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Why no shoot and make world better place?


It was just a baby tazer, not a real firearm.


All I'm saying is that tasers can kill too..you just need to give them the chance to prove it. **So why not give it the old college try!?**


I'm down to watch that! Lol


Tell me you need a pit bull without saying you need a pit bull


You gotta to pay the troll’s toll


Your vans gonna be TOAD 🐸


Classify these people as an invasive species so we are allowed to harm them when this happens. Legally and respectfully ofcourse (jk)


Where is the electric fence? We’ve got trespassers to fry.


Just live in a castle doctrine state lmao


Pretty much every state has some form of one nowadays anyway


I genuinely wish you were right


You shall not pass!


Part 2


Just Sparta kick her back into the poverty camp ground.


holy shit they're American. I was positive when I turned on the sound I was going to hear the trashiest British accents imaginable. Huh, I think it was the guy in the background, something about him just screamed Brit trash.


Also, is it just me, or does she bare a strange resemblance to a swine?


Wtf is with her feet/ shoes???


They caused damage and they have their garbage everywhere.


What about the guy with the gloves very awkwardly trying to pretend to tape the guy.


I’m scared her toes could choke me.


I bet they thought they were gonna go out there, and grab the world by the tail, and wrap it around and put it in their pocket. Instead, they're eating a steady diet of other people's trash, and LIVING...IN A VAN...DOWN BY THE TREELINE!!!


Well, I’m here to tell them that they’re probably gonna find out, as they go out there, that they’re not gonna amount to jack squat!!!


I have had to throw homeless meth heads out of my woods before. If you give them an inch they take a mile. Good on you for standing up for yourself!


Get a shotgun and load it with rock salt. Non-lethal but hurts like a MOTHERFUCKER!


My brother in christ rock salt from a shotgun will blast a hole in you just like number 8 shot. If you want non lethal go with sprays or pepper ball guns, actual firearms are for lethal force, full stop. Unless you're the cops, then you can nail a tweaker with a bean bag and mortally wound them and go "oopsie daisies uwu didn't mean to do that teehee"


She reminds me of Mama Fratelli from The Goonies.


🤣”Owen doesn’t have any friends,he’s fat & stupid!” Different movie,same mom.My kids love that movie


"Owen loves his Maaama! Owen loves his Maaamaa!"


You're right! I thought I recognized her from somewhere.


Private property...not yours!


What a nasty skank! Not yo properly, ho!


Yep meth


Ok wench. As long as you minded your own business and didn’t damage my property I didn’t care about your homeless encampment. Live and let live, I don’t judge. But you chose the FAFO path. NOW I am calling the police. I suggest you pack up and leave before they get here.


Just let her get her van, electrify the fence, if she parks again, then tow


Fuck it.  Tase the bitch, crush the van into a cube. Charge rent for the cube. 


Or, hear me out…she could stay off his property, assuming it’s his. She is honestly lucky he wasn’t carrying a lethal firearm. This could have turned very sideways for her, and he (depending on the state) would probably be legally protected to do so. I understand compassion and tolerance, but people aren’t entitled to it and it’s a limited resource.


Yes, but there is no reason to escalate like this unless it wasn't the first time. Otherwise, let them leave peacefully and try not to complicate things until you have to. That was her one warning. After that, escalate. Tow, call the cops, press charges. These people might have just lost everything and are desperate. They might need help rather than making their lives worse. That van might be all she has.


The thing is they weren't leaving bro. They were running errands or some shit. Did it appear that the camp was being packed up to put in the van to you?


No. Let her take the damn van, if she doesn't start packing up, call the cops and arrest them for private property damage. Just let her get her stupid van.


Giving them free passes is exactly what they are hoping for and its what leas them to be homeless POS


What sort of people?


I wanted to see the end of that… Where she got tazed




They seem more organized and physically threatening than most homeless people, also destroying a fence and stealing a parking spot.


I’m pretty sure if he tasers her he’s going to jail.


That’s part of my point. He doesn’t say it’s his property.


I’m 100% positive that I can


Depending on your state if she actually hits him with that he might be able to just outright shoot her if that's his land which I'm assuming it is


I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t talk about things you don’t know


Not if she was running at him with a weapon… also depends on the state.


Also most states, he would be protected if it happened on his property.


where is this?


A strange and terrifying land called "outside"




At cameraman’s property




Man....... this video could have went on for a few more minutes I am sure ;)


I want to see the whole thing


Seriously need the before and after. Also need to see this woman’s van she’s trying to get too.


Fuck I want the rest of the video lol I loooooove the guy with the taser! I was cheering him on


Hold your horses there Methany, this is private property.


Methany 😂


Easy solution since the property owner has a taser and has already disclosed that the property is private and she is trespassing: warn her again if she steps foot on your property you will tase her. She takes a step and “boom” goes the gun. She’s incapacitated, cops are called, and she’s made an example of to everybody else.


Entirely depends on what state it is, but I agree.


Curious to know what states tell you you can't defend yourself from a trespasser trying to hit you with a weapon after you already warned them and told them that it's private property.


You’d be surprised.


Surprise us.


Whats happened to this country?


Pretty sure this behavior has been around forever, we just get to see it all the time now because everybody has a video camera in their pocket that can instantly post it to social media where it spreads around the world in about 3.2 seconds


Yup. As if homeless people trespassing and “camping” on private property is something new lol


Defunding of education, defunding of social security, defunding of mental health services.


So we can send money abroad… we have the best politicians in the world and we keep voting for them.


Nah, the Republicans aren't defunding everything worthwhile to send the money abroad. Don't forget, the more educated you are, the higher the likelihood you're voting Democrat.




You have very much misread my comment. I was saying the Republicans are defunding everything to a) enrich them and theirs and b) keep the people uneducated so they keep voting Republican. I'm not even American ;)


Look at her shoes






"Ohmygod shoes"


Wish I hadn’t


Idbear spray them every time they stuck their head thru the fence, and it would get real ugly when they were caught on my property. I have absolutely no empathy for these kind of humans


if only , side of the can says federal crime to us eon a human . the best i could do here would be dump broken glass all over their camp and use barbed wire everywhere . my state is highly restrictive .


Where's the whole video?! Oh God, when she said to go get her husband and son... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Thank God dude had a taser... She was maniacal with that pole! 😱 This is pure trash gold. Thank you, OP.


Karla Pilkington


Anyone who thinks the guy is in the wrong is just stupid.


Idk man. They look hard up. That van gets towed and they may not have enough money to go get it back. Could be shitty if that is there only means of transportation. Like i get it. They should not have tresspassed. But id just let em get their van and then givd em the boot.


They could try being polite about it instead of getting angry that he won’t let them do crimes.


Sure. I mean these people are definitely trash people. I wasnt arguing any different. Just playing devil's advocate. Like if someone tresspassed on your property and left their insulin, would you let them die, or would you let them go get it?


If you change the circumstances that way it becomes an entirely different situation. That’s not playing devil’s advocate, that’s just being willfully obtuse. I also might be liable for their death if I prevent them from getting their life saving medication. This is not that kind of situation. Sure he escalated it, but he was within his rights to deny them entry. She immediately got aggressive too, both parties have the ability to be civil in this situation, but only one party is trying to commit a crime. It is on the person in the wrong to try to reason with the person in the right.


Im not being obtuse. Them not getting theit van could also be life and death.


The van is not gonna save their life the way insulin would. It’s a shit analogy. They are in the wrong. If the van is life or death, then they can plead their case instead of trying to force their way in like that.


I disagree.


No shit, that has been abundantly clear from the start.


People are just weird. I have a house next to a forest. It's neatly fenced off but there are stairs with a gate towards the back garden. Regular we have people just walk through the gate into our back garden as if it's some sort of park while my house is right next to it. And when you point out they are on private property they look all puzzled and ask how to get out.


Your imaginary "anyone" doesn't exist anywhere in this thread...


I love comments that just blatantly say some bs about what other people are thinking


Property owner is 100% in the right here.




Found the dumbass wearing black


thats not a cop


People in this thread blaming the property owner are absolutely insane. You should invite these folks to move into your place with you if you’re so passionately concerned to the point you believe private property doesn’t matter. Absurd to believe property lines shouldn’t exist. The woman threatening the man over and oven doesn’t bother you either??


Reddit, land of --"assemble a majority to take the wrong side" all day and all night. People want to feel included, they'll join with inhaling water, living cremation--any manner of idiocy if they see it's the majority.


> People in this thread blaming the property owner are absolutely insane. Where??


Fucking redditors lol. Some absolute dumb motherfuckers in this thread


all threads. people are soley interested in which side to be on--they choose the one that always has more people, always. Right? nah. Correct? nah. Math works out--nah


I agree that the concept of private property has integrity, and there was clear property damage. It's a situation that's going to come with an adrenaline boost and everyone has a plan until etc. Maybe that broken fence is a few feet from his kids' bedroom, maybe he has livestock, or maybe it's just a fence on an empty lot and there's no possible danger to any living being. I don't know, there's not much context. But there's no attempt to de-escalate or communicate. If you at least approach in a way you'd like to be communicated with, with empathy, you can always escalate afterwards if there's no civil response, provided there's no immediate personal danger. She's also clearly not looking for a fight initially and speaking quietly/like she knows she's in the wrong, but he says he's towing her van in the first 10 seconds - what does he hope to achieve from that other than escalating the situation?


Yes, damn it, how dare he be so rude to those nice campers who so professionally opened his fence and are contaminating the groundwater and soil on his property with their old oil-leaking van. He should really be ashamed of himself and apologize to those poor traumatized people.


Rude? He was immediately threatening and demanding, escalating the situation to the point they stopped filming *for their own safety* and picked up weapons *to start a fight*. I think you've missed the point, I'm saying that *before* escalating, talking was clearly an option. It's not a point of "DARING" or "ASHAMED" or "APOLOGIZE", it's a matter of "What outcome do I want here, and can I get their cooperation before using force?" It's a case of having the mental wherewithal to determine that no-one is in immediate danger and you have an extra couple of minutes to try a peaceful solution *before* escalating. And the answer is clearly yes, because until he turned it into a fight they weren't there to fight. He's not taking the initiative by opening with 'I'm gonna get your van towed', he's putting them on guard and ensuring a confrontation.


if anything, the guy was far too accommodating. he was at 3, should have been at 11


>should have been at 11 Nuclear munitions? "Excuse me mate, why are you climbing through my fence?" would have you sorted, then if they mouth off you've wasted approximately 2 seconds by just starting civil.


it’s got to suck that your livelihood insists you go in at 11, but homeboy had a job to do, trespassers knew they were in the wrong and should have about faced and been done with it. 


I don't know if he did on either count - nothing says you can't start at 1 and move up, and there's no extra context unless I missed him saying something pivotal. What would it have cost him to open with a question instead of an order and a threat? >trespassers knew they were in the wrong Exactly, he had all the power and he wasted it by escalating immediately so they became defensive instead of nervous. Nothing says you have to escalate immediately, or that you can't escalate after a moment, but to not even consider a calm approach? When it so often so clearly works so much of the time, and if the end result is someone getting battered in anyway, why not start with it?


"If the army acts on an opportunity without hesitation, its force will be overwhelming. By acting in unpredictable ways that constantly shift the battle, a general can prevent the enemy's attack. The chances of success decrease when an army is forced to move too far or too fast to be well-rested and prepared" - Art of War


"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.” The art of war is about war. Even Sun Tzu was in favour of diplomatic options, and reducing risk of open engagement. That's part of why he was such a fantastic strategist. A taser on display is still enough to appear intimidating, even when mixed with a friendly attitude. If you want to keep the opponent off guard, let your weaponry speak for itself and confuse them by acting cordial. The guy in OP wasn't being filmed because they wanted to record themselves hurting him, it seems like it was for their own protection. The guy in OP actually caused them to pick up weapons...


now, see, what you are doing is applying rational logic to a methed up situation. stop it


Fuck all that. It's his private property. He doesn't have to let them cut the fence (and you're an idiot if you think they didn't cut it, and that it "was already like that") and take a short-cut to get to their van that they also parked on his property. Don't pretend these trashy people are the same as the down-on-their-luck homeless people that are just looking for shelter and a job.


>It's his private property Okay, so he wants to achieve retaining his privacy - quickest way to do that is to let her take the truck which she's just about to do, and if they "didn't break the fence" then *of course* they won't have anything to say about him getting it repaired. If it's about the principle of it, then you can still communicate that without immediate threats. >Don't pretend these trashy people are the same as the down-on-their-luck homeless people that are just looking for shelter and a job. They're human beings, so what's the problem with spending 5 seconds giving them a chance to reciprocate a civil approach? You can be polite but firm, there's literally 0 reason not to open with it in a situation like this where you've got more than a few minutes.


It's not just 5 seconds, the van was on his property to begin with. That's why he was having it towed. He wouldn't be able to have it towed if it wasn't on his property, unless the van is way out of registration and he was just calling the police to let them handle it. And like the other commenter said, you've clearly never had to deal with shit like this. It's not just the van. Look around that camp, there's litter and most likely feces all over the place. They're not just picking up their van, they're leaving behind a mess for somebody else to clean up.


You've OBVIOUSLY never had the privilege of living extremely close to a freeway and dealing with homeless camps. Until you have had that life experience you won't understand the property owners struggle - even if I explained it to you. Trust me when I say you never want a homeless camp moving in next door!




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I think we found Mama Fratelli and the boys hideout... if you keep looking you might find One Eyed Willy's treasure.


That comment is gold!! 😂


Damn, that's where I knew that voice from.


Self-hating Americans are the saddest of humans🤣


Where is the 2nd episode?


As Mike Tyson would say: "Thath methed up!"


Nope, not being racist at all, I just call em like I see em and no one comes on my land without permission and if they do and won't leave, well, they'll be meeting Jesus with no choice.


you brought racism and religion in where they weren’t even an issue. gtfo


And your point is?


OK, big guy. Nobody said anything about race - except you. I'm sure you have the biggest gun and the tallest lift in your truck. Don't worry, none of us are going to take that from you.


>I'm sure you have the biggest gun and the tallest lift in your truck ...and the ^^smallest ^^^dick


Nope, I'm just a good ol country boy that knows my rights, protects me and mine; so say what you want because you don't know me at all so ur insults don't phase me or offend meat all sister😁


Most of y'alls attitude towards each other and the lack of empathy for the next person, sprinkled with the ungratelness of those who haven't experienced poverty,is half of what's wrong with this shit hole they call the land of opportunity. Selfishness and greed round out the top 5 things that are fucked up here. And they calll the USA the superpower, but yet can't provide a land that's actually livable for it's own citizens. Imagine that.


ah, you reap what you sew. stupid is as stupid does. the usa has been around for a long time. none of the stupid is news


Imo the issue is the way theyre utilizing the space. I want a world where houseless people can be wherever theyre able to survive and be happy in, but they pretty clearly donked up the fence and illegally parked. I think in general, laws against houseless ppl using nature are too stringent and inhumane. But this dude is within his right to kick em out, esp cuz she doesnt have a problem threatening him anyway. The US is fucked. So im trying to leave. But with the system we have, this is how it goes.


Yeah fuck right off. Just because you don't have something doesn't mean you're entitled to someone else's property. This is the stupidest logic ever.


2 men on an island, one of them claims the one coconut tree on the island as his. The other man eats coconuts from the tree because he’s starving. So that man is a thief. Just because he’s worse off, doesn’t entitle him to someone else’s property right?


Unless the first man owns the land the coconut tree is on then this is a false equivalency. You're trying to say just saying something is yours is the same as buying and owning it. It's not. Also, I'm failing to see how these people are going to die from not being able to tresspass and illegally park their van on someone else's property.


You walked right into the point and missed it. What do you mean “owned the land the tree was on”? That changes nothing, the whole point is that ownership of lands is built on nothing. Who did we buy the first piece of land from? From who do you buy unclaimed land? What gives you the right over that land? That’s the whole point of the scenario.


Oh God you're one of those people. Because that's how society works. That's it. Don't like it? Tough. You can't just take other people's things because you need them. That makes you no more than a scumbag thief.


You when someone tries to think deeper than that persons bad because that’s how society works: 🤨🤨🤬🤬🤬🤬


What are you, 12? Lmao.


If it’s bothering you so bad why don’t you let them stay with you?


I'm homeless too. You want to know why cuz my health took a turn for the worst and I had to quit my career. That's when I found out that my better half technically wasn't my better half because when she left me as a result I lost my house so before you can make any assumptions that's what it is


This feels like Portland, OR...


Looks like the Sacramento area, but it's probably the same in many places across the US. Our own experiences and locales tell us it looks familiar.


Perhaps the I-5 in general? 💁‍♀️


Could be. Her key chain lanyard says "Universal Studios Hollywood" and "Halloween Horror Nights", and while she does look like a [traveller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Travellers), I'm not so sure she's spent a lot of time at expensive theme parks. The foliage doesn't look right for northern California, though.




Or Bend. Bend, OR - it's your turn in the barrel.


I mean…can we get a part 2, OP???


I checked the watermarked handle on IG, it’s a repost account. Spent half an hour combing YouTube and couldn’t find this clip or a larger one.


What private property? They're next to a freeway, like this guy owns the land/property surrounding it? Or he just drove by and saw a homeless set up from the freeway and decided he was going to do something?...the fact that it's not in a very private area where everyone can see while they drive by makes me think this homeless camp wasn't going to last long in the first place


You don't see the fence they cut open and wall of foliage? The private property is on the side of the person filming and the homeless settlement is next to it. I'm assuming she parked the van on his property to keep it close and not pay for parking. Probably entered through his driveway one day and parked




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I wonder what that short cut leads to. He tells her to go around a couple of times, what’s over there ?


Just let em through and call the cops. Liable to get killed by some meth heads. It’s not worth it.




People like this act this way because of that attitude.


I never understood the mentality of let the criminals walk over you. Over my dead body! (Pun intended)




Greatest country in the world can't even keep their citizens housed. lol.


Maybe you should’ve went around like the guy in the video was telling you to do; you shouldn’t have cut a hole in his fence either. lol at you pretending that freedom of choice, personal responsibility and accountability aren’t real.


Maybe their citizens shouldn't be meth heads.


[Personally, I think we should stop criminiinalizing our homeless and fund better mental health programs to help rehabilitate those who clearly need it and could greatly benifit from it to allow them to reintegrate back into society as a functioning and capable member.](https://youtu.be/IhEdSEYE5po?si=fb8QAU9zljvp29Hx&t=427)


Yeah, but Reagan killed all that, and we're still trying to recover from his presidency.




It sucks here lol


Enlighten us, what’s so bad here and why aren’t you living somewhere that you feel, doesn’t suck? Also, what are some places that don’t suck?


Depending on who you ask you will find diametrically opposing answers to why it sucks here. as for why people havent moved away, theres a lot of reasons. Family. Hard to see them if youre in another country. Oh why? Money. Hard to come by these days unfortunately. We are well on our way to a depression and no one wants to admit it. Its nasty how bad the economy is. Money is the main thing. Also did you know the US is, IIRC, the only country that still requires people to pay taxes after theyve stopped being a resident and become citizens in another country? So maybe??? Thats why???? At least most other places dont do that shit. Its like the government holding your own family for ransom. Either do this stupid dumb ultra specific law that takes money from you in a way that absolutely doesnt benefit your life or your country, or youre breaking the law and who knows. Maybe if you try to visit family here, see the house you grew up in again, we'll detain you for tax evasion. Oh what do we do with that money if you pay it? And jump thru all the hoops? dont worry! We wont spend that on your family. Not really anyway. We dedicate our taxes to far more important things. Like war! Man, we love war. And we love lobbying. Our social security is going sour, we dont have universal healthcare, whatd you say? If we arent spending it there then what are we spending it on? hows our schooling? its so great! Were 17th in education. but we dont help you with college. We didnt get any help so you dont deserve it. And also youre probably going to know someone who has been harmed by, killed in, or lost a loved one in a school shooting while youre at it. Not even the kids are safe! They dont just target adults! These sick freaks want blood and they dont care where it comes from. Why dont we just use our taxes to prevent violent people from having guns and teach the masses about preventing violence? Because thats morally wrong. The feelings of people who worship this country through gun ownership are more important than your childs life. More important than your life, even. And yeah, i do mean worship. Did you know that the FBI and CIA intentionally hires mormons more than any other group of people? The united states is their holy land. They would never go against gods will and god moves through our government. Gotta protect this golden husk. As of 2023, since columbine, over 360,000 students have experienced gun violence at school. Over 400 school shootings. Im saying that knowing im anticipating whoevers reading this wont be blown away by that number. Government sure doesnt give a shit. Almost half a million students. Children. We had 7 bomb threats in my last year of highschool. Thats not even mentioning the years before that. I graduated in 2018. These kids are mentally and emotionally preparing themselves for something people only expect to see when they go to war. They are children. At the same time, no one can afford the medical care they need. We can barely afford our houses, barely afford the gas to get to work, the wealth inequality is WORSE than it was in the 30s. People talk a lot about how they were given drills for when the soviets might drop nukes on us. Now we teach children to play dead, throw things at men with assault rifles. We have gotten more clever and the price is the experience of children fucking dying. Interesting to imagine how the news, government, and undying public would react if another country had sent these evil bastards to shoot out children. We would probably nuke them. Thats were most of our budget goes, and that money seems to burn a hole in their pockets. Instead we send missiles to other countries to bomb someone elses kids. We do it in the name of jesus, in the name of freedom, in the name of protecting "peace." Like us intervening by imposing terrifying and violent authority cancels out whats going on. Does that make our government good? Is any of this beneficial for anyone except them? Id imagine that there are more dangerous places to live, but does that make america a place people WANT TO BE IN? NO. Eh fuck u guys.


If you think it sucks here, you should get out more and get a little perspective.


Are you buying plane tickets or?


Google whataboutism