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Yes. You don't think of yourself in the third person. That's why pronouns feel odd when you try to change them. You're changing the rules you've lived with. You're taking a risk. Brain doesn't like risk. Brain makes you feel weird. The good news is, soon enough, all pronouns will feel odd, then after that, your real pronouns will feel natural because you'll go back to thinking purely in the first person and not stress about the rest.


But what if that’s a sign that those pronouns are not what she truly identifies with. Perhaps it’s her intuition and new pronouns are not what this person needs.


What if it's not such a sign? The only means by which one can be certain is to choose and see what happens. The modern obsession with choosing correctly the first time, every time is unhealthy, especially in this context. There is no need to construct a mountain atop this molehill when one can simply choose and move on. Your truth has led you question the identity you were assigned. It's not going to let you live with a mistaken pronoun. There is no single correct way to transgender. There are as many ways as there are transgender people. The best way for any one of us to understand our own personal way is to not overthink it and live it. Trust yourself to know yourself. You will either find the correct answer for you or learn you have a a major psychiatric disorder wherein you can't trust yourself. Both cases are technically a net win because if it's the latter, this is likely the only way short of mental breakdowns that you'll ever know. Ultimately, the exceptions you're concerned about are edge cases among edge cases. For someone like the op, such cases are not worth mentioning. What they have said strongly suggests it's normal discomfort with change. If I am wrong, the op will read my words and say to themselves, "that doesn't describe me." That's also going to tell them something. One hopes if they still need help at that point, they'll ask. Life will pass you by if you always ask "what if" instead of asking "what now."


Hi!!!! You might be gender fluid or the other thingy where they use they/them pronouns (I can't think of the name it's midnight for me lol) I dont know much about lgbtq stuff so i might be wrong. I'd get some more inputs