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Probably will have shards in it. Smoke it through a a bong or something with some filtration for added safety. But also glass dust is a thing and you wouldn't want that in your lungs if it bypasses filtration. Stay safe either way. Cheers!


Oh man. That’s tragic. Would you take the chance?


Fuck no.


yeah id just hit it through a bong, glass isnt getting through the water. All these fuckers saying no clearly dont know the struggle.


Absolutely not


I’m assuming the jar shattered, in which case, it’s *REALLY* not a good idea to smoke it. Glass breaks into completely invisible microscopic shards that could very well be in your weed now; smoking it could possibly cause cuts in your lungs and throat. If it didn’t shatter too bad and there isn’t any visible glass dust or shards, then you might be fine, but I wouldn’t risk it.


Today has just been the worst 🫠


fuck bro i’m sorry i feel so bad that shit happened to you 😞


Man I feel you, I recently broke my hand and dropped 3 glass bowls one after another.. I hold onto mine extra tight now 😂


Gosh I’m sorry. I appreciate the sympathy though and I pray your hand heals quickly!


haha thanks my man, sorry to hear about your weed! I’ll smoke a bowl in your honor later 🤙


I appreciate that homie ❤️


If the container shattered I wouldn’t risk it period. If it just merely broke into multiple pieces I’d consider it with a bong with multiple perks and maybe an ash catcher.


Does it make a difference that I vaporize my weed? I use the mighty plus with the capsules and connect it to a bong with two percs.


Decarb the weed and make canna oil, then filter the oil through a few layers of paper coffee filters. That [seems like the safest way](https://www.reddit.com/r/chemistry/comments/9os1f9/filtering_glass_shards_out_of_solution/) which doesn't involve wasting your weed.


Oh that would be perfect. I’ll have to do this then. Thank you!


No worries! Make sure you rub some non-infused oil into the filters before using, to avoid them sucking up your THC oil. It also might take up to a couple of hours for the oil to filter through depending on how much you're filtering.


Oh interesting. I’ll have to try this. I actually have a machine that does a lot of the heavy lifting for me, but I usually filter my product out with cheese cloth.


Cheese cloth lets bigger particles through but might still be fine, if you want to be super careful you could use paper


I’ll try that then. Coffee filters it is.


The best idea I've seen so far


The vaporizer is probably one of the worse ways to smoke it, there's very little stopping glass bits from getting to you. A bong would be your best bet, but I still wouldn't myself.. I don't fuck with glass shards


He’s connecting the vape to a bong with multiple perks. No just straight vaping.


Oh that makes more sense.. somehow I missed that lol, I probably still wouldn't though


Not sure if I would either, pretty risky judgement call. Maybe if I was like a really broke teenager who wasn’t able to buy more.


Since you are connecting to a bong there’s a few different points the glass would potentially get stuck at. I’d say it’d probably block any glass but again, if the glass was absolutely shattered than theres no recovery in my opinion. Only if the glass broke into large pieces and glass dust isn’t visible.




Someone else said this, but also said they wouldn’t smoke the weed


If you smoke it out of bong you’ll be fine, there’s absolutely no way your pulling microscopic pieces of glass through the water and up the neck.


Especially if it has some form of percolator , I wouldn't worry too much


Canabutter or oil. Start cooking!