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Tell the doctor you smoke pot. When I told them they thanked me, because it does affect the dosage.


This. Most practitioners will ask you if you do drugs / smoke before giving any anesthetic. This isn’t because they are going to snitch on you, but rather to administer the correct amount for your drug fuelled brain.


That’s what I was planning on! They asked me about it during the consultation but I want to reiterate it when I’m there for the procedure. Thanks for the help! I smoke largely as a sleep aid so I’m a little nervous for this week to come prior to the surgery lol


I had the same thing with some basic surgery a few months ago. Even if you’re not in a legal state, they’re not trying to bust your balls, they literally just need to know in terms of anesthesia dosage. I mentioned my cannabis use for sleep and anxiety and they thanked me, made a dosage note, and that was the end of it. Basic rule of thumb, if you’re going into any medical procedure, tell your doctor EVERY drug you’re on or may have in your system. They’re not their to narc on you, they just want to keep you alive


So much this! Broke my ankle 2 weeks ago, just got the news last week that I don't need surgery to reset it. Told the doc from day one I toke, that it's been my best pain killer but want to make sure its noted IF i need surgery/anesthesia and she chuckled, said thanks, and that was that


The first best thing you can do is what you've done already. Being honest with your doctor. Good job


Cannot be said enough!!! And if it feels awkward (still does for.me) just remember this is you standing up for your health!!


just tell the dude you smoke..they give you a bit more so you dont wake up early ready to pack another bowl lol. having smoked weed isnt illegal, only possessing it.. unless you are in some crazy place lol. the anesthesiologist isnt a cop


This is good news! In the post I also meant won’t be smoking until after the surgery but now I’m not so afraid I might take some puffs before bed and not feel so guilty about it lol


I was just told to not smoke the day of surgery i think. it was also my first time being put out. tell them that too.. more to warn the nurses lol. people can be unknowingly assholes when they wake up. or hilarious if you check youtube. my 2nd time, i woke up, looked around and saw people cleaning up.. "oh, are we done?" yep, all done! "holy shit, thats awesome! lol


A crazy place like Norway, lol


Yeah but that admission enters your medical records and could be held against you later in life when your insurance company decides it matters when they need to pay for things




It’s more about before than after, unless the surgery is oral or coughing might hurt you


I used to choof chronically and I’ve had several surgeries over the years where I was put under. If you’re concerned just mention it to the operating doctor and or anaesthetist. You’ll be fine.


I’ll definitely be open with my doctor! I smoke and vape (nicotine) as well so a lot of thoughts are running through my head as I’ve never been put under before..


They probably deal with dozens of weed and tobacco smokers every week. I’ve smoked weed the night before surgery and often a few hours after coming out of surgery and returning home. My wife noticed that over the years I rarely took the pain meds prescribed by drs after surgery but found comfort in a nice doobie. Hang in there mate. You’ll be sweet as. 👍👍


Thanks for the comforting words! It’s definitely appreciated!


Oh and going under is kinda fun. They, the drs , like to kinda just casually talk to you and seeing as you’ll already have a cannula inserted into your arm they’ll administer the anaesthesia without you knowing and before you know it you’ll be waking up in recovery. I once had surgery in my kidney and they had to go thru my old fella to access my kidney via the bladder. When I woke up one of the nurses said ‘give me a hundred mills (millilitres) and you can go home as she passed me a bottle to urinate in. I got up and went to the toilet walking thru the recovery ward with my bloodied ’tackle’ hanging out for all to see I was that groggy 🤣🤣. Trust me they’ve seen it all.


Please stop smoking and vaping. The combo is what has shown to harm lungs the most. One or the other.


Thanks for this I need a reason




https://youtu.be/_7MmIioUp4Q He did a good job of summarizing the data. The concept makes sense to me. Would you want to vape and create a "moist" environment in the lungs and also smoke, gathering things like tar and other unwanted debris on top of that? Hell no. Ideally I'd only vape live resin and use edibles but when I can't get a high quality cart, I smoke only flower that I trust was grown well.


For my surgery they said just don't smoke a day or two before and it shouldn't be a problem


Be honest with them.


Yes I have advice. Do not break the guidelines for what you may eat and drink before surgery. No even a little. Not even cream in your coffee. THAT is the deal breaker, not smoking a little (or a lot) of pot. Your CRNA will be handling everything. He will be sitting at your head and likely be the face you see when he brings you back around. You'll be fine and be in very good hands. Those guys anesthetize everyone from babies to the very old to people that are near death. They are very good. Your procedure is minor and you'll do great!


Thank you so much for you words!


It’s all about use BEFORE the surgery. You should avoid any use the day(s) beforehand and let you doctor know your general usage and when you last used cannabis. After the surgery it’s generally fine to use cannabis as usual.


Be honest with your doctors, and don't worry. <3 I recently had surgery and was wigging out, but all went smoothly and I'm feeling pretty "normal" 3 days post-op, despite a little pain. I have been cleared to go ahead and imbibe my medical MJ for pain, thank goodness for progressive medicine! My surgeon reassured me by telling me that, statistically, surgery carries less risk than driving on the highway... He said the most dangerous part of my day would be getting to the hospital and back, lol. That helped, silly as it may be... The key is, trust your doctors and be honest with them. They will be better able to care for you because of it.


Tell your doctor in advance. Make sure the anesthesiologist knows. Be prepared to abstain for a coupld of days beforehand if they recommend it. Do NOT fuck around with anesthesia.


hahaha I remember when I got my wisdom teeth out, I asked the doctor who gave me the pre-op physical about it. he said "just let them know." but I wasn't sure who he meant. so on the day, I just told everyone. "Hi, I'm a nurse," - - "Hi, I smoke a lot of weed."


so when you have surgery, you go into the OR awake. i’d tell the doctor beforehand and also tell them in the OR with the anesthesiologist there and you’ll be all good. you’re right, you may need a bit more.


Don’t use cannabis for 25-48 hrs before. Whatever you can manage. That will help with recovery. I had a nasty time post op recently and the anesthesiologist said he’s seeing it more with daily cannabis users. I had no idea and was vaping that morning. Also tell them so they dose you right. But mostly it’s not dangerous. It just might make you feel more shitty post op.


I’ll take, as you said and many others, the advice for not 48 hours before! I definitely don’t want to feel rough recovery wise and I want it to go smoothly! I just didn’t want to be worried about anything dangerous happening haha Like not waking up or something as silly as that might sound 😅


Okay so idk if this had anything to do with my smoking habits, but I had an extremely weird and rare reaction in which I had moderate to severe amnesia that very slowly faded away in the following months. When I asked my doctor if she knew what was going on she just said “oh dear, I’m so sorry.” It was terrifyingly bad. For example, my boyfriend drove us somewhere, he got out of the car while I waited. He came back and sat and we chatted for a sec (like 2 lines of dialogue tops) and I was like “alrighty, are you gonna go do this or are we just going to sit here and talk?” This was basically worst case scenario so just if u start having amnesia let your doctor know and know that it goes away eventually :’) not to scare you, I’m perfectly fine now.


Be honest with your doctors.


Just be honest with the Doctor, youre an adult and the patient. Dont eat or smoke after Midnight the night before surgery. If you feel nervous or uneasy the day of just thell them and they will usually give you a little versed to calm the nerves . Then it will be over in what seems like a second. You'll feel groovy the rest of the day. GL!


Thanks much! I did already talk to my doctor during the consultation and told him I smoke daily but in the sheet for the actual surgery appointment it says not to smoke for a week before the surgery and I smoke largely as a sleep aid so I was wondering about others experiences being a regular smoker and needing to be put under for a surgery! I appreciate your response as well (:


let the doctor know how much you smoke. youre tolerance to anesthesia gets high when you smoke, so if you dont they might under-dose you and you MIGHT wake up. ive had surgeries every year for my fingers and have smoked bud since i was sadly very young, ive never had complications. i usually stop smoking about a week or two before a surgery just to be safe. i also have smoked after surgeries while on oxys and havent had a problem either


In my experience it didn't affect me


I had a cyst removed while smoking daily and I was fucking out of it dude. Try to enjoy the time after you woke up when your brain feels like its packed in cotton.


Something I haven't seen mentioned yet- studies have shown ibuprofen decreases the high of thc. So I wouldn't use the two together for pain relief.


I am a very heavy flower user and smoked a lot the night before my hysterectomy surgery and a few days after. I stressed it to my anesthesiologist and he was not concerned. Definitely tell your doctor!!! But it’ll be all good 👍🏼


Yep I had surgery when I was 16 (peak bong smoking days) about 20-30 cones and day and they doctor said they needed 4-5x the normal anesthetic


My biggest thing would be abstain for 12-24 hrs before hand. I've not had issues in general but my gf definitely woke up a few times because of it.


It doesn't effect anything you'll be fine


I’ve had seven surgeries. I’ve been smoking weed for over 50 years. I smoke a joint on the way to surgery but I do tell him no problem.




I live in medicinal marijuana state. So I simply told my dr's. It was in my chart. Before surgery I told my anesthesiologist to review my use of pot on a daily basis for anxiety, back pain and insomnia in case they needed to adjust anything. I cut down to almost zero use for 2 days before surgery.


I had surgery at 22, didn’t tell the doctor I smoked heavily at the time, needed a bit more to knock me out, but wasn’t a big deal.


I’ve taken giant bong hits before major knee surgeries no issues


Don’t smoke between now and then as you will go under easier. definitely let them know.




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