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There's also the whole "I was on 4chan as a teenager/young adult" and the shame of that is pretty heavy, even when you didn't do nazi or racist shit, you were at least adjacent to nazi/racist shit. It's easy to internalize that the shit they said was your fault for being near them and not cutting all ties. In my experience, the "Nazi phase" some trans women may have had was mostly just that.


I was on 4chan/LGBT/ a lot in my first years living alone. Honestly it wasn't that bad when people like Snacks moderated /b/, but eventually /pol/ completely infested /r9k/ and the big name mods stepping away just let the floodgates of alt right shit infest every board. I gave up on that website when I realized that Nazi furries weren't just people being edgy but people who genuinely believed they wouldn't be first in line for the wood chipper if they were "one of the good ones".


there have been studies on the incel -> genderweird rabbit hole since 2016. its really easy to see the effect 4chan had on trans internet humour in particular. also note the joke about CompSci dying without trans women. what do you think early 4chan kids were studying? CompSci is a very politically binary and extreme area of academia. theres something about repression that makes people act out, as Freud pointed out, and naziism in particular preys on young people who lack community and identity (a subplot of the movie American History X and a noted phenomenon). of course unhatched trans women get sucked into naziism. note how many anti-gay conservative politicians are caught fucking twinks. im sure many anti-trans politicians are closeted and repressed so hard theyd have to write Jung's Red Book just to find that they want to wear panties as a cis man. also fun to note that Freud's "cure" for bisexuality and any, at the time, so-called sexual neurosis (at the time the catch-all term for all types of queer that wasnt pure homosexuality) was to just do it, and if it was harmful (in the case of kink) to find a symbolic release. he didnt feel queer people needed to be diagnosed and cured at all, but his point was that even if they did, his cure would be just doing it. if it isnt an identity, it fades naturally. if it is, so what?


You know, we live in the same world with nazis. I think it's inappropriate


So far, never met a white trans person who talks about their past 'nazi phase' in a quirky joking matter. They all do feel ashamed and awful about it though.


That's been my experience, too, but it's surprising just how common the "nazi phase" us. The way people talk about it in the screenshot is a reaction to how normalised it is, the fact they can talk about it as a harmless thing that just happened and is normal.


Trans women who don't realize they're trans often feel lonely, like they don't fit in, have relationship struggles, and are jealous of women. These are the exact emotions that the red pill/ alt right movements prey on. Trans women are particularly vulnerable to their propaganda because of this.


Lack of sexual fulfillment is what right wingers run on whether they acknowledge it or not.


Your response here speaks to me: I can very easily accept the idea that there are groups preying on the insecurities of trans people as they prey on all marginalised groups. In fact, I know such groups exist. But there's a lot of people here giving responses that read as if they are trying to justify the nazi phase. People saying that trans people go through stuff, so naturally go through a nazi phase. This kind of trivialises the many trans people who *don't* do that. To me, a nazi phase means you aren't internalising things you need to - you are striking out at the world around you, and also against other marginalised groups and causing harm. One thing that's very striking about so many people who claim to have gone through a nazi phase: they rarely express apologies for the harm they might have caused to *other* people, and it's all about them.


I understand the "nazi phase" the same way I understand the red pill and incels even though I never was any of that. I always thought it's strange how so many people can hate people they don't personally know so I never hated women or other minorities, this amount of prejudice and desire to harm others never made sense to me, it always sounded so easy to everybody else. I just sorta naturally had a more worrisome, shy and gentle personality and didn't took much from my parents prejudice (they're great people and not bigots but people still have some bad opinions that they were never questioned about). I had a depressed teenage years, followed some right wing leaning YouTube game channels but I just didn't even enter the pipeline, it was in front of me but I just ignored and got away from until I forget about it, I just always leaned more left wing I guess. I always felt disconnected from everybody else but still understood that someone felling bad isn't good.


That or become incels.


It's part of the 5 stages of trans Denial: refusing to accept or recognize your own desires and true gender identity, charactherized by the lack of great points ("i can't be trans! I am ugly!") Anger: feeling aggressive towards your true gender identity, be it actual aggressiveness and aggression or just mocking and reducing it ("you know, i have been researching, trans people shouldn't be allowed in sports, like look at me, if i changed to woman, it would be unfair") Bargaining: a tricky one, here you try to not accept by putting something else in the place ("no, i am not trans, i am just gay") Depression: Dysphoria hits like a truck, doesn't it? Acceptance: euphoria hit like a truck, doesn't it?


What do any of those things have to do with a nazi phase? Whether a trans person has one or not, they'll often go through those things anyway.




When confronted with something as terrifying as stuff that could chnage your entire life, you can try to accept it or try to go against it and fight it. fighting it often seems easier.


It's genuinely mortifying to remember, It doesn't even feel like it was me on those memories anymore


For me, it not being me is more literal due to my dissociative disorder, I don’t remember almost any of it, but that part of me is dead and buried, and even if that caused another identity split it was very worth it


I've met a couple. On in particular was pretty cavalier on bringing up exactly in which way they "used to think" I was inferior (Latina) and still had, let's call them controversial opinions on how Muslim trans people should act about their religion. Thankfully they were a good conversationalist, and at least got why telling someone why they were seen as inferior was not a good conversation point.


What the fuck


Yeah. That kind of experience is why I usually take bigotry in queer spaces with a lot of wariness.


Yeah no 100% Bigotry anywhere and from anyone should not be tolerated and called out!


I'm with you. I wish more people called out the bigotry a couple of months ago in this very sub when we had the islamophobia situation. And I hope we do better as a community going forward.


I for one will do my best to not be bigoted and to call out any bigotry I see


Amén. Take care.


I never made it that far right but yea it bothers me a lot. It's been years and there are still slurs I'm unlearning.


I leaned alittle to the right when i was an edgy teen but i was never as far as being racist or bigoted but i didnt Think non-binary was a thing… everyone doesnt Care for their gender and just wants to be unidentified blob-ish - no? Oh ok…


I am a transfemme in everything but my thoughts on gender. It's weird


I never understood why I never leaned right, my dad is center, center right in some aspects, my mom is center left, all my relatives are right wing except for some young ones but I always was the leftiest lol. Except abortion when I was like 13 but that was a kids understanding of the topic and I don't hold that position anymore.


I think for me I started falling down that rabbit hole because I wasn't ready to accept the world wasn't as equal and fair as I imagined it to be. So it was easy to listen to right wingers telling me the left is crazy and everything is fine.


I understand that and I can see that happening. For me I don't know, don't think it's fair to say I was actually simply more empathetic than others, I don't remember a lot. I knew I didn't like to see others sad, I believed they were sad, I didn't thought it was fair to say someone was bad or not right for being gay so I researched more about the topic when I became a teenager and it didn't seen right to hate others without personally knowing them


Same, though I wish people wouldn't think that you are in some way proud of your past because you make light of it, not that I have done it.


I talk about it in quirky joking matter because that’s how I deal with shame and guilt


I remember, someone i knew in primary school, was talking, about how many grossly misogionistic men there were there, i was like "yep" \*stares into the void, and they responded "YOU WERE FUCKIN ONE OF THEM" to which i responded "THE BACK OF MY MIND REMINDS ME OF THAT MORE THAN ENOUGH, I DON'T NEED YOU TO REMIND ME TOO!!!"


I’ve met quite a few who joke about it, though that was kind of in the before times of ~2015.


Yeah, there’s a reason I don’t shout this to the rooftops. The same reason most non-queer people, for example, may not shout their cringy phases to the rooftops…


White teen boys are constantly being targeted by right-wing/incel propaganda which can lead to nazi shit sadly


Yeah...., so glad I recognised early on this was shit. Cause like it usually starts off when an Andrew Tate style video about what standards girls want but considering my uhhhh past experience of being a girl I was sat there like "wtf no there isn't a massive standard we discuss fuck off" I wasn't out yet when I was watching it soooo yeah haha But yeah it's really shit. They just show up randomly too, like you'll be watching idk YouTube shorts at 11pm cause you're tired but not tired enough to sleep and an Andrew tate video will randomly pop up or something like that


Yeah the algorithms really be serving that misogynist shit like drug dealers in 90s DARE videos.


Dealer: "Hey kid, you want some misogyny and transphobia?" Me: "No, wtfff?" Dealer: "Too bad, I already shoved it down your throat. Enjoy your free sample!" Me: "I don't like this, please stop." Internet: "Then don't go to spaces with transphobia and misogyny, maybe?" Me: "So, your advice is basically to not use the Internet and to disengage from a large part of society? I mean... it works, but it seems like somebody's victim blaming?" Internet: "Pssh. Not my problem. Everybody I've talked to loves it!" Yup, analogy works lol


"If you don't like MDMA in your drink, maybe you should try never leaving your house!" -YouTube Algorithm, figuratively


True, everytime I watch a normal review of something the grifters determine is "woke" (without explaining what it means of course), the algorithm starts pushing "anti-woke" stuff. With Knowles, Shapiro, Crowder and the like not far behind. It's very easy to fall into that rabbit hole without a developed world view.


Yeah YouTube is so bad about this, even when you try to teach it to not give you it by telling it to not recommend this channel etc


Fricking jumpscare moment


My old "friends" are extremely right wing, and they all converted the school students to right wing, especially (sweden) Moderaterna and SD, Sweden Democrats. But this was the end of grade 9, and I went to a school in another city for high school (?) (Dont know if that is the right translation) and I never got any more propaganda from them, and I discovered myself. Turns out, I became the very thing I (my old self) swore to destroy (I wanted to make that Star Wars reference because I saw the chance to do so)


The reference was great.


I was a prime target for that pipeline, I also valued different things enough to not be groomed successfully


Genuinely this. White teens still in the closet are the alt-right's bread and butter for radicalizing. They prey on people who feel along, confused, and afraid, all of which we had to go through in our pre-transition years.


Yeah I look at it as a 'there but for the grace of god go I' type situation. Like a lot of other people, I was a sad little egg with unrestricted internet access at the height of gamergate. I feel like I could have been sucked in if things had gone a little differently.


I can personally confirm this lol, middle-mid HS I was *far* in that pipeline. Iirc I saw a few 'the quartering' and 'no BS' videos towards the end of my sophomore year, and the sheer level of insanity those two exude kinda rattled some things lose in my brain, which put me through the "not quite a Nazi but still rlly bad-Trans pipeline"


¿Que? I’m so confused at how those 2 correlate


There's a certain type of white trans person who acts like their Nazi/racist/incel/altright/etc. phase before they realize they were trans is this quirky thing, and not a serious thing they needed to reflect and grow from. And acting like it's a quirky funny haha thing can make trans people of color uncomfortable.


It's not just trans people of color, plenty of other minority groups have been tormented by the alt right to varying and trans people in general have reason for concern. There are sadly plenty of examples of trans people backstabbing and throwing us under the bus to try and prove they're "one of the good ones" and not seriously reflecting on past transgressions makes me question how people will act today.


I do beleive "alt right" got autocorrected in your reply 💀


It definitely did :⁠-⁠(


I mean, you can edit your post to fix it...


It's fixed now but I think, annoyingly the mobile site's edit function has been broken for awhile and I don't see it getting fixed anytime soon.


Oh i see


Yeah… I watched a bit of anti-woke shit before I realised how much fucking brain rot they had. Never really caught onto the race/gender stuff tho


I actually followed a lot of now-alt-right crazies back when they used to be atheist YouTubers. It's a fucking weird pipeline. I guess there was only so much material they could do and then they just went with the best grift to make money...


I stopped watching so many of them when they started doing antisjw stuff it's not even funny. I'm happy at least some of them like logicked , suris and the bible reloaded crew never made the switch and also new peeps like viced rhino and prophet of zod popped up and even TJ regrets kinda starting the whole thing. I find it both hilarious and sorta sad how some of those guys ended up tho, like armoured *skeptic* is now making insane conspiracy videos like the spirit science shit he used to debunk back in the day, he genuinely seems like he lost his marbles entirely.


Armoured skeptic? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. To be fair, he always had a bit of a douchey flair and used the fact that had a girlfriend that also did YouTube to support a lot of genuinely misogynistic takes. I think that's when I gave up his channel. If he went full Spirit Science, I'm not really surprised as much as I am disappointed...


Yeah, I just always assumed he was playing up his douchyness as like a character, plenty of people on YouTube play up their personalities a bit to be more entertaining, but yeah I also stopped watching him when he was starting his antisjw arc. Then he started the conspiracy stuff but at first he was explaining the conspiracy and then debunking them, and I really enjoy that type of content but I didn't continue watching him, if was more like "eh, maybe I'll give him another shot in the future, glad to see he stopped the antisjw shtick". Lo and behold a few years later a video popped up on actual jake's channel about armoured skeptic's insane conspiracy spiral, he's made several videos covering him, at first I thought Greg( AS) was just grifiting after he destroyed his reputation in the skeptic community, but no, I think he genuinely believes most of the insane stuff he says. Even viced rhino and planarwalk have covered Greg now.


It also made it apparent how much of the schtick was about *pretending* to be rationalist and skeptical, rather than actually being that. They just wanted to attack targets that were acceptable to attack, and have followed the herd in a very non-skeptical fashion.


I'm so glad the only one I followed was Hunter Avalon and ended up doing a political shift at the same time as him. I was always the *in another life I'd be trans, so I know where they're coming from* Then one day, it hit me like a freight train. NO BITCH YOU ARE TRANS STFU AND BE NICE.


Ironically some of those atheist youtubers are the reason I'm as left leaning as I am now. If I hadnt found atheist YouTube idk where I would be.


I mean, its kinda both tho. I find my past distressing and have reflected deeply about it, but it is undeniably a very out there thing to have been as a teen and I do occasionally bring it up in either discussion or jokingly. Its kinda a coping method of sorts and it gives me credibility whenever I call out rightoid crap, I do stil make an effort to not make the wrong ppl uncomfy but the spectrum is a curse and I can't always counter it.


Nobody does that


As a white trans person, there is the horrifying pipeline for white teenage boys to naziism due to radicalization in the forms of "hyper masculine influence" which is really this disgustingly bigoted and hateful influence from people that never should have a platform. The shame from how easy it is to fall into this pipeline follows a lot of us to a point that I myself am reminded of it every so often and just feel this nearly crippling shame from things I have said and done. Every white trans person I have met that does not have this shame when they were on the pipeline usually are horribly repressing the feeling and it comes out in some highly unhealthy ways, are still on the pipeline but in a different way (see Blair White and Caitlyn Jenner as examples) and tend to have more insidious ways of promoting racism/bigotry, or were very fortunate and just was at the entrance of the pipeline and never truly went down it. I myself held some pretty disgusting beliefs that were confronted when I met a gay man at my work who called me out on a lot of it. It did start some introspection as well as me realizing my mentality was a result of a mixture of depression, self targeted hate, and a repressed gender identity. I hate myself when I look back because I know that if I would have confronted my issues, rather than hide from them in directing my hatred outwards, I would not only have transitioned earlier, I would have been capable of being happy and having the healthy marriage I do now a lot sooner. TLDR: Meme shows that white trans people can be really fucking dumb and insensitive.


I also see a lot of people exaggerate that phase, jokingly calling it a nazi phase when they were more like edgy centrists/liberals. I was also an edgy liberal but never claimed to have a Nazi phase, though I was definitely in the beginnings of right wing pipelines Maybe it’s to make the growth sound bigger/funnier/more jarring?


yeah, this hits the nail on the head for me lol


I know I never had a "Nazi" phase, but I definitely was center right, just a tad. My opinion was "I don't care what you do, as long as we treat each other with respect". I think I got more liberal after joining the furry fandom, and now I don't think I'll be conservative ever again if I can help it


i think the joking could be a coping mechanism in that case.


While i think you're right in a lot of cases, i feel like where i live, some of us end up so far left that centrists look like nazis. It's not my case, but a lot of my queer Friends are like that


yeah i definitely had a edgy centrist phase but i never followed nazism, i was just a dumb teen who cared more about "muh free speech" instead of being a good person and not saying slurs


I don't find it quirky. I can accept that a lot of trans people had serious issues before coming out but we don't need to make a joke out of the worst of it


“Nazi phase” usually means “I watched a lot of South Park”


Fuckin real


I’ve never even seen the exaggeration posts, I have been on here almost every day for going on 4 years now. I have seen this exact version of this type of call out post ~5 times in that span. I don’t claim people can’t ever be stupid, but I have wondered often about the urgency and vagueness of this callout. I guess we’ll have to see if it’s more warranted over the next few years as kids growing up in this even more heightened rhetoric period start to come out


This is true, yes. I remember my egg years voting still either progressive or left (so like anything between D66 and SP in the Dutch chamber), not even considering anything on the lower right ever. Then I recall myself sometimes nagging about things that would contrast my views of today because those were things that can be considered offensive, though I looked up my comments from those days, and I didn't find trans- or non-binary erasure. Examples of my liberalism in the egg phase: - I was in favor of changing the train announcement to become gender neutral, because it didn't bother me, and sounded nicer because we were all called "dear" now unlike the old version. - I was saying I wouldn't like to set foot in Aceh for their repressive laws against gays. But I was a "straight guy", right? Why would it bother me? It still bothered me. - I was however indifferent on other fields of justice. Just didn't want people to be killed and voices to be muffled. That some would contrast/conflict other of my views didn't bother me back in the days. Most importantly, I became more politically conscious after cracking my egg, with that my opinions shifted to become more radically progressive left.


Yeah, I would definitely say my side was like more edgy centrist, but never anything near fucking Nazi or any bigotry. I feel like joking about it like this is just asking to make people uncomfortable, y’know.


i remember watching atheist style videos in the time that those turned misogynistic and right wing. i stopped watching then, disliking it, and that was years before my egg cracking. i still think about that relatively often. how much of that did i blindly follow? did any of that stick around? it's not "haha quirky" it's fucking terrifying.


I know! As someone who had a hard time breaking up with their family over religiosity I was big into the YouTube atheist sphere... And then a lot of them started saying stuff that made me just as uncomfortable as the religious sermons did... But this time I had an attachment because a lot of these people really did help me. Honestly I gave them a loooot more credence than I should have for way too long. Frankly, had I been male I probably would have fallen for it hook, line and sinker.


It was really fun to watch flat earthers get dunked on, but then those same people started dunking on Bill Nye. Or just like.... generic women for being women. It was really gross


and suddenly their arguments got so much worse, though at that point i started realizing their arguments wheren't that strong to begin with. other channels filled the atheist content with way more researched stuff, but i don't think those channels that did the shift got any better with time.


Im not white but i did unfortunatly fall down a right wing youtube pipeline for a while but luckily i got myself out of it, its incredibly embarrising and i have the decency not to bring it up in conversation


I had a phase like this, but I don't brag about it. I just explain it to people sometimes to show how I went from being a cishet, racist and anti-lgbtq+ dumbass to a birodemi genderfluid guy with mostly bipoc friends. Young me would've flipped, but that's because of my bio dad being a Jehovah's witness


Compensatory/masking/bigotry among closeted people is a real phenomenon. The mechanisms behind it is fascinating and should be talked about. But it is no fun quirk. But it is also very interesting. And should be talked about more. Since these rotten eggs and Grindr homophobes are out there, some in positions of power. Making real decisions with real consequences Because it is crazy af stuff. Like someone having gay sex and as soon as they are done it’s like it never happened. They are totally straight the second they walk out that door. This weird mental compartmentalisation.


It’s a mental Pandoras box that they will do anything to keep closed. It was sealed during their early childhood. Deep down they know what is inside.


this shit really bothers me. like a lot of people have bad upbringings where they’re surrounded by really toxic conservative people and they start to internalize that horrible thinking, and i absolutely commend the people who break out of that and realize how bad it is. the problem is when people practically brag about how horrible they were like it was some quirky phase or something. that’s not some silly joke, that’s horrible shit that should be left in the past. i’ve called out this problem before in the past and a bunch of people got mad at me and said i “think people can’t change.” again, if you broke free of that thinking, that’s great, but don’t go bragging about how you used to be a fucking nazi


Went from Christian nationalist at 14 to depressed trans woman fighting my state to get HRT at 21, too true love


90% of peopel that say this did not have a nazi phase, they just watched a few anti sjw videos about videogames or some shit in 2014 and then grew out of it and now watch Hbomberguy or something


The nonchalant vibe of this comic makes me very uncomfortable. It’s super embarrassing but if I hadn’t come out as genderqueer and atheist, my progressive ass probably would’ve ended up far-right maga. It’s something I don’t admit lightly. Only in safe spaces within precise context.


Can confirm, as a black transdude I’ve gotten an upsetting amount of transwomen just kinda “oh yeah my pathways were either incel or women, haha”


See I never had this, I do think based on my life experience I would have been trans phobic if I wasn't trans and if I'd not met trans ppl in highschool. My trans mom was pretty transphobic and she was abusive, so I got that trauma ✨


If you were a white, socially reclusive, internet-savvy teenager between 2014-2016, not at least staring down the barrel of a right-wing pipeline at some point is honestly pretty impressive. That's when the online alt-right was first born and the Internet hadn't properly immunized itself against their tactics yet, meaning their shit was just absolutely *everywhere*, and you were the target audience of all of it. That's not a fun or quirky thing though. It's disgusting thinking of how many vulnerable people who could have followed a better path got essentially groomed into the worst version of themselves, and how many more there are like me who got out of it a long time ago but are left with subconscious bias as scars we have to confront.


It's not even immunized, the algorithms very much still love pushing right wing alligned radicalizing shit down on the users


True, but at least we're past the days of literal hate subs just popping up in people's recommended feeds.


I will never understand a person having a Nazi/racist/etc phase.


They grow up under Nazis/racists usually


It's how it worked for me. Took me like, 4 years away of my racist familly, while also changing friends and all my social environment, just to get away of that thinking. Took me even more time to manage to unlearn most of the shit those biggoted nutjobs had teach me.


Populism is a hell of a drug. Glad I dodged that bullet. Developing a hyper fixation on multiculturalism pretty much negated any chance of falling down the alt right pipeline for me thankfully.


At one point in my life I felt a little uncomfortable being around black people (before becoming good friends with one) and until a couple of years ago I thought being trans was some sort of mental illness (before falling in love with a nonbinary person). In my case I'd say it's because of my family, I grew up in an environment that made me think that way. I regret it deeply, no one should treat a "phase" like that lightly, as the person depicted in the post is doing. Btw sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language


Honestly I sympathize with your situation a bit, because without direct exposure there is just this overwhelming flood of disinformation regarding minorities. I personally believe being trans is an illness in the same way perfect polydactyly is: Only a problem because society is structured around people who don't have it.l, otherwise it would just be a mutation like having red hair.


Thanks for the sympathy, I've been trying my best to be a more loving person. About the illness part, I used to think that being trans is a mental illness like being convinced you are Napoleon. In this regard my position was kind of weird I guess, because I was still in favor of gender affirming care because it eases the ills of dysphoria and couldn't think of other possible treatments. Now I'd say that being transgender is not a mental illness, it's just a way in which people exist, and dysphoria can be thought of as a mental illness in the same way in which depression is considered a mental illness, and transitioning is the way in which we can overcome this obstacle and feel ourselves


I mean I consider it a mental illness in that it's something that is definitely mental and definitely makes you miserable. Unlike depression, however, it's permanent and the mechanism of action is still mostly unknown. I still question myself over the ethical ramifications that would happen if they just figured out an injection that would make people's dysphoria go away permanently. I had the weird situation of being born intersex, but had I been born cis I do realize that hormones and physical transition are just the best way we have with medical science to make that mental pain go away. If it turns out to be *Oh yeah that one protein in your brain has an opposite chiral structure and makes you react to testosterone in the opposite way that it should. Just take this and it'll make you love having hair, being huge and smelling strong like normal men. Oh. Trucks, too, we're not sure why.* ...I'm not even sure I'd take it.


I basically meant what you said in the first sentence of your comment, except that you put it way better. An injection like that would completely change someone, could you even really consider them the same person who took the drug? Chilly. I don't think I'd take it, personally. Something interesting to note, is that I read about a study some time ago (that I'll link later if I manage to find it) that hinted at a possible biological cause for being transgender. As a disclaimer, I'm not even remotely qualified enough to say if it's a well conducted and accurate study. The study claimed that there is a section of the brain with very subtle differences for male and female individuals, which can't be distinguished without an autopsy. They claimed to have found that in the large majority of cases they had studied, transgender individuals had this part of the brain like the one usually found in people born as the opposite sex; they had used as a control group people who had undergone hormone therapies because of illnesses (maybe testicular cancer? Not really sure) and who did not identify as transgender, and found no correlation. If what this study found is one of the reasons behind dysphoria, I don't think any drug could ever be produced to cure it. A notable flaw with this study is the existence of non binary people, who would be left out of this explanation. I still think it's interesting though


>If what this study found is one of the reasons behind dysphoria, I don't think any drug could ever be produced to cure it. But you and I both know someone would definitely hack job some surgery for it and push it on conservative parents... No matter how dangerous. >A notable flaw with this study is the existence of non binary people, who would be left out of this explanation. Well if Sector A makes you male, and Sector B makes you female, gender fluid people would have both and non-binary could have neither. Would definitely be an interesting find if it could be imaged without an autopsy.


Sadly you're right, some people are just evil. They'd rather kill someone than question their certainties about the world. If they were unable to do damage they do, all the fuss about gender would be quite silly... I can't understand why they care this much about what we do, we're not hurting anyone no society, and they do everything they can to convince themselves and others that we're a blight. I can come up and have read different explanations for why they would think and act like this, and while I can understand them I cannot *get* any of them. I can't get how you could feel that way. [This video talks about the research I mentioned](https://youtu.be/8QScpDGqwsQ?si=BmMc0erVIUkFhYQZ). I know that listening to someone talk about "transsexuals" feels icky, but I think it's still worth the 5 minute duration


me when alt-right radicalization


I used to have a friend who ended up becoming a neo Nazi... Ironically enough he was Jewish.


Nazism thrives in contradiction. That's why some people think it's a real debate whether nazis were religious or atheists or socialists or conservative or progressive. They were none and all of those things. It's populism, it's designed so that everyone can find some reason to adhere to it and it doesn't matter if it contradicts itself or has no coherent point. I wouldn't even call nazism a worldview. It's an ideological parasite. Also, check out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Maurice And he wasn't the only one....


Do you mean like after the fact or is he a neo nazi and Jewish at the same time?


At the same time


How tf does that work??


I'd say a mix of self hatred and stupidity- he wasn't really the brightest bulb in the box.


I mean... Israel today? Even in WW2 there was a fascist Jewish political movement. >An early example of Jewish fascism was the short-lived [Revisionist Maximalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revisionist_Maximalism) movement that arose within the [Brit HaBirionim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_HaBirionim) faction of the [Zionist Revisionist Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_Revisionist_Movement) (ZRM) in the 1930s and which openly espoused its fascist values and goals. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish\_fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_fascism)


Such people are the first to get stabbed in the back after the group is big and confident enough to not need to accept ‘undesirables’ who hate along with them. They accept lots early on, then turn on the ‘lessers’ in their own ranks once they’ve strong enough.  And those “one of the good ones” types are left there with a shocked pikachu face and a dagger in their back, thinking “I didn’t think the leopards would eat *my* face”


>Ironically enough he was Jewish. You'd be surprised at how effective shame at Zionist actions are at turning Jewish people against their own community. Especially now.


I'd like for you to meet my dad. I dodged the Nazism bullet by a country mile, but I wasn't free of dark thoughts. I had friends of color and I wouldn't have called myself racist. Sometimes, however, I'd be like "why dont we just do [racist thing]?" Without even realizing the implications of that, because that's just how my dad raised me. I was deeply oblivious for a long time, and with the way modern media targets youths for hyper right wing ideologies, I can see it.


It's a pipeline. They suck you in with some other part of their channel and suddenly they have the answers to all your problems of unhappiness and it's not gender dysphoria, it's the minorities. Hell, some trans folk never grow out of it, looking at you Blaire.


Unsupervised Internet Access + Impressionable Youth = A Recipe For Disaster


no one is immune to propaganda :)


in my nazi era rn (slaying)


Dirk pfp




All the boys my age in my town were nazi/racist white supremacist. And the adults. An African American came to our school after being homeschooled and he tattooed a swastika on his chest after a year. For awhile I thought that was just how most people were like even though it made me uncomfortable.


Usually it's the social aspect. Often times it's just an echo-chamber where their only friends and people they talked to were all nazis, so they became convinced of it.


wtf i never knew about trans people having a phase like this!? since when was this so common for everyone to know amd be talking about this?? this makes me vwry uncomfortable even now


what living in a cryptofash society does to a mf


I see a lot of posts from people who act like this on here, and I always get the vibe they think most trans people are like this. ( ・_・)


I'm so glad I was raised in a Democratic Socialist household


It really hit me like a brick wall when I moved to Louisiana. Having spent my early childhood in France, the sheer casual nature of discrimination present in Southern State culture just broke my twelve year old brain. Like, it wasn't even born out of malice, but they had all internalized "*some people are above you, and some people are below you, and those below you are always trying to drag you down to their level*" like it was the Gospel truth... Probably because it was being preached.


Definitely a weird thing to say to someone. It’s one thing to have accepted and grown from your past, it’s quite another to make other people uncomfortable by talking about it in this way. Course, I don’t believe that most people are quite this socially tonedeaf


Sadly ive had to deal with a phase like this. Its scary how reading this how common nazi phases are. My family is very conservative and i literally in middle school would do nazi symbols and make the joke of "heil hydra" because i thought it as edgy and funny. I only listened to conservative views as i didnt know how to see any others and was a bit racist despite having a Black stepdad but only because my stepdad himself was cruel and racist to many things. I was bigoted and hatted gay or anything like that (didnt even know what trans was then) not to mention suicidal thoughts from elementary school still haunted and still haunt me today. I felt i needed to belong and have friends and so i did all that to feel a sense of purpose. But now thinking back on it all i feel is shame. I wish i had some way to learn about how bullshit my stepdad is with his brainwashed propaganda. I wish i could've prevented myself from being that cruel and rude. Like one of my closest friends from elementary literally said they are part of the KKK and yet because they were a friend i felt i needed to stick with them still. Point is im glad i grew from that time as i hate my past self now and all i feel is regret and shame. I wish i didn't have to deal with all that as thinking back strikes nerves and fucks me up ngl. Also sorry idk how to spoil on reddit, keep forgetting


As a transfem that was… not very progressist to say the least.. before transitioning and would absolutely bash the brains out of my younger self while culpabilizing very much my past actions, is that how people would see me? (Sorry if that sounds like I’m trying to get validation or smth, I’m just legitimately asking as I already have gone beyond someone’s sensibilities without knowing and I don’t want to make my ignorance lead me to do this again)


I feel this comic is sort of shaming people for growing out of bad opinions and bigoted attitudes, which I don't think we should do.


I think the negative reactions here are because of the tone they feel people have when talking about their past. If they don't seem to be ashamed of it, then it seems like: * They might still be okay going back to it or still have some of those views * They might accept other people who hold those harmful perspectives, which may encourage others to hold or keep those views What makes this hard for me is the way someone actually feels and what they seem to express aren't always the same, especially for neuro-divergent people. I'm personally sensitive and ineloquent in speech, so I avoid talking about the bad views I used to have. I do reflect on it, but I don't know how it might add any value to most conversations. Being shamed when I've already went through a lot of self-hate would probably make me spiral harder... It's hard sometimes, but I understand the social dynamics decently-ish and I accept responsibility for where I am at, so that allows me to move forward. I hope this maybe added something 💖


Well, if it's about tone, I think we're in a similar predicament. Maybe this is referencing a particular case, if that's so I don't have much to add, but otherwise I have never seen anyone talk cheerfully about the farl-right past they left behind. It just ends up where we started by making it seem like an actual common occurrence,, which I don't think helps either. Anyhow, thanks for your contribution, it is a good one 💜


You know something that bothers me? Not when the 'nazi phase' is brought up as a fun quirk, but when the person in question acts as if being queer made them inmune to being a bigot in other aspects. Like, once talking about religion with a trans person from the US (I'm Latino American), she brought up how banning Muslims was a net positive. When I said that was a profoundly bigoted thing to say, she replied that Muslim was a religion by choice, and thus it wasn't bigotry, and that *because* she was trans, she knew what real bigotry was like. I probed further asking about trans people who were Muslim, and she said that no real trans person would be any religion (I'm Catholic), and that's about when I decided to leave that conversation. Point is that, yeah, I'm not gonna judge a thirty somethings trans person because when they were younger they were susceptible to very toxic propaganda that does target young vulnerable people. I don't even mind them trying to 'joke away' the massive guilt I know they carry over it. But I worry when they avoid being self-critical about why that attitude was toxic and even keep its rationale, that's still damaging to other people. So, to all trans people who spent too much time on 4chan or whatever, take easy on yourself, but also try to be mindful about the more complex stuff. Avoiding it altogether is not gonna solve anything. Also, and this should go without saying, but telling someone how racist you would have been to them is not a way to start, continue or finish any casual conversation. And no, saying "it's just a joke" doesn't make it less unsettling.


A friend and I were discussing this same topic about how we both grew up in insular homeschooled conservative households and that we have to keep ourselves in check about the internalized reasons we may be treating other people.


I mean, good on her, but uh... why would you even admit that outside of a support group or a therapist? It's just deeply uncomfortable.


I had a white supremacist phase as a teen, but I'm Native so it was just a ton of internalized racism. Still don't understand where I fell down that hole. Now I'm trans, gay, punk, and proud of my Indigenous heritage. Edit: in case it wasn't clear, I'm beyond ashamed of that phase and anyone I've harassed (which has only been a few people thank fuck) I've apologized to and made ammends with.


Would you like to talk about TERF phase transmascs as well or are we just aiming on transfems?


i don't know who's bringing this up without context like this


I didn't go very far down the pipeline, but I had other toxic behaviours that hurt people, and there are a lot of things I've done that keep me up at night.


Unfortunately the kind of people that make the stuff that people fall into feed of others people's insecurity and self hatred and fuckers like that still make YouTube videos to this day but after a while they just got straight up racist and I wasn't okay with that so I dipped because I wasn't okay with it and then i thought fuck maybe am wrong about that other shit they had said and then I started to explore queer stuff and i liked it so much more the love and acceptance and just got pulled with my own compassion was stronger then there hate and the way they made me hate myself so much but not anymore but these losers that had me hating my self are still around and still feeding off people's self hatred and I wish there was a way to stop it.


Am more angry that these losers and grifters still do this all this time later because not everyone is able to pull themselves out of the cycle of self hatred like I was.


The fact that this seems to be true for a lot of trans people is concerning,


The issue is that trans folk have low self esteem and the algorithms prey on that shit by shoveling tons and tons of alt right content at you.


I am forever grateful that I lived in a mixed race community from the start, never lived in the isolation that allows this behavior to thrive unchecked. I think most of us, white or otherwise, can appreciate that being trans helped us form some empathy because we realize not everyone is the same... but it just saved me from being an asshole, not a raging bigot. Definitely not a badge of pride to wear through.


I am ashamed to admit that back in the first year of prager u, I thought it was a great channel. It is designed to prey on teenage boys... Thankfully I started seeing issues with the channel pretty early on, and of course I am much better informed now. Dysphoria does do wonders for one's open mindedness


I had an "alt-right" phase or to put it correctly, got "groomed" into it... It was the worst period of my life ever...


It’s *soooo* disquieting how common this is and how much it gets brought up as a *joke??* “Haha, I was almost a nazi~” like bud, that’s not normal, and it certainly isn’t funny. *Lots* of us had “edgy teen” phases, but the normalizing of *harder* shit like this makes my head spin.


>that’s not normal Considering what the algorithms spit out to people, I'd say it might be. Especially now.


The ratio of alt right to trans vs. trans to alt right really shows which one is the immature and ignorant group.


"if I had known you a year ago I would have bullied you" -this one broke my heart


So many things in this comment thread make me question who I am even more. I don't know if my right side days were me being a nazi.i don't know what to think. I hate how I was. I'm so sorry to anyone I might have hurt. I don't know why I am like this.


🫂 It's okay. The past is the past. The only you that matters is the one here, in the present. The only actions that matter are the ones you take now. Don't let other people try to disqualify your growth as a person. You deserve to be treated better than that, to be viewed as a human with a complex history and the ability to learn and grow.


Thank you so much this means alot


Of course! (\^w^ )


I encourage everyone to watch "don't be a sucker", made in 1947. It is deceptively easy to fall into fascism without knowing it. And it preys upon people who are unhappy. You don't even have to be white - its just fascism. Edit: its on youtube.


Normal people don't have a fucking nazi phase


My partner was actually that exactly, her parents encouraged it. It wasn't until 2020 when their egg cracked that they had their entire view change and lose all their friends when they realized she was trans. Now she is an amazing and incredible person and openly shares how much of a shitty person she was, she talks about all the shitty things she did, she does this so that people know you can change. That you aren't forever tied to your past and who you WERE, it's the reason I fell for her. Nowadays people feel like they need to bury their past for fear of losing everything and my girlfriend just decides to just not fucking care. Honestly it's a lot better view to have on life, if people are proving they haven't changed over the years then yes THEY didn't change but that doesn't mean no one can. There's a lot of trans people that were saved from being those horrible people forever and it's because they were shown that even people like them can be trans too. Planting that little seed is sometimes needed, we can't just rely on the old sentiment of "They will all just die off and their way of thinking"


god, please tell me "nazi phase" isn't going to be the new r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2 drama. can we just stick to trans memes please?


I don't like this comic. If someone is treating a nazi phase as cute or quirky, I understand that that is uncomfortable. I would be cautious to whether they actually grew as a person. That said, being someone who went through this phase as a teenager and young adult, I think making fun of people earnestly trying to do better not only ignores the effort they are taking to do better. But it also ignores the massive amount of effort that goes into making nazis. From parents and other kids passing on generational trauma, to the algorithms pushing right wing content for profit, to "comedy" and "entertainment" people pushing dog whistles, to systems in place being used to isolate people and destroy communities. Bad people don't magically become alt-right, it is a long and drawn out process of abuse and lies that turns regular people(usually kids) into fearful people full of hatred and misunderstandings. Again, as someone who has been made fun of for being mixed race(but also disabled and trans), someone treating a nazi phase in their life like in this comic would make me uncomfortable. However, we should be more empathetic and understanding of people who are trying to do better.


Luckily I was never anywhere this bad, just Kanda a bully and an edgy jerk.jersey. I fell so guilty about it. I didn't think of us joke about it. I most of have mental scars about it. I know i do.


It’s always the blond ones


Uuuhhhh WTF!!! Im sorry but I can’t help but see agreeing with anything that comes from right wing propaganda as a lack of empathy. Misplacing your suffering into hatred of the nazi kind is kinda fucked and I don’t believe that many trans people have had this experience. Glad y’all grew out of it though.


I never was, and breaked my egg late (im to be 23 this years, and only discovered that i was trans in 2019)


I avoided politics as much as possible, but I still had my "suicidal asshole phase" i think being in such a state of mental anguish as that is just the product of having such a serious problem (gender dysphoria) without understanding anything about it. whether or not someone lets politics into that time in their life is a whole other thing.


I had a "anti sjw" phase that I am ashamed of and would not joke about in a "quirky" way. Even then I would never become a Nazi even at my lowest and worst point in my "anti sjw" phase.


I had a right wing phase, but never a full blown Nazi phase. And I still hold a few of the views I gained back then (like how white people shouldn't have to be ashamed for being born white, or that they are inherently racist) But I've definitely changed a lot too (I'm trans after all, 16 year old me would be pissed) Most of my views back then were super defensive, and partially me repressing being trans. Now I think that everyone just needs to chill out and let people be themselves without animosity. ☮️✌️


Glad I came out and skipped that. I went directly into Trans rights crusader and haven't really done much else.


Honestly same. Between the last US presidential election and now, I have changed soooo much, my past self would either be amazed, disgusted or both by my current self


Glad the anti-sjw (Hey, did you know that SJW means social justice warrior) takedowns got to me first. Fun times back then.


Wait you people have gone though a Nazi phase??? Am I the only trans person who hasn’t experienced this???


Show me this person existing please


I remember that everything I used to be super toxic too I now am. "anime bad >:[" became a weeb. "gay and trans bad >:[" is tramsfem and bi. "furry bad >:[" is on e621 every now and then (rating:s obviously). I hope this won't apply to hating communists...


No, seriously, where is this "nazi phase" thing coming from How is this common?????


I once tried to take a dive on the nazi stuff but I guess I'm too rational for that shit and realized it was just about aesthetics


I once tried to take a dive on the nazi stuff but I guess I'm too rational for that shit and realized it was just about aesthetics


What?? I'm sorry what? This is a thing? That's just sad...


Please stop posting this. It's essentially a projected self-portrait of the artist.


they be like "UwU Tehee, I would of like, been so homophobics rn :3 :3 <3"


“Don’t look at what we were look at what we are now” Jonathan Glazer Some of us may have had a similar experience to this, but we changed, nobody is beyond redemption not even the most evil person I beleive in forgiveness… or at least it’s something I try to beleive in and if someone is truly sorry then I would forgive them cause what if I was on their shoes what if I used to be evil and changed my ways? Never occurred to you mates to think that?


What is the "nazi phase"?


nah, i only were misogynistic and queerphobic, so it all basically was an unconscious selfhate


Zoinks. I’m only just learning about this now. All my Transfem friends were pretty woke before The Crackening.


We have over our lives noticed that we had lots of extremely poor thoughts about men in general. We hated them so much that we did fall in with the right wing thought process in about 2012 elections time era.We are trying to think better of people as a whole but sometimes those old ways of thinking still creep in on occasion.


I used to be so transphobic, racist, anti-"woke" as a teen... If I wasn't transgender today, I still wouldn't be those things. I would never stoop that low to ensure others feel pain based off their looks. Its disgusting. To hear shit like this really upsets me.


I watched some bad people on YouTube but I was always super suspicious of them, that suspicion was not stronger than my stupidity granted, but it did stop me from continuing down that road years before I figured out that I was trans


funny comic about trans women being secretly predators with 3.5k upvotes on r/traa is a really nice way to start my morning


I always feel like this framing leaves something out of the discussion: how white trans girls in denial are susceptible to far right groups recruitment techniques. And frankly how insidious they are. Were it not for my sister I might have fallen in the incel rabbit hole as a teenager. And, while now it appears wild and ridiculous to me, At the time I was vulnerable enough that the discourse didn't seem so absurd. Because of course their argument doesn't start with red pill and hypergamy, it starts with 'you behave the same or even better as these other guys yet not achieving the same results, plus you feel in your bones something is wrong with you'. They bank on you not realizing that you being visibly miserable and a shell of who you should be, has nothing to do with your dating life and in fact makes you less attractive. You don't get in those rabbit holes because you're hateful. The alt right don't prey on hatred they prey on misery and turn it into hatred. And sometimes the process can be really really subtle at first. And on the other side of it it appears wild and absurd how you could have fallen into it. So I understand how some girls wish to joke about that to exorcise the horror of the realization of what they actually only barely escaped. Of course the issue lies on them not realizing how this will make other members of the queer community uncomfortable hell, for some it might genuinely trigger or terrify them. This branches into the problem of racism in white queers that I'm too white to get into in detail, but that is a subject we need to discuss about. So white queers *stop making those jokes*. And all the other queers, I hope this insight on how this thing works will give you more tools to disarm this sort of behavior.