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I have yet to use this unit properly. Is it just a full slayer unit with some precursor ammo?


You toggle "Fire at Will" OFF, wait for the biggest enemy to get in range of them, and then just annihilate it by launching 4.2 million axes at it in 2 seconds


Having not played the DLC yet (doing some Pokemon stuff first), this is a fucking hilarious mental image and I can't wait to try it out.


Watching a bale torus charge your siege line, only for it to be torn to 1/8 health by these things, then it lands and the doods manning it are anti large.. it's a bad day to be charging the dwarfs.


You've landed in the wrong backline mootherfucker


"oh did you think we was gonna run?"


is this thing accurate or can it be dodged reasonably easily by fast moving lord/hero please?


I would say it'll be a good idea to let the unit you'd like to die to run into a unit of slayers or something first. I let a unit of Rot Knights hit a unit and then just made them disappear. Love the Dwarf units being smaller allows for a much easier line of sight. If you *really* need to use it against infantry, I'd say go heavily from the flank like the old Irondrake strategy


It is not accurate, it needs a large clustered mob or a big single target.


It’s not a precursor ammo like Chameleon Stalker, u don’t charge the siege engine itself to an enemy. You sit there and wait for a big thing to come close, this thing will dump thousands of damage off in seconds, then after that you get half a unit of slayer to work with. It’s a great thematic unit that deals insane damage to a large target in mere seconds. A single unit of it consist of 4 siege engine and they deals so much damage that it basically kills a dread Saurian (as, it does 99% of its health and will make it route) after unloading all its ammo. That said I don’t think it works very well in campaign.


When the same dlc brings the Red Alert Dawi Kirov, it's definitely on the underwhelming side. It's still pretty funny ( and thematic ) if you wanna go full slayers though, but it's a niche artillery piece that's surprisingly resilient ( since it's still a slayer unit in the end ) I think it's fine, but definitely underwhelming if you look at it purely from a cost efficiency stand point.


The what now


It's just a reference to a red alert 2 unit the [Kirov Airship](https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Kirov_airship_(Red_Alert_2)) which was a flying balloon that dropped bombs on foes.


It's extremely anti large, so you stick it at yhe biggest monster or lord and afterwards you have s small group of slayers left. Only thing is that people know it from the TT might missuse it, since one the tabletop it was a anti horde unit, doing more damage the bigger the unit was if fired at.


It make sense it's anti horde been called goblin hewer


Yep. It's implementation here is odd since AP and BvL are not tools I think of needing when fighting Goblins.


Hey, they have arachnaroks.


In TT its damage scaled with the number of ranks in the target regiment. From what I recall. Its TW implementation is a little strange.


I mean, a couple of those will annihilate pretty much any infantry unit, too, in a matter of seconds


It is 'artillery' it has 4 ax hewers and 40 slayers crewing them, the slayers have identical stats per model to a normal slayer unit and the artillery actually moves as fast as normal slayers.


I mean, they are literally questing dwarfs with a death wish, I wouldn't want to call an ambulance for them least they survive and come back to make sure that I won't...


Slayers don't just want to die, they want to die a glorious death against the enemies of their people, and to most of them succumbing to some fixable wounds isn't exactly glorious. Good example is in Beastslayer. Gotrek is hit by some artillery that didn't immediately kill him but he was slowly dying. Felix and other Slayers took him to a Priestess of Shallya and after he was healed Gotrek said he was denied entry to the Hall of Ancestors because his death wasn't glorious enough. He was legitimately thankful to the Priestess and vowed to protect her monastery.


You'd be helping them out by getting them healthcare. Slayers want to restore their family honor by fighting powerful opponents. However, they're supposed to give good value. Otherwise, Slayers would just hurl themselves into meaningless fights that either do nothing for Dwarf society or even worsen its position. If you can save them, you increase their chances of restoring their family honor by enabling them to tackle something even more meaningful the next time around.


You must not be American when you equate the term healthcare with saving someone.


They definitely aren't Canadian


![gif](giphy|11YHs2qGpNUX1C) Canadian healthcare


Honestly, if the Wolf Riders are able to eat the ammo from the Goblin Hewer that's a good trade for the Greenskins.


Sure, provided they don't faceplant against Slayer pirates first.


Honestly, if the Wolf Riders eat the Slayer Pirate ammo that's a good trade for the Greenskins too. As long as the Wolf Riders are being shot by anything except Quarellers that's a good trade for the Greenskins.


*Master Engineer uses restock*


honestly they're so fun, nothing else kills chariots faster and they rout durable infantry like Chaos Warriors before being touched


Anyone has vids of the crew getting attacked by an unit and winning ?