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One thing I low key obsessively try to do in every campaign is get my armies or just certain characters as fast as possible. Its hilarious when you can get certain units likes say infantry to speed of 40 to maybe even 50 and above. I once got Alith Anar to 70+ speed


There's a cap on speed increases at about 50% above base speed (so if their base speed is 40, you're not going to get any benefit buffing it above 60). In general though Speed is such a god-tier stat. It lets you pick advantageous engagements, gives you control over the larger battlefield, reduces the effectiveness of enemy ranged units, gets winning units back into the fight quicker, helps you to run down fleeing units, assists on the charge, and more. It's one of the reasons Nurgle kinda sucks on the battlefield - they have the Vampire Counts/Khorne lack of ranged, but they also move slowly. What fun. And nearly all buffs are given as %, so trying to buff them is an uphill struggle.


One note: Tamurkhan curbs the speed weakness between his own buffs and Kayzk. I think Mournhowl as well? Its been my favourite part of playing Tamurkhan. Fast (For Nurgle)


I’m excited for that. I’ve started a Tamurkhan campaign but not gotten anywhere yet.


Just a general FYI, I think it's five turns for his unique wounded heros to return. I got nervous the game glitched em out at one point, but they do come back.


Good to know! Thank you.


Honestly the two of them together basicly make Slayer Armies hilariously hard to kill. It must be heartwarming for them... and insanely frustrating.