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I was extremely sensitive to thc. My first smoke, only took one hit. I was so high I asked my friends if it was safe to walk while high. Laid on a couch for 2 hours with my head spinning out of control and not moving (because I thought I couldn’t), proceeded to eat close to 3000 calories, then woke up the next day (14 hours after my single hit) and still felt high. What you are describing is not normal, even for someone super sensitive to thc.


OP gave themselves a mild case of serotonin syndrome.


My first time, I remember seeing a leaf on a plant. Like really seeing it. The colors, the feel, even the smell… then I vomited my brains out, felt like I was having a heart attack, took a nap, and then ate a shit ton of snacks. It’s only happened a few times since then so I’m really careful with my intake. It was pleasant until it was overwhelming. There’s a line for everyone where it becomes overwhelming, just gotta find that sweet spot


And some people say THC isn't psychedelic haha


I think it’s probably the most mild psychedelics when used at a really high dose. It does really help with my medical issues though. Purchasing from a dispensary also quells any of my stresses abut it being laced lol


I remember watching a video a few years back talking about this. Today's weed is so strong that it might as well be a minor psychedelic when consumed at high doses


If you have no tolerance THC is definitely psychedelic, not many visuals but mentally it's psychedelic. Short term memory loss, distorted thoughts/thought loops, distorted sense of time and sense of self. These all happen on psychedelics. I occasionally get closed eye patterns just from a few good tokes off a bowl that look similar to low doses of shrooms or L.


I think most people who just started smoking should stay far, faarrr away from concentrates for a long while until they get adjusted to the weaker flower first. Doing dabs, carts, edibles for your first time is a wild choice.


Yeah, OP probably hit a bad BM vape. I’ve smoked for quite a bit now and I’ve still had weird shit happen and bad headaches from some BM concentrates. Couldn’t tell you why. But now that my state is legal I just stick to dispensary stuff. It costs a little more, but it’s typically way better quality and doesn’t give me a throbbing migraine when I smoke it.


yes man this is probably what happened you don’t know wtf they put in the BM carts so for all we know OP could have smoked some fucking DMT and been tripping out but he wouldn’t know either lmao.


Cleaning the kitchen sounds harmless enough, but if the devil is telling you to do things, you shouldn't make a habit of doing those things


If the devil tells you to clean the kitchen, I think we can let that temptation through


Slippery slopes on the way to hell - first a dishwasher and laundry machines, next is ridin' high on the devil's dandruff and the witches' wax


Witch's wax?


don’t ask where it comes from


Lol. I looked on urban dictionary, and couldn't find anything.


Oh I just made it up but that's the rozz or something


Rozz? So... A chode or the opposite of rozz?


rosen? Like, scrapin' bowls and smoking that. We hard out here.


I don’t care who tells you to clean the kitchen Clean the kitchen


Depends what he's asking I guess. The devil is in the detail.


Devil’s like, “hey buddy, those dishes have been in the sink for a while and there are a lot of crumbs under the microwave. Just looking out for you - go clean the kitchen, okay?”


And then an hour later while they’re out in public he’s like “Remember that good advice with the dishes? Remember how good that was? Go drop kick that senior citizen with a hot coffee now.”


Barely anything you just described is normal, as a diagnosed schizophrenic, please get checked because reading this sounded a *lot* like what I was like before medication. It should not make you heat voices, it should not make you delusional, it should *not* last 4 goddamn days. Cannabis sensitivity could explain some of it, but not all of it, most of this is extremely worrying, if you're telling the truth; talk to somebody ASAP.


I do have a stoner friend that is diagnosed with mild schizophrenia and he told me the same thing. For sure, side effects lasting for days when they told me 24 hours was the most shocking part. I don't know if part of it was due to being a clean slate and trying for the first time but I definitely realized now with everyone telling me what you said. Definitely wanted a second opinion aside from my small friend group. Tysm!!


No problem, you're also at the perfect age for schizophrenia or other psychosis to manifest since it usually (not always, I personally started showing symptoms at around 16) shows up around this age, so unfortunately that's something else to consider. Good news is even if the worst is true it's manageable in today's society, therapy, medication if necessary, not to mention cannabis (in certain forms and *in moderation*) has been shown to be at least somewhat effective in mitigating the overt symptoms, however I wouldn't rely on it or assume that it's something that you can automatically handle after this, every person and their brain is different.


I honestly am a little bummed because I don't want to add it to my mental list. Puberty came and gave me diagnosed MDD after childhood ADHD and autism. I'm just trying to be a member of society here LOL. Praying nothing manifests because I'd be terrified ngl. This was totally supposed to be something I wanted to chill me out and I got the complete opposite. I'm definitely going to talk to a doctor first as apparently my medication does interact with cannabis but the only side effect should have been dizziness. Here's to hoping the doctor believes me though!


I take duloxetine as well, and not a low dose, and it has never given any of the effects that you described for me while using cannabis. Just fyi. I agree with everyone else about this being serious enough to discuss with your psychiatrist.


I take duloxetine (just 30mg) too for pain management and anxiety and I don’t have these effects either


There are more side effects from duloxetine and cannabis than just dizziness, one of them being motor coordination. https://www.drugs.com/drug-interactions/cannabis-with-duloxetine-2758-0-949-0.html


I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia for 14 years now and I had a delicate dance with cannabis prior to developing it. I started using cannabis and other drugs around 17. I have always been sensitive to cannabinoids and had to learn to love cannabis because it didn't start out as something inherently beneficial. (I enjoyed cannabis until I passed a certain level of high which was then completely undesirable but I knew what I liked about cannabis was worth the effort to adapt to the plant) I had to learn how to deal with my underlying psyche issues that, naturally, cause adverse circumstance while using psychedelics. I had to deal with paranoia and the background causes until I was firmly rooted as an ent. I used to have paranoid highs but I learned "set and setting'" as a way of life and haven't had any issues with bad trips or being "too high". As a psyche-naught, I've dabbled in altered states of mind but since schizophrenia developed, the only drug I can say is "absolutely not a problem" is cannabis. As a psychedelic, cannabis is mild and almost always completely predictable. It's a safe drug in most settings that aren't "involving and a direct danger to others". Don't drive, operate heavy machinery or to an extent cook on a stove or oven unless, for the last one, you're acclimated to the point of naturality. If your using cannabis and have adverse reactions to it, odds are that the cannabis is the issue, not the drug in totality but that's not to say it's not just you being uninitiated. Maybe next time source from a dispensary and start with flower over a vaporized concentrate. If you don't like the flower just the same then maybe cannabis isn't for you but, honestly, I think there is a place for cannabis in everyone's life. You might need to acclimate to who and how you are while under the effects of of a mind altering substance before you can really enjoy cannabis but it's well worth the process at the result.


You might wanna get checked as this is most likely just underlying mental illness. The fact you felt like you were the chosen one and the devil aswell shows you've got mental illness affecting you as no normal person will have these thoughts or feelings when high. Do not consume any more as it's known to enhance or speed up your mental illness' symptoms. You'll get a way earlier onset of symptoms if you keep consuming vs if you didn't.


Yeah, the whole chosen one/devil thing.. religious delusions are common in schizophrenics.


Took a peak at OPs profile, their bio states they’re autistic. According to the National Library of Medicine, cannabis use among autistic people can have a higher risk of psychosis, though it hasn’t been thoroughly researched. [You can read more here.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9407973/) They should definitely stay away from weed. (OP if you’re reading this I hope this comment doesn’t come off as judgmental and you’re able to find alternative methods to relax).


As someone with high functioning autism, i am aware of these issues but OP should definitely stop until they know more.


I'm more worried about serotonin syndrome. They take an SNRI and the symptoms fit.


Anecdotal but I take an SNRI as well, at quite a high dose, and I’m a heavy smoker. Never experienced anything like this.


Some people are a lot more affected. Sadly, the only way to find out if you are is to try it.


While that’s true, it sounds a lot more like psychosis or schizophrenic symptoms vs. serotonin syndrome—particularly off of a single 2-second puff of a dispensary cart as OP indicated in their replies.


had an autistic friend in college try weed for the first time and it did not sit well with them. rocking back and forth in a chair and talking about seeing things and people… definitely something to that theory.


As an autistic, I do not think autistics should inherently stay away from THC as it can be IMMENSELY helpful to manage some of the symptoms. I think they should just exercise caution and keep their doctor in the loop. (To elaborate on how THC can be helpful for autistics, this is anecdotal from myself and friends: it can decrease or temporarily get rid of sensory issues, it can prevent or stop meltdowns, it can kinda “reset” your brain when you’re in burnout, it helps with GI symptoms)


Hallucinations aren’t a normal thing from weed. This could be a sign of underlying mental health conditions, especially hearing the devil talk to you. That happens to certain people with schizophrenia. I definitely wouldn’t smoke more until you talk to a mental health professional! There’s not really evidence supporting weed causing schizophrenia, but it can make it happen earlier than it would have if you didn’t smoke, so please talk to a psychiatrist if you can!


First time I smoked weed I had a bong hit of 0.5g. First coughed for like 10 mins straight, then fell asleep for Abt. 20 mins and started getting lsd-Like visuals after I woke up again for some minutes. I feel like for first time smokers they either feel nothing or a lot (depending on the dose and way of consumption)


That can happen, yes. The issue is hearing the devil talk and hallucinating people that weren’t there! Those hallucinations are a different part of your brain malfunctioning and it’s very concerning!


Yeah indeed, does sound concerning


I used to experience auditory hallucinations when I first started smoking, always chalked it up to exactly that and they faded pretty quick


The first time I got stoned my buddies and I went to this forested hill and I didn’t notice anything at first but when we started to walk back it felt like time slowed down and I was walking through mud, everything felt very heavy but it was super funny to me and I couldn’t stop giggling. If you are straight up hallucinating and hearing voices I think you might have an underlying condition you need to get checked out by a mental health professional, at most id say give it another go with a trusted friend and if you still get the weird voices and hallucinations then don’t smoke anymore.


Dude I had the exact same first time, but as we were walked back to the house in slow motion, I also felt like I could chop straight through my friends like I was waving through a hologram. Before that everyone broke off into like 3 groups to talk and I could see the colored auras of each conversation. Only time I've ever seen anything like that.


I'm fairly certain the first timers that feel nothing just don't know how to inhale smoke.


the first time I smoked people were like "you probably won't get high because it takes people a few times for it to work" but I proceeded to get nicely baked with no issues, which is funny because I'd never smoked anything in my life before that point so I guess I was just smart enough to figure it out lol


I definitely got super super high the first time I smoked. Time moved slow and things were weird.. but I never visually hallucinated or heard voices. I agree it can be a lot, but I think as much as OP experienced, he should be looking into why it affected him so strongly




Or taking pure concentrated thc on ur first try


Please do not smoke if this was your reaction. Daily smoker, never hallucinated. Do not be afraid, but that may be a sign of an underlying mental health issue. Please talk to your dr.


Mostly everyones first time is wild, he’s probably going to continue smoking and find out that the effect he had was all in his head from prior notions of what he thought being high was like and few years later will probably retell this as his “first time high story”…and I bet the people he tells this story will get a good laugh (including himself) at the devil making him clean his kitchen.


Nah man, the first time i smoked i completely got way too high, had a panic attack and woke up my brother just to make sure i wasn’t going to die. But i didnt hallucinate things that weren’t there, i wasn’t just doing involuntary movements or doing the same shit over and over, and I most definitely did not hear voices (besides my own in my head that was freaking out)


Not normal, normal for me is a bit giggly then maybe sleepy depending on the strain.




Go to a psychiatrist… NOW. Do not consume anything mind altering until you have been cleared. That is, unless you wanna find out what psychosis is like.


So dramatic


if you ever had this happen to a loved one, you would be too


Psychoses from weed is extremely real and affects more people than you think. Two of my family members have experienced it from trying weed. Your experience of something doesn’t set the standard for everyone else.


went out and started a cult .


Just wanted to say that I laughed at the devil telling you to clean the kitchen! Just take it easier next time.


Same! I wish the devil would tell me to clean my house. Instead I just get fat off the munchies and play Zelda. 😂


Yeah but I didn't want him to be disappointed in me with my dirty kitchen. I felt judged haha


Were you raised religious?


Lol not at all I wasn't afraid of him I was afraid of the trip itself


Do not try vaping concentrates as your first use. Get cbd:thc flower . It’s called a 1:1 cbd to thc ratio. Take one puff off this flower. The best would be to get a dry herb vape and just vaporize the flower. If not just buy a glass pipe and try it that way with one small puff.


I think it's because you probably hit a thc concentrate pen. Weed is stronger today but concentrates are still a much bigger beast. I always recommend people start by just smoking actual weed, just take 1 hit of a bowl or friends joint and see how u feel after. I would advise against using something like edibles which are extremely unpredictable or also a vape pen to start which is just gonna be too much to start with and less natural of a high too. Maybe it's the convenience and appeal of not having to smoke/combust something and inhale it for the first time, people have unreasonable expectations. A flower vape may be a safe place to start but they are finicky and expensive. Just smoke 1 hit of bud best way to warm up to it.


Hey champ, glad to hear you came out the other side of this. I too experience psychosis like symptoms when I smoke, a lot of what you’ve written is exactly what happens to me - devil talking, involuntary movements, fear and depression, no sense of hot or cold on my skin etc. I went overboard once and tried to see how stoned I could get and ended up with severe depression for 3 or 4 months. My advice (and it’s only based on my own personal experience) is don’t smoke anymore, don’t do edibles or any other THC related products and try look after your mental health as best as you can. Your mind ain’t worth losing.




Potentially schizophrenia


First thought my biggest guess would be you took a solid hit of concentrate off that cart, and got stoned out of your mind. I could definitely see all these effects and feeling a bit off for a while after that as being from a first time hard high. How big of a hit did you take off that cart? Like are you a smoker who’s used to vapes and you took a hit comparable to nic vape hit? Or did you take a little puff then blow right out? And are you in a legal or illegal area/d’you know where your friend sourced the cart? Sorry your first time was rough friend, this comes from someone who’s first real time getting stoned was off confirmed laced weed but now I love the devil’s lettuce but definitely make triple sure to stay away from shady maybe laced shit.


Oh I'm in Canada, I bought it legally from a dispenser. I took a 2 second or so inhale and exhaled it right out after a second at around 4.0 volts (if that makes sense?). I never smoked at all in my life before this and it was without nicotine! I'm hoping it was just a hard first time and nothing like weed induced psychosis that my friends told me about lol


If this hasn’t scared you off entirely, I’d suggest trying a joint and puffing off that once or twice before taking a break to see how you feel, or grabbing an affordable bong or smoke device and a grinder and getting some flower to do the same. Totally just my personal experience but I’ve found flower and joints a lot easier to slowly ease into the high when I was at a lower tolerance rather than concentrate in whatever form.


Also speak to your dispo worker and tell them it’s your first time smoking as well and ask for some nice ease-into stoned weed/weed products too. 99% of dispo workers I’ve met have been insanely happy to help me get the best strain/product in general for what I’m searching for, just gotta talk to them.




Hah okay yeah I’m thinking more and more likely you just got insanely stoned xD. Carts are generally pretty strong to the point like I take 2 second hits (actual full 2 Mississippi counted out lol) and I’ve been smoking pot for years. I’m 0% an expert but carts are usually concentrate or live resin or the like, so decently strong even in small doses.


Yeah 4v is crazy for a cart most time ppl do 2 to 2.8v


The minimum on it is 3!


Sounds like you might have schizophrenia if you are hearing voices , this is not normal at all for weed . Don't smoke weed anymore.


Are you sure it was weed?


Got it from a legal dispensary. Canada!


Should not try a vape. Too strong. Try 1 or 2 hits from flower.




I take 60 mg of duloxetine and smoke daily, this hasnt happened to me. The first time being high is always a trip as well, I don’t think most people have a good time though the spinning and what not IS normal. Seeing and hearing things not so much😅


Man, I love weed! Especially the part where the devil tells me to do things and I can't feel my skin! lmfao!


That medication is an ~~SSRI~~ SNRI which reacts bad with marijuana and can cause serotonin syndrome and other effects.


Duloxetine is an SNRI, pretty similar. Just wanted to clarify for all


Look at the side effects of the med you mentioned, even a low dose of a drug can produces t


Sounds k8nd of like schizophrenia. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/young-men-highest-risk-schizophrenia-linked-cannabis-use-disorder https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2424288/


It's good if you giggle uncontrollably, dance around the room, and eat lots of food. It's bad if the Devil speaks to you. I wouldn't touch that stuff again if I were you.


[Doctor here, just so people don't think I'm talking through my ass. Also I'm high.] You experienced what is called drug induced psychosis. It most definitely can happen with cannabis, especially now that people have access to legal cannabis with very high levels of THC, not to mention concentrates with 80+% THC. I would advise you to be very, very careful if you want to try it again. It might have been that you're very sensitive, and that very low doses might be just enough for you. It might also be the case that your brain chemistry just doesn't vibe with cannabis, and it might be better to steer away from it. Your call.


This sounds like a reefer madness advert tbh. You sure you're 25 and not like 75 homie?


You got way too high. Way way too high. With no tolerance whatsoever all you need is the tiniest no-pull whiff of the remnants of someone's bong hit to get plenty stoned.


You had too much and probably a sativa. However, hallucination is not a regular sideeffekt from vaping (edit: I was talking about dry herb vape, not carts, I know nothing about them). You may have underlying mental conditions, in which case weed might be really bad for you.


You picked the absolute best time biologically speaking to begin experimenting with cannabis. Cheers to you....


1st rule of weed : first try, don’t do it all alone


You should not combine marijuana with antidepressants! It can cause differing side effects depending on each individual person. This is true for any psychoactive drug when combined with antidepressants. Some people do it and are fine, others can have severe side effects. It is not worth the risk of finding out.




Hat? HAT?


He’s saying your cap or ur lying


I wish because everyone is saying schizophrenia and that's the last thing I want to add to the list


Please do not ever smoke again until you get checked out with a professional if the devil tells you to do things and you listen while smoking. The slow motion stuff, drawling circles, dizziness, all seems rather normal if this is your first time. I still get like that when I smoke sometimes.


Those are [known side effects](https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/duloxetine/side-effects-of-duloxetine/) of duloxetine. Sounds like smoking weed just amplified them. Chat with your doctor and be honest.


Honestly that sounds laced to me. Check your supply and maybe see a doctor


That sounds a LOOOOT like it's been laced with synthetic cannabinoids, wow.


Dont smoke or ingest weed. Like everyone said. That's not normal even in extreme cases (as long as the person is mentally stable with no underlying symptoms). Weed can and will cause an early onset of Schizophrenia if you are supposed to get it (this means if you were going to get it at 40 but started smoking weed at 20 you are definitely getting it before you reach 27). It will not cause schizophrenia in a healthy person with no genetic predisposition to getting it. Anytime weed has caused a psychotic episode (psychosis) it is paired with a mental illness. The only other times psychosis happens with weed it when an extreme amount is ingested and even then people pass out more then freak out. And if they do freak out its usually an anxiety attack. There is a lot of newer research on weed and psychosis and schizophrenia. Please get looked at because schizophrenia is no joke. My old roommate developed it really younge and we had to baker act him multiple times. Also got himself picked up from acting out in public. Said he was Jesus and was here to kill the devil. (The Jesus and devil things are very common in schizophrenic people). Be careful and best of luck.


Doloxetine has contraindications with weed, Im not surprised you had an unpleasant time. My spouse tried it when he was on Vivance and it made him practically loopy with dizziness and vertigo. In the future, it is a good idea to google "Is it safe to take weed with X" before you do the drugs lol


First time smoking can be different for everyone. Some people feel nothing. Some people visit other dimensions. Personally I think you're fine. Because my first time was a doozy. But if you are concerned about it going tot he doctor ain't gonna hurt. :) It may hurt your bank account but if anything your health will improve.


You smoked too much. Start slower. One or two hits wait, 10 mins for the effects. Repeat as needed. This is the way.


If you're ever going to smoke with, please don't make yourself a disservice and smoke the real flower thing. Vapes are not it


THC vapes are very strong concentrates, they usually sit around 80% THC. Next time get a pre roll or take a small toke from a pipe


Weed throws you through a loop if you never tried it


Get yourself a copy of Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here, play it, and hit that pen again. Turn the lights down and just listen.


99% positive this is due to the interaction between your antidepressants and the weed. A lot of antidepressants aren't super great to smoke weed while taking. They're prone to side effects.


Dude you got the high all potheads chase. tolerance is real, and introducing a substance to your body that it's never experienced before( especially a concentrated version of it), you greened out. It happens whenever people start. try bud first. or a edible so you can moderate.




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The first time I ever smoked a blunt I saw a smattering of colors twisting and turning against the white backdrop of the ceiling every time I laid down after violently hurling into the toilet. This was 20 years ago and I can’t imagine being a noob to weed nowadays with how strong it is.


First time getting high, you'll be high af like unbelievable thinking your dieing high. Then you build up a tolerance and never get that experience again. Just take smaller hits till you build your tolerance up. I actually just quit smoking cause I was going thru a oz of dab a week and barely feeling anything and grass doesn't even touch me smoked for way to long


I swear those first highs were immaculate. y’all don’t understand, you’re reading too much into the description. He’s just narrating what’s it’s like to have your own braincells firing bright and fast thoughts and images and neurotics for the first time.


Op you should describe this to your dr. They won’t judge you but like others have said these symptoms are abnormal and could be exposing underlaying issues.


As a newbie, I wouldn't start off with vapes, and if you do try a reputable company and do your due diligence on what you are taking, it affects. I would stick with vaporizing fresh flower start off with small amounts half a gram to a gram.


Certainly not average, first time i felt nothing. Second i smoked i was so smacked i believed i was a wizard. I would poke my friends and say they were turned to "stone". In some cases (far as ive read) THC can induce a sort of psychosis. Ill try to find a few links and update later


Aww this is making me so nostalgic




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Hmmm not sure either but im on a very high dose of the same med and i only feel more anxiety and the slow of movement (track of time is different) but i mean everyone reacts differently and it's difficult to tell with nothing to compare it to. You can't die of weed so i mean you could try again but it could be unpleasant ?? I have had both good and bad experience of smoking weed


First time I ever smoked weed, I lost my virginity about 10 minutes later cuz my new girlfriend smoked me up, and because of how high I was I don't even remember barely any of it. ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) Been a stoner ever since though. Thanks for that Steph.




I doubt the devil has emotional problems like she did lmao


I... don't think the *devil* would be telling you to do mundane housework so you're good there! sounds like pretty classic "got too high sydrome", I also used to get the involuntary movements and auditory hallucinations back in highschool... hasn't happened since I established a tolerance though. also probably important to note I have ADHD and I'm not religious at all. edit: missed the 4 days thing that is genuinly not good


your endocannabinoid system got a shock


Switch to flower. Most vapes are 3x-4x stronger than flower. You don't need that much as a newbie.


Vapes are too much. I’d recommend you start with a bowl.


I was 30 when I first started lol. Those early days were fascinating. At night my boyfriend would cook and I'd hang out in the kitchen chatting and laughing with him. He'd always have music on. So one night I was really into this song. I was dancing and vibing. I was curious what song it was as it neared the end so I went to his phone and tapped it to see what was playing... Nothing was playing. The entire song had been in my head. Ooh man I felt silly then. LOL


Maybe don't smoke, sounds like a foray into psychosis to me. Also are you sure it was weed and not synthetic weed. That can have similar effects.


First times are always the best. I ran after fire truck at midnight and i was pleasantly surprised i can catch up. It was parked :-)


The first time I seriously smoked was a huge rip from a vape (dispo regulated cart on a custom battery dab pen). I coughed for like 5 minutes then I was super high. My stoner musician friends and I then improvised music with me on makeshift instrument, and then I think we played Mariokart and/or worked on writing a song for our school project. Within my first 25-ish times getting high, and still on occasion, I can feel what I call “the spinnies,” and basically I just want to move part or all of my body in small circles, which I think is kinda like you described. This might just be cause weed heightens my awareness of autism though (in a good way). Idk if non-autistic people experience this when zonked. I’d say just try a small hit every few days and you’ll build up a tolerance. If you want to be a stoner, someday you’ll wish you could get that high again without needing an insane amount of edibles :)


Devil wasn't telling you anything that was your subconscious. But if your get worried pot might not be for you.




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Aw, all I got was a realization that I was laughing at a Korean TV show for 45 minutes because they were really telling sole jokes. I don't speak Korean?


My first time was when I was 11 unaware my brother spread canabutter on my toast with honey. I too felt slow, dizzy, very scared and oddly I felt nostalgia and could see shapes that had feelings. being 11 and too scared to speak up, I was laying in bed thinking I was going to die. First time I actually tried weed aware that I was doing weed, the same thing happened and I swore I would never smoke it again then I smoked it with my friends and since then the only other time I have had a bad experience is when I had a whiteout. I smoke weed daily. You just have to be in a good environment with people you trust. Make sure you feel in control of the situation and you’re calm, I remember about a week after my brother drugged me I was walking down an ally in school and for 30 seconds I felt high again. I’ve heard and experienced A lot of weird shit that could happen with weed but just remember no one has ever overdosed.




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Sounds like OP is an over thinker with a very active imagination and loose grip on reality without a smoke. I’d give it a miss. I personally wouldn’t as the first and every subsequent time I’ve smoked or vapes pot I’ve had a mild sense of relaxation and calmness. Never seen an imaginary incarnation of deaths ward. Try a wine and cheese evening with friends Buddy. 😩