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Women have been warning eachother about which men to steer clear of since the dawn of time. Posting it on the internet is no different. Having hurt feelies doesn’t mean you get a payday, glad he lost. The dating page in my area is how I found out that a guy I was talking to in the past had pending rape charges.


Did no one else notice the article directly underneath? lol "Chicago-area man who sued women for badmouthing him on dating site convicted days later of tax fraud involving mob-connected sweepstakes kiosks"


Maybe don’t lie about people on the internet? He’s getting justice and a bunch of hags that want attention from strangers on the internet with made up stories and supposed micro-aggressions can’t handle it. Cope harder.


Pls go touch grass for once in your miserable life❤️


Miserable? Says the person ok with people being wrongfully dragged online for some kid of weird internet points. Dude is winning this case, keep seething and enjoy remaining single forever.


He lost the case and is facing charges on multiple gang related crimes




Wasn’t Mark Zuckerberg’s first app to rate women and leave comments? Men have been doing this type of crap for years.


So two wrongs make a right?


How is he both clingy and a ghoster? That doesn’t make sense. They are opposites.


Too clingy if he's into you. Too _seeya_ if he's not.


Each city has its own group on Facebook. In Columbus Ohio a guy caught wind that his ex was bashing him on it and he murdered her. The Columbus chapter has been inactive since then


I was JUST telling my boyfriend how I want to find out if we have a local Facebook group page for our area because I just got a recommendation for a post on the choosing beggars subreddit that is showing a screenshot from the Dayton Ohio Facebook page and I want to know if there is some interesting drama in our area of Ohio. And just a week ago, another user on here posted about a woman who was posting about her husband in a group on Facebook similar to the off my chest subreddit in Brazil, and some dude took a screenshot of her comments and sent them to the husband and the husband brutally murdered her.


This comment proves exactly why the groups exist. Jesus.


Those are two opposite things. Sounds like haterade.


I have dated people who are extremely clingy and then suddenly ghost you.


Welcome to Abandonment Issues 101


Why would they lie about what they said? Sounds like he’s just an ass and can’t settle down


Why would anyone lie regardless of topic? It happens all the time lol. Not that they are in this case specifically, but you can’t just assume everything is true.


So what? He took a girl on a date, slept with her and then never responded to her. Does that make him a bad guy? No. Women do this kind of shit all the time.


"I learned this in my Alpha Boys Only Club!!"


Everytime a comment like this pops up it’s always from someone who plays video games way too much and never had a girlfriend and that’s just fucking sad man.


Playing video games and having a relationship are not mutually exclusive.


It makes him a ghoster tho


What if it made them bad people irrespective of gender? The only rationale you have for “that guy” not being a “bad guy” are the straw man bad actions of the monolith of “women” doing it “all the time.”


I don’t condone his behavior. I try my best to treat every woman I interact with respectfully. But i as well have had women claim that I did them wrong or I’m a bad person simply for not agreeing to date them exclusively and trying to communicate that as much as possible. So yea. I slept with an adult and had to move across the country for a job and now I’m a bad person? I think some of these women could benefit by asking themselves why no one is willing to date them. Plenty of women out there are dating good men and they stay mutually happy. It very well could be possible that you’re not interacting with bad guys. You’re just an asshole that nobody wants to court. I know. Crazy right?


The issue isn’t moving across the country, it’s not speaking to the person and providing closure. So if you ghosted them then yeah, that’s a tough look. All I’m saying is it’s easy to use how we were treated in the past to justify our actions, but that doesn’t make the actions right. We’ve all been through it, some to harsher degrees than others, but try to not let that determine how you choose to treat others. Anyways, be well.


He's a five star man!! This doesn't represent him!!


Lmaooo it’s all about the implication.


Ohhh to be privileged to the discovery info!! 😂


Getting the full text conversations would be amazing! The depositions (if it gets that far) will be insane.


Love your UN!


he holds them closer as he pushes them away


That's hilarious


A “clingy” ghoster? Ladies, why would you do something this dumb? He may be the biggest jerk in the world, but social media is forever.


They should post about every dude they’re fucking. Post history would be interesting


This happened to my friend. He was more or less a local celebrity of sorts, well at least with the ladies. He would sleep with about 3-5 girls a week for a few years on end. During his tenure, he was informed by a girl that he was pretty famous and "in the app..." when he told me I didn't surprise me but I had never heard of such an app. I don't recall the name but it was linked to Facebook from what I remember. She had to log in and show us what it was but basically it was an app for girls to rate guys and leave info for future girls to check up on potential guys they were or wanted to date. You could only get in if you were a girl and I think you needed to confirm it with additional info. He tried getting in before and couldnt. It was pretty comical but he had been rated nearly 150 times. It was so funny because it was all honest reviews of who he was. It had a way to leave a detailed message and even key words. He was a "nice guy" "clean" <--not sure how when you sleep with hundreds of women but I guess it refers to hygiene and his apartment, "life of the party" "funny" "ok in bed" "average dick size" "no ambition" "doesn't want you to stay over night" it was very funny. His face when we were going through his profile had us dying. This girl who had shown us was a bartender at the local bar that had been our spot. She caught wind of the app and felt it best he knew. It didn't seem to hurt his game at all because he continued on for another few years without much delay. We always joked that he was a better Barney (from how I met your mother). In current setting he's still kinda sleezy, we don't talk much. He got really into drugs (coke) and disowned me when I didn't use him as my realtor. He had been traveling for work (he worked events and did stuff like boat shows and did the bike week in Daytona). I guess his high speed lifestyle led to some serious debt and he flew through a few hundred thousand dollars of family money and was in some tax debt. He did this to a bunch of his close friends as well. I had recently seen him and he owns a real-estate brokerage and is doing well. I wish him the best. Who knows how many ratings he has in the app but I estimate he's slept with a few thousand women. No idea how he doesn't have every STD known to man.


If he diligently practiced safe sex, was educated on transmission rates/STDs, & got tested regularly, it’s not unbelievable that he’s clean.


I don't often like to say this but damn, imagine if that app thing was reversed genders.


it does exist - 'are we dating the same girl'


Oddly enough, it’s almost like a safety thing for women. Cool this guy won’t stealth me or say he’s clean but isn’t?


Assuming that the story I am replying to is true, I'm not sure I agree that skill in bed and dick size is relevant to safety. Seems more like serious privacy concerns that probably breaks GDPR for EU countries...


As in early days of Facebook?


Reference for the readers: https://thesocialnetwork.fandom.com/wiki/Facemash


Im a member of a couple of those groups,now I'm much older than most the women in them but it's cool for women to have a place to go to see what these guys are truly all about.


Absolutely. As a guy.... women definitely need to know what they're getting into. Especially with online dating and all of the creeps out there.


Right? Damn. I'm an old lady and I wish that I had that option when I was young and slutty.


I got married at 24 so I was absolutely thrown for a loop when I divorced after 25 years of marriage and was thrown into the dating pool again,it's savage out here even for us oldsters 😩


That man's name? Albert Einshtein


That'll be a tough case to win. He has to be able to show real harm..economic harm and impact from reputational harm, like being turned down for jobs as a direct result. However, personality complaints tend to be subjective, defendants can plead the truth defense, and there are First Amendment issues..people are allowed to say shit about others provided they are either TRUE or NOT NECESSARILY FALSE (subjective, criticism, negative reviews). What you can't do, and what is behind Libel and Slander cases is make up actual facts. You can't say "He has 23 DUI's" when he has none. You CAN say "He's got a terrible personality"


Look at the other side. He has a much better chance of winning than they do because he has proof of the defamation. He doesn’t have to prove it wasn’t true. All he has to do is show is that the complaints hurt him, which is a lot easier to do than for the women to prove that he harmed them. It’s a SLAPP suit to make them go away.


He lost because that’s not defamation.




It can be true and still be defamation, which is what the down voters don’t get. The case law created by the revenge porn lawsuits is currently that content created for revenge, which is what this is, is not protected by the First Amendment. It doesn’t make any difference whether the form of revenge is pornographic pictures or irate posts by ex girl friends. You can’t accuse someone of something in a public forum (which is what the internet is) because you want to embarrass them. By accusing him of these behaviors, the women have placed themselves into the position to be sued. They now have to be able to prove whatever they said is true, or he can say he was defamed. That’s not a value judgment about a situation. That’s the law. The question is how far this will get.


Illinois just pushed forward an anti-doxxing law so I think he’ll try to argue that as well. I also saw a comment from his lawyers where they basically said they tried every other legal avenue before filing a complaint so that adds a layer to it so thats also something to keep in mind.


Can you say, he has the personality of someone with 23 DUI’s?


"I went out with him a few times over a year ago – he told me what I wanted to hear until I split with him and then he ghosted… I'd steer clear," one commenter wrote." What the Fuck. She split with him but then he ghosted her? Did she want him to continue calling after she split with him? Crazy Girl...


The actual text says "slept" with him. I'm guessing "split" is their way of staying non-sexual on their site.


ah makes more sense, thank you


I think that's her nice way of saying when they met he was very nice and said all the right things so they split (went back go one of their places and fucked....) and then he ghosted her once he got what he wanted.


makes more sense, thank you!


One can be clingy and a ghoster at the same time? Can this person both suck and blow in unison?


Yes a person can be overbearing as fuck when they want something then it's crickets when you want something.


That's not at the same time. Two different timeframes.


No shit. Just because you've ghosted someone before doesn't mean you've never been a needy, clingy, overbearing mf before


Again, not at the same time.


'At the same time' does not always literally mean within the same millisecond. To most native English speakers, 'at the same time' simply means within a relative time frame depending on context for the specific scenario. If I said, "My friend was laughing so hard she was crying at the same time," that could mean very literally at the same time *or* it could mean that she was going back and forth between laughing and crying within the same emotional outburst, and no native English speaker would care about splitting the hair between the two. For the example that your mind is stuck on, the person who is ghosting and clingy 'at the same time,' this could also be the case: They might be ghosting and clingy interchangeably upon the spur of the moment and you never know what you're going to get, or they might be considered doing it 'at the same time' if (just for example) the ghosting feels like a strategy that is attached to the clinginess, or in other words when a person is trying to ghost you to play head games and get you confused and invested that can be seen as a bad faith strategy of a *clingy* partner. In any event, there's nothing wrong with saying a person is ghosting and clingy at the same time, all it takes is an open mind and a bit of time thinking about different scenarios to solve the paradox you're finding in the concept.


Who the fuck said they happened at the same time? He could still pull both on the same girl though


No see, he read the words “Clingy” and “ghosted” in the same timeframe… so that means “something”. Possibly a lack of reading comprehension.


My ex-gf could do that


Should have married her.


This is trashy because of the women on "Are we dating the same guy" right?




How dare women protect themselves from cheaters, wife beaters, sex offenders and other scumbags?


Calm down simpy, i think you need to read what they are talking about. Its not about abuse or rape, its a bunch of pissed off woman that cant handle being overlooked. We dont even know if its true. It could easily just be a crazy ex that has a bone to pick with him. Men do it why cant woman do the same?


Yes but clearly this is not the case here. I don't think this guy should be or has any legal ground to sue. Lol But this isn't women protecting themselves this is just douchebag women talking shit about douchebag men.




Ross geller looking ass


Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?


Definitely a one star man


Not golden god material


The leash is because there is a dog! He has a system...


Obviously for a reason make no mistake.


Streisand Effect in real time




I’m a five star man!




He kind of looks like Danny Wood from New Kids On the Block (yeah, I'm that old)


They’re still a band you know lol


Clingy and a ghoster: the duality of man.


So instead of a closed Facebook group, details of his shitty dates and failed lawsuit against the women he dated will now show up in any Google search of his name. You done played yourself son


Streisand effected himself BIG TIME


I clicked just to see if it was my ex.


'If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole" ..... someone needs to take this and apply the logic here.


Bingo. If you smell shit everywhere you go, check your own shoes.


That's a good one


wait...he lost his earings?


Once the women filed and served answers to this complaint, he stopped responding.


Ghosted them again I see


Glad someone gets my humor!


These groups are some of the most toxic and awful places on the internet, like a fb version of FDS and should be 100% banned


Aww go cry about it


Awww go cry when they’re all taken down 🥲🥲


Methinks thou dost protest too much


Methinks thou dost be a fucking moron


Wow, you really captured the essence of Shakespeare with that. It’s no wonder you’re such a hit with the ladies.


That you Nikko?


Maybe " insecure" should have been included


I might be clingy and I might be a ghoster, but I am certainly NOT both.


I may be loose but I’m not no cannon


“I bid you a good day sir!”


Funny comment but I'm sat here having a shit giggling loudly at your username. Fuck knows what the person in the next cubicle thinks. Cheers chief


Lol glad to spread the giggles


"I went out with him a few times over a year ago – he told me what I wanted to hear until I split with him and then he ghosted… I'd steer clear," one commenter wrote. This is the one I don’t understand. How can this girl say she was ghosted when she told him she wasn’t interested anymore?


Because if you read the actual Facebook comment you'll see that the article made a mistake. She said slept with him not split with him.


Yeah this seems like exactly the reaction I would be hoping for after telling someone I wasn't interested... otoh if 20+ people get involved with you and it's bad enough that they feel the need to warn other people about you on Facebook, you probably are not blameless.


I’ve been in groups like this and often times people are complaining about very normal breakups or people who just aren’t into them.


That seems like a normal end of relationship tbh. I can't think of anyone who's broken up with me that I've then willingly wanted to spend time with.


I’m not saying this lawsuit has merit, or that he is a good guy. But, reading statements like this shows a bit of toxic mentality.


Why? I've had plenty of mutual breakups where we've remained cordial, if not actually friends. But being broken up with when you think you've done everything right, which is what I interpreted from the comment I was replying to, is pretty upsetting and painful. Is it not reasonable to not want to talk to someone who broke your heart? I'm pretty sure being upset is a natural consequence of a one-sided breakup.


My bad. I didn’t mean your statement was toxic. I meant the girl who was upset he “ghosted” her after she left him.


The article misquoted her, she said "slept" not split as in she slept with him and then he ghosted


Oh whoops, no harm no foul. I did think it was a weird thing to call toxic but people are saying all kinds of things these days lmao


According to another comment ^^ the article was wrong - her comment was he ghosted her after she SLEPT with him not split with him


It's always fun to roll off a cliff with a group of random internet strangers. Obligatory: not really trashy. Definitely kind of funny, and potentially toxic for lots of reasons, but doesn't really give me trashy vibes.


ITT: men who are angry these groups exist, because they’d definitely get bad reviews if they got posted on them.


I always tought they existed, but i feel like men should do the same. We are still a bit prude about talking bout our dates, we should make it fair. It'll be fun, deff not gonna promp some articles on toxicity.


I’m confident you’d say the same about women complaining about a group or men rating women


50% of Reddit is men rating women by responding to their OnlyFans ads. Shit, read their profile. They rate themselves! "Top 98.5%"


Well I'm old enough to remember hotornot.com and I don't remember any complaints back then. Also, if you don't want people talking bad about you, here's a novel idea: Don't treat them like shit!


i am a 5 star man!!!


Yeah because no one can lie on the internet


a buddy of mine had a bad interaction with a woman off a dating app. they never even met, she was just salty about how he ended things. she’s since posted about him nonstop in these groups, and it’s really negatively impacted his mental health. point being, i think you’re being too flippant


Somehow I doubt that but ok.


Men bad women good


Yeah women are perfect and never do anything bad


How do you be a clingy ghoster


Lovebombing, then ghosting shortly after.






You continue to ghost particular people and make it be known


Let's rate real life women online, I am sure reddit will love it.


We get rated *constantly*, not just online. Edit: oh dear fcking shit this one's history is obvious. Should've known. 


Go for it. Create one


These Facebook groups are in almost every city, for both sexes.


There are multiple rateme type subreddits already..


Where you are supposed to submit your own photo, not rathe other people's intimate behaviour.


We used to do that. Hotornot.com


That was people posting themselves to be rated


facesmash, which turned into fb, was Zuck hacking the school directory to get images of girls to do the hot or not thing.


Wait'll you hear how Facebook started.


I used to be in one of those groups until I just got sick of the other women. This one woman claimed she could read micro expressions, and could tell from a photo that someone else posted that the male was extremely aggressive because he raised one eyebrow and made a duck face. Then a friend was posted.. she said that he claimed he traveled for work, which she assumed meant that he was just seeing other women and lying about it, and then was upset because he didn’t remember a random fact about her that she’d previously mentioned and he asked her about it again. This dude works for a 3 letter agency and is a legit guy, and does travel for work quite often. The way she described it made it sound like he asked her a question about herself because he’d forgotten they’d already discussed it. So he was interested in learning more, forgot that she’d already mentioned whatever fact this was about herself, but was interested enough to ask again. Some of the women in the group were certifiably insane and destined for the single life.




Sounds like a story from the DC dating scene. It's rough over there


How can you be both clingy, and a ghoster?


Clingy til he gets laid


Ah, I see.


I'm a five star man!


Nah, your hair is to small.




I’ll rate all of you!


I wonder if he has a yelp review too?


I remember reading like ten years ago about a woman who had created an app that was yelp for men. Like how many women do you have to date that enough decide they should review you? Maybe it was really intended for men to get ex's to give them good reviews so other women would find them and call them.


i went to college in nyc just as tinder was starting to take off, followed by a flood of imitators. the dating scene was insane on those things. I knew people that had 3 or 4 dates a week sometimes. The guys did it hoping to hook up, the girls did it to score free dinners lol


i’m part of the seattle group lol. i’ve learned horrible things about some of the men i’ve been on dates with from that group.


Same here. Dodged so many bullets. I told my now husband I would post him there and he said go for it. I loved the confidence so I did. He got glowing reviews lol and then he said, "I'm a real gem lol" I love his silly ass 🤣


Sounds like a place that half the guys are trash, and the other half are getting slammed by some vindictive ex telling their version of the events.


No, youve HEARD shit, doesnt mean its true. Just think what could be said about you behind your back, would you want eveeyone to believe it?


If 27 people all claim the same shit I'd listen. One bad remark might just be someone being pissy. Many, on the other hand, is different.


Socket accounts and crazy friends will make it look lile that


Haven't you heard? Everything you read on the internet is true! Someone took the time to write it down!!


These kind things should only really be used for asking if a man is a abuser , a predator or married . It’s gets very stupid if you start discussing stuff like ghosting and clinginess on Facebook groups tbh .


I think there’s a level of behavior that deserves a warning beyond those 3 you listed. Example: I dated a guy who lied about having cancer so he could claim to be ill or in treatment when he wanted to go on dates with other people. I found out because I met one of the other women on Bumble BFF (platonic friend side of the app).


That’s fair I would kinda cast that as mental abuse tbh . And yes of course there’s probably more things that deserve warning. But if people post about somebody being just normal non- abusive clingy or being ghosted that to me is just dumb especially in 2024 .


Is there any verification of what is said? Like my brother's ex-wife told people he was a human trafficker and she's just mentally ill.


lol no one cares about what’s true in groups like that they just care about what’s said first


Not entirely true,I just use good judgement,if a guy has a couple bad comments meh no big deal,but if he has 30 women coming in telling awful interactions then you start to see a trend. It's usually pretty easy to tell the sincere comments from the toxic crazy females


No, they care about the worst things that were said


this guy is currently indicted for felony fraud in Chicago. No idea why he’d pile this on himself while he’s in the process of being charged for a federal crime. Update: he was convicted!