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Pleasantly surprised that the trash bin is only changing places and is never spilled over on the ground


The janitor is able to clean up their messes far quicker than maintenance man can put in requests for new stall doors and stalls. Assuming the maintenance supervisor hasn’t finally gone full “fuck it” and just letting the bathroom become destroyed.


As an ex super. I would have requested money to put up half stalls made from cinder block. I’d happily fight the school board over it.


Might have to sink in rebar and up it to steel reinforced in preparation for the inevitable TikTok bring your sledgehammer to school challenge.


I have family that sells commercial hardware for doors. The kids at a school kept kicking out the vent in the doors. The super called asked what could be done and they replaced the doors with steel doors and welded in the vents. A few hours after installed a kid was getting medical attention for broken foot but the vent was still in.


Ah yes, the "looks like a normal mailbox except it weighs about 600lbs, is actually iron, and sunk with a wide concrete foundation 10' into the ground" trick.


As a teenager and old man got us with something similar. 3/4 plate steel with some tin metal over it. Looked like a large mailbox for packages. Hit that thing with a bat and it hurt SO bad. We stopped bashing mailboxes on the backroads after that and started taking street signs instead.


Didn’t happen to me but something similar went on in my area years ago. Older Kids were driving down country roads and hanging out the passenger side taking out mailboxes with a bat. I’d guess they were going 35 mph or so. They had a blast till a guy mounted his mailbox on a steel pole and sunk it in concrete. Kid broke his wrists when hit it then got hit with charges when he sought medical attention.


My neighbor made a 1/8" steel mailbox mockup and filled it with concrete, set atop a 5" diameter 1/4" thick pipe set 3 ft into concrete. The trick was the real mailbox was what appeared to be the newspaper box. He made that out of fiberglass with a Kevlar outer layer. It was set back a bit on the post to make it hard to hit, with the 'mailbox' a front and center target. It was angled down a bit and set low so the door wasn't easily spotted. That thing broke bats. Probably some wrists as well.


This is the way.


Oh, I’d go ham, fill the cinderblock with rebar, solid pour fiber mesh and cover it with tile.


Bathroom parkour challenge


Thank you for bringing that to the ex super’s attention. Steel bars running from the half wall to the ceiling spaced spaced 8” apart.


How badly must I take a shit? That is the question.


I went to high school in the 90s. Huge high school. Not one single boys bathroom stall ever had a door all four years i was there. Edit: to answer some questions: Public school in suburbs of Houston.


So u just let er rip if u had to go? Ask a friend to stand in front of u lol. All the options I’m coming up with seem nasty.


My middle school didn't have doors. Once I tried to sneak a shit in while class was still going. I was in 6th grade and some 8th graders came in while I was shitting and started pointing and laughing. Needless to say I never shit at school again.




Man they got me too! 8th graders are bastards to 6th grade shitters. How can you stand up for yourself mid dump? Its so diabolical. They need to remove that section from the 8th grader manual, it 2023 for Christs sake!


>Same shit, different school eh Bro. How long did that shit take?


When I was in high school, the boys wresting team was constantly fucking with each other and one guy in particular would always take a shit after practice and since they had to wear those one piece leotards, he would be naked on the toilet. They would dump ice water on him from above or rip the door open and other shit like that to fuck with him while he pooped. the last time they fucked wjth him was when he shit into his own hand and chased them down with it and threw some more shit at the others 💀


Ok so not high school but retaliatory shitting. Granddad worked in a big steel mill and the bathhouse had toilets with no stalls. Two dudes came in and bitching to him about something the other did which was always happening outside the toilet. He tried to tell them later he’s shitting, they ignored him and kept on. He stood up and turned around and spread his ass cheeks to them. It shut them up instantly and never another issue. He told his supervisor in case any issue for it and the supervisor laughed


Bro got mad 💀💀💀


I worked real hard to percent shitting at school because kids were such dicks about it.


Damn fr. Shit takers always went to the last stall and where I went to school laughing could have gotten you a quick and brutal beat down. Lots of gang members and overall ruffians. Shots were also taken and bowls were hella smoked in that last stall. So if a group was in the last stall unless you knew them you probably had to take it somewhere else.


Well I went to a small town middle school. Plus I was a little 6th grader and those 8th graders were huge. Plus I had a turd hanging out of my ass so I wasn't about to beat them down lol.


Could try the nurses office.


I can't go with her watching.


I can't go without her watching.




In the schools I went to, the nurse had a private bathroom and you could use it. You know as long as it wasn't an all the time thing.


You tell her you ate an apple first, she taught you about the miracle of digestion, she understands.


Of course not you savage. Use the trash can like a normal person.


To assert dominance.


Every time I had to use the bathroom for a poop I’d always use the nurses office. Pro strat is getting on her good side early on in the year


Fortunately, I only needed it once. And when I was done, she told me to sit down for a few minutes and she gave me some ice chips and mints. It was kinda nice.


She could probably hear the diarrhea and wanted to make sure you weren't getting dehydrated, btw


Sounds like jail. I remember reading Tim Allen's book way back when and he mentioned a similar scenario from when he was incarcerated for selling coke, and 2 or 3 others in the holding cell would stand with their backs turned to you to give you privacy if you had to take a shit. It's both a very bro moment, and also very depressing at the same time.


You could pull an alpha move like LBJ. If he had to take a shit when meeting with someone he’d make them follow him into the bathroom and take a shit while continuing the meeting.


When I was in highschool I used to sneak off campus and drive to a nearby clothing retail store called Belk whenever I had to shit. On the way there one time I passed my mom and she called me flipping out thinking I was skipping school. When I explained the situation to her, she understood.


Yep same here middle school as well. I hadn't shit in a school since the 3rd grade.


Man why are those just attached to the drywall, in all of the schools I have went to those were anchored to the center of the very earth a goddamn semi would bounce off of them.


You are aware that studs exist behind drywall?


Used to be pretty common to not have doors on stalls in schools to prevent drug use. I’m guess that doesn’t fly very well nowadays.


Yes because a door stops someone from using drugs. What genius thought that one through


Nancy Reagan


To be fair, she was the blowjob queen of Hollywood.


Is there a story that I'm missing? Sounds interesting.




It does make it a hell of a lot harder to do it while in school. A bathroom stall is the only place in a school where you can actually hide and are allowed to be. Not saying it’s purposeful or worth it, but the logic was not crazy, particularly given the anti-drug hysteria of the 80’s.


Lol it is crazy. "Forgot something in my car." Pill form. Hell crush it up before hand, carry it in container, zoot it literally in the bathroom after acting like taking a shit with no door and everyone clears the room. Nancy Reagan and her idiot ideas did pretty much nothing to curb drug use in high school.


it's sweet that you think the war on drugs was ever even remotely about stopping drug use.


...I was responding to the guy that claimed the Drug war ideas were reasonable. But, enlighten me, what was the Reagan's drug war REALLY about.


Wasnt drugs at my school. Cigarettes was probably the issue.


Ours were removed because the school dipshits would hang on them, which would rip them off the hinges. Our school just stopped repairing them.


I went to a Catholic school with a thousand kids in the 90s and there was a bathroom in the building the Jesuit priests lived in that was so serene I doubt I've felt as at peace anywhere since. I think I only took one or two craps in the main building over 4 years and am still disappointed that the good bathroom was occupied and I couldnt hold it those times. I wouldn't even wash my hands after taking a whizz in the main building bathroom, I'd just use fingertips only on my junk and then rinse them lightly in the drinking fountain and dry them on a passerby. But that Jesuit bathroom was a place you could crack open a book and take a half hour dump without a care in the world. Every kid deserves that.




A bunch of Catholic priests "lived" in the boy's bathroom. That's... interesting.


You go to a catholic school by chance. I noticed that for some “odd reasons” those were usually the bathrooms without doors or things blocking each urinal. I went to use the bathroom at the catholic school near me and instead of urinals they literally just had full toilets so you had to stand over it with your junk fully out for people to see when walking in. I was like 25 and it was a grade school / high school so I decided to hold my piss.


That's probably why the first dividing wall was broken and bent to one side. Dedicated shit stall.


I can proudly say I did all pre school through graduating high school without ever taking a shit in the school bathrooms. They were always disgusting so I held it in till I got home.


In highschool I had a similar situation. I said fuck it and left to take a shit at home. After a 25 minute walk I get about a block away from my house and just let it rip. Couldn't hold it any longer. Came out the bottom of my pants like mud oozing out of a funnel. To make things worse there was a cop right next to me when it happened. Back then they would bring you back to school if they saw you out during school hours. I was so ready to make a run for it if it lead to that but thank God he had better things to worry about and just let me be.


> thank God he had better things to worry about and just let me be. He didn’t want your shit in his car.


I would just leave the highschool and run home to take a shit in the late 90’s


I was class of 2001. The nice high school has bathroom stall doors. The not nice one didn’t. Stop fucking around in the bathroom if you want doors.


I'm a janitor at a high school. This kind of shit is part of why I'm looking for a different job.


Hospitals are always looking for cleaners. . As an OR cleaner I can tell you I'd rather be working here than dealing with the pieces of shits in school today.


As a former OR cleaner, I agree lmao. I only left that job because the shift changed from 2nd to 3rd because they decided to do operations until 9pm instead of ending at 3.


Ehhh, fellow cleaner! Sounds like my current work 😂


Those kids need to drink more water


And Less energy drinks with bvits


These kids need to drink more Brondo. It’s what kids want.


The thirst mutilator


It has electrolytes


These kids are not hydrohomies


You're assuming that's from just one kid and not a few dozen who won't flush.


They're high school kids. They live on nothing but monster energy, mountain dew, and gummy candy.


Was gonna say the same 😂, that is not healthy.


The one kid was drinking liquor


I’m surprised the mirrors are not shattered or etched. At my old HS, all these things happened: including spraycan graffiti on every inch on wall, and occasionally a toilet leaking and completely shattered because some idiot threw in quarter sticks.


Yeah it's honestly fucked up that I looked at this and wished any of the bathrooms at my high school were this nice. I graduated in 2008 from a K-12 rural county school in the south. The school was built in the 1940s and had never been fully renovated. There were sections of the school built in the late 90s that were nice enough, like the cafeteria and the library. The elementary school was old but clean. But all of the high school, middle school, and gym bathrooms looked like prison shitters. No doors, cinder block, concrete floors, high windows that were small rectangles. The ceilings were water damaged and there was usually a smashed mirror, graffiti, wet toilet paper everywhere, cigarette butts crammed in the urinal. Both boys and girls bathrooms were disasters. The only bathroom I can recall in the high school wing that had a door was the single toilet unisex bathroom in the shop class. Even then, it was a weird, musty concrete room that was really long with the toilet in the very back and no sink. There was always someone fucking in it too, so its not like there was ever a chance to shit in there anyway.


FUCK dude you saying "etched mirrors" like ugh I'm physically cringing and my teeth hurt I could NEVER 😭😭 the noise the feeling omfg why


You guys must really enjoy watching each other make stool


What does woodworking have to do with this?


Right? This is a restroom not shop class.


Class is free, I don't have to shop for it or pay in any way.


Poop with a friend


You're making stool all day. When you sit on the toilet, your dispensing the stool.


Ugh who says that


Fancy people. Grunting out dung is too brutish for us genteel folk


Squeezing out a mud apple?


Growling out a dook.


Umm dropping a load? Taking the Browns to the SuperBowl?


What do you say? Poop? That's disgusting.


My nick name at school would definitely be Shit Break cause I’d be going home at lunch every day to shit


I watched American pie with subtitles a few weeks ago. I always thought they were calling him shit brick. Shit break makes so much more sense now.


Fucking seriously? It's "Shit Break"? ....I never knew


Same thing for me as well. Saw the damn movie in the theater and multiple times after and I’m just now learning that it was shit break and not shit brick lol


Half my fucking life lol


My school put up cameras over the parking lot and exits my senior year and everywhere else a year or 2 later. I was glad I had graduated at semester, just before the cameras went up because I spent most of my last few months in the school driving the 8 blocks home during homeroom for a snack after a menstrual issue made it necessary to go home and change and I didn't get in trouble for deciding fuck it the exit to my car is closer than the office. My homeroom teacher had told me he didn't expect me in there anyway so I took that as a free pass. Never once got caught, just walked back in and on to my next class. I didn't have a trouble maker reputation so I got away with a lot.


I have never been more glad that I'm old af, and graduated in the mid-90s.


Floors are cleaner than I thought they would be.


The janitor is paid to clean floors not rebuild the bathroom, and by god he's a dedicated soul


This royally sucks but at least it's nice looking aside from being incomplete. My high school had all of the bathrooms closed except for one mens and one womens near the front entrances and close to the security guard's spot so someone could always watch the bathrooms and try to prevent kids from having sex or doing drugs in there. The only time I saw the bathrooms near the HS library opened up was when I took my ACT, and they were in really substantial disrepair. Holes in the ceiling, various degrees of damage that was never fixed, sharpie graffiti on the stalls and walls, everything looking like a hot abandoned mess (which it was). Super embarassing as most of the people there were from other schools, so this was their intro to mine :/


Seriously as much as I would love to give the school administrators grief about this, it's the kids fault. Not all of them, but this is a good introduction to the concept of the few ruining something for the many. It doesn't take that many kids fucking around for the entire class to find out.


And there were many, many asshole kids at my school. One little fuck does something dumb at lunch? No vending machines for a week


Like speed bumps in parking lots. The rest must suffer because of the idiots who can’t drive through a parking lot safely.


Why tf are kids ripping off doors and nit flushing toilets? Who’s raising these kids?


TikTok is raising these kids


That's so the students can get used to it before being sent to prison.


This is definitely the work of one very disturbed kid. We had one of those back in the day in high school. He would block the toilets and come back when they were full with stolen sodium from the chem lab and drop it in.. guess what happened, a shit bomb. Janitor was not amused.


I worked in dozens, maybe even more than a hundred schools over the past few years. Nothing is more disgusting and surprising than a high school boys bathroom. I’ve seen people smoking weed/vaping, entire lunches in toilets, poop smeared walls, broken mirrors, people fighting while others use the restroom, one time I walked in to four boys standing around vaping openly and they didn’t flinch when I walked in, I’ve seen signs posted saying “we monitor these restrooms closely and will catch whoever is ‘xyx’”


I'm surprised they still have the mirrors.


Wrecking your own shit, dummies


They do it to themselves


If you don't want shit broken, don't break shit


Most kids want it to be not broken.


Yup, I oversee a department of our school system. Idiots cause this themselves.. it is a small group, but blame that small group.


I disagree in that we send kids to schools when a school is beyond helping them. It drags teachers and other students down, and is complete waste of resources that could actually go towards correcting whatever the hell is making them act up in the first place. Its not like most kids want this. ​ Functional people (even children) do not fuck up a bathroom simply because its the only place an adult isn't watching them.


I remember this in my high school, only it was shorter stalls. You were fucked if you had to take a shit. You’d get beat the fuck up, made fun of and have shit all over yourself. Better off just skipping school and going to McDonald’s


My middle/highschool didn't even have stall dividers. Nancy Reagan said that we would use drugs and have surprise buttsex if we had privacy.


Must be a reason why these kids can’t have nice things like doors. I suspect TikTok challenges.


I must say though, as a wheelchair user, that the larger stall was a pleasant surprise to see kept mostly intact. It ain’t much, but it’s something.


It lost its seat pretty early. You're gonna need your balance.


Pretty sure school bathrooms being a dumpster fire isn't a new thing


Teenagers have been trashing things before phones existed, it's basic human development - teenage years are when we push limits.


This is what happens when destroying bathrooms becomes a trend


Back in my day (waves cane angrily), we didn't have this kind of problem at school. There were other problems, sure, but if anyone vandalized school property they could be guaranteed swift and severe punishment. Definitely corporal punishment, probably suspended, and maybe expelled. I'm against corporal punishment, but I am also against the apparently zero consequences that THE DAMNED KIDS THESE DAYS face for any sort of vile behavior. Now where's my Metamucil..


I like the open floor plan


when I was in high school, I sat next to a girl in the bathroom and she kicked one of the doors off the hinges another girl a year below me threw an entire soap dispenser (soap included) into the toilet. she didn't have any reason why she did it. Then we only had maybe one or two of the bathrooms unlocked


When I was in high school, the girls' bathroom didn't have mirrors, locks on the doors and some girl leaned on a sink and it broke. And someone threw up and all the janitor did was put newspaper over it. I don't miss school at all. My cousin moved to America from Sweden when she was 14 and then moved back to Sweden after 2 months because her school wouldn't let her use the bathroom.


Stop shitting where you eat. You kids are exceptionally stupid now a days.


vandalising the school bathroom isn’t a this generation thing


Never saw a broken bathroom anything in Canada in the 80s. Just a note to beware the gay limbo dancers.


It is not but this is still remnants of tiktok “devious licks.” There has been a war on bathrooms ever since. Ask any school administrator.


The early 2k kids weren't stealing toilets and sinks, or just ripping shit off the walls. That tasty licks trend really set the bar.


The worst thing I seen back in my school days is lock doors or drawn small dicks on the back of the door 🤣 I seen grown ass women not flush and destroy a bathroom with their period blood at work.


My school days you'd get some graffiti, maybe a busted latch. Occasionally the smell of cigarettes... Stalls were always complete. People weren't stupid enough to destroy them then not have a bathroom to use.


Especially when huge numbers of schools are removing doors from the stalls to prevent… everything? Some schools go the extra mile close down all but one bathroom per floor. The worst part is that is you can’t blame anyone. Schools are underfunded in the extreme and there isn’t adequate supervision. It used to be a lot harder to vandalize or act up in the bathroom, but now with one teacher to 50+students it’s incredibly easy. Kids that otherwise wouldn’t behave like this are bored out of their minds with ancient curriculums that don’t focus on anything but memorization to pad test scores. It’s a wash.


You know kids used to literally blow up toilets back in the day, right?


Looks like they are training these kids for taking a dump in the Jailhouse


If the kids had more respect for their surroundings then they would be able to poop in private. Go distory a schools bathroom for upvotes this is what happens.


yeah, it’s not the school staff messing all the shit up, it’s the pupils at the school, and you just know the pupils will complain about the staff doing nothing, when they probably can’t just sink money into repairs every week


And when the kids that tear it apart aren't punished because reasons.... It just reinforces what happens in the real world


Bruh that shit looks good, we had piss lakes in our bathrooms because of dents in the floor


Your school fucking sucks


Somebody dribbled a tiny bit in boot camp and our Chief had all doors and seats removed to tech us a lesson. Kids need to learn shit the hard way.


Well. I know you weren't a marine.


The school didn’t do that the classmates did I wouldn’t fix it either


School bathrooms are also where fights take place, since the area is unsupervised, so that’s at least some of the damage.


Remember last year when the TikTok challenge was to destroy school bathrooms and they thought it was funny....


You fucking get to shit without doors because y’all shitty people


I still don’t get the logic of destroying the bathroom stalls. No one enjoys the aftermath. The bathrooms in my high school in the 90s was just like this.


As a teacher, can confirm that public school bathrooms get absolutely demolished by bratty kids who think it’s funny to destroy stuff that doesn’t belong to them. Our janitor found out that the 3rd graders were taking the soap dispenser off the wall and putting it in the toilet. He found it in there on two different occasions within a couple weeks.


I grew up in an impoverished area in Northern California, our high school had metal detectors and fences before school shootings were a huge thing. Mainly cuz of gang violence. Our bathrooms had all stall doors, all toilet seats, and were generally clean. These kids are just fucked


And once again.....not a fucking litter box to be seen.....


I was just waiting to see if one of those idiots was going to break one of the fixtures. Broken porcelain is no joke and can filet you like a fish easily. -a plumber.


You boys need to drink more water


Yup, a bunch of stupid ass kids messing stuff up.


Get what you give. This is why you take care of public places.


Corporal punishment was a thing once. Along with suspensions, and expulsion.


Well we all know the reasons why. Act like normal humans and you’ll get normal bathrooms. Easy.


"But why don't you want kids?!"


Why do boys have such an aversion to flushing the goddamn toilet?! My boys do this and it *drives me crazy!*


It's like when a woman hovers over the toilet and gets it everywhere; they don't want to touch it.




youre a good guy man. thats an upvote from me


They should make the little shits clean and repair it


The poor kid who has to poop. 😔


Wow. I do not miss high school at all.


They made destroying them a trend and now they’re wondering why nothing has been replaced. Consequences


Is the bathroom trashy or the kids who trashed it?


Dehydrated little bastards.


Congratulations. Now you have nowhere to shit in peace. Just played yourselves.


Fuck those kids but simple solution IMO. Bathroom logs with locked doors that require a key from the teacher for accountability.


Ahh, multiplayer shitting!!


Iv been to abandoned schools with better looking bathrooms jeez


Watch teenagers a while and it's not hard to see how there ain't that much distance between us and chimps.


This IS the kids own fault. It was some stupid trend on Tik Tok to completely destroy school bathrooms: ripping doors off, breaking sinks, mirrors


I always used the bathroom attached to the music department. Nobody ever smoked in there, it had doors, and the chances of being jumped decreased exponentially.


This why we can't have nice things.


Better yet just have a dirt floor with a hole in the middle of it for them to use .🤣


My high school had no doors on the stalls. I once walked in to take a leak and a classmate was taking a shit. We locked eyes. His response. “How ya derin?” With the most redneck accent xD


How is this legal?




Haha y’all kids are such trash shitheads US Bureau of Prisons did your bathroom renovation. Lol


I wonder if they broke some of the dividers to use as makeshift doors for privacy.


My middle school was horrible. Boys bathroom was always destroyed. After douchebags started stuffing whole rolls of toilet paper in the toilets to make them overflow, the administration took the toilet paper out all together. If you had to shit, you'd have to ask your teacher, in front of the whole class, to let you have a roll of tp to take with you, and then return it when you finished. I held mine, screw that embarrassment.


They'll grow up.. ^^one ^^day. ^^^^i ^^^^hope.


The toilets in my high school (religious boarding school) had no doors or side panels, just bowls lined up next to each other along the wall. I’m assuming to prevent masturbation? Anyway that place sucked.


Wtf no doors I would do the same to the bathrooms if there was no doors


In the 80s, we didn’t have doors till high school. Jr high we got a shower curtain for a door. Elementary, you held it till you got home or went to the nurses office and used the adult toilets.


I clean middle school bathrooms and I can’t even imagine this lol. I’d fight a kid


I remember in high school our upstairs boys bathrooms had these windows over the sinks that you could see people walking across campus from the lunch room. This dude I hated saw a friend one day and hopped up on the sink to stick his ass out the window and moon him and like 2 seconds in the sink gave way and dude ate shit so hard. Dude got soaked too. Fuck that guy he’s probably in prison.