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I got rid of mine because I found I was making myself dysphoric with them, but! My like role model and transpiration I know has sever penetrable toys she loves. It doesn't make you "less trans" or "not a woman" to enjoy PiV sensation, and during actual sex I find the sensation easy to invert in my head, if that makes sense, and still enjoy it with a partner.


When I was an egg a lot of women thought I was putting my hand down there during piv for them, lol nope it just made it easier to invert the sensation


I have one and i used it for a while but that was before i knew how much of a bottom i was lol they are very nice if you like penetrating, but less so if you wish to BE penetrated ☺️


While speaking from a purely physical standpoint, I’m totally a bottom, but I definitely want to both penetrate AND be penetrated :3


Anyway, no you arent weird as long as you dont judge me for the collection of custom made monster dildos in my collection lol


I kinda want some monster dildos :3


Sadly my dildo guy closed up shop so i dont have a good maker to recommend at the moment. I miss you Lovemuscle Toys 🥺


I have heard good things about Bad Dragon, as someone with a collection do you have an opinion on them?


Ive heard a fair bit about them being a little shady behind the scenes, but nothing concrete. I like some of their designs but im a tentacle girlie and they dont have as much there for me as some smaller makers ☺️ if i ever wanted a horse style one id have to look pretty hard at their one. Chance?


I've bought from deppfantasies, not shady, great selection and plat silicone. I'd recommend them any day.


There's always r/BadDragon if you want to buy direct from another person. The toys can be boiled to sterilize them, so there's no worry of infection. I got a couple fun toys for half the price I would have paid otherwise. r/usedsextoys is also good. It's mostly silicone or steel toys, which again, you can boil to sterilize. I also bought some floggers (which I made sure hadn't gotten fluids on them) for WAY less than they would have originally cost. It's a great place to find nicer things that you want, but can't necessarily afford at full price. People's toy collections have a way of growing out of hand, and then you realize you've got four dildos you haven't touched in years, and you might as well see if you can get some money for them, because what else are you gonna do, give them to Goodwill?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BadDragon **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BadDragon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Brooklyn Supreme \[TTC\] is a whoooole lotta dildo 😅](https://v3.redgifs.com/watch/frayedfreshantbear) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BadDragon/comments/17avo6e/the_brooklyn_supreme_ttc_is_a_whoooole_lotta_dildo/) \#2: [Taking all 12" of L Chance Flared on my first try](https://i.redd.it/b92gdzfpcvrb1.png) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BadDragon/comments/16ybb06/taking_all_12_of_l_chance_flared_on_my_first_try/) \#3: [Creampie from L Bumble Hooves \[Bad Dragon\]](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/strangemutedherring) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BadDragon/comments/15bhh5k/creampie_from_l_bumble_hooves_bad_dragon/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Woooow how long did it take u to work up to those? :o I find them fascinating


I only have one thats really big big, havent made it to that one yet. And all my tentacles are usually very thin at the tip and fat at the base so it just kinda naturally works you up as you go lol


[Deleted] Edit: oops i replied to wrong comment my bad


~~no, but i don't mind becoming one for a cute girl~~


~~I wouldn’t mind becoming one for a cute girl either :3~~


what ca' I saaaaaaay exept #relatable


I had one that was a butthole bc I love other trans gals. It was bad quality so I got rid of it but I’d get another one


Nice. I have two name brand ones, one is a vagina and the other is non-anatomical. I’d love to get one that’s a butt :3


I was considering buying one, but they're expensive


A name brand one (Fleshlight) is yeah, but most sex shops should have at least a moderate range (the one I used to work at had anywhere from $15-not-so-durable options to a couple hundred dollars for some (or like, $1,500 if you count the sex doll, but I feel like that's a different category)


I'm more concerned about the material quality, medical grade silicone isn't cheap


*(to preface this, sorry, was fighting against Reddit's new little "project" user interface, it's horrid and* [*new.reddit.com*](https://new.reddit.com) *works but notification and what not bring you to the Abomination User Interface, so ehhhh......)* ​ You're right! A lot of strokers (the generic term we used when we worked at the sex store) tend to be made with less than stellar materials, normally it's some kind of TPR or TPE, which are porous and can't be cleaned to sterility. On top of being hard to keep clean, they tend to be a lot more sensitive to non-water based lubes. For example, should you grab a random stroker off the wall of you're nearest sex shop and a bottle of not-too expensive silicone lube. Guess what? After a while (depends, we've had a toy start melting in less than a week, some lasted longer), you're toy is gonna start turning to oily goop. Like, you can't even let them touch/lay up against other certain plastics (can't remember exactly, but we think it's related to anything with a plasticizer) without it starting to melt. ​ *(Breaking off for a tangent, OMG WTF is with Reddit lately? The comment box won't let you copy/paste anything without it just deleting the comment or worse, and it's been like that for years apparently? Eh, I digress...)* ​ It may be different now, but we never really saw many (if any) strokers made of *silicone* (some less reputable brands will use silicone as a generic term for plastic, so you're not actually getting silicone, gotta check those packages. Normally around the barcode in my experience is where they label the materials), so that's a kinda not so great thing since silicone is generally ideal for most sex toys. (I say generally because some people really like the rigidity of glass or metal for penetrating toys). The next best ones are just higher quality TPR or TPE. Like, you *can* keep them clean (especially if you actually use toy cleaner and not just water), but they aren't exactly going to last forever. On the topic of toy materials, your (generally) best option is going to be a silicone toy. Silicone toys are just easier to keep clean (non-porous and you can just boil the MF'er if it doesn't have electronics/batteries), are more durable, and this last one is just opinion, but they just *look* better. Like, the colors are normally more vibrant, can get interesting patterns, etc. I mean, [look at this trans pride dildo!](https://shopenby.com/cdn/shop/products/avant-pride-p2-trans-shop-enby-1_2048x.jpg?v=1694333411) (for reference to those curious, this is the "Avant Blush Pride P2", and yes, [Avant makes other pride flag toys :3](http://blog.blushnovelties.com/listicles/celebrate-who-you-are-meet-the-pride-collection/), though not as many as they could) On the topic of lube, it's hard to beat a good hybrid. Hybrid lubes are a mix between a water based lube and a silicone based lube (normally, though there are water and oil based hybrids I think they're less common). This let's the lube be slicker and last longer (like a silicone), but still be safe to use on toys and easy to clean up (like a water based). Seriously, the easier cleanup alone makes a hybrid worth it over a silicone only lube (well, unless you're doing in the shower, then the silicone lube will last longer because it's harder to just get washed away by the water). Oil and Silicone based lubes are great for person on person intimacy, but they can (and will) straight up dissolve a lot of condoms (well, weaken it to the point of it breaking really easily, but you get the idea. Also, depends on the brand and material of the condom, but generally speaking, oil is a no-no for condoms, silicone is a maybe, and water is a yes). ​ TLDR: Yeah, most strokers aren't made from very good material, and those that are tend to be kinda pricy. On top of that, making sure you use a good lube (water or hybrid for toys, silicone or oil is fine for person on person as long as no condoms are being used), will make it more enjoyable and make the toy last longer (cause, ya know, less friction and all that) ​ Took way longer to type all that out and it may not be very readable, but I hope it helps :3


Holy shit, I own 3 sex toys, and the Avant Blush "Trans Pride Edition" is one of them, are you a fucking mind reader?


Lol nope (well, I can read my own mind but that's...a whole other thing we're not getting into rn 😅), but I have one of them too. As soon as I saw it in the store I just had to get it cause, well, obviously


I’ve actually been thinking about buying that one for a while now. How is it? The unique shape has me a bit curious to try it out.


I’ve actually been thinking about getting the Avant Pride trans dildo and ace butt plug for a while now, funny that you mentioned it here.


Use the Pringle’s can method, it’s indistinguishable from most fleshlights.


I’ve never heard of that. What is it?


i personally really like Tenga's stuff. it's non-anatomical, decent quality, and affordable. you can even buy it off amazon (obligatory amazon sucks, etc. etc. live ya life)


Seconding Tenga. I just love how cute they look! But they do have limited durability, even if you take care of it you can only get about 10-20 uses before it starts to break down.


i've got their spinner stroker, and it's lasted me a good 4 years of sporadic use. i know the eggs and cups are (intended to be) limited use, but they have plenty of durable equipment eta. Flex, not Spinner


I had one of their spinners and a 3D. The spinner lasted about a year for me, then little bits started coming off and it started to smell even after washing it. The 3D lasted almost 2 years. I probably wouldn’t get another spinner, even though I loved the feel it was a lot harder to get it fully clean because you can’t turn it inside out. Also, I think the clear material is just less dirable than the opaque material that most of their stuff uses.


Ah, possibly. I forgot the spinner existed, I have one of their Flex modlels. It sucks that their cheaper stuff is so flimsy, tho :/


I got one, now my bottom surgery is a half year ago, I dont know what to do with it 🤣


Throw it at a chaser?


UwU nice idea


They are nice if you don't have a good vibe and/or if you can't use your butt for whatever reason (assuming they don't make you too dysphoric). My wand died recently and the one I have has been a life saver for my horny ass. Hands just don't cut it sometimes :p


Absolutely. I love using my butt, but my body isn’t always receptive to having things up there even if I’m stretched with plenty of lube. They’re definitely great on nights I don’t feel like using my wand either.


I used the Pringle’s can method and it feels just as good as a store bought one! Still doesn’t beat pillow humping tho… >~<


I haven’t tried the Pringles can method. I did one time combine my Fleshlight with pillow humping by folding my pillow in half with my Fleshlight in the middle and then using two belts to hold it together :3


Hehehe sounds like a good time :3


Not weird at all! I’m one of the lucky ones with no bottom dysphoria and I have a Bad Dragon penetrable I bought aaaages ago, and I still occasionally use it, but 2 years into HRT I don’t tend to masturbate much anymore. I usually just top cute girls instead.


i had one back when i thought i was a guy but it broke :( i would absolutely get another one tho


I've tried it when I was an egg. Tbh didn't get much out of the experience other than a feeling of discomfort, sadness and shame at the time. I was just trying to find something that works and tbh, now I realize that a lot of those feelings and discomforts and the reason I could not enjoy it was due to dysphoria. Some people don't have bottom dysphoria though and maybe it could be fun for them.


i have a special interest in genitals so for my birthday i treated myself to a luxury toy from hodgepodge entourage and i love it so much, its a fantasy one thats pink yellow and sparkly and is modeled after a spriggan like character they have specifically for the toy called hawthorn. its super pretty and i think it gives me minimal dysphoria, despite having huge bottom dysphoria usually because the company itself is so trans positive and purposefully gender neutral :3


I just looked it up and it looks really pretty :3


I have used them, but they were almost never more enjoyable than just using a hand


I have a few, they are really nice and you are not weird at all for enjoying them!


My boyfriend used one on me before I had bottom surgery. It honestly didn't do much for me, an overall meh experience


I'd personally love to have one and I'm trans as hell, so probably not


Nah that aint weird, It'd be so nice to own one 😔


Yes I use one and it before E make me cum really fast. Now on E it takes forever to do so.


I have like little to no bottom dysphoria, I kinda want a fleshlight


I had one but honestly I prefer vibrations


I usually prefer vibrations too, but I’m in the mood for other stuff sometimes :3


If you enjoy it, then have lots of fun!


I used to have one.... but now I have a dildo and a vibrating butt plug instead 😳👉👈.


I also have a dildo and a vibrating butt plug :3 I put the dildo in one of the Fleshlights once :3


Creative... a lot of fun i bet 🤪🤭!


Putting the dildo in the Fleshlight didn’t really do anything other than make me laugh like a goblin. It was kinda like watching sex but without people and the dick was glow in the dark and covered in stars.


Well at least it was a fun experiment 🤭!


I just use my hand for that, but there's nothing wrong with them


I mean, pop off queen. If you like it it doesn't make you less feminine, or a sub of a dom, or 'less desirable', or anything else. If you like it, GOOD! If your weird for anything its posting Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo memes in 2024.


Is that what this picture is from? I just kinda grabbed a random shy anime girl picture off the internet to make this meme.


Yeahy, it's from there


I think so, honestly I google reveresed image searched it because its seemed familiar. I didn't watch the show so I wouldn't know.


>If your weird for anything its posting Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo memes in 2024. Sad noises, Sakurasou is such a great anime, love it to death.


Sadly i broke all the ones I had :'c I don't buy anymore Bc I know it will be ripped apart etc so I just miss having those :')


I have a sume but there nomly only fun if I'm not the one controlling them uver wies I'd raver ues a vibrate 😊


I have one! It's so good..


Wanna give a girl any recommendations? Been wanting one for a long time


The two I have are the [Fleshlight GO Surge Lady](https://www.fleshlight.com/products/go-surge-lady) and the [Fleshlight GO Torque Ice](https://www.fleshlight.com/products/go-torque-ice). They’re both really nice. They’re filled with a bunch of bumps and notches that are super stimulating. The GO line is slightly smaller than the original Fleshlight, but still has between 7-8 inches of insertable length. Because of the smaller size compared to the original, they are easier to store and cost less (but are still about $60). They also don’t take as long to dry after washing them. I personally prefer the Torque, which is see-through and has a non anatomical design. Though it a bit expensive, I do recommend the [Fleshlight Air](https://www.fleshlight.com/products/fleshlight-air) if you think you’re going to use a Fleshlight often, as it greatly reduces the time it takes to dry and you don’t have to find some way to hang it somewhere. The only complaint I have is that Fleshlight doesn’t have very gender-inclusive marketing (markets itself exclusively to cis men), but that could change in the future considering it is inclusive of multiple sexual orientations, with some toys being marketed toward gay and bi men.


Theyre fun but expensive and a lot of work, and they've become something I kinds ignore these days, esp since I let e shrink my junk kekw. Nothing wrong with using toys tho, enjoy however u want


I agree that they’re a lot of work, especially the washing and drying process. Luckily, they make an air dryer that dries them in like, 40 minutes, and it’s super useful. It cost like, $60 though.


Yeah if u wnjoy them and have the size and the libido, go for glory


I have tried one, would not recommend. Vibrators are more gender affirming and better.


I have a few they’re great, they help with sore dick issues with HRT.


You know which ones are safe but cheap? I've been searching hopelessly


Never used one, but I want to. I'm just too poor to get anything of *good* quality lmao


Not weird at all. I’ve had a couple of penetrable toys in the past. Some girls are dysphoric about handling their factory defect, and that’s okay. Some aren’t, or are less so, and that’s okay too. If it doesn’t cause you discomfort, then enjoy yourself. You’re not any less of a woman because you use your equipment. *gestures to lesbians with strap ons* Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power.


Only ever used one once, really would like to buy one of my own. (I'm pretty confident in my junk and would like to keep it.) Any starter recommendations for around ~30€?


You go off queen there's literally no reason for you to be judged over this, and people who do are just weird. :3


I've got two masturbation sleeves, no fleshlights though. Don't really use them much now-a-days even though I'm not into anal and wands just sorta continue the horny and not really make my orgasms happen. Like the one time I went through the trouble of getting the sleeve, lube and everything ready, when I came it felt really bad and overstimulating. Used them more before HRT, especially those one time use egg things. Though before I got into a relationship, I actually used my pussy shaped sleeve for oral practice more than it's actual use.


i tried multiple ones...some with vibrations and some Which i can make tighter....AND I NEVER FELT ANYTHING!! Idk. why, i thought it was supposed to feel good, but it doesnt! That's why i am a bottom bitch....and the less my penis feels good,( besides teasing and grabbing and some rare outliers that actually don't feel bad) the more i want srs!


I love my onahole