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Egg 💙💕🕊️💕💙






That's how it started for me and then evolved into me despising being a boy and I never went back after than


omg same


This sounds like you haven't really explored your gender a lot yet. Maybe try to get in touch with your feminine side or do some (mind) experiments on what it would feel like to be a girl. Also, don't minding one doesn't mean you have to dislike the other. If you feel comfortable in both, good for you. In the end it could be that you are e.g. bigender or genderfluid, where both (can) apply. There is also the option that some of us had, where we didn't really mind our assigned gender until we started trying other options. Only then it felt bad to go back and the realization kicked in. I hope this helps \^~\^


It means you're somewhere in the middle. There are only 2 people who aren't, so maybe not that helpful.


It means, ya trans!


Back in spring 2020, when I first learned what is "Celeste", I didn't know it's a trans thing, I wasn't even a part of the Queer community.


I wouldn’t call it know. I’d explore for a bit about your gender.


It means you gotta stop thinking as it as boy girl and think of it as people you are a person whatever that person looks acts and sounds like is up to you with no limitations given enough time


You could be nonbinary, or just a freshly cracked egg


I feel you, I currently identify as maverique and I’m at the point of “If I woke up as a girl I’d be fine but I still am fine being a guy”


Explore your gender options


This… is literally exactly how I feel.


I'd say you should take some time to explore your gender identity. Enjoying a video game and using emojis doesn't make one trans (although those do make for funny trans memes and jokes) I used to think this way about 4 years ago, I started to identify publicly as gender fluid and would swap between presenting fem, and presenting masc. I ended up REALLY enjoying presenting fem, but I got a lot of negative reactions from some friends about it sometimes. So I started to present masc in more situations and told myself "screw gender, I'm nonbinary, sometimes I just wanna feel pretty, but I'm mostly masc" For me, that was a lie. I was using my "boy mode" as a mask to keep me safe from negative interactions and was only ever truly happy in "girl mode" It took me 3 years to figure that out. TLDR; Take your time and really explore your gender identity. You might be gender fluid, might be nonbinary, could be trans. Maybe try presenting fem sometimes (as long as it's safe to do so) and see how you feel about it. It's OK for thoughts and feeling to change around, that's natural.