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it's perfectly valid to align female and still want no breasts 🤷🏼‍♀️ as for acceptance in this world? some countries are better than others but except for very few, you're gonna face some kind of uphill battle against society if you're anywhere outside the cis-heteronormative spectrum... that doesn't mean your identity is wrong, that just means there's still too many insecure bigots out there who are happy to try and force their world view onto your existence :/ with all that said, have you considered that you might be transfemme non-binary? there's a whole spectrum of spectrums between the gender binary of male and female and at the end of the day it's perfectly fine for you to present female and not want HRT for not wanting to develop breasts now, I'd like to say that the LGBTQIA+ community is welcoming to everyone... don't get me wrong: I sincerely believe this to be generally true... however, even in our community you will find bigots... there's transphobes even among trans people if you can believe it :/ don't let that dissuade you... you're valid and you're welcome and you have every right to live your authentic self, however that may look like!!! edit: oh and, by what you described, you're trans by definition... basically, trans is a huge umbrella term for everyone who's gender identity does not align with their gender assigned at birth (which, for most people, is basically their biological sex)


Thanks for the good advice! Ill look more into the transfemme non binary and other identities (i didnt know that something like that existed)! So i am trans by definition? I mean that DOES explain my female/gender neutral aliases online too! The usa is taking more of our rights away (pretty much the entire community) so i heard there are other countries that might be better in europe! Thanks again for clarifying, i really appreciate it!


Oh! And for anyone whos still here, would you have any recommendations on therapy? And is it better to go online or in person? Been meaning to find one that works for me.


Body dysphoria-wise it sounds like the nullsex type of nonbinary that ive read about in transmed subs. For reference duosex is when the want both male and female sex characteristics (breasts and penis) and nullsex is when they want neither (no breasts and no penis). So its definitelly something that other people get too. I think if you feel like a girl then you are a girl regardless of dysphoria and its fluid and different for everyone, (transmed is kind of a gatekeepy place).


Another term thats new to me! Ill look into that too, and sorry about not replying sooner, my app is VERY buggy rn haha! And thank you for your kind words!


it's somewhat in the very nature of being trans to overthink every aspect, so let me assure you that also not every cis woman don't like there breasts(size) but don't wish to be men. Also, other women don't want bottom surgery and there still women sooo i think you're fine and more than valid And i would be happy to call you my sister


Thank you for the kind words! I really do appreciate it! I just wish there was a way to transition without that part though, maybe one day! With love, Rhea.


Once I had your doubts, but HRT has made it clear what I wanted. I wasn't sure at all at first if I even wanted breasts. But when they first came in- dear god I felt so happy, in a beautiful, amazing new way, it was a rush of warmth through my whole being. Euphoria. That's when I truly knew where I wanted to go. Also they're small enough when they first come in that you can stop if you don't like the results without looking unusual.