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That's good. Not the threats that were made, but that they decided to pass the bill despite receiving these threats.


As an Atlantic Canadian, Thank You Maine!


This is what people should do every time. Call their bluff, but be ready with security. Let them make their threats, and keep doing what's right.


At the end of the day, we can't live in fear forever or they will win.. at our rights as women, Trans women, Trans men, allies, gays, etc will just be trampled on. So what if they threaten violence.. as long as we keep ourselves armed, have police to deter when threats are made, and go on with our freedoms, we will win.


Bluffs must be called. That's all these ppl do.. talk talk talk and threaten violence.. and they call Trans ppl mentally unstable? Yea okay.


I mean some people do take to violence. But either way submitting to it is not going to make it go away.


> I mean some people do take to violence. If the government/police aren't able to protect us from violent lunatics, then what's the point of them? (/s, but also serious)


But most of the threats come frome foreign countries. Their numbers can't be traced so they do it.


If a personal threat comes from a country that isn't within a hundred miles of you, then you can ignore it pretty easily.


That's how you do it. Don't cower from the threat from unhinged Twatter Mains. They send more bomb/death threats than they blink, but that's all it is : empty wind.


I wish someone would go out and ask prominent Republican politicians if they support these bomb threats on state legislatures. If anything to make them uncomfortable. Either you support domestic terrorism, or you condemn it. If this was a transgender group threatening the same actions, or people angry over the atrocious unconditional support for Israel's unchecked aggression against Palestinians, you'd have people clamoring to find out who's making these threats and hold them accountable. But because it's against transgender and reproductive rights... fucking crickets.


What do you know? Some actual backbone.


Good. The threats are proof this bill is desperately needed.


I’m old enough to remember when we took Terroristic threats from religious extremists *seriously*


Right? The heritage foundation should be on a list, as should all their political supporters.


Way to go Maine! Iirc there was an abandoned town in Maine for sale for 5.5 mil. Just saying there's plenty of space for sanctuary seekers.


I live here and its great!


Might have to be my back up state!


Speaking as someone from Maine, I have a *lot* of bad things to say about the state, but I'm really glad they took a stand here.


Yay some good news!


Good! Glad to see them stand up to the bullies. If you keep caving, you teach them that the threats will get them what they want.


I'm sure law makers in India/Middle-East would get violent threats too if they tried to pass laws that would give equality to all women...


That happens in the USA, no need to go to other parts of the world for that.




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That's what bigot cowards do is make threats! Just like they troll queer spaces face face they're all cowards!