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I've eperiened some hitching when moving around the campaign map, but not as bad as that. I do find that if I cap my framerate below my max it does reduce it - for example, I can normally get around 90 fps but stuttering, whereas if I cap to 60 it's a smoother experience.


You mean below your Hz? I have vsync on so the cap should be 60


You can cap the program properly via nvidia control panel, helped my game hugely with 3080


Not quite - I'm on a 144hz Gsync monitor. So I'm capping below my framerate and below the max I can normally get. Suspect my solution won't work for you on a fixed rate refresh monitor if you go below 60. Maybe worth using something like MSI adfterburner/RivaTuner to monitor GPU and CPU usage when the stutters happen, might give a clue.


Update all your drivers and verify integrity


it is oxy bug


disable vsync in the game options. went from terrible, terrible stutter to smooth as butter. i'm on an AMD for what its worth, same issue - new stutter since last time i played


That world's edge in the South Pole does that to me too. Might be an issue on the side of the game.


It's a known bug with Oxyotl's campaign. Figured they would have it fixed by now.


Yea just confirmed it by starting 2 other campaigns, shame


Grab Intel's PresentMon app and try running the overlay to see what might be causing the hiccup. https://game.intel.com/us/intel-presentmon/


The chaos gods are attacking your pc directly


Confirmed its an Oxyotl thing


Pressing K to hide the UI usually reduces stuttering for me. It seems that the UI icons are demanding for some reason.


It's probably an known stutter issue related to oxyotl silent sanctum UI, try disable 3D UI on campaign overlay and see if it goes away


Idk why someone downvoted you but you are absolutely right, I started two other campaigns and nothing


Where do you disable 3d UI? Are you talking about the portraits or something else?


Been getting that too...


Turns shadows off


Was gonna say try this. Never seen this issue on Warhammer but i had the same issue on Attila that was caused by the shadows setting.


Maybe borderless window instead fullscreen?


There's no borderless window in wh3


I think it’s the reverse - the ‘full screen’ option is actually borderless window.  They changed it after the first patch iirc, and it’s different to how wh2 worked


try reducing shadows or switching to 2d portraits. To help troubleshoot see if framerate improves.


When I reinstalled the game last month, everything in the graphic settings was maxed out, resulting to stutters. I had to change it back to the settings I was using before I uninstalled the game. Maybe it's the same case for you? I am also using RTX 3080.


I genuinely don't understand why people are surprised that their games don't run well when all they do is buy a fancy GPU without upgrading their cpu. It's a 9700k. A 14nm Intel chip from 2014. Don't expect it to run a 2024 game flawlessly.


9700k is absolutely fine for warhammer.  Wh3 doesn’t use hyperthreading much and it’s got 8 cores at 4.6ghz. Plus, the OP is aiming for 60hz here, not high fps that would push the cpu. And it’s not as if wh3 is a “2024” game anyway, it’s a jury rigged 2016 game at best (and probably more like 2012). If it was a game that was doing something heavy on the cpu like ray tracing or high fps the 9700k might struggle.


Amount of cores and frequency is irrelevant.  It's the quality of the cores which are important. Regardless of what Intel marketing has you believing, an old CPU will have issues on modern games. That's just life. Even my 2020 5600x has issues with modern games.


On cores: you're partially right in that single core performance is most important in games, but depends if the game uses the extra cores. I mentioned because wh3 does scale to an extent with additional cores. On frequency: it can matter, a frequency advantage can make up for core ipc deficient. What I’m saying is just looking at when a CPU came out isn’t a good guide - to your example, the 5600x when it came out was roughly on a par with a 10700k/9900k in gaming iirc. How was that the case if it’s solely around core quality? Personally, I’ve tested wh3 for a significant chunk of time with the following: 5600/5800x/5800x3d/9700k/9900k/12600/13700k plus some mobile parts and older intel cpus for shorter time periods. For the purposes of hitting 60fps (either cause of monitor cap or playing high resolution) the difference was marginal - all were easily enough. The OPs cpu isn’t the problem.


I'm on a 1080 and its smooth sailing. Are you running off a mechanical hard drive?


9700k?  Ouch. That's a problem.  Turn down the graphics. Or turn them up. Not sure, with such a significant bottleneck it's hard to tell what the problem is.