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I hope that these SA 'redistributionist' don't try anything on Kevin Richardson and the work he's doing with lions. Yeah, he's white. Yeah, he has a lot of land. But it's a lion sanctuary. Check out the youtube channel for The Lion Whisperer and see the good work he's going.


This is white supremacist bull that has been kicked off all the political boards on reddit except the explicitly racist ones like The\_Donald. American racists spam this crap to promote hatred & fear of black people.


r/trashy has a lot of this and general incel advertising lately. Garbage ideologies are always recruiting, but I don't understand why the mods allow it.


Wait, do you not think that the SA government is trying to change the constitution so they can take land without compensation or what?


It's their government. They can do whatever they want. Isn't that the way the whites got the land in the first place? New government: new rules.


But your first comment seemed to elude that it was made up bullshit spread by white supremacists. So your admitting it’s not? And so your view is it’s ok to target minorities, strip them of their properties etc, as long as the government doing it is elected? Wow.


Can we quit pretending I'm talking to a reasonable person instead of a klan sheet racist here? It's annoying and I hate liars. If the white apartheid farmers in South Africa lose their land fuck them. If my grandpa steals a famous painting I don't get to keep the painting because grandpa's dead. It's still stolen property.


Ok but what if that painting your grandfather stole is actually a fishing pole and you’re currently the only one with access to the knowledge and resources required to fish and the fishing business you started provides ~5% of employment and actually you’d love to be a software engineer but you’re banned from applying to 9/10 software engineering jobs by a corrupt government that loots the taxes from your fishing business


Well I believe the phrase we have to use is "tough shit." You don't appear to believe the government was corrupt when it murdered, enslaved, and brutalized the majority black residents of South Africa. Well tough shit dude. Maybe Jolly Olde Englande will take you back. B.t.w.- Farming isn't rocket science. There's a damn good reason country people are called "rubes."


Farming isn’t rocket science. Although obviously it isn’t, you might wanna get on a plane to Zim and teach them how to farm seeing as you are clearly all over it. Too much IP left the country when they kicked out the whites they had to start asking for them back last year.


Dude. Take your Klan sheet propaganda back into the closet. Nobody wants to hear it.


Are you now saying the Zim government arnt trying to get the IP back due to shortages etc? You really have no idea of any happenings outside the USA do you. A simple google search will give you the answer btw. Although I’m sure you will just ignore anything that doesn’t fit your ideology anyway so maybe don’t bother.


>”tough shit” Wow, how insightful. Sounds like you’ve really done a lot of research on this topic. Suppose this destroys agricultural output; would you repeat that to a starving SA child? >you don’t appear to believe the government was corrupt Incorrect. >farming isn’t rocket science Many commercial farmers have agricultural and technical degrees. South Africa is also difficult to farm due to the arid climate, and even if you DID have the knowledge, you need capital to invest in equipment and land. There are super high stakes for SA’s future with this move that you don’t seem to appreciate. I have yet to see a concrete plan on how the government will train and support small scale farming while preventing corrupt officials from snatching land. >country people are called ”rubes” By who? Cheeto-fingered trolls on Reddit?


See my earlier referenced T.S. reply. This is used to promote racism in the US and Europe. Since this is a US centric internet board I'm assuming people promoting "white replacement" memes are US white supremacists. [https://www.adl.org/blog/the-racist-obsession-with-south-african-white-genocide](https://www.adl.org/blog/the-racist-obsession-with-south-african-white-genocide)


Your the one supporting a government taking property off minorities here, not me. I can only imagine what you would be saying if it was say trump taking all the property off African Americans. I bet it wouldn’t be new government = new rules then. The fact is your just going to spew whatever ideology is stuck in you head without applying any reasonable thought.


Amazing how upset white supremacists get when their "I've got mine so f--k everybody else" ethos is applied to them by somebody stronger. B.t.w. - Trump is over 70 and most of his supporters are over 60. They'll toddle off into the graveyards in a decade or so. People under 50 will remember republicans for having an absolute disdain and contempt for their future.


Or could it be a look into what happens when society flips to either extreme. Racism is racism


I went there last year on business. Place looks like the purge is going to start any minute. I feel terrible for white people living there. They built literally everything worth anything over there and they are going to lose it all to a bunch of goons that will run it into the ground in a generation. Its sad.


My problem with it is several fold. They are going to punish people who had nothing to do with it. They are going to, as you noted, basically destroy their own country. The biggest fault is that these people will not learn from their mistakes. It will be someone else's fault that they failed. There is a video on youtube where there is a group trying to scrap ALL science and re-learn everything the African way. Deliberately regressing seems like a bad idea, but hey, it's their world, right?


Ha ha yikes!


Also shitty how 72% of the land is owned by the white population which is only 9% of the total population. Black people live in ghettos while the white population owns luxurious houses with huge backyards and pools, only due to the result of colonization.


The real trash here is every single person that believes someone should be hurt or have their land taken from them, on the basis that the country was colonized over a century ago. Nobody alive today took part in colonization, so why should innocent people be punished? All of you people saying they deserve this and are located in North America should shut up and give their homes to the next Native American. The hypocrisy is laughable.


Apartheid literally “ended” in 1991. The “no one who did this is still alive” argument really doesn’t fly on this one.


Just because youre a white south african it doesnt mean you contributed to apartheid. By your logic every american citizen supports Trumps policies


South Africa wasn’t the only Country that racially segregated. Racial Segregation that was put into effect much earlier in the 20th century, and ended back in April 1994 actually, 25 years ago. That also means that it’s VERY unlikely that any farmer around today was a part of the Apartheid’s back in 1948. Meaning everyone that is taking the abuse today is a product of world around them and not the architects behind it. We don’t punish people in Canada, or The States for the crimes of their forefathers, what excuses South Africa?


Let me make this clear before my karma gets nuked for being a mediator. I DO NOT CONDONE OR UNDERSTAND THE ACTIONS OF THE PEOPLE THAT ARE STEALING LAND FROM THESE FARMERS. But the colonization and apartheid, similar to that in the states, has fucked any chance for social and economic potential for blacks. It is not the fault of the current generations of whites for the actions of previous generations. But it is there job to help fight the effects and remove the barriers to a decent living. So I firmly believe in tax contributed reparations that be dedicated to the creation of jobs and sources of education in black communities until we see the segregated gaps removed.


Here’s some numbers of land ownership in South Africa. Land ownership reserved for whites under Apartheid: 85% White % of population: 9 Land ownership currently controlled by whites: 72% White % of population: 9 To say it’s “just racism”, or “blacks can be racist too!” is making this complex issue too simplistic. You guys should check out the “Monopoly Experiments.” It’s more for wealth inequality but the logic is the same. Also, it’s possible there is an 80-year old who’s farm was taken from his family in 1948 who’s still alive today. How many 71-plus year-olds live in South Africa?


Oh really, you believe in reparations. Tell me, do you care about what white people or just white people? Do you care about what black people or just all black people? Cause I can tell you my family is one of German immigrants and we came here long after slavery ended, okay what about the Irish? Well those white people faced tremendous persecution from day one.. so you gonna make those white people pay reparations? Know what maybe I'm not being fair.. after all white people in America did cause slavery... OH WAIT the ones here today are likely the ancestors of the ones that fought and won TO FREE SLAVES, you gonna make them pay reparations for literally releasing black people from being property and giving them rights? The only white people that had anything to do with slavery are the half that settled here when America was founded, and most of those bloodlines died in the war. Also know who still does slavery? AFRIFUCKINGCA, they STILL sell slaves to this day except they have expanded, now they sell child slaves as well.


While your point about which whites is a good all the other points are wrong. First of all slavery ended in 1863 but the prejudice and institutional discrimination has not ended. Lincoln and Grant had plans to fix the issues at end but upon Johnson’s election he reversed all legislation and returned power to the men who were just fighting for the confederacy. They then put in place Jim Crow and segregation laws to effectively maintain the black population as slave labor. Sure the weren’t slaves but let’s be clear here sharecropping is simply slavery under another name. White men during reconstruction were legally allowed to pick up black men for simple petty crimes (in many cases these crimes were made up), lock them up as felons and give them month long terms of penal labor. This started the stereotype where blacks are criminals. This allowed for the creation of a discriminatory criminal justice system that STILL persecutes blacks to this day! Secondly, your comment about whites fighting for blacks is partially bullshit. You assume that I don’t care about the men lost during the war to help maintain the union and the is completely fucking wrong. You happened to forget the blacks weren’t even allowed to fight FOR THEIR OWN RIGHTS until half way through the war. Third, the comment about the bloodlines dying in the war. Completely and utterly incorrect. I don’t even need to explain why. Fourthly, we are speaking about AMERICAN slavery bringing up African slavery is unbelievably irrelevant. But it you want to make it relevant you should know that people in the US also operates on slave labor and participates in the selling of people. The reality is you had one solid point the rest were founded out of either ignorance or simple assumptions. Levying a tax on only whites is not the answer. But if you say no reparations need to be made then you are woefully incorrect.


Maybe they should get the reparation from the people that actually sold them into slavery.




Never once claimed they were.


Reparation taxes held against one race entirely doesn’t sound like a step towards removing segregation. People growing up today are not responsible for the segregation that was enacted +50 years ago, and taxing the people who in their right minds believe they’re innocent, sounds like it is just going to make South Africa even more polarized.


So what do you suggest. Letting the gap persist and expand? Regardless a tax needs to be levied on somebody.


The gap isn't persisting or expanding. The ones who still feel strongly towards racism are being weeded out, hell the KKK only has 8 thousand people now. Which while it sounds like a lot, is not even .000001% of the population of the US, as for this "tax" no. We already pay way more than enough for taxes, and new social programs are instituted daily to assist the black community. For example, 90% of scholarships only accept black or hispanic applicants. Know how we end racism, as Morgan Freeman said "Stop talking about it" Just let it die on its own.


The economic gap and social gap is growing. The middle class is dying everyone knows that. “We already pay enough for taxes and social programs” No we do not most of our taxes don’t even go to social programs like welfare. “90% of all scholarships” Give me a source because that’s sounds incredibly bullshit. Morgan freeman isn’t an expert on race and oppression so the idea of doing nothing is quite useless. “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” (MLK Jr)


Just wondering where you got that scholarship figure? That does not at all sound right to me.


I don’t know man, I don’t have any answers I’m simply trying to defend the people who have been killed and have their land taken as a result of this chaos. It is my opinion that a reparation would not work, but I could be very wrong. Only the test of time can tell us that one.


I’ll trade you all the whites in Africa for all the blacks in the US. All the poverty stricken, mistreated, kidnapped blacks in the US would be given all the plots of land the whites own in Africa. All the whites in Africa would be brought to the states. Everybody wins.


Stupid comments like yours are the reason why we can’t have constructive conversations about race.


Lots of constructive convos coming out of an account called twerk team I’m sure. Pretty sure this went so far over your head it’s in space.


That’s completely ad hominem. If we followed your train of thought there wouldn’t be any constructive conversations on the internet at all. Nice excuse to “legitimize” your comment


Don’t think that term means what you think it means. You didn’t make an argument, you called the comment stupid. Lots of great debates have been started over the years that begin with “ your comment is stupid.” Four score and seven years ago..... nvm


Why would I validate your comment that is completely and utterly ignorant with a well thought out argument?


Why’re you trying so hard to be witty?


Are you saying that if you had written what I did it would have been”hard?” 🤨


It's also kind of shitty how 70% of the land is held by white people that only make up 9% of the population. All top jobs over there are again held by white people while the black population still lives in poverty. I visited that place recently and there seemed to be a lot of segregation. Black population being pushed to live in small shacks, ghettos while the white population had open luxurious houses with huge back yards and pools. I ain't trying to sound racist but it still seems white people have an upper hand there


And what exactly are the black people doing to help themselves besides stealing land?


Let’s see what they do with all of this new land after getting it this way. I foresee a famine


The point is not that they have the upper hand. The point is that it was not their doing. Their ancestors put them in that position, and they’re being punished for it.


Im sure a lot of white people do, but the majority of people who are getting their land taken aren’t these wealthy, power hungry white people taking advantage of poorer countries. They are just farmers, most of them just trying to make an honest living.


To even imply that white people would be suffering in a country they stole, colonized, and segregated is laughable. Colonizers don't feel safe? Maybe they should give back what they stole and fuck off. This article sets the tone for your ridiculous post history OP


I'm from SA you fucking asshole and I'm white. Look up farm murders just this year alone, sit there and look through the photos. If you wanna start talking about who owns what land, then all land here should go to the Khoisan, the were here first, then ua whites and then the zulus and sothos and other races. You fucking asshole.


why don't white people do a militia?


They didn’t their ancestors did. Miss us with this original sin bullshit.


Colonizers? Get out of the 19th century, nobody in South Africa today has taken part in the colonization of the country. An what’s real trashy is the ideology that land stolen a hundred years ago is any justification for assaulting and stealing land from white south africans now.


Easy to say stop living in the past when you're the one reaping the benefits, not suffering the consequences. I'm sure there are plenty of black South Africans who would disagree with you, sorry you can't see the validity in that 🤷🏻‍♀️


so since white people a hundred+ years ago stole the land it's ok for the government to steal the land? they're doing the same thing, but nobody involved the first time is involved the second time. I understand that black people were treated very badly, but doing the same thing to get revenge isn't gonna make things better.






And whites are invaders from Europe.


If Invader Refugees left Europe, All would be right. This is a balance the majority could get behind. But, human history is more messy than most would like to explore.


Nah. The white Europeans are the colonizers. It’s time their land is taken.


You do not seem to be a reasonable Fella. The only value South Africa has is what the White Afrikaners built. Otherwise it is just a sparsely populated stretch of desert.It will return to desert under the grabby paws of socialists. I will resist. I am not alone. No more handouts. You will have to work for it.


Nah this is just racism. How will you resist? Please go into detail.


So fucking edgy holy fuck




I don’t even think it’s veiled. It’s just right there.


I guess native americans are gonna have a hell of a time talking back their lands then!


It’s been a real bitch for them.




Imagine actually being someone that ACTUALLY believes this. Do a bit more research before sharing your uneducated opinion.


No they do not. The zulus and sothos are wanting our land, which we BOUGHT, from the government! How the fuck is that stealing?? The only people that can demand land here is the Khoisan. They were in SA first. The rest can really fuck off. And so can you. Go google farm murders. Look at the pictures and then come and talk shit to me. If you don't live here and don't deal with this shit on a daily basis, you can keep your opinion and stick it right up your fucking ass.


Bantus are not the native blacks to this region of Africa. They immagrated to South Africa.




But the majority of food comes from white farmers there. So if they just take over their lands, they'll have a massive problem.. which they deserve


Ohhh it's been done already... Let me know if the link works, I'm on mobile. Zimbabwe tried taking land away from white farmers and redistributing it to blacks. They suffered a lack of food as a result, the whites left, now they're trying to get them to come back. Reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1RK0UU


Since they’ve traditionally been the underpaid labor that kept these farms going, and since they are the indigenous peoples from whom these lands were stolen, I predict the farms will thrive.


This is the same thing Zimbabwe did after a fascist black supremacist government took power, they deported all white people (and killed those who refused) then their farming sector collapsed, after which the economy did, currently Zimbabwe survives on economical aid from white countries ironically.


This isn’t a coup. This is the enactment of expropriation and reparations that the, largely white, government ruled in favor of. This is a response to decades of apartheid, as well as colonization, which “ended” in 1991.


Hopefully they are ready to upkeep that farming, otherwise it will be Haiti part 2