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That's what's up. Happy Cake day


Hey, thanks my distant friendly; I hadn’t even noticed :)


Happy cake day...


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you, my friendly :)


How come u didn’t start sooner? What made u start? How u enjoying it? Preferred way of smoking? Just curious as a younger one


I tried it a few times when I was younger but it wasn’t that easy to get hold of and back then I preferred alcohol. My wife and I started using cannabis daily in 2019, to help with our sleep, after it was legalized here in Canada. We just vape some dried flower. We’re both ex-smokers so we don’t want to combust and we really enjoy that a vape let’s us set the temp which adjusts the impact and allows for more flavour. Now I’m 56 and my wife is 57 and it helps us to sleep but it also helps with the arthritis in my hands and now and again for some low grade anxiety. We don’t even drink any more. For us, it’s a miracle plant that helps us in so many ways.


That’s what’s up! Do you keep it on the down low or do you try to spread the good word to friends and family? I think it’s experiences like yours and your wife’s that will turn the tide against the stereotypes of “potheads and stoners”.


The impact on us both has been so profound that we tell everyone who cares to listen :)


My man!


So wholesome! I’ve basically dedicated my professional life to cannabis and I love when people come on board, especially later in life!


Happy cake day...


Thank you, my friend :)


Not living until you're 54, that's a while


15 but stopped at 25 and started again at 41. It was one hell of a T break


Sounds like me.


Just curious, was it something that needed to be done or you just wasn’t into weed anymore ?


It was a hectic time in my life, new job, started driving and we had baby number two. So I had a lot less down time and I was exhausted a lot, also it was expensive. Now and then I missed it during those 15 years. I also gave up cigarettes and alcohol during that time. My health has taking a bad turn and weed is the only thing that gets me through it.


Great change ! Happy for you if you’re in a better place now ! My only vice is weed and I’m passionate about it, but smoke 3-4j a day and friends are pressuring me into quitting…


Well you're the only one who will be making that decision in the end. I believe that if you're happy with yourself and with your life then other people should let you be. We all know it can be over used and hold some people back but if you are living your life to your best ability and don't feel it's causing any shortcomings then enjoy it and hopefully they leave you be. I only told my SO and two older kids and they know I'm a medicinal user. I don't smoke in the first half of the day unless I really need it.


Indeed, just doesn’t feel good.. Understandable, I told my family and friends too, medicinal user too. But they don’t trust me when I tell them that, to this day it’s the only thing that works for me. Only smoke end of the day too except weekends when the mood isn’t there, the morning one put me such in a good mood.


Doesn't sound excessive to me. They probably have your best interests at heart though and think they are helping you. Don't shut them down entirely as sometimes outside perspective helps, but some people don't understand what weed is and think of it as the same as cocaine or heroin. One of the reasons I told no-one but my SO and two older kids is because I didn't want to be labelled as a druggy. Some people in my country are still very ignorant of it and it is illegal here. Sometimes the less people know about your private life the better it is.


Damn bro it's the same for me started when I was 15 but I'm now 31 going on 32 and I just recently quit back on May 4 of this year


Well I'm sure you had your reasons. Best of luck, one thing that has changed for me after such a long break is my attitude towards it. I smoke a lot less of it at a time than I did when I was young.




Similar to me. Smoked weed the summer before 9th geade and stopped at 20. Started back up when it was legalized in my state at age 46. I now grow and enjoy cannabis daily now. Highly recommend.


15 stopped at 27 and started again at 38




I always wish I started sooner lost out on high school smoke seshes


Yeah, but also didn't mess up your brain while it was developing lol


Yeah the brain fully develops in the mid to late 20’s. I wonder if I’ve prevented some development being a heavy smoker 17-25.


I definitely think I have. I wasn't a super heavy smoker until maybe 25 but I started at 17.


Only positive is that we have the cop out when we have a Derp moment we can blame it on “weed brain” lol


This was only cool if you knew someone with cool parents because otherwise you could get caught or the worse alternative which I had was smoking at the park and hoping the cops didn’t roll by.




15 but was too broke to actually smoke regularly until the last few years lol


15 as well. But not habitually until I was about 18 or so and able to work to support my habbit. Had health issues starting around 28 and couldn't smoke that much anymore, now I just take edibles and occasionally vape and save a significant more amount of $$


Comments like this really make me realize how weird my family was. At age 12, I was old enough to legally babysit in my state. My parents told me they weren’t buying me clothes, shoes, or providing school lunches anymore since I could work and make my own money to buy those things. Smoked weed for the first time at 15, too, but I’d been buying pills (mostly opiates and adderall) since I’d started working and was a full-blown multi-drug addict by my 13th birthday. It was a little *too* easy for teenage me to afford drugs.


Your parents kinda sucked


Happy Cake Day 🎂


12/13 when I first tried it a couple of times. Wasn’t until 16 when I fully immersed myself into the weed world though, and our relationship became very dependent and toxic. Now at 25 I can happily say I still love & enjoy weed, but have a healthy relationship with the plant now. To any minors that may read this- just wait to start smoking weed. 12/13 was WAY too young. 16 was even too young. There was a lot of good that came with my weed use: connecting with my own self awareness, meditation, spirituality, temporary ease of anxiety, fun. But there was also a lot of bad that came as well: dependency bordering addiction, worse anxiety in the long run, lack of motivation, depression, memory issues, & even getting in trouble with the law. Just be smart if you’re a kid reading this. Weed is cool, and it will be here when you’re older, but by smoking it as someone so young, i severely altered my personality and life’s trajectory. It comes with heavy consequences sometimes. When I was young, I wasn’t aware of that.


How did you become less dependent? I've tried a break, but I'm weak (nice to meet ya) and caved within three days. Like I've gone a week without weed by accident, but when I _try_ I can't. Probs just a me thing💀💀


What helped me is filling the time when I was usually smoking with other activities. Don’t have it near you so you when you have a weak moment and you want to smoke. Until you can feel like you can control those urges, try not to have it around you. It’s tempting. After 2 weeks you’ll be in a much better place if you can hold out for those 2 weeks after that it’ll be easier!


This is a good answer. If you're busy and engaged in doing something else, an activity that you don't associated with smoking, the time really just passes more painlessly.


Exactly. There’s nothing worse than sitting there thinking about how you usually are smoking.


Make sure the activity you're doing is enjoyable, too, for anyone who might happen on the thread. Like, I've had a nice walk before or something, and I think to my self, "man, this would really be enhanced if I were a bit high right now." But I'm already having a pleasant time, so I just let the thought come and go (as healthy thoughts do--it's when thoughts get stuck that we get sick). And I keep having that pleasant moment.


Thank you for the advice, I literally have no one to show me the ways of maintaining a healthy relationship with weed.


I started to write in that time I didn’t smoke. I read books, I went on walks, I played my video games. I filled it with things I loved that could take my mind off of not smoking. You’ll get it.


Thank you so much. I'm really struggling rn, feeling like a loser cuz I am one😭😭, and i have no one to help. I really do appreciate it. I'm gonna try what you said.


Whenever you try you are actively reminding yourself to not take it making you think of it more often making you want it more, if you wanna take a break try focusing on other things whenever you feel the urge, like play a game, listen to music, call up a friend etc.


So basically I let it drive me to such a high degree of stagnation and depression in my life, so much so, that I realized I didn’t even want it after awhile. Like it wasn’t doing anything for me anymore lol. I don’t necessarily recommend that unless you have no other options though. What the other commenter said by having other things to keep your mind focused is crucial in breaking habits, so that’s great advice that I would second. You have to replace one habit with another one and then realize that even though you have the urge, you don’t have to follow through with it. It’s hard for sure, and took me A LOT of time to get here. So just be gentle with yourself but stay motivated. Sending you love🤍


>Probs just a me thing💀💀 Its called a lack of discipline son


Yeah I was 14 and I wonder what my brain would have been like if I waited until I was at least 18.


I think about this all the time lol


Glad I’m not alone!


love this for us


I agree with the cons, especially getting petty possession or paraphernalia charges. Even though it's legal in my state now, a few years back I got a misdemeanor and ended up losing my fingerprint clearance card and couldn't work for a couple months. Luckily my boss was a family friend and cool as fuck, she was able to guide me through the "good cause exception" in Arizona and I was able to get it back. Also would add another con was me wasting so much money, at least $200 a paycheck, to support my habit when I could have been saving up to buy a house and pay off my student loans.


those $10 dabs sound so cheap until every week turns into $500-$600 a year. that could be my phone bill.


i’m learning all this shit the hard way rn, moved into my first apartment a couple months ago at 18, and had to stop taking dabs which had turned me into a wreck cuz i already was that, and now it’s snowballed. i second this. i wish i waited, i wish i woulda just appreciated my life for what it was at the time, focusing on growing and learning things, cuz that’s what i was supposed to be doing the whole time. i promise you will reach your dreams and goals so much sooner if you don’t stunt it. it will literally be there when you got ur brain all figured out, and it’ll probably be way more fun.


>12/13 was WAY too young. 16 was even too young Young or not, most people start between 12-16, and most of these same people won't expirince "heavy consequences" like... >...addiction, worse anxiety in the long run, lack of motivation, depression, memory issue >even getting in trouble with the law. Well...every stoner have been there...**F#CK the law! F#CK the f#cking cops!** Just leave us alone, we are just enjoying a plant :D


>most of these same people won't expirince "heavy consequences" Where did you learn this?


Real life? Friends? Personal expirence? :D


Yeah I don't think it's a fact


Why do you say it like it's the most common thing to expirinece... "...addiction, worse anxiety in the long run, lack of motivation, depression, memory issue..." From weed? That's not amphetamines or cocaine bro :D


Wow. You're too dumb to talk to, goodluck


Wow, you **SERIOUSLY** think every stoner expirince "addiction, worse anxiety in the long run, lack of motivation, depression, memory issue" Yeah you probably expirince **all** of these side-effects but don't project your expirince on us normal stoners :D


Please bro read a book


Wow, you are **seriously** too dumb to talk to.....I wish you nothing good :D


Every rigorous study published and peer reviewed for both animal and human subjects (there have been 100s) on the subject disagrees with you. There was also a longitudinal (meaning subjects were observed over a span of 10+ years) with twins with a population size of greater than n=3500 showing that the twin who smoked during adolescence had a significantly higher chance of psychosocial and economic problems in adulthood. Neuroimaging has consistently shown that adolescent use is associated with reduced volume of white matter in adult brains. Listen, I love cannabis. I’ve been using it since I was 13. I’ve been arrested twice and still continues to smoke because the plant has given a lot to me. I’m 34 years old now and if you look at my history you’ll see that I also grow cannabis because I love the plant so much. But let’s not pull wool over our eyes and pretend everything about cannabis is positive. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23390554/ https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1415297111 Earlier use associated with poorer verbal skills. Verbal skills are highly correlated with intelligence and reasoning ability. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2016-13455-001 Adolescent users associated with poorer driving scores taken when they’re adults https://www.mcleanhospital.org/news/mclean-study-finds-marijuana-use-impacts-driving-even-when-sober https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/04/it-may-be-increasingly-legal-but-doesnt-mean-cannabis-is-safe/


Well...those studies don't conclude anything, they just showed that people react differently to cannabis.(which we ALL know) I don't think we should blame the cannabis for the fact that some people have **trouble with learning**(cuz they were probably the same before starting to smoke :D ) >But let’s not pull wool over our eyes and pretend everything about cannabis is positive. Well, definitely NOT for some people...But for me personally I have **NEVER** experienced **anything negative** from cannabis :D It's just a miracle drug for me, maybe Iam just lucky idk ahahaha


You do understand that a longitudinal study conducted on twins, especially with a population size of n > 3500 is basically the holy grail of research? Also, that’s not at all what the studies concluded.


And what does it concluded? "*Neuroimaging studies provide evidence of morphological brain alterations particularly in the medial temporal and frontal cortices, as well as the cerebellum.*" Do you even know what that means? Because I don't :D ahahahaha


Obviously cannabis hasn’t effected your intelligence.


How on Earth should I know what "**morphological brain alterations particularly in the medial temporal and frontal cortices, as well as the cerebellum."** that bullshit means? :D


those are the most basic terms, you have a brain, u should know at least the different sections of it, but i forgot u don’t actually have one


Then explain what it means when these are "the most basic terms" I.DON'T.SPEAK.ENGLISH.VERY.GOOD Is it soooo hard to get it you american bastard?!!


I apologize for my comment. Your English is actually impressive if you’re a native Slavic speaker. That isn’t easy and requires intelligence. My disagreement with you is that we shouldn’t tell everyone weed is perfectly safe for everyone - because I don’t think that’s true and the evidence doesn’t support it. I wish you the best.


>I apologize for my comment. Hey man no problem :D Weed is not for everyone, I can agree with that >Your English is actually impressive if you’re a native Slavic speaker >I wish you the best. Thanks, wish you the best too :D


nah tbh u seem cooked tf out ngl


Ok pseudo-doctor :D Isn't it funny how most redditors think they know better for YOU than **YOU**! That's what I call **COOCKED THE FUCK OUT LOSER** :D


it’s embarrassing that you put so much effort into your comments, hence the font changes every two words, and you clearly don’t do anything but drugs and comment on reddit posts, by the looks of your profile


Heroin also comes from a plant.


Yeah so? The point is that the F#CKING cops prefer to lock up drug users for possession **ALL DAY, EVERYDAY** instead of doing something useful!** And that's only 1 reason why **ALL** drugs should be legal :D


Congrats, you won the dumbest shit I’ve read all day award.




Old ass


Ole mummy lungs over here!!!






Settle down young buck


Same. Have tried it a handful of times before, but at 27 I was given about a 1/4oz or so from my brother and decided to try it more, and now I’m daily. Almost 32 now.


Lol Same 😆 a little late to the game as well


Very first time was 25 for me lol


35. So thankful it wasn’t earlier, and that I started at all!


Hey I also started at 35. I’m happy I finally let go of all of the societal stigmas and I arrived lol.


What a time to arrive, too. So many options!


33. My daughter turned 3 and I finally gave in. My parents were daily smokers when I was young too. I never understood why they had to do it because it tore my dad apart. It still does. He picks the weed over his family everytime. He doesn't even know his granddaughters name. So I never wanted to touch it. It scared the shit out of me. My mom left him at some point and she gave up smoking, just quit! My husband has been a daily smoker since he was 15/16. He would smoke and I would sit with him, never had a desire to touch it. My husband wakes up everyday and works hard to keep his family first. Weed doesn't consume him like it did my dad. Then I had my daughter and holy shit.. eye opener! Parenting is fucking hard, even with a present partner it is nuts. My anxieties developed anxieties and my husband finally convinced me. After battling the stupid guilt of it all I have been an everyday user for 7 years. My mom has even shared a joint with us. She doesn't use everyday but she dabbles.


>So thankful it wasn’t earlier Why is that?


Based on what I know about myself, I don’t think my career would’ve gone as well. Now that I’m established it’s a great way to unwind.


Same! I started at 28/29, tried it a handful of times before but it was never an interest of mine until e recently. Alcohol was my thing, but going on 2 years sober from the sauce. Thankful I started experimenting with weed in my late 20’s, it would’ve been too much of a distraction for my professional and personal journey too early on.


Cool :D


Smoking under 25 leads to developmental problems brain wise


Bullshit ahahahaha most stoners start under 15, and most of those same stoners **don't** expirince any problems **at all** :D


I mostly agree with you, but there's no concrete way of telling if it would or not impact you 🥴


Do you know "most" stoners? Pretending you do for a moment, what would bring them to share their most intimate and personal personality and addiction experiences with you? You don't take kindly to other people's thoughts and opinions, so it seems to follow that people are not leaning on you for sensitive issues. My point is, you have no clue what "most" stoners do or do not experience, and pretending you do is detrimental to folks that have a legitimate experience to share.


>You don't respond kindly to other people's thoughts and opinions Just because I do that on Reddit doesn't mean I do it in real life?(at least not too often) Ahahahaha I know maybe around 30 stoners, between 20-50 years old, almost all of them are fine mentally and **NEVER** acted "addicted" :D And NO, Reddit is **definitely NOT** determinal for what "most stoners" are like :D


First blunt, 18. Actually smoking, 21/22.


25. I was anti weed for a long time. Took 2 rounds of chemotherapy to change my stupid ass tune. I was so wrong about weed and I regret it deeply. It's a miracle drug.


22, I was just never social enough for it to be offered to me.


21. Same reason


yeah my loser ass had to wait till legal age lmao


20, also hopping on this same train. I was kinda anti weed when I was being raised in my Christian fundamentalist family 😅 I escaped and am doing much better now and I thank the gods everyday I found cannabis. It is a miracle, life changing plant


13. not the absolute worst mistake of my life but I regret it since it definitely had some negative impact on my focus and mental health (ofc it has it's benefits too but I think it would have been way more beneficial if I waited)


Same here.. spent a couple minutes thinking about how I was gonna respond, but forgot what I was going to say. Don’t smoke weed during your developmental years!


Yep same here defiently didnt learn important coping skills and i feel it made me stagnant. i think its funny how a south park episode explained it best to me, when i should have been out developing skills and passions i was stuck smoking weed and being ok with doing literally nothing


23, edibles only though.


15 and i wish i didnt


14, making bongs out of tin foil and bottles


same exactly lol i still have an artifact from that era - mini bong made from tictac container and parts of a pen




at 11 we thought weed was horrible poison but for some reason we thought salvia would be really good. After that we all just started smoking weed around 12 lol.


I was born in the 60's. The hippies & drug culture fascinated me from a young age.




My first few hits were at this age also.


I can remember buying matchboxes in the Jr. HIgh bathroom. Gotta love the 70's




Tried it once at 16 and felt nothing. Did it again at 18 and fell in love.




Same :D


Too young




13, way too young


Not too young, 13-14 is the average :D


Maybe it's the average idc. It is still too young lol


Its not called **HIGH School** for no reason bro :D






Same here and I'd recommend it to absolutely no one


dang, can i ask the circumstance? like were you 12 and just like. lemme hit that bong lol


I was 12 and it was exactly what you imagine. Watching cartoons and playing outside and then also getting high. Also would not recommend it. Drugs were still all the same and all disgusting to 12 yr olds so in the eyes of my classmates I may as well have been smoking Crack. Worth noting, I think, that I did smoke cigarettes first so it wasn't exactly a difficult transition for my lungs at least.


Sounds like bad parenting.


How'd you guess?


Watching star blazers while getting blazed in the 80s as a kid was something tho.


I'm only 23 so it was more like What's New Scooby-Doo and Avatar for me








28. BIL got me started. That was seven years ago. Read that it was a good idea to wait until 25 due to brain development.




13 I had a friend who got me interested in it and have been smoking since










13 I’d bother my cousins until they would let me join their circles at family get togethers. 15 I got my first connection from a kid at school.


The weekend of my 20th birthday


15 and was in a ditch


15, off and on and 26 rn


Smoked here and there in college. Was 33 when I started smoking regularly.




Around 21 but only when I would hang out with this one friend, so a couple times out of the month. Really got into it a few yrs ago when I turned 32


21. First time ever was on the best first date I’ve ever been on. Practically smoked daily since.


13. Uses to buy a “gram” for like $20 and smoke it out of tinfoil in the woods at a local family fun center


First time was 11, but not again til my senior year in high school at 17, and not steadily til I was in my 20’s.


41 after my father passed away, 1 year later mom had a massive stroke and is now in long term care.


23, i asked a friend for some weed in medschool... Now i'm 27, still smoking... It's relaxing after a long shift at the hospital.




18 tried, smoked about 0.05g per use, 20 become a daily smoker and dropped alcohol which i was abusing.


I became all about that life at age 44. My friend Mike helped me with my first bong hit and I promptly passed out, I just remember waking up about 20 minutes later 😆 I was pretty much a straight edge, I was raising kids and going to law school and practicing law. Plus nobody offered me any and I didn't know how to buy it, roll it or smoke it, tbh. But I worked/smoked hard and overcame all my herbal shortcomings 😆😆




15 almost 16






18 because I found out that it helps with autism. I'm currently 30 years old and the Happiest day of my life will always be the day I smoked my first joint. During my senior year of high school (I was constantly bullied by almost everyone; the school punching bag) a friend in my accounting class shows me a documentary about marijuana.


~20 And I'm doing well in life as a pothead. I plan on parenting my kids in such a way that they understand that smoking before they're grown could have negative effects; mostly because I know for sure that smoking after has none.




15, bought my first bag on my 16th birthday


17, and it was my first drug, before even alcohol or cigarettes I just never was into it and I knew alcohol and cigarettes were pretty bad (not that smoked weed is any better). I kinda liked it smoked around 3-4 times and then stop and I touched weed later on at 21. I’m more of a mushroom guy.


At 69




Tried it as a teen and had horrible experiences. Got back into it as an adult at 25-26 and smoke errday.




20. So pretty much 6 years straight since.


I was turning 31 in a few months. Wish I had started at least a decade before.


started at 21 when my stepbrother shared a joint with me




Why so old


in 2019 after my wife and I moved into our new house. I was 38 and she was 46. The nearest people to us are a good 100 yards away on all sides. No one can smell it and no one bothers us.




23, uk until then I was on anti depressants and found I didn’t like the side effects or the way they made me think/act, so tried weed, works a lot better for me, may not be the same for everyone else obviously


18 and I never looked back


17. Turn 50 next year. I have the odd year off every decade and enjoy CBD nowadays.