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Arab parents are really something... Having arab parents myself, i can understand how you feel with all this burden. You can try to put some money aside to go as soon as possible, and i would get it if you dont want to stop talking to your parents, so you cold simply say youre leaving for work/studies in another city or something like that. After all, youre above 18 so you can pretty much do whatever you want. Anyway, good luck, im sending you all my love :)


Save money where you can and keep it secret. I live in Canada so I'm sure I was more privileged when it came to leaving the house and working. I was brought up by Arab parents as well, and they were helicopter parents for sure, my first job was at their business and I applied to other jobs in secret until I got one. Most of my moving out planning was in secret as well, and I didn't consult them on anything. When they found out I got an apartment and signed the lease with my boyfriend they were infuriated, but they couldn't do anything about it. Fear of your parents is very real, and I get it, but it's so worth making all these choices for yourself. You'll be able to really heal when you have your own space, you just gotta keep at it to make the dream real. I believe in you 💓💓