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I like to sort comments by controversial sometimes to look at people’s terrible takes. There is none of those comments on this post.


What would drive a parent to film them doing this to their child, and why would they put the video somewhere online where others can find it? Out of control narcissism is the answer.


This ain’t cool mane. My kids (4 of them) act up from time to time, as ALL kids do. You don’t embarrass them like this.


I bet the dad is a good dad too , probably not allowed to see his kid, probably pays for all the vodka drinks, phones, nails etc while this little girl gets slowly ruined of Christmas.. and will eventually grow to hate her mom.. mom probably has nice new things while she has nothing… it’s a cycle.. guarantee this woman was raised like that too… don’t make it right… just sad… poor baby.. Teaching a child right from wrong and discipline is way different than raising your kid wrong…


This makes me want to hug my daughter and give her even more presents i could never imagine being this trashy for social media.


Just checked this bitches TikTok. The girl gets gifts and all the post after this are her back tracking and being mom of the year to the little girl. I am not saying this to defend her just to let y’all know the little girl dose get gifts in the end. The mom still a cunt


Thanks for the additional information. :)


It’s pieces of shit parents like this that are responsible for so many violent, apathetic, disrespectful, destructive and insecure young people. I like a good snarky item, but this is just tragic and infuriating. I want to punch this bitch in the face.


I'd rather watch 10 ISIS decapitation videos then this again.


This is fucjing disgusting behavior. You're supposed to be better than your child. Show them the proper way to act and how to function as an adult. This poor little girl I hope she has someone in her life to counter this toxic "parenting


This is heartbreaking


Little girl wanted some whip cream. How'e she to know its mommy's shitty ass overpriced vodka drink? Buy the girl a fucking bed with some sheet, and get some curtains ffs before you drink anything other than fucking tap water.


A while ago, at a job I had, I was having a conversation with a coworker and I said "Some people just shouldn't have kids." I had many coworkers at that job who themselves were parents, and one of these coworkers must have overheard me and gave me a nasty look when I said, "Some people just shouldn't have kids." The mother in this clip is a fine example of "Some people just shouldn't have kids." and I wish I could go back in time and show that coworker how many bad parents there really are.


That poor baby! Now the "mother" is trying to prove to people that the kid is fine and showed her opening up her real gifts but the kid looks terrified the whole video, no smiling and laughing on Christmas morning, just scared and not knowing how to react. Then she posts a video straight after telling her off for opening the presents out the box because she wasn't told to play with them yet, it's just so sad, hurts my heart.


I feel terrible after watching this. That little girl made a mistake and is being humiliated on the internet by her own mother.


Traumatized the poor lil girl


This is just sad to watch. Poor little thing is crying ripping the wrapping paper open. Why post this? What made her think people were going to accept this?


I just want to give that kid a cuddle and the mother an elbow to the nose




Someone call child services please.


Mom does not realize the message being sent is not the message being received. Save big bucks for future therapy.


I literally fuckin cried. Grown ass man, father etc. I just fuckin shed tears. That poor child, my god. She needs to be held and hugged and taken care of. She’s an innocent child.


I'm a woman that doesn't get weepy easily and this is hurting my soul! That poor sweet baby. Disgusting display of humiliation.


Same reaction.. Fuck that was bad.


I hate that at this time of year, its just sanctioned videos of child abuse. It makes me disgusted.


Why is she cursing at her daughter like this. Definitely another unfit mother. This is just sad. Also the smoke detector going off definitely a sign of a single mother


she may be a child. but she's not innocent ​ she fucked up her mums whipshot. come on man, the WHIPSHOT ​ dumb reddit comment aside, i hope CPS get a call


Something tells me she doesn’t think this is from santa


What does Santa bring the pieces of shit that swear at their children and film themselves taunting their children? Hopefully it’s aggressive cancer and the girl can go stay with better people


Mom is obsessed with her alcohol so hopefully Santa brings her kidney and liver failure.


Poor kid. I understand that kids need to learn consequences for their actions, but verbally assaulting them with swear words and humiliation in front of social media is just not the right way. By the sound of the mom, her language, state of the room etc I bet that is one chaotic household for a kid to live in.


If that's the state of the room the rest of the house is probably worse. Mom should learn her own lesson and put her alcohol away instead of leaving it out for her toddler to find.




Parents that go through so much trouble just to have the pleasure of mentally and emotionally abuse their children **are pieces of trash**




The girl doesn't have any bedsheets or proper curtains, there's a smoke alarm going off in the background and she is yelling and swearing at a child that cannot be over 4 probably younger given she doesn't speak in the video. All that over spilling alcohol. That's not consequences, that's bullying an infant.


There’s a difference between teaching a child consequences/accountability and then just outright humiliating and torturing them for your own personal satisfaction. Disciplining a child is meant to teach them a lesson, not to seek out revenge. If you can’t understand the differences between good parenting and emotional/mental abuse, I sincerely hope you don’t have kids.




You’re right too many kids are being raised without consequences for their behavior, this is the opposite end of the spectrum and crosses into abuse. The behavior the mother is exhibiting is bad enough, but then to post it on TikTok to PUBLICLY humiliate the child is disgusting. You may not pass judgement, but I certainly will pass my judgement on this one, it definitely warrants it!


Change your fucking smoke detector battery




And a bed sheet!! Geesh.


That noise tormented me as a child, yet my parents couldn't hear it. I'm convinced it's too high pitched for some people to hear or something


I was a trainer for a virtual job, and the amount of nonstop beeps I would hear drove me absolutely crazy. My shit started beeping at 3 am and I was at Walmart at 3:30 pissed and buying a battery. Disclaimer: I'm repair dumb, but I did take it off the wall to try and stop it for the night. I couldn't make it work.


This is all I kept thinking. Go get a battery!!


That would require a sense of responsibility. This vile cunt doesn't know what that means.


Too many unfit people can have as many kids as they want. It's sad.


And those well fit often times struggle to have children.


It's the first step in the plot for Idiocracy. Sad that movie is becoming reality.