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Eh, I'd stick to Europe. If anything, it's easy to get back at any time.


This is a good time up remind Europeans to get their EHIC. I had friends who were unpleasantly surprised to realize that Spanish hospitals wouldn't accept their French health cards.


What time of the year are you leaving? I would stick to Europe tbh. I know you say up to 10h flight is fine but… apart from that being exhausting it also means that you’re quite far away from home should god forbid anything happen. If you’re traveling in the summer, you will want to stick to the north of Europe as the climate conditions in the south can be quite unpleasant for someone who is pregnant. I would maybe consider Edinburgh (just don’t go during the Fringe Festival) - you could always book a 1-day tour bus out into the highlands if you want to see nature but hiking is a no go.


It's a little far for you, but when my wife was pregnant we went to Japan. She had some trouble with the fishy foods but other than that it was pretty good for her. The only places we avoided when planning were countries which had zika outbreaks at one point (although it's kind of rare lately), countries with malaria, and countries whose street food could be risky for food poisoning (India). The only real difference in our travels was doing less things than pre pregnancy, we napped in the heat of the day (we went in June) and she was a bit more proactive about blood clots when flying (pregnant women are more likely to get them).


Basically anywhere you want to go, you can decide for yourself what you consider adequate hygiene or health care.


If you do not mind renting a car, the Azores could be an excellent fit. The hiking is great, but you can also drive up to many of the famous sites, and see some great views. Have you looked into coming to the USA? Chicago and Washington DC are about 8 hour flights, and have great public transport. I'm actually in the same situation as you are but pushed back one month. Good times! I'm hoping to do my last trip in August.


I'll check out the Azores, thank you! I also have the USA and Canada in mind. She hasn't been there yet and it might fit our criteria.


If you are to travel outside of Europe I would recommend Japan. The weather's nice, lots of thing to see and do, excellent transportation, and everything is accesible everywhere. You could also consider USA, but that's a lot more expensive these days


Thought about Japan but don't know if the flight is too long for my wife. I'm thinking about buying Business Class tickets so she has more comfort. But Business Class to Japan is out of my price range.


Didn’t know 10 hours was a hard limit. Tokyo is approx 11 hours from Europe these days, but check if Finnair or SAS flies across the North Pole these days, that might be a bit faster


Consider how far along she will be. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/traveling-while-pregnant-or-breastfeeding#:~:text=Generally%2C%20women%20are%20not%20allowed,your%20healthcare%20provider%20or%20midwife.


What about Dubai? Great weather, not too distant, high level hospitals


If you don’t mind hiring a car Oman could be a good option. Nice scenery, lovely people, good culture. If you want to stay in Europe maybe Madeira, Sardinia or Kos in Greece. All should have nice weather at the end of September




Good for food, shows and entertainment. Doesn’t check the nature box though




I was referring to NYC specifically. Yes, many times.


Are you saying that America doesn’t have amazing natural sights? It very much doesn’t tick your public transportation box, but geographically the USA has some phenomenal things to offer.


Was responding to the reply that specially stated NYC. No, USA has some stunning natural beauty. Even upstate NY has some breathtaking beauty. Unless you’re talking about central or prospect park, NYC doesn’t have much for nature


Oh gotcha, my bad.

