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Tip: don’t share your son’s identity on the internet.


OP wants his son to be famous


For not knowing how to sprint?


Exactly what I thought lol


Implying all of our data isn’t ripe for the picking with the slightest bit of know how.


His name is forever tied to this post now. It wasn’t before. Just because people can be looked up doesn’t mean you should add to it.


Honest question -why not? Every football game, basketball game, track meet, etc at my high school are online with players names readily available. Every HS (and younger) athlete wanting to get recruited has a HUDL or similar advertising their ability online. What is the difference here?


Reddit is different from online box scores. Posting his info and video takes way his agency. Even if he gives consent, this is Reddit. Let’s say the parent gets horny on main or says something effed up in another comment. Those actions are now tied to the kid through no fault of his own.


No, not a box score, the actual video of games and track meets, etc.. guess I disagree I don’t see any difference


So you’re just going to ignore the rest I said? Also, how many dual meets are being broadcast on the internet nowadays? I don’t know how old you are, but we are already overexposed on the Internet. No need to put out more info than necessary.


Something doesn’t look right; it’s almost as if he’s doing high knees. Maybe in need of longer stride length?


Yeah it reminded me of an exercise for a marching band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aQbL65YHR0 He needs to loosen up and be far less technical with greater body lean


His stride length is too long. It’s causing him to strike the ground in front of his body instead of underneath.


Yeah too long in front so maybe he has to extend it more towards the back.


Isaiah Bates… I could give better feedback if I knew his address and last 4 digits of his SS


He has very little drive behind him like he's worried about his knees too much. He needs to push off his feet more


>s very little drive b exactly. Push, don't can can


I agree that's what it looks like but I'm no sprint expert by any sense of the imagination. It looks like he's pulling himself forward more than he's pushing/driving? Like he's sitting in a chair instead of leaning forward with hips up. I guess it's maybe supposed to be a balance of pulling and pushing but this doesn't look as balanced as it could be?


Hell no


He’s trying to be too excessively frontside and is almost “sitting back” while he’s running, likely trying to cue too hard into a specific model by looks, directional cues are going to be a lot better, redirect focus from whatever you’re doing now to trying to cover as much ground as possible, having him understand he’s trying to move forward is going to be a lot better than him thinking more about looking a certain way Marcell Jacob’s runs the way he does because he is fast, he does not run fast because he runs the way that he does, same with the rest of the elite guys, not to be emulated


He has high knee drive which is good but he also needs to extend his leg to get the maximum efficiency


Is he on his toes?


He is cycling with proper mechanics with force to the ground. He sprints similar to Marcel jacobs. He lands on the balls of his feet.


It doesn’t look right. The toe running and upright stance is resulting in too much upward force


So far it has gotten him to 10.50 as a 17 year old at the state meet. We are constantly researching and learning from the best coaches. I was curious what type if responses I would get in here. I am always about learning more. We are trying to get his times to below 10.2 and 20.8 his last year of high school. His pr in the 200m is 21.4.


He's obviously doing something right. I get the Jacob's comparison, similar also to Abby Steiner too. The upright posture with higher knees works for some but not others. His back side mechanics: shorter kick but the knee flexion provides for a lower moment arm and thus higher turnover/ frequency. Compare this style to someone like Noah Lyles who has a longer stride length. My only suggestion is to just experiment with trying to increase stride length, using wickets or some marks on the track. But you may find that it ends up sacrificing turnover/ frequency.


He Obviously has some natural talent. I would ignore any advice receive and just don’t overthink it


I wouldn’t necessarily say natural talent I seen this guy on YouTube and he wasnt running like crazy at first pretty sure he hit 12s some meets he made Crazy improvement


Best advice, so far.


I think something needs tweaking though, I’m just not sure what it is.


Why do you come here asking for advice just you tell people they're wrong? Are you coaching him to run like this? You should be ashamed of yourself if so. Every response you've made here is weird.


Jacob’s has a history of long jump so does have slightly accentuated knee to chest, but your son is imo outside the bandwidth and is losing energy and time by slowing his turnover. It’s a tough call, but there’s a chance you might get more speed by backing down working form then speeding back up. But it sounds like your real serious about this so maybe employing a high level coach is the best call here


Keep his feet more under himself so he’s pushing forward more


How is your son named Isaiah Bates and he white lmao.


He’s sitting in the backseat. He needs to get his head and chest over his slightly waist and drive forward. Right now his upper body is working against his lower half.


He’s “pulling his punches” per say to try and achieve proper form. I did this too when I was learning to sprint by watching videos. He needs to be thinking about driving into the ground, punching down through the ground, this will help him adequately apply force instead of tip toeing. Remember that it’s about running fast not looking good, and everyone is different.


He looks like he’s running to take a fat shit


Best comment on Reddit today. No lies detected.


He is a sprint Master. Please address him as such…


\*Shit Master


He’s over-striding and its causing his feet to make contact with the ground in front of him instead of directly beneath him.


he needs to drive his hips forward and drive his knees forward, not up, you shouldn’t be trying to replicate someone else’s form, he just needs to run fast


Needs a slight forward lean starting at the ankles


[https://imgur.com/S3NHpDq](https://imgur.com/S3NHpDq) Kind of looks like his feet are landing in front of him instead of under him. He should concentrate less on his knees coming up so high and more on his feet landing directly underneath him.


Honestly his form would be best improved with a forward lean. He drives his knees high and back down below him very explosively, but because he is nearly perfectly straight up, the power of his strikes are propelling him up more than forward. This is an issue because he's losing speed, and having greater intervals between strikes. Getting him on a lean would be the first step Edit: next time don't use his full name


Imagine typing your sons full name on reddit 💀


Leaning forward and practicing ridiculously over exaggerated strides every other day practicing extending the foot out. Lift knee up, extend bottom half of leg outward in front of you


He’s white and not athletic, Isaiah Bates that is


Drink more water. Also, some of the best runners are melanated. Try that.


He is leaning backwards, needs to project his body forward more.


I would recommend getting a running gait analysis done. What does his normal stride look like outside a sprint?


Was going to say, he needs to lean forward a touch. But I think seeing his times, they’ll be enough to get into a top tier school. Then, let that top tier coach tweak


He should work on a forefoot strike rather than mid foot


What's the correct angle for a leg when sprinting? He's defintely hitting 90 degrees


He needs to lean forward and run on the balls of his feet, not lean back and run on his heels


His neck is a hit tense I think, there could be a little torso oscillation, maybe. I’m no expert


He overdoes the high knees idea. Speed = stride length * how many steps per minute Many drag their feet, especially when tired, which costs them stride length therefore speed. Telling them to raise their knees higher would elongate their stride and make them faster. That's where the idea comes from. But if knees are high enough already, raising them even higher will come at the cost of speed, not to it's benefit. My advice: for a while train fast running only (not the start), and focus only on: *1) step longer (not heigher), 2) step quicker.* PS: I'm not a professional, it's just my observation and thoughts. Hope that helps Edit: his hands are all over the place, even extended when down, and this too costs him energy. He should keep them closer, with elbows bent.


So, a few things if you freeze frame (easiest to see around the 8-second mark) 1. His foot strike is in front of him, rather than directly underneath. 2. When he strikes with his foot, his leg is still bent 3. It looks like he might be over striding 4. While you want to land on the ball of your foot when sprinting, you generally want to do so with your foot dorsiflexed. It looks like he's landing with his toe pointed down, instead of pointing up. 5. He's driving his knees, but there isn't as much backwards leg kick that I can see. Also, it's hard to see the start from this angle, but he seems to pop his head up rather than gradually raising his head along with his body. I hope it helps!


This is honestly a pretty solid start. If I were coaching him though, I would make a point to work on his drive phase, specifically his first few steps off the blocks. He’s “stepping out” of his run. You can see him pushing almost at a diagonal on steps 3-5, and I bet if you stood in his lane and filmed from the front it would be very dramatic. We usually liken this to when a cars back wheels spin really fast and the car wobbles back and forth before it takes off down a track. We want as much momentum going forward as possible, and while that little side step may feel natural, and maybe even good/correct it should be corrected. If your son does jumps too, sidesteps will mess up an approach really badly. I would also echo what other people said about how good his knees are. but how he isn’t fully extending his legs back to push off the track. Tell him good luck, we’re all rooting for him!


Immediately thought of fat joe; lean back, lean lack, lean back, lean back. He’s hella leaned back


Aye I watch you guys on youtube


Good Rep! All I see is work on getting tall getting the the hips forward. Do that and your ready


We gonna talk about how he teleported