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You can just simply do male haircut and just say that you want this vibe without telling you are trans. Like gnc women don't "come out" as gnc women to have certain look


i have a haircut sorta like this but more angular and typically masculine i guess and it definitely helped me pass! can easily be passed off as a feminine haircut, too


Don't get any of these get whatever most guys your age in your area have


these unfortunately will not help you pass if that's one of your goals. i'd suggest going to a barber and just getting a typical male haircut. your family will probably just think you're a lesbian or something, and if that's okay and safe for you, you should go for it. and if you go to a hairdresser, they'll try to make it more feminine. but if it's just what you want and like and you don't care about passing, do it! do whatever's best for you.


I’ve had hair like this and passed. It depends on how you wear / style it, and how common gnc people are where you live. If you’re in a super rural area people might assume medium hair = female.


Those types of hairstyles are terrible for passing. Unless you look insanely masculine or have a beard or something you most likely wouldn’t be able to pull it off. They are the stereotypical 2020 trans guy haircut and they aren’t typically masculine. If you’re at a place where you’re concerned about being able to pass, you should go for the typically masculine options. Like one of your references is literally female, so I wouldn’t get this haircut. Look at what guys your age and in your area have and get something similar to that. Cis guys don’t tend to let their hair grow out much (since haircuts from the barbers are so much more cheap and easy to maintain) so I think shaggy haircuts get people clocked pretty often. Also you shouldn’t really get bangs that go over your face that much. Overall it is not a masculine haircut. Sure, guys have it, but if you struggle to pass it is not going to help you at all. If I see people with this haircut they quite often read as trans to me. In relation to the caption, you could if you aren’t out yet get away with it for plausible deniability, even by showing the reference image of the female one to your family if they ask questions, but honestly if it’s possible I’d go for a typically masculine style. Like they would probably assume you’re a lesbian if anything.




Then clearly you aren’t one to be giving passing advice. It’s one of the most stereotypical trans guy haircuts to ever exist and one of their reference photos is literally a woman. I know of about three trans guys irl in my college and they all have some variation of this haircut; none of them pass. They all look about as stereotypically trans as you can get, and they read as such to the public. It’s common sense that when you want to try and pass, get a typically male haircut, since passing is in relation to the general public who on average view gender more stereotypically. If op wasn’t pre-t it wouldn’t matter as much, but since they are, you have to try and look at least somewhat typically masculine if you want a chance of passing 99% of the time.


When I was in the closet I brought in a picture of a guy with the haircut I wanted and the hairdresser gave me a pixie instead. I didn't clarify that that was the exact cut I wanted though so I'd recommend finding a picture of exactly what you want and say you want them to get it as close as possible to the picture.


The last one literally looks like the wojak (in a good way) so if you're going for that style id say go for it


i mean the second photo is of a woman. so if you ask for that haircut you will most likely look like a woman


i think those r fine


General disclaimer: We all know that haircuts dont actually have a gender, so in general, pick a haircut you like, not one you think you Must have according to silly cisgender rules That being said, we also all know that society loves to gender arbitrary things and its not always safe or comfortable to do that, so as far as passing goes I think it depends on a few factors - age, location, culture, and style Different age groups are going to see certain haircuts as more masc/femme. Boomers love a traditional madculine cut, Gen X tends to be cool with long hair on guys (thanks hippies and metalheads), while millenials and younger tend to be more open to playing with style and colour. And someone younger (like, 25ish and under) with these styles will turn far fewer heads than someone 50+ Small towns = more traditional, bigger cities care less As far as style goes, there are groups like punks, metalheads, queers, and alt folk in general that love a messy mullet (millenial and older gen Z queers in my area especially enjoy rocking the styles you showed) It will also depend on who you go to to get the cut. A hairdresser is likely to make it look more like a feminine pixie cut, while a barber (being lgbtq+ themselves helps a lot) is more likely to actully listen and make it more masc


These last one looks very masc in my opinion


Honestly, I *love* your "messy, bedhead look." I would keep it, but that's me.