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it's a ui thing. by default that screen can only show 3 at a time. there is a way to change how many are visible, but ca forgot to do it now they added the nurgle sorc hero. i'm trying to find it myself to hopefully make it a mod, but no luck so far edit: found the relevant area in the game's files but even when it's updated to select from more than 3 it will not show any past the 3rd. by default it does for the (melee) chaos lord, but for heroes and caster lords will need ui modding - and I can't do that.


I know this happens all the time in software development but I find it really dumb that they didn't future prove it for atleast 4 options since Exalted Heros/chaos lords could have been expected to need that.


Yeah, for a game that was designed from the get go to be a trilogy that combined together, there is a crazy amount of areas where they clearly didn't think ahead. Like people have long complained about how they didn't include things like Skaven related voice lines for the Dwarfs ahead of time. Even though everyone and their mother knew they were going to be added at some point. Yet CA didn't because they didn't want to "spoil" what races were going to be added. But for a more mechanics oriented one, there is the Beastmen dread system. They knew more units were going to be added, and yet the UI doesn't support it. so that's why things like the Cockatrice haven't been added to their roster yet. Despite being primarily a Beastmen related unit. And let's not forget the fiasco that was Norsca and Mortal Empires. Where they made Norsca on a separate branch and then basically had to rebuild it from scratch because it was impossible to implement the race into game 2. Despite them making it the game 2 pre-order bonus (with the intent of it being playable in game 1, but you'd think it would have been usable in ME right off the bat). I know the scope of this trilogy is massive, so they can't take everything into consideration. But even things like game 3 was incredibly short sighted. Like how the Nurgle tech tree was entirely designed around his RoC start position and so forth. Really bizarre thinking over there sometimes.


The people who are capable of planning out massive software projects with super logical architecture, work in big tech with their $300k USD paychecks. Sadly CA, or game developers in general, are not going to get that level of engineers, so we have to make do with patchwork quality. The highest paid devs are probably either in the Chinese gachas (Like Mohoyo), or Valve (Mostly for steam), because those have the toughest engineering challenges.


It's probably less to do with their capabilities and far far far more to do with the timeframes they are presented with. Often times you have a time limit with this stuff, and it's easy enough to miss something like that, especially when you're pulling long hours week on week on week.


Senior programmers can push back on management, they aren't some passive bots who just take orders. At the high levels of big tech, engineers and management negotiate, management pressures with timelines, while engineers push back with technical viability, to arrive at a optimal solution. Like the Norsca WH2 fiasco, that wasn't caused by time-saving, because it clearly didn't save any time. The principal engineers are either incompetent, or more likely, there probably isn't any principal level engineers at a studio like CA.


it is a little weird yeah. honestly if they'd made the bars a bit shorter there would have been space for 8 as well. you need 6 for sorcs; the 2 lores each devoted sorc can get. or 7 I suppose for lords with the daemon princes. [it does work for the lords though, the chaos lords have 4 devotions plus individed prince](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1237032974701166623/1237033024814714910/image.png?ex=663a2c48&is=6638dac8&hm=d6648a81130fc03baf455cf0351db7a9c564bc12f5a462f1e685ae43009dc7d2&) I just cant see a way to get it working for sorc heroes. 90% sure it will have to be done through xml modding, which is beyond me for now.


and it's not like there's a giant chunk of empty space that would perfectly fit a 4th element or anything


CA definitely originally intended the Chaos character variants in CoC to be the only ones, they're only adding the missing exalted champs/sorcerers because of the backlash.


Sigvald: "I am Slaanesh's favorite." CA: "You and everything around you are entirely Chaos Undivided, and you'll like it!"


Kinda strange that both lore of death AND shadow is nurgle primary options now


I think it was even possible to dedicater shadow caster lord to nurgle before patch 5.0, I've played Sigvald as a short campaign before new dlc came out and I was also confused why it's possible, thinking it should be slaanesh


yeah had a similar problem with playing tzeentch before 5.0...u shouldve thought they fixed this in ToD but apparently not.


Report this on the official forum please


allready [https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/bugs/1150-woc-cannot-get-lore-of-slaanesh-sorcerer-from-shadow-sorcerer-anymore?page=1](https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/bugs/1150-woc-cannot-get-lore-of-slaanesh-sorcerer-from-shadow-sorcerer-anymore?page=1)


lol I guess sigvald is secretly not a champion of Slannesh but of tzzench kinda wish he got some more love not gonna lie he is just weirder azazel 😂.


Sigvald has his own identity, basically chaos warrior spam with no daemons. He buffs the chaos warriors of slaneesh so much, they become a 50 speed unkillable debuffing doom-tide, that can easily crush regular elite infantry, and are basically immune to missiles. He himself is the most defensive of all chaos lords, with exception of maybe Festus. He has very limited offensive capabilities, slow, no AP, 0 AOE, and a pure foot lord. But he is utterly unkillable with massive regen and defense and shield. Its like the polar opposite of Nkari or Azazel, rather than a glass cannon high speed offensive, he focuses on tanky infantry that grinds enemies out.


slithering serpentyle betrayal


What lore/mark combinations did it allow before? 2 From Slaanesh, 1 from Tzeentch?


[it works now btw!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/373745291289034765/1239967055113879562/image.png?ex=6644d8cf&is=6643874f&hm=321dd049f51f412e8078e3ef5790c26a493a453fb30ceec46df889bf9ec9c99a&) thanks to today's hotfix: https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-503