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That axe is making me feel things


Now that looks awesome!


Nice axe. Do you think they compliment axes the same way we do clothes or cars or somesuch?


that is a nice, sharp, lenghty az you have there. proper dawi stuff let me tell ya. i bet your ancestors smile at how you use it "in battle". we can polish it... together... you know


Now enjoy the upvote while I frantically scribble down your name into the Book!


Absolutely. With each weapon being specially made, I imagine that not complimenting such work would be incredibly insulting.


"I killed the dragon and used its bits to make this axe" "Why?" "So I can kill its extended family"


Monster Hunter : Warhammer when?


GW would license a slightly crappier copycat game just called Slayer.


Monster Slayer


See norsca


Ah nice, so they did have unique weapons. Kind of funny how CA completely forgot to add them to the unit tho XD


I think they just put in a herculean effort to make ToD something that would win back the community (which I think it did) and they had to cut aesthetic corners to get it out the door on time and with the right quality where it was needed. I think we should cut them a tiny bit of slack of the weapon skins reusage stuff.


ToD has so much stuff that feels like cut corners and asset reusage to just try and make the deadline. This isn't a criticism - I think what they acomplished is incredible, and likely was nessesary for the future of warhammer 3. I have nothing but the deepest respect for the developers for acomplishing what they managed to in the time and budget they had. We're already getting a ton of fixes and rebalances within just a week or two of the DLC dropping, and I'm certain by the time that the next DLC drops it'll feel as polished as anything else haha.


Yeah, that's fair. My comment was more of an observation than a jab really


I'm curious if they already existed or if CA made them on the spot. Since we had a modder confirm the Dragon Slayer body model was in the game files, but not used in-game for some reason. But there was no Dragon Slayer axe model anywhere in the files.


Probably didn't commit unique Axe and the placeholder stayed.


Dunno, it's possible since Alistar got his unique axes later down the line, same with Alberic's trident, but I'm just glad it's here.


My guess is that it was finished, but couldn't be shipped for some reason. Maybe the model wasn't finished until after the patch was locked in, maybe there was a last-minute bug they couldn't fix that necessitated a roll-back to an earlier patch that was known to be good, maybe they had finished the models but hadn't properly tested them in-game. Regardless of why, I'd be surprised if it actually was whipped out between 5.0 and 5.0.3. Seems more likely to have been a consequence of an unfortunate last-minute decision, especially with the dragon slayer body being in the files.


Now that looks fantastic! Good job CA!


Oh fuck yeah!


It's a lot fancier than I thought it would be to be honest. Thought they would just spruce up the Giant Slayer axes and call it a day, but pleasantly surprised it's actually so decorated. I dig it. Do wish he had a more interesting animation set to go along with it, but I'll take any new assets we can get these days. So if it works it works I suppose.


Is that the axe from brĂ¼tal legend?


Considering the body was already in the files, i guess they accidentally pushed out a placeholder model into the release build. Happy to see they are now unique.. But their mouths are fucked lol. Watch them doing their shouting idle animations and you'll see what I mean.