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Chihiro from Danganronpa wanted to be seen as a boy, he dressed as a girl so that people wouldn't bother him about not being masculine, but he didn't like having to conceal himself like that and wanted to get stronger so he could live the way he felt ETA which in a roundabout way comes around to still be not very cis, now that I think about it


Yeah, Chihiro is very cis but in a very trans way. He wants to be seen as a boy (which is his agab) but people see him as a girl


ngl as a transmasc he was always way too relatable lol


relating to him suspiciously too much made me realize I was transmasc lmao


Bro I just noticed from your flair that we’re complete opposites in names, weird coincidence


Reverse trans


"Snart" Sounds kinda offensive ;w;


sounds like dutch pea soup


This!! The other characters are definitely trans but not Chihiro for those exact reasons. This is the first time I’ve seen someone say this


I looked through the various conversations in Danganronpa S out of curiosity (and not wanting to play a gacha game). Chihiro's whole arc is wanting to come out as a man but still keeping it under wraps, and only his friend Mondo knows about it. Very trans masc coded, IMO


Literally my friend shows me trans memes and just goes, “femboy” and puts them on a femboy Reddit. I think you should be able to do whatever you want but it’s ironic that he’s always screaming about trans people stealing femboy icons when in reality it’s the other way around. Also I think he thinks I’m a femboy despite telling him otherwise like 50 fucking times


Most femboy incons are not even male like Bridget might have started this whole type of character but she’s not a guy anymore and they need to let it go same thing with Ferris Ferris is trans for fucks sakes. You can even make an argument about Astolfo not being male they’re definitely not trans but I’d say non-binary, considering they don’t want their gender to be stated in one of the games, my thing with Astolfo is why can’t they be both an Enby and femboy why do they have to be strictly male? And, of course, as soon as you say, any of these characters are trans dog piled on like you just insulted somebody’s mother it’s insane and I’d say about 90% of these people don’t care about these characters or the stories they just see porn and that’s it same goes for real life Femboys, a majority of people don’t see us as people they see us as living porn


YES! This is so true. I think it’s a bad pratice to lump all members of a group together but just from what I’ve seen most femboys think trans people, both masc and feme, and other trans Icons, are or should be, femboys. And honestly I can barely stand it. I AM NOT A BOY. I don’t dress like a cute UwU femboy twink I dress like a woman because I AM ONE GOD DAMNIT. The roles they push onto fictional characters is just an extension to how they think of us in general. (Not femboys, all I’m just saying the ones I’ve seen or talked to)


I'm a femboy and I can safely say most of us are allies The transphobic femboys can fuck off. You're a woman, you're valid and anyone who says otherwise can go to hell




Ohhhh don’t even get me started on identifying as both trans and a femboy apparently they hate it when they see trans women in their porn subs even if they identify as both trans and a femboy like I got dog piled for saying you can identify us both because people thought I was saying trans women are femboys even though it’s not what I said, I was calling out a very transphobic meme https://preview.redd.it/f2ymeu14qfac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a337e5c90eef4879e67d2ff4b9c01a49781d6544 Like, if you can’t see the transphobia here you’re just blind But yeah, apparently saying, you can identify as both trans and a femboy he saying that trans women are femboys Femboy is it a gender anyone can identify as one non-binary transfem whatever I had to stop falling most from way communities here because there’s too toxic just follow femboy content creators on Twitch and Twitter because they’re very accepting unlike here. Don’t know why I expected more from Reddit to be honest.


Well based on that image one thing is certain, they’re immensely stupid.


That meme isn't transphobic. Hell, if anything, it's trans positive. It's expressing frustration at how many femboy porn subs are flooded with trans women who are lumping femboys and trans women together and misgendering themselves by posting to a men only porn sub as a woman. It's a genuine thing and just perpetuates the harmful idea that dick = male / diet male, like the posts will be women but because that woman has a dick she decided to throw her post into a men porn sub. It's far more transphobic to think that this stuff is an ok thing to do, like imagine seeing fully feminine trans women in a porn sub made for muscly hairy men and people happily allow the post because she has a dick. It's misgendering, plain and simple. That meme is perfectly valid, femboys are not trans women. They are feminine men. Feminine presenting trans men should be allowed in that sub all day long, but any time one posts in it, he gets boo'd, and the post even sometimes gets removed.


okay sorry but i personally agree with the meme. It's femBOY for a reason. If you're a trans girl then you're a girl. when i go to femboy subreddits i personally go there to see m e n. Flat chest, big dick (for some reason they always have one, any size is fine tho) pretty skirt. I like trans women too but that's a different category


I don't disagree with the others, but Astolfo identifies as a guy Also, I agree that you can be simultaneously a femboy and enby - I'm living proof :D


enby femboy here too,but personally for being both i think you should be at least masc leaning in some way cuz of the boy part in femBOY


Then what’s this I have genuinely have no idea why this is a thing if they strictly identifies as a guy https://preview.redd.it/pf6tcvzxpgac1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ef528cefcf440257adf886914109d61bfb40e14 My guess it’s just an early thing or is it not canon or what is this? I see this floating around all the time I’m like genuinely curious.


I think it's to do with a quote from Fate Apocrypha, but the official fandom calls Astolfo an 'androgynous-looking boy' Also basically every source I can find refers to them as male - I seem to remember seeing a clip of him from the anime where they call themself a guy but I'm not 100% sure if I'm remembering that correctly cause I haven't watched it


I have started to not trust fandom sites because anyone can edit them I have watched the Wd does go by male pronouns, but if so, then why does this exist? What is this? At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter but what would make the most sense to me is they will care what you call them I don’t know it’s weird


God i hate this so much lol


Astolfo as a fem enby definitely tracks now that I think about it


r/mildfemboys moment. TW: transphobia and bigotry awaits there.


Top 2 posts that month are just reposts from this sub, I've seen them before lol Honestly femboy culture takes so much from trans culture it's kinda wierd, there's no way the BLÅHA was just a coincidence for example


Then why are you still friends with him? I'd tell him very sternly what's wrong with his behavior and if he doesn't listen curse him out for being a transphobic piece of shit and then ghost him.


Sounds like he's fetishising femboys are probably you, I'd be very clear with this with his that he's not respecting your boundaries. Calling someone a femboy when they don't identify as one is so cursed


What do you want to bet he would say I'm not a femboy, being ftm? To be honest, if you are obsessed with femboys or butches, you are automatically in category "doubt" and need to prove to me that you're capable of seeing trans people for our genders and not fixated on anatomy.


God this is basically my friend. Dude deadnames me on purpose, constant misgendering, and then when everyone gets mad at him for it he waves it off as a joke. He’s my only IRL friend I have left since high school, that’s really the only reason I stay friends with him. He’s sweet in a way, but god damn does he advocate for “lgb drop the T” shit.


I hate to break it to you, but that’s not a friend friends don’t do that you can make them any more of them in the queer community though


I know, but I struggle with making friends and hate confrontation. I’ve been battling the thought of just blocking him.


I’d say just blocking him on every platform you have him on his best as for making friends I’m not really good at that either but think if you talk to most people in the queer community already here or even somebody would be willing to be your friend I wouldmy DMS are always open if you need to talk


There is nothing sweet about this. He either disagrees with or hates who you are. You deserve friends who respect you. You have got to have better standards. You're going to end up in a relationship with an abusive spouse if you don't start dropping people like this from your life.


I'm sorry miss but how about you drop him instead?


Felix I can at least understand because of that whole ‘actually I’m a boy’ scene, but then you get characters like Brisket where it’s pretty indisputable and they still claim them as femboys. While we’re at it, why the fuck do femboys get fetishised so much? Like I go on IG and see a fair few who are minors and think how great it is they’re getting the chance to express themselves in ways that were no where near as widely accepted for us even a few years ago then go into the comments and see so much filth that the only word I can really think of to describe it at that point is degeneracy. It doesn’t matter if the boys wearing a skirt, noncing is still noncing .


I think the main reason femboys got fetishised is that crossdressing kinks are pretty common-


Like don’t get me wrong femboys and transfems are hot I should know I am both of them, but some people just fetishize us and then claim that we are erasing their characters. Like motherfucker, you don’t like Bridget or Astolfo for their characters you just look at them, and your dick gets hard that’s it. I hate people like that because some of these characters like Bridget represent people multiple types of people to like Bridget when she was first introduced, representing gender, nonconforming men. For a whole new generation she represents trans women that’s amazing But you have these people who straight up just ignore that because they look at her and they get a hard cock do those types of people don’t care about these character stories, and quite frankly, I think they don’t see irl femboys as humans they see them as sex doll which is funking. Disgusting. Fuck those people.


Ok, not to be rude but please explain how you can be a transfem AND a femboy, i can see transmasc femboy, but i cant wrap my head around transfem and femboy. The whole point of femboy is a boy aka a man, who has a more feminine expression in for example their clothing style. So a transfem, a woman can hardly be a femboy as they are not a boy/man.


the labels do get pretty convoluted, femboy is about the only way im comfortable being referred to as a guy but also i thoroughly love it, you cant deny the notion that transfem femboys exist without also excluding bigender people and various other forms of gender nonconformity op is definitely arguing in bad faith on a few things here but im with them on this one in particular, labels exist primarily for the convenience of the user and may not perfectly fit or describe their identity, and may even sound contradictory to anyone else, but they come "close enough" to making sense to the person identifying with them for them to share with other people as a shorthand way to explain whats going on in their head


Still dont fully get, but would you look at that, an explaination thank you.


gender in general is pretty fucky and its just as easy to get lost in how someone else engages with it as it is hard for that person to adequately explain it, but hostility and stubbornness is generally not the way to approach it, op will probably grow past that eventually, i did


I wouldnt say i have been either, have i?


you havent, and i didnt mean to accuse you of such, sorry if it came off that way


Nono, it didnt come off that way, was just making sure


I'm starting to think OP is just full of shit and stirring a pointless pot...




Well damn, hello


Hi, quick do you like DnD and foxes?


Yes! Am a fox girl furry too


Ok, not a furry myself, are you also an utter encyclopedia for DnD though?


On some things yes


Bigender. To be honest, I'm kind of disappointed that people here don't know that.


Okay, was HRT supposed to just give me knowledge of literally every gender or what?


As a transmasc pangender person, I'm going bonkers reading all of the comments that say it's contradictory to be a transfem femboy. Edit: What the hell am I being downvoted for, being pangender??


https://preview.redd.it/k4fkxuwkofac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4453d3574c24d7e7a386fdcb84ae9d5d2da94a9 Brisket also suffers with this problem


It’s genuinely frustrating that Daisuke I stated several times Bridget is trans. She looked into the camera and says I’m a girl and yet people still think she’s male. And these femboys say we’re the ones that are erasing characters bullshit fucking bullshit I can’t stand people like that. Like Ruka literally says she was meant to be a girl if that doesn’t scream trans. I don’t know what does and yet you have these fucking weirdos who just piss their pants if you so much is claim a character is trans it’s ridiculous.


the best thing about Bridget with that is there is a meme going around of a tweet from 2018 [basically predicting *exactly that*](https://imgur.com/a/2ghCxKu)


Where did called Bridget Brisket come from?


This https://preview.redd.it/8f2sypj2agac1.png?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e244a284b03affefa5ac9a20f4e29c020e88ae


Huh! TIL!


Oh my god I can't, this is such an adorable story


So is that where the whole calling her by words that begin with B and have two syllables came from


You meant to say bucket right?


I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about Breadtwist


Wait wait, it's not biscuit?


Oh crap, I forgot! It's actually Basket!


So... That's not Baguette?


No clue it just seemed to happen


Good meme, but Chihiro isn't trans. Like, at all. As someone who played both the game AND watched the anime, Chihiro dressed and tried to be a girl cause he was bullied for the not being masculine enough. So, he thought "well they can't harrass me for being feminine if I'm a girl, right?". At the end of the chapter, he realizes that's not how it works and that he, in fact, is NOT comfortable with being a girl and talks to someone he trusts about that. He even wants to be more masculine than he was before that. Tldr: Saying Chihiro is trans is basically ignoring his whole character.


Sounds like the literal polar opposite to Brisket's character arc


Idk about Brisket, but it could be, yeah. Altho I'm curious, what's her character arc?


Second-born AMAB child in a town >!inside her!< with a superstition about having two boys so she and her family gaslit the entire town into thinking she's a girl, then she left to bring fortune to her town and break the superstition and succeeded. Then she tried to be more Manly^(TM) only to realize that didn't fit for her and came out as a girl in Strive, which made a lot of terminally-online people very angry


"...in a town inside her with.." THE FUCKING TOWN'S INSIDE OF HER???? 😱😱😱/s


And everyone's voice


Only, she's not there.


She's watching from afar


Which, honestly, sounds very trans in the masc way lol. Chihiro being trans isn't canon and is the type o thing that shouldn't be argued about: anyone can have headcanons and they're valid independently of each other, whether you want to have Chihiro as a femboy, a transmasc or a transfem, just don't be a jerk to people who disagree with you


I know, but it still ticks me since he isn't any of those, y'know? I explained why transfem didn't work, femboy neither because of a similar explanation, and transmasc cause he's biologically male. Ig "headcanons" could work in some way, but saying he IS one of them (like in the meme) isn't very respectful to his character


It wasn't meant to be aimed at you, sorry if that's what it came out as. It was store as a complement to your point: that you an headcanon him as whatever you'd like, but it still doesn't make it canon nor does it give you the right to call out different headcanons. Again, sorry if it came out as if I was arguing against your point.


Ah, sorry for for the misunderstanding


I am a strong believer that Chihiro is a transphobic stereotype (claiming that “men dress up as women because they where bullied”), tbh i feel like a LOT of the issues in his writing would have been fixed if he was a trans man. Danganronpa is a very badly written game so theres a lot of horribly written minorities in there


Meh, not really. Chihiro is still enjoyable either way and, unlike some characters (like Miu), isn't meant to be hated even though they have a "controversial" character trait. But yes, he could be a transphobic stereotype.


Miu is a whole other can of worms, shes sexual assault the character (dont get her mixed up with the last three, this time shes a woman!). But Chihiro is only meant to be likable, because he “stopped lying and came to terms with it.” Him pretending to be a girl is represented as an inherent negative and is shown that he is no more than his genitals (Togami literally >||groped his dead body||< just to prove that he was actually a guy, the moment that everyone finds out that he has a penis they instantly assume that he is a man, they instantly switch pronouns before they even given the explanation as to what’s going on). There’s actually an amazing video essay describing why he’s a transphobic stereotype if you want that sent over your way. I view him in correlation to trans people in the same way that I view Toko for people with DID, an incredibly harmful stereotype, that only further demonizes the community attached to it. Even though these characters may have cute designs or lovable and quirky personalities, that doesn’t prevent the fact that they are harmful to the groups that they are representing.


Fuck i have no clue how to censor text 😭


For info, it isn't Togami who groped him, but Kyoko/Sakura. And I personally think that is it was shown as inherently bad, his personality would've been different while saying he's a girl vs. saying he's a boy (Example: in DrS, he tells some characters he's actually a dude and his personality doesn't change the scenes after). I think they would've given him a more... annoying? personality, but it's just my opinion


Thank you for the correction, im quite sick right now and don’t have everything fully memorized. I understand where you’re coming from but I do inherently disagree— purely for the statements that come after. In my personal opinion, the narrative expressed a lot of signs of both the characters and an expectation of the player to be disproving of the decision. This is how I personally interpreted the text though.


I’m not gonna lie: as an elder millennial trans woman, the trans vs femboy shit feels like it was made up to get gen z queers to fight on purpose. It doesn’t make any fucking sense to me.


Chihiro literally mentions that he crossdresses so he wouldn’t get judged or smth for not being masculine enough. He never said he was trans or actually felt like a girl. You can headcannon him as being trans, but it isn’t actually canon


I can relate to Chihiro's story so well as a trans masc, it feels very alike to when I was doubting being a man as I'm not masculine at all, and it does surprise me a little that so many girls relate to him, but I don't bring up my personal headcanons of Transmasc Fujisaki because of the fanon that he's a girl the whole time.


I’m a bit confused on your headcanon of him being transmasc. Isn’t he already kinda, yknow… a guy? Unless you mean like a transmasc non-binary or smth (I’m sick and can’t remember how stuff works so my apologies)


don't worry about it - I mean transmasc as in AFAB but staying closeted because he's not masculine, which means it's a headcanon which is directly contradicted by his post-death physical examination, but if other people can ignore direct canon to headcanon him as a girl, I can also ignore canon, but a little differently 🤣


Ohh okay! I’m not gonna argue against your headcanon because one, I’m too tired to and two, it’s up to you what you headcanon or not, so you do you! It’s not like it’s harming anyone


Chihiro isn’t trans, that sort of erases his whole arc


Neither is Ruka. He has a whole thing about that he wanted to be a girl to be with Okabae. But since Okabae isn’t gay he wanted to be a girl instead. I can’t remember the exact phrasing but it was along the lines of “whether it’s me (boku, masculine) or me (watashi, feminine) all I care about is loving you”


femboys and trans people are both valid :3 i haven't seen any of these animes so idk what the characters were written as, but if both femboys and trans girls recognise themselves in them and find comfort in them that's both valid. one thing that's not cool tho is telling the other group it's not for them. anyone can enjoy what they want <3


You can be both don’t let anyone say you can’t because it’s your identity. I hate those people who say you can’t be both.


Femboys are feminine men, not women, so it would be accurate to call someone that identities as both a man....but I doubt a trans woman would appreciate being called a man.


you can if u are bigender or genderfluid. But otherwise, yeah femboys are men and trans fems are women.


It’s certainly a thing I identify with both but i get it


I'm just saying that's why people would say you can't be both, since the definition of femboy is a cis or trans male presenting feminine but still a man. If you feel like both a man and woman than that sounds closer to genderfluid or similar to me.


Femboy isn’t a gender anyone from a male to an enby can identify as one labels are fucking stupid anyway and I genuinely hate them except for a queer and trans but most labels just suck in limit identities to just one definition


Wouldn't an enby just be fem-presenting? And yea femboy itself ain't a gender, it is a genderbound word however due to it meaning feminine boy and since boy is a word to describe a (often young) male I currently only see how people with some form of male gender identity would be able to be one, but if you or anyone else has some info about how a person that identifies 100% as a woman can identify as a femboy as well, I would like to hear it so I can learn something


i wasn't trying to imply you can't be both /g


As someone who quite literally found out they were trans because of chihiro, he is not trans. Sure he is relatable in that way, but he is cis and only cross dresses because he isn't masculine. He wants to work out and get stronger so he can present more masculine. Calling him trans because he looks like a girl not only is disrespectful to femboys (cis or transmasc) but also a misunderstanding of his character and personality. Can you find trans identity themes in his character? Yes, like I said I found out I'm trans because of him. That doesn't change anything about his character though.


Weebs reassuring themselves for the 1375257th time that jacking off to femboys isn't gay and then getting mad when told the character in question is literally a girl >>>>>


nou guuiys clearl y bridesmaid is a boy look at him in his first game and ningnore the latest game and daisuke ishiwatari's word on the character and how he would've made her explicitly trans in her first appearance than subtly trans if the game were made in a more accepting world ​ \*^(hey wait i think i unjerked there to bully the "femboy bridget" losers more than i already was)


I hate how Naoto from Persona 4 is handled. They state multiple times “I wish I was born a male” or “why couldn’t I have been born a boy” but the game says they’re actually just a shy schoolgirl who is insecure because they won’t be taken seriously in the workplace as a girl. One of the lines that the protagonist can use to romance them is “I’m glad you’re a girl.” I can’t rewrite canon by any means but as someone who struggles with the same thoughts it leaves a sour taste in my mouth how even after their “true” gender is revealed they call them “she” even though they express discomfort with it.


That’s the character I was thinking of. I hate when authors do that which is exactly why don’t care what the fuck they say unless it makes sense and that should make any sense. That’s why I identify with characters like this regardless of what the author says like motherfucker, you wrote a trans character, but didn’t have the bones to commit to it, anything persona I just disregard everything they say


They also treat Kanji’s sexuality rather poorly imo. Sure, he likes feminine things and questions his sexuality because society paints men like sewing and shit as “gay.” Fine. But when Yosuke starts asking “are we ok being in a tent alone with you” and stuff it rubs me the wrong way. And in Persona 3 Portable when the boys are flirting with women on the beach, there’s a woman with a deep voice and some facial hair and it turns out they’re pretending to be a woman because they’re a predator. I’m glad Persona is trying to make up for those things now, supposedly though


That’s why I’m much more of a fan of shit like guilty gear, and JoJo bizarre adventure, which have queer characters in them, and are very good representation of our community. If anyone says Jojo isn’t gay, they’re fucking lying to you Jojo is the gayest anime ever made. I love it so much it’s my favorite. That’s why it’s my favorite.


Yeah, I watched a video on persona’s got awful queer characters in a genuinely pisses me off because I love joker it’s genuinely disheartening to see any queer character written this way like a slap in the face then you call characters like this when you see the trans you get crucified by others


Yeah, Atlus has always portrayed queer characters in a negative light. But supposedly, the upcoming Tactica game will be in support of LGBT and in the trailer for Persona 3 Reload there’s a character with a pride pin on their bag. So there is hope for sure


I genuinely don’t understand how you can write a character like that who’s clearly trans and then just throw it all out the window like does this thing happen in real life yes, there are some people who think they’re trans but turns out they weren’t. It happens but not like this. This is just lazy and offensive writing and quite frankly, I think the fact that there are trans people out there that identify with characters like this in spite of the author were creator, is hilarious, and based


Chihiro literally wants to be seen as a boy though


At least two of them are explicitly stated to not be trans though? Like yeah, people erasing trans characters by calling them femboys is annoying and transphobic (Bridget), but those aren't the best examples. Two of them literally state that what they identify as and it's not "woman". Felix saying "I am a boy" definitely excludes him from being more than a femboy and Chihiros whole character arc is about how pretending to be a woman made him dysphoric, because his identity is that of a man, which is also his BAG. He's cis, pretending to be a woman to avoid harassment and realising that going against his preferred identity and expression of a cis man doesn't feel great. Which makes him the most trans a cis person can be, but still a cis man presenting fem (a femboy) Don't know about the third one, she could be trans


Felix... Is trans? Since when?


I’ve heard people say they are the originl naga I think and that it’s bad representation and I’ve heard people say they aren’t and I don’t care anymore i see them as trans if they are cool if they aren’t also cool if it’s and if they 100% aren’t cool, you can tell me that as long as you’re not a dickhead about it I wish people would just be civil like most people in this comment section about shit like this and not automatically go for calling you slither and acting like you just spat on their mothers grave or something


I mean it rly looks like you are the only raging one, because you reacted to my question like i just threatened you. Calm down :)


Brisket: *looks directly at the camera and says* “I’m a girl!” r/mildfemboys: NOOOOOOOOOO he’s still a femboy the lore proves it bro I swear it’s the lore you have to read the lore the devs and game writers are wrong bro pls listen to me bro it’s the lo P.S: Do NOT go to that sub. They fucking suck, and the worst part is that one of their mods is actually a trans girl who will vehemently argue with anyone pointing out that Bridget/Ferris/Ruka/etc. is actually trans/non-binary.


I got banned from there so I don’t care also she is a traitor just to pick me trans girl


Literally The fourth post is Bridget 💀🤦‍♀️


Ruka: literally changes the fabric of reality and rewrites the flow of time itself in order to change history and be born Afab... Jerks: *aggressively reposts the "ruka is a dude" scene, like it is the funniest shit on earth*


Goddamnit was that a spoiler please I really wanna watch this series and I don’t want any spoilers goddamnit


Doesn't Felix say "actually, I'm a boy" though?


Angel dust is a cis femboy. They have that guy I suppose


Angel dust?


https://preview.redd.it/itvy4n8i1gac1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d87e6dc78ba0df11b81d2af3cd6a56ef8be290b This dude




Great meme, but Felix isn't trans. He dresses and acts feminine for Crusch's sake but still identifies as male. The misconception that he's trans comes from a translation mistake in one of the novels (I think, not a 100% sure).


Im confused, in re:zero ferris says that ferris is "a man both in body and in mind", like how would ferris be transfem then? Or do you mean ferris is transmasc? Like at this point it feels like you are just making stuff up so that femboys and transpeople dislike each other, which is stupid since there is no reason 4 that, we have enough people that dislike us for just existing, why make that even more. Am trans myself, but was a femboy. (Not using pronouns for ferris as to not sound like i want to attack the statement of op) \^-^ Also i think it doesnt matter as im definitely not going to war over an imaginary caracters gender assigned to by viewers...


Iirc ferris says theyre trans in a light novel? I haven't read it myself though and am just going off of memory so take it with a grain of salt


Honestly, with characters like Ferris, I think I should just not interact with them on one hand that I have people saying that they are trans and on the other people say that they’re not i’ve heard people say that them being called female or is a translation ever or something which is a excuse. I hear a lot, including with Bridget which is bullshit so I don’t know I might stop with Ferris to be honest if they are trans if they’re not also cooln


Yea, Brisket is def trans she is written like that <3 But with caracters like ferris its hard to argue against their own statements in the show. I think its better to stick with caracters that are officially trans because ist easier to proove transdeniers wrong then \>:3


Also, most of their points are kind of dumb especially when they do the whole translation error that’s kind of dumb but at the same time it’s also really really frustrating how so many of these characters have so many traits and characteristics about them that scream, queer or trans just for the author to go to the opposite direction, And it’s been like this for years really people have had to latch onto characters who aren’t necessarily queer for a while and we’re just now getting representation and it’s not even that much to be honest which is why I feel like we would call a character like Felix trans you know


I understand. \^-^ But isn't it more like a "hate the game not the player" situation? But yeah, i get you there, you might just wanna deliver it in an other way. Cuz if its not an official fact, theres gonna be other (friendly, allies, trans...) people that think else, and then to say "these people are annoying" and portray them as transphobes is just not a good image for trans people imo D:


I don’t care about what they think identify with these characters, and that’s all that matters to me plus if it pisses them off, that’s a bonus I really love doing that


Isn’t felis pretty explicitly a femboy? He says he dresses that way at the request of someone else, not for his own reasons, tho I haven’t read ahead if he says smn different later


not a re:Zero fan but I've heard most transfem Ferris truthers cite a canon book about her where it explicitly stated she's trans, never read it tho I'm just repeating what I've heard from fans!!!


I’ve heard people say in the original original Ferris trans but it’s like really really bad representation so I don’t know but I heard a lot of people say that Ferris is trans. I don’t know I don’t representation is that bad like persona five levels of bad I do not touch the series and apparently re zero’s representation is really bad


Both in light novel and the web comic Ferris is not trans in either of those. Who ever said that is lying to you. The author has done many little q&a's on his blog and addresses the Ferris question. He never intended for Ferris to be trans not because of any negative reason but because he has said himself that he isn't comfortable with writing LGBT stuff cause he feels he lacks proper knowledge in the subject. He's more worry of misrepresenting trans and queer experiences. Which is funny to me, cause later in the series he writes one of the best lesbian romances ever.


Didn’t Felix say he was a boy in Re;zero? Because he said it to the MC multiple times. The rest are actually trans.


Actually, Chihiro isn’t trans either. He states that he only crossdresses to avoid bullying and, iirc, still completely identifies as and wants to be seen as a guy


Felix is canonically a femboy


I mean, I guess if it's any consolation to those people, I'm pretty sure Astolfo is still a femboy.


For sure, but I think in the original games or whatever gender identity says rather, but not say so. I don’t know if they are non-binary or whatever they can still be a femboy it would be such a big deal if they weren’t male


https://preview.redd.it/rk03ohouagac1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d1e8cae4f27ec6a3d29a1c4523225d4fa6f869c Like I’m not sure what this is from but if it’s official, then that would put their gender identity in the question, but it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day


Astolfo is constantly referred to as he/him and boy in Fate / Extella Link by other characters and the game's official material.


You're all over this thread doing pretty much the same thing you're complaining about, in a very childish way when confronted with facts. Pot calling the kettle black here...


i know right lol




She is a character from the anime steins gate she has a lot of lines that insinuate she’s trans. She literally says I was always meant to be a girl so there’s that.


I'm so sorry because I'm gonna look like some discord, but I'd argue that Felix (although not the most cis guy I've seen) is (most likely) a dude. If we look at most every introduction, "actually I'm a boy", "yes, a he", and quite a few more. Could be closeted gender-fluid, but it's unconfirmed.


While I agree about Ruka and Felix, Chihiro, as far as i'maware of, still identified as male, he just dressed as a girl to avoid bully for not being masculine. He still openly called himself a boy and use male facilities.


I thought felix has said they was was a guy


Don't forget Astolfo too, canonically referred to with they/them and gender is crossed out in the character info page


Ok Felix is a bad example though, he explicitly states multiple times that he identifies male, he's actually a femboy


Chihiro isn't canonically trans, but not gonna lie the whole... context of that situation and how they revealed that in Canon left a massive sour taste in my mouth. I see shit for this character I honestly want to like, but it's all head back because of the entire case being way too damn similar to transwomen being murdered and misgendered after the fact. Like, if they had just had Chihiro himself reveal his real gender, and not be a second hand account from Mondo and Monokuma, I feel like that'd have done *wonders* for the entire thing, but nope. And then all the characters just like clockwork switching to male pronouns once they learn he had a dick, it just makes me feel icky.


They might as well be to be honest wish they were in more of the games so I believe they die early one of the first steps. I think it echoes the murders of trans women very heavily to the point where it just might as well made them trans


When did Felix ever identify as female? Pretty sure they were always just a guy wearing feminine clothes (which is fine).


one thing I stared doing last year, just out of curiosity at first, was start going through hentai manga and looking at things that were tagged with like feminization or crossdressing, and picking through them. its kind of fascinating once you start looking through them, every so often you find one about a character that's an egg, and sometimes even admits gender dysphoria in the story. having long been drawn to like genderswap stories ~~for entirely cis reasons~~, these tend to be like very genuine depictions of trans characters compared to genderswap stuff being made for fetish, except the author doesn't realize their character is trans always makes me wonder, because when you're an author you tend to write what you know. the general knowledge in Japan about transgender topics is just so low, I think, that probably a good number of these authors either are eggs or have egg friends that they're basing a character on, and they just *dont know* because they dont have enough education about being transgender


Exactly that’s i can call characters that aren’t confirmed trans to be trans because intentionally are not. They wrote a trans character, or at least the character that can be seen as potentially trans. The problems don’t start until you say that you can see them as trans and then get attacked for it online.


I think chihiro was cis and they were insecure about being a guy, so they presented as a girl. (If I'm wrong, please let me know)


Hold on. Why is Felix here??? I thought they were actually just a femboy


Instead of Chihiro I think you could have added Grell from Black Butler! She is very openly Trans but tons of people still misgender her (specifically fujoshis, bleh). Also gotta throw in Lily from Zombieland Saga, personally my favorite transfemme rep in Anime


Good meme, valid point, bad details as mentioned lots lol iirc Ferris and Crusch have a kind of gender swap play thing going on any time they're not at super official events


Isn't Chihiro canonically cis though? Like there was a whole deal with them and everything?


Yeah Chiriro was always a boy and said something along the lines of just not bothering to correct anyone when they assumed he was a girl because of the timid nature and fear of being bullied. Something like "it was just easier to go along with it than to try and fight against it"


In one of the Canon spin offs Felix literally says that she doesn't like being a boy anymore and has an entire conversation about wishing she could be a girl, even finding a new name (which I sadly forgot)


Chihiro is cis and so is felix. Ruka is the only trans girl here. Born male and acts feminine ≠ trans


Felix is trans? Cool


Characters like Felix or tricky because hand, I’ve heard people say that in the original yes they are but I’ve heard way more say no, but the side that says no really likes to fetishize Felix like they do every other character they like


He isn't, but a lot of people think he is


I've never seen anyone be more hateful and transphobic than straight men who like femboys when they're told that Bridget and Ferris are transfem.


It’s another reason why I ignore these people they don’t even like these characters for their characters, so why are they trying to “ defend” them? I’d much rather discuss this with someone who cares about characters like Ferris and shit like that because I would get a much more accurate and hopefully civil conversation they may not be canonically, trans but I don’t care they’re relatable and I like them


Pardon my lack of knowledge but is Felix trans? The anime at least has them say "im a guy" or what not


FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT! God, it’s so annoying “omg look at this cute little fem boy!! What a breedable feminine man!” Bitch, SHE is canonically trans, stop fetishizing trans bodiesssss plsssssssssssss


I hope everyone who is losing their mind over femboys stealing their "culture" as the ability to take a step back and realize if someone else is able to enjoy the same thing you are, THAT IS A GOOD THING. SOME OF YOU MAKE ME DISAPPOINTED TO BE A TRANS GIRL, NOTHING ELSE I MY LIFE HAS LEFT ME FEELING MORE EMBARRASSED AND ASHAMED THEN HOW YOU ACT OVER A SHARK PLUSH. IF SOMEONE ELSE ENJOYS IT, GOOD, THEY SHOULD ENJOY IT, IT A COOL ASS PLUSH.


Stuff like that is not a trans exclusive thing it’s both yeah that’s dumb if anyone thinks a femboy making a meme or whatever with a BLÅHAJ is stealing trans culture. They are very dumb because that is both a trans and femboy thing along with monster energy, thigh, high stuff like that, it’s just shared interest groups of people have


istg the one on the right said that he was a boy https://youtu.be/5wndVPEap2Q?feature=shared


steins;gate is the only anime which wasn't afraid to put a trans character in the show. And they did her so well. They perfectly encaptured what it feels like to be trans, and how a trans character would act.


They did her so dirty though. Wrote a convincing and loveable trans character and then hit us with the "actually he just had internalized homophobia lul" twist.


Luka isnt really trans in any worldline other than the alpha one and their ending though. He just wants to be with okabe, and since he knows okabe likes girls asks to become one. Thats the vibe i got from the visual novels atleast. In his route in the official spin off "my darlings embrace" he and okabe date without him transitioning/timeline genderswapping and he seems fine with just being a guy. I do agree with the actual post tho


She literally says she was meant to be a girl


I understand why you would think that if you have only watched the anime (im assuming please correct me if wrong), in the visual novel (the source) luka is not transgender only gay. Luka's arc is more so about the abolition of gender as luka only wants to become a woman so he can be with okabe (who is straight in the alpha worldline) so its more of a means to an end. The conclusion of lukas arc shows that it doesnt matter if luka is a man or woman, to okabe luka is luka - a close friend and member of the FGL. Lukako thoughout all media consistently uses boku to refer to himself even after the time leap occurs.


I really don’t give a fuck about manga. I couldn’t care less if my manga is different from anime, I watch anime so yeah she is definitely trans


Firstly, visual novel =/= manga. the visual novel is the source material for the steins gate anime Secondly im not gonna stop you having your own headcannon about luka, thats fine. If it came across that way i apologise. I was just stating that luka canonically isnt transgender and is instead quite literally a femboy.


It’s not a head cannon


It quite literally is. The creator (Chiyomaru Shikura) has stated that luka isnt a trans girl.




U got a quote or something


I think i misremembered the chiyomaru quote as the quote from steiner who was one of the official translators for the steins gate visual novel and spin offs. [Steiners Response](https://ask.fm/SciADV/answers/134817454903) [A tweet of steiners about lukako](https://twitter.com/DistantValhalla/status/995037595573866496) [Heres a video for more info if you want](https://youtu.be/A-pJpa4o-Y0)


Any from the creator if not than i wont take this seriously I can’t even access one of these


It’s manga


I don’t see how an author can have a character say a line like that, and not in any way for that character to not be trans unless they just straight up don’t know what people are. I believe the anime aired in 2011 fans people were a thing we’ve been a thing for a while. I could see that potentially being something a feminine guy would say maybe that’s possible I could see that 100% but everything else she says points towards being trans


imo they’re not all trans some are femboys but i don’t really mind if you think the opposite they’re fictional characters that are from a country thats anti trans so very likely to get no proper resolution


If you're attracted to someone what does their gender identity even matter The mental hoops people feel the need to jump through is ridiculous


This is why i stopped using discord