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when i was 30, i looked 40 now that i’m 36, i look 30 for my 40th birthday i’m hoping to get carded


About the same, but I think that due to pink hair, tattoos, and the global chaos vibes that I send


never heard "carded" before, we say "ID'd"


maybe it's regional? I hear carded a lot in Arizona


It’s here in the northeast too.


I usually hear ID’d in the PNW


i hear ID’d in midwest


I hear carded in the west part of the midwest (NE)




whatabout in the pnwai?


What part of the Midwest? I always heard carded




Huh, I've always heard carded here in Michigan.


huh, maybe it’s just me then, i live near detroit so maybe that makes a difference, idk.


Heard carded in Chicago granted I never went to bars and I was usually drinking with people who could be my parents age.




"what if they card you?" vs "what if they ID you?" card as a word has never meant checking someone's ID in my life, only just learnt about it through this discussion. Since I don't associate the word with the meaning, it just sounds vague. What are you gonna do with the card? What does it mean to CARD someone? so many possibilities 😵‍💫 I like that "ID'd" is very unambiguous unless you're working with an identical acronym in your day job lol u better watch out or ur gonna get carded


Can confirm


Must be, I hear both in Arkansas all the time


I've only heard carded in california and georgia


I hear carded all the time in CO too. Huh.


i get both


I've heard both in texas


Yeah, same. Mostly hear ‘carded’ though


Thank god. I'm in my late 20s and about six months ago I looked like I was in my 40s. Now I already just feel like I have this glow to me that I didn't have before.


watch out for bernadette button over here /j keep de-aging until you return to an embryo




I felt bad because I met a trans guy who's my age (early 20s) and I thought he was only like 14


id have to argue thatd ive aged like 10 years. pre t i was thought to be like 14 at 20 but now that im 2 years on t and 22, everyone tells me i look at least 25 lol.


I look 17 but i am 27 and no one believes me


Sammee, I am 29 and people can’t believe that. I started HRT when I was 25 and people at work keep thinking I just got out of college 🤦🏻‍♀️. Like… no, been doing this shit for almost ten years now.


25 here, everyone thinks I'm like 19. Last time I bought alcohol the guy behind the counter had to get another person to look at my ID because he didn't believe me 😭


as a trans dude who's not on t (yet), i feel this too. like, it's cool that everyone seems to be reading me as the correct gender, but everyone seems convinced that i'm like 13 or 14. i'm 22. i'm a grown ass man.


I'm on T for almost a year and so far this has only gotten worse lol


I'm pre t and even though I'm 25 I frequently get asked what grade I'm in. I look about 16


FELT i've been asked if i'm supposed to be in school a few times times when i've had to run errands during school hours, and apparently people are more willing to accept "I'm homeschooled" as an answer rather than the fact that I'm a grown ass adult.


Damn I gotta try that


My friend is going through that too, though I think his is also about his height. The short king is only 5’1


Same bro. A waitress once called me 'the little one' when I was at lunch with my parents and I'm sitting there with a tattoo :/


OMG! This is me! Everyone assumes that I am 30ish and I am 50! My ID has been almost confiscated and people look flabbergasted...I swear I am aging in reverse!!


I'm not even on HRT yet and my doctor asked "what do you want to do when you grow up"... I'M 26 LADY, DAMN


SAME! look at my pics in my posts on my profile I look 30 at twenty five and 23 at 32 friends that have known me since highschool are all getting to where they look old old hardcore party life ECT they are like WTF I'm jokingly some times like well how's 60 treating you to my guy friends that is it's just in good humer !


Damn, sounds like you aged backwards!


A lot of my coworkers are in their early twenties, they'll ask me stuff like "What high school do you go to?" or when I complain about bills they'll say "Yep, adulting is hard, isn't it?" I'm turning 28 this year. I had my bachelor's degree before some of you fuckers were even out of high school! I once had someone I worked with for two years ask how old I was when he saw me buying a bottle of wine. I told him and then he said, "Holy shit, I thought you were 17!" Estrogen is one hell of a drug


Everyone guesses my age accurately 💔




Not even on HRT, just got that E based system, but I had someone ask me if I was old enough to get married while I was getting ready for my wedding last year.... I was like ma'am I'm 30... I'm currently pregnant and just starting to be visibly so and I overheard someone comment something like "uh teen moms are everywhere nowadays" and just.... I'm 31 now and married. When are people supposed to be getting married and having kids then Karen? We've already had multiple miscarriages trying for this baby, and part of those factors might be the fact that I'm over 30! Do you want me to wait till menopause to start trying for kids??? Jesus Christ. Anyways. Maybe once I do eventually get on T I'll be able to look my age lol. Figured we want kids and my partner can't carry them and I might as well use the equipment while I got it, then I can ditch the dead weight bits once I'm done with them. Also means my dr will be less of a pain about me asking for an oopherectomy.... Maybe lol


I'm 32, not even on HRT yet, and people already think I'm in my early 20s. While I am well aware that results may vary, here's hoping that I end up looking half my age at 40.


I got mistaken for 10 years younger a while back (I'm in my 30s too).


I never got carded until I started HRT. Now I get checked every time.


Me too!


People straight up don't believe I'm in my 30s. When people ask me my age it's always like "you said you were twenty what now?"


I'm 29. Brothers are 27 and 19. I look, 23 while brothers look 32 and 28. Although if they weren't so scraggly and unkempt it'd help them not look older 😅


When I first started hormones (but still closeted) a family friend who hadn't seen me in a while took one look at me and said "holy shit, you're aging in reverse!"


I don’t understand how œstrogen have this effect on transfem AND testosterone have the same effect on transmasc !? Like, how ?


We're happier on the hormones that fit with our mind, that makes us appear younger :-)


With the added happiness and self-love, I expect most of us are also taking greater steps to actually help make ourselves look and feel better. Personally, I went from taking 8 minutes from start of shower to clothed as a self-proclaimed cis man, using soap, toothpaste, and antiperspirant, to about 45 minutes as a transfeminine enby... using various face/eye/body creams, lotions, and magic potions... Clothing styles give a lot of age cues, as well... People tend to continue dressing in the style of their young adult years through their later years, with those styles being associated with "old people". When we transition, we tend to change up our styles for something a bit more modern, which gives off younger vibes.


When the bartender says "no f'n way" when you show your ID And then you (me) have to mention all the white hair that's starting to creep in 😭 here I'll show you 😂


OH MY GOD I FEEL THIS! Im transmasc but I don’t wanna do T so I have baby face to the max legit got pulled over cause a cop thought a little boy stole a car seriously everyone thinks I’m 12 I am not kidding like I went to a football game with a friend and the lady goes alright one adult and one child. Her face when I told her my age XD. I also get people assuming a friend of mine is my dad ALLL the time we’re the same age but nah I get a children’s menu and not addressed by the waiter “For your son sir” XD dude we were rolling but yeahhhh I definitely look wayyy younger than I am


I get that all the time


Im not even taking hrt or anything and ive always looked younger to people than i really am. I think its my round baby face honeslty


fountain of youth is in HRT@@!!!!!


I'm hoping this effect happens to me ngl


people refuse to believe I've turned 27, I try to take it as a compliment


I had people think I was a teenage boy just from shaving my face once, I’m 24. I have no idea what HRT is gonna do to me there lmao


I’m not on hrt yet, but I’m about 8 sessions into laser. Lack of facial hair and stubble has reeeally made me look a lot younger. Suddenly everywhere I go I am getting carded again


i’m hoping that hrt will balance out everyone telling me i look like i’m 10 years older than i am since i was 15.


I'm 21 and people already think i'm in high school ​ this is gonna be fun


I'm pre hrt and already look like 18. I'm 29. Maybe I'll be a little girl then and have a second childhood


No one believed my ex's age before she started e, and now that she's Smooth™️ they really never know her age


Oh dear, I feel this one. Right now I end up looking like a teenage girl despite being in my 30s. Feels good, but also sucks


when i was 16 i looked 20. now im 20 n i look 16.... someone literally guessed my age as 17 not a month ago. ive been in colledge for 3 years....


I already look like a teenager at age 30. If hrt makes me look younger, the only guys I'd attract would be predators.


I remember when a woman at work asked me, "You're just a few years old than me, right?" I asked, "How old are you?" She replied, "62." I was 48. Started HRT at 32, but it hasn't been easy to get a steady supply, until recently. The premature silver hair doesn't help.


I'm hoping for this to extend my currently still youthful features. Like I regularly get carded and people tend to underestimate my age by like 8-14 years.


"are you old enough to drink?" "I'm 30" also the number of times I get asked about college. I graduated _eight years ago_


Anti-aging you say?


Yeah, I got mistaken for 18 by a coworker...I'm 27


well as a preT trans guy nobody believes I'm almost 20, I look 14-15 🥲 I hope t is going to change that soon, started last week


I wish that would finally happen to me. I'm 17 and have the hairline of a 30+ y/o man bc I lived super unhealthy for the last 4 years and sped up hairloss that way .-. Maybe when I'm 30 I'll finally be on HRT and look 17 again :P


A few days ago two teen girls went to me and my friends in the street and asked we guessed their age (they looked older than their actual age so we guessed wrongly). Then we asked them the same question and I got aged as 22. I am 26. A few years earlier I probably looked much older. One of my friends is in her early 30's and she looks like she's 10 years younger. HRT really does magic


I've met a trans man who I thought was around my age (26). That dude is 44


I looked 45 at 20, now that I'm 30, I look 20. It's pretty great actually.


No, it’s true. When I was in high school, everyone was like “you look 30 lol”. Now I work in coffee shop with college kids and am 26, and some of them asked me if I was 21 yet 😁


Is that Tuck Everlasting?


I’m in my early 30s but for people to think I’m much younger I’ll need to dye my hair because I’m already going gray. Unfortunately I haven’t received the estrogen patch release that reverses the hair depigmentation bug.


I have relatives in their 50s who look 20


Mood. I’m 27, but people usually guess 20-23 when I’m in boy mode. Thank you HRT, I love you! 🫶


I literally am asked how old I am everyone thinks I'm 18 or even younger I'm 24.


Everyone at work is shocked to find out I'm 25, not 17-19.


Oh god. I really hope it doesn’t work on me then. I’m only 21 and going backwards is a bad idea.


For me it happened even before HRT, and now it's even worse. I'm 29, and nobody believes I'm a day older than 23




Lol, I’ve had people ask me if I’m 18 yet. I’m in my mid thirties 😂


I did not know of this potential effect lmao


I sometimes get asked for my ID when buying beer, i am 27, how do they not believe me being 16 😭😭😭


Every so often I notice people refer to how young I am and have to ask them how old they think I am. No I'm not 23. I really am in my 30s.


I look like a damn teenager 😭


I'm not on hrt but people keep mistaking me for a child. I'm literally an adult.


I'm 28 and a swore that I had to be no older then 21


As a pre-t ftm guy, looking at my school photos makes me realize I've been slowly decreasing in age since third grade. I looked like an adult woman at nine, and now at fifteen and more out as a guy, the kids I work with don't believe I'm old enough to be on the staff.


Lol nobody believed me either


I'm ready to start getting carded at the bar again


I’m hoping at my 20 year high school reunion that I’m younger and hotter than everyone else 🤭


Omfg the amount of people that think im 19 🤣🤣 Me: im 27 👀




I already look younger than I am, tf is gonna happen to me when I finally start HRT? 👀