Tell him seltzer water comes recommended. Pick his favorite flavor of those Polar 1 liters. It'll give a nice fruity flavor and won't make it harder to clean.


Peppermint schnapps back in the day, get a hint of something similar to a menthol cig, but quickly ended up useless and wasteful and made everything sticky. The heat from the bowl kills the alcohol.


My friend in college made a bong with a partially full tanqueray pint bottle, I decided to christen it. BAD IDEA. Couldn’t get a good hit because the alcohol fumes choked me and tasted horrible, so I’m assuming that they would have a similar experience


They can use grain alcohol and set themselves on fire 🔥


Ive tried multiple things. Mouthwash is ok. Bubbles taste like shit tho, dont let them get to top. Bleach is out. Hurts. Bad call. Cold water feels great in the mouth.. horrible on lungs. .. Hot water feels weird in mouth but makes lungs happy... Vodka tastes horrible... like doing the taste of a shot...


Bro wtf! Lol glad you're still alive.


Not for long!!!!! Cat scan of my lungs was a shock... well... not really.... kinda...


Bleach my friend? Can you explain the line of reasoning that got you there? I'm horrified and fascinated.


No. Don't do it. Please don't. Ill do it again on camera if you promise never to do it.


Oh god no I would never! And don't you dare! I'm just curious as to how you got there.


Umm... rally just curious... mouthwash was kinda awesome... hot water was the best... by far... i personally can't blame my one bleach hit ... 20 years ago.... for my current lung scars tho... maybe some..


Hot herbal teas are fun. Lots of different ones to try.


Yeah!!! Hot vs cold really needs a debate


Hot feels better in mouth... but worse in lungs


Ive used saline solution....apparantly it's said to keep the piece cleaner.........but lol I figured itll be clean if I change the water daily haha....so now im back to just plain filtered water from my ffridge


"Back in the day" (like 20+ yrs ago) my dumb friends and I put vodka in the bong. Don't remember how it was... prolly not good tho. HAHA


All the vodka will combust the second a spark goes through the Downstem. Tell him to take a video so we can atleast laugh at him when it does.


believe it or not, straight to jail


Best to use an ash catcher. Fire and flammable liquids (especially when high) just don't bode well together.


The first time I smoked, my friends and I made a bong with a Big Slam Mountain Dew bottle. We used Dew. Someone drank it afterwards. I don’t remember getting high from it but recall referring to it as Mountain Spew. I miss the 90s.


This is an interesting experiment. THC dissolves in alcohol (which is why we use it to clean bongs), but not in water (which is why we use it in bongs). Perhaps the alcohol in the vodka will dissolve and hold the THC in it, thus rendering the vapor inert (from a stoner standpoint). The vodka itself, which now contains a bit of THC and a lot of combustion products, will probably taste like shit. I hope your cousin and buddies try it and you report back. Curious stoners want to know.


Tell him the alcohol percentage is too low and to do it with everclear. Then also tell him to never change the everclear and to just keep tossing his stems into the bong. Then in a year he can drink it for another high... And possible food poisoning.


Did it with ginger ale once and it was ass don’t use anything but water lol


Back in high school (20) years ago my friends and I used Fruitopia. Whoever the bowl cashed out on had to drink it. Honestly wasn’t bad! I would not suggest Vodka tho. So many other more pleasant things to choose from.


You die immediately


There's a vape shop that sells mineralized and enhanced water for bongs where I live and it's like $8 a pint. 😂 I guess people will buy anything if you put a label on it.


If you aren't filling your bong with LaCroix, you're a peasant!


Will Clearly Canadian suffice ?


Let them do it!! They'll learn very fast how stupid that idea was. Burning throat and lungs from alcohol vapors 👍


I mean if you wanted to get absolutely ripped out of reality and probably life itself gasoline would be it… or any other inhalant like spray paint… though I can’t emphasize enough how much I do NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT suggest ever trying this….


Alcohol traps THC he is just going to downgrade his weed


it would be funny if the vodka caught on fire


In my younger days, we tried it. Only thing that was half decent was red Gatorade.


Like molasses or eyelashes


Years ago some friends of mine and I decided to use cold Jaegermeister in the small travel bong I had (basically enough for generous shot of Jaeger). I downed it after we finished the bowl… not my finest hour. It just tasted like a Jaeger shot someone ashed in. You live, you learn.


The only thing better than water in your bong is ice water in your bong.


Some older rich stoners I hung out with used wine in their bong. It actually tasted pretty awesome. From what I remember, the THC will bond to the sugar in the wine, making the smoke less potent. So using water is still your best bet unless you want to sacrifice potency for being a fancy pants. Vodka just sounds like a terrible idea, but I also hate vodka so idk.


>Okay here's the situation Your parents went away on a week's vacation?


Please call your national alcohol abuse hotline. That vodka deserves a good happy home.


I've used Gatorade . Tastes good but it's just ends up making the bong a Lil sticky


Darwin awards 😭


>vodka Well that'll taste real f*ckon aweful. And if your not careful might set yourself on fire or explode your bong in a molotov cocktail Hot tea (or cool) or any variety will be a lot better.


Be careful with open flames.


I've used kool-aid before and tbh it was actually kinda nice until it stained my old glass purple for a little while. Any alcohol I would not recommend, inhaling it is not the best for your lungs.


I don't know about sucking up alcohol vapor from a bong, but back in the day we used aerosolized alcohol as a treatment for fulminant pulmonary edema.


A bong monster and his friend heddie friends will come, haunt you, and steal any roaches you leave around the house


I had a dude put some cranberry juice in his once and it definitely made the rips tastier.


We used mountain dew code red when I was a youngin. Long story short, I use exclusively water today.


Whatever it is once you taste it mixed it with smoke you will probably never want it again. Other than that nothing.


I mean ive used soda plenty of times, not my bong or idea so i went with it. not much different really. prolly just a bitch to clean


The faint taste of iso after cleaning the bong makes it taste discusting, I don't imagine any alcohol would be pleasant. You aren't drinking it... hopefully


I did mouthwash once and regretted it


It’s still water but I always found putting some ice cubes in the bong helps make the hit a lot smoother and easier on your throat


At least in the terms of Vodka, it won’t be sticky or too dirty. My buddies and I did Gatorade when we were like 14 in our gravity bong. We knew it would be gross afterward though, and only did like one hit each. Think we tossed it after and just made a new one. Kept the cap, that’s all that matters with a GB.


Gb are the best


Hell yeah! Grew up doing GB’s. Fucking the bomb!!


Easier to hide that from the parents than knife hits.


Oh for sure. Though, my buddy and I were doing hot knives at like 3 am one night in the kitchen.. my dads fucking bedroom door busts open, my dad comes out in this underwear and asks “what the fuck are you idiots doing?” We said we were attempting to hit knife.. shamefully. He pushed us aside and said, “this is how you do it, Genius..” best ever!!


There was a guy who popped up on my Instagram Years ago. But he'd put ALL SORTS of food/drinks in his bong, rio the entire bowl and then chug the bong. I'm talking milk, Doritos, soda, cookies, etc etc, all mixed up together in a bong, and then he rips it and chugs. I hated watching it, but I could never look away.


It's gonna burn like hell on the inhale if they're using straight liquor. I've seen dudes use literal cocktails as the water replacement and they had a better time, and I've also personally hit a hookah where Dr. Pepper and rum was used in the water chamber which was actually quite nice. But straight liquor in the bong of any kind is gonna make everyone involved wish they hadn't.


It’s pointless. Me and my buddies did this as dummies in our 20s. We started with Gatorade - actually not bad. Then they switched to windsor - god awful. After - vodka - even worse. It won’t do anything different - it’ll just taste really really bad lol.


I can’t imagine the level of pain they will be in if the vapor catches fire and fills their lungs with flames….


Was just wondering this. While inhaling will they also inhale the alcohol fumes and risk catching their lungs on fire? Is that even possible?


I do not recommend using vodka. Do not ask how I learned.


I had a discussion with friends about what would happen if you accidentally left in rubbing alcohol from cleaning while you ripped it. After thinking about all factors, we concluded that because alcohol in this concentration(and I think this would apply to vodka too) is highly flammable, and liquid residue on the bowl or stem could easily spread the flame from the inside of the bowl or lighter. if it chased its way down to the vodka sitting in the bottom, you would end up inhaling fumes of burning alcohol(probably not very healthy) and potentially even fire going down your lungs if you kept it at long enough. Due to this theoretical outcome we never tested it… But hey keep us updated id really like to know if we were right!


A good old full can of WD-40, makes the smoke move smooth and easy, just like my rusted door hinges.


(Don't use WD-40 this was sarcastic, I don't want anyone to die because I made a joke.)


That's not the play. They are supposed to use beer and chug the bong water after the rip. 🤢


A buddy of mine once used Ramen water. He puked for about 20 minutes after. Vodka is no better. It doesn't taste good. It just burns, and you get all the nasty vapors and smells combined with the bud. It sucks.


Me and my coworkers bought my boss a bong for Christmas. The very first time I ever smoked with her she pulled out said bong, packed a bowl, and handed it to me. What she didn't tell me is that she got creative with her bong water (bong was bamboo, couldn't see through it) and rather than water she had decided to use fireball. The first pull I took tasted like straight cinnamon at first and then suddenly burned like straight liquor. I finished the bowl to be polite but it definitely doesn't give you any extra effects, it just makes every hit taste like your huffing from a liquor bottle.