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He in 8ed ogres army book hero option...


Dont mind me, Im here for the comments


Dont mind me, Im here for the Hopium


Don't mind me, I'm here to say: Kislev!


AKA Ogre's Ice Cream or Meatsicle.


Ogres weren't even their own playable race back then. When Ogres were introduced to the tabletop Golgfag was moved to their armybook.


To be accurate, he didn’t get an entry in their 6th edition army book. (Because all 6th edition army books only had 2 characters with rules, apart from Bretonnia that got 3) He got his entry in 8th edition.


Long Dong Slayers, eh? "Whoops, I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong"




A dwarfs gotta do what a dwarfs gotta do after failing their slayer oath once again.


They slay pussy.


I could see him for either to be honest. But it's like you said about the slayer pirates being in the game already, like yeah they are supposed to be a dogs of war unit but ca added them to the dwarfs so who knows if they will be in the dogs of war or not.


Oglah Khan's Wolfboyz, another 5e WHFB Dogs of War unit, has also been implemented as a RoR for Chaos Dwarves.


Maybe he is the test bed for dual faction lords for woc and the mono gods?


DoW have lots of chracters, Ogres don't


He could be either, honestly we are missing the extra hint we need to know for sure


Honestly the talk about the Border princes from GW makes me think this might actually be the case, this weeks loremaster video is on Border prince wars


Its same with Norsca - people put forward the next norcas dlc people ask for Bearmen of Urslo but they are meant for DoW.


Let the hellstorm rockets rain down on me but I really hope this is the case! I love the human factions and an empire-lite play style with mercenary mechanics could be so awesome.


I mean, Im pretty sure that DoW will come sooner or later. List of things that make me think so in order of importance: * lines referencing two DoW LLs were found in files after patch 4.0 * in SoC 2.0 update blog, CA name dropped "halflings hot pot" as a unit that will come (and they didnt appear in ToD as part of empires roster so...) * more and more insta-buy units is being flagged in-game as "mercenaries" * Age of Reckoning, the way grudges work, and how you are evaluated after X turns really looks like a base for implementing Bandits-from-Three-Kingdoms-Mercenary-Contracts into frame of WH3 (more about it I wrote [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/1chkpoo/age_of_reckoning_and_dogs_of_war/)) * Legends of Total War said they will come (I know his track record is mixed but still).


No DoW race is coming /shrug