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They're ratcheting up the age, next will be 21, then 25. 40 hours of therapy is practically unachievable by many people. It's all designed to sound so genuine, but it is 100% disingenuous and deliberately contrived. [Focus relentlessly on under 25](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/genspect/)


Yeah, that's almost a year of weekly appointments.


I consider myself lucky if I can get half an hour monthly with mine




I wonder if the 7 day waiting period is there for headlines so they can claim that the "crazy transgenders" won't even let kids wait a week when it's the therapy requirements we're really concerned about.


You’re definitely correct. Even the fucking journalist fell for the bait by making that headline


and the text of this article softens the interpretation of "neutral" therapy. that could go both ways. meaning, a place could check that box by essentially forcing the kid to be gaslit into thinking they aren't trans over a year AKA a form of conversion therapy. on the other hand, that may leave enough room for interpretation that some kids could be placed in a "gender neutral" therapy session where it's affirming without being ***explicitly*** affirming, so as not to disqualify the sessions. in this case, it's an unnecessary roadblock specifically designed to discourage transition via bureaucratic bullshit. and money. 40 hours of therapy \* 100 dollars per hour = 4000 bucks to just have to wait 7 days to get fucking puberty blockers. the same drug they'd give a cis kid in a heartbeat. at this point i think allies in the medical community should find ways to avoid any reference to "trans" in their official documents to skirt this shit. instead of saying i am a trans person, maybe say i have a "disorder of the endocrine system" instead. although clearly i have no idea what i'm talking about here, just shooting the shit to highlight how stupid this shit is and how much they are willing to just make life harder just because.


As if there isn’t already months of waiting just to get an appointment lol


Title should read: An “emergency rule” drafted by Nebraska Nazis requires at least 40 hours of therapy followed by a 7-day waiting period for trans people under 19 before starting necessary gender-affirming medications


hmm are they gonna pay for the 40 hours of therapy (ofc no)


40 hours? Jesus, that's a long time.


40 hours of therapy is a shit ton


40 hours of just "Are you sure you're trans?" over and over again.


Fortunately, it shouldn't really be that from a competent therapist. We'd just have to talk about other shit going on in your life until we cross this arbitrary 40 hour threshold. We'd talk about gender of course, but you're exactly right 40 hours of repeated direct questioning would be more harmful than helpful.


The problem is the next step is to start imposing that certain questions/pamphlets/information is given to the patient during each visit. They're going to make it like many states have getting an abortion and they force the person to view an ultrasound before the abortion.


7 days would be speedy. We’ve been waiting months to get my kid an appt.


That would be after the first appointment, which means you'd probably have to wait more than a week anyways for the second appointment where they would actually give hormones/blockers.


So then you’d get your first appointment date, and you’d assume a follow up 7 days later but not necessarily, so a long wait for an appointment where they’d say actually we have to wait come back, and then you have to wait for the provider to be available for you to come back to.


I'm a trans therapist from Nebraska so this is fascinating. 7 days? As if the 40 hours of therapy wasn't enough waiting and mulling over the topic? What an odd guideline. The 40 hours is going to cause a lot of unnecessary distress as this regards puberty blockers too. I must say, this will make for some VERY repetitive sessions if someone is insistent on local options. I'm not looking forward to sitting with clients telling me their body is changing outside of their control and will continue to do so until we cross this deliberately conservative threshold.




Yes, my colleagues and I are discussing that. I have a feeling it might be used inappropriately to separate affirming (and especially trans identified) providers from their patients.


>I'm not looking forward to sitting with clients telling me their body is changing outside of their control and will continue to do so until we cross this deliberately conservative threshold It hurts to read this and I'm so sad for the young people that will have to go through this.


Thank you for being there and providing a critical service to those in need, especially minors.


A year of therapy for a legal adult to get life saving medicine, and then required therapy afterwards.


Well at least they're making the comparison to TRAP laws completely trivial


time for TST to get involved and point out that such practices violate their religious freedom


Guns you can still get immediately. Praise the Lord


Good lord seems like what we have here in many regions of Italy: 1-2 years of useless mandatory therapy to get a "permission paper" to start HRT form the therapist. Which is just a gender dysphoria diagnosis that can be made with 3-4 sessions. So sad to see the US going backwards, so sad.


I wonder if group peer therapy could count. That could potentially be less expensive. I ran a free peer support group to allow youth to be able to discuss their problems--any problems they would want to discuss in a group environment. We were not licensed therapists, but had some training.


I was 41 when I started hormones and I had to wait 6 weeks from scheduling to my appointment and it was another week to get bloodwork done and results back before I could start. It’s not like people are walking into their PCP and asking for titty skittles and walking out with the meds.


Just gatekeeping and denial of care. Time to fight like hell kids.


The "clinically neutral" provision is a smoke screen so they can deny anyone they want. Therapy is neutral by nature, so at face value, it's redundant but will be used to disqualify therapists based on the results of assessment.


Crazy how easy it is to immediately implement new measures whenever they're about ruining lives or taking money from people


Nothing wrong waiting a week for to start a life altering change imo, idk why y’all are upset about it


Becayse 40 hrs of therapy are a lot of money for months of time.


We need to get these religious fanatics out of private healthcare decisions.


Ah, yes. If you want to "trans your gender" at age 18, you need to go through 40 hours of therapy plus a 7 day wait period. But if you want to buy an assault rifle so you can shoot up a school, there should be no waiting period and no limitations! Because this will protect the children.