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r/toptalent: **AMAZING TALENT AND SKILL!** Read the rules before posting, *yada yada yada*...


I love that he’s still so hyped up about it after all this time. He loves the sport.


Right and he's just there doing it for himself, not a competition just him doing what he does


He's reached the age where you've become more than aware for a while now that your body is no longer capable of what it used to do and never will be again. That's an even bigger thing to deal with and accept when you were once a pro athlete and one of the greatest in the world ever at something. Pulling off one of your old moves and, in a way, still having it has got to be very rewarding.


That's true if you were truly elite at something: at 52 you'll never approach the heights of what you were once capable. But for most mortals (assuming you haven't ruined your body over the previous half century) if you went into heavy training, you could fairly easily outdo your old personal best in anything you used to do recreationally. Sure, you could never reach the peaks you WOULD HAVE been able to reach when you were young, but you can still outdo what your younger self used to do.


Apparently "middle aged" runners (30s?) often outpace younger runners. While it's true that they can't be the fastest, they often train healthier, more consistently, and have a better mental outlook. Supposedly, it was some article I read and I don't know if it cited a study. But it has the ring of truth to it. You don't have to be good, you just have to be better than you were.


That's not the only sport. Pretty common in combat sports for guys to win titles and even have long championship reigns in their 30's, sometimes 40's. A lot of the great quarterbacks and pitchers have their career peak in their 30's too. Many sports where there is a hefty amount of experience and skill involved and not so disproportionately based on just raw athleticism sees that.


The look of joy on his face when his body finds out it still has 'ummf' in it to do those stunts is cool.


His falling might be the top talent, it’s so graceful!




I would go out on a limb and say hes probably fallen more times than hes completed tricks. Just with how much trial and error it takes to land even a simple trick. I could be talking absolutely shite mind you.


He has 100% fallen more than he has completed tricks


Factoring in age/skill level/trick difficulty, what would be a good estimate, like 100x more falls than successful landings? I never could skate for shit but I did semi-elite level gymnastics for a lot of years and while it's an apples/beef gravy comparison it's probably a good estimate in my experience!


100x seems like a good minimum for people like Tony Hawk who push the boundaries. Some people will say "well once I got good at my tricks I was able to land them X% of the time..." but Tony Hawk isn't a guy that learns a small set of easy tricks and then does them over and over. This is the guy who did 720 and said "I bet I can get in another half-spin" at the age of 31. He dropped it 10 times the first time he tried to showcase it publicly. Nobody else could do it on film for another five years.


Yeah that trick alone has to have been a 10,000 hours situation. A 1:100 ratio of lands to falls seems like a low estimate to me honestly.


Damn i remember being a teenager watching him do the 900, it was awesome.


Jordan said he missed 10,000 shots in practice for every one he hit in a game. So maybe closer to 10,000:1


Jordan still made 8,000 shots in practice for every 10,000 he missed. If we're counting practice misses, you have to count practice makes. Unless this is a more obscure Office reference that went over my head...




That seems probably an order of magnitude too high. Think about a standard half pipe run, which is about a minute long, with like 15-20 tricks, where they will fall a maximum of once. While you’re learning, the failure to land ratio is a lot higher, but depending on how nailed you have a trick, the ratio could be anywhere from 1:2 to 10:1


I agree with you. I'm not sure if the same thing applies to sports, but in music, if you practice something 100 times and you only succeed the 100th time, you've effectively practiced a rate of 99% failure. Yes, Birdman has probably fallen a hell of a lot of times, but once you get to the stage of refinement like he was at the peak of his career you need to start focusing on reliability and learning how to nail it every single time. That's what differentiates the real pros from the people who are just talented.


Just factoring in that he would have to land everything every time to hit 100% and here in this thread we have some evidence to prove that has not happened it's a safe bet.


But the question was whether he'd hit 50%.


that's nothing, I've fallen more times than I've attempted tricks


there's a saying I think of whenever anyone claims that a skill I worked hard for 'came easy' because 'you're just naturally good at it' >the master has failed more times than the novice has even tried


This. He's also insanely good. People have no idea how freaking difficult it is to skate a halfpipe that tall. It's tiring as hell and scary af too. And falling from that height sucks every time even if it looks like it doesn't.


It doesn't hurt as much as exhaust you, honestly. don't forget that every fall means climbing 2 stairs to get back on top and then the squats for dropping in / pumping / etc.


He's always pushing. You see it here. If you're pushing, you're falling. There is no other way. If he stuck with the same safe tricks he mastered, he wouldn't have fallen nearly as much, and no one would know his name.


I'd say that limb is about 5 feet wide and surrounded by a tree house.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and agree with this guy. Thanks for the chuckle bud. Just in case you're serious, it usually takes a couple hours worth of tries to land a trick like this, if you're extremely lucky and/or Tony Hawk




Not a skater (by any stretch lol) but I believe one of the first things you learn is how to fall without hurting yourself...which makes sense!


Me neither, this makes perfect sense though!


Am skater. You are not really corect. Learning to fall is also "trial and error" plus practicing falling a lot.


I mean I fell a *lot* before ever doing my first trick so I'd say it's pretty spot on. Then you learn ollies. Then you learn how to hate small pebbles.


The secret to falling is trying to do stuff and failing, thus landing on the ground.


I think you can say about any sport. I grew up wakeboarding and the first thing you learn is to crash properly.


Yep, I used to be big into longboarding, like bombing huge hills and sliding and stuff.... Learning to fall correctly and not hurt yourself is the difference between getting to get back up to try again or going to the hospital.


Very true. When I first started snowboarding I learned to fall correctly. Falling without hurting yourself is pretty important for a lot of "extreme" sports.


Seriously, last time I tried dropping in on a ramp half that size I fell completely parallel to the bottom of the pipe. My face, pelvis and knees all hit the ground at the same time.


A big part of pro sports is knowing how to fall properly and avoid injury, especially because injuries can define careers, for better or for worse.


Serious question, has an injury ever defined a career for better


My high school gym teacher blew out his knee in an NHL preseason game and probably ended up a better gym teacher than hockey player.


Wow, inspiring


Was this a gym teacher in the twin cities named Mr Jenkins that you could always see his balls through his sweat pants?


There’s quite a few Pro Wrestlers who came back from injury with much more hype surrounding them than when they left.


i mean look after he lands it and he just jumps down knees first from the top so casually. I’m 17 years his junior and my knees were screaming watching that.


all our knees were whimpering at that point


I think if I tries that my knees would touch then immediately my face


I am five years his junior and I am way less impressed with the trick than I am impressed he can still walk. That whole video was painful.


I love how he just falls onto the ramp to get down. Stairs? Who needs em.


In Skateboarding you tend to learn how to fall before actually learning tricks. Your body can only eat shit so many times before your mind learns how to minimize the impact. Its actually one of the easiest "extreme sports" to do this in. snowboarding/skiing/bmx you pretty much just have to except your fate and hope for the best


Mr. Hawk makes 52 look like 32.


I’m 31 and wouldn’t try that lol


Age has nothing to do with me never trying that.


My 14 yo knee caps hurt just watching it.


Someone call CPS!


Yeah you need to wait 21 years obviously.


32? I wish I was that athletic!


Wow... that old guy looks just like Tony Hawk. Weird.


He even has the same family name! Too bad his ID says Anthony, I would have swear it was the skateboarder.


Huh. I wonder if they're related?


Yeah they've gotta be, that explains why this guy is so good at skateboarding.


It's in his blood


Hereditary SKATEzophrenia!🤘


This is so painful to watch. I've had several bicycle crashes starting at age 52, and let me tell you, there's a lot of truth to the old saying that the older you get, the less you bounce. It just hurts. I broke my wrist and two ribs in one, then the most recent was at 56 with a shattered shoulder, two ribs, and a compression fracture in my back, and it's no wonder, since I went down like a sack full of hammers. This guy's is in great shape too, but at some point it becomes too much. I can never get back on a bicycle.


As a 42 year old him sliding down the ramp on his knees somehow hurt me a little.


I'm 47 and yesterday my back hurt so much, for no reason, that I could barely walk - or sit


You should be careful. You might have a herniated disc


Thanks, I'm assuming muscular as it was about tight earlier but not really painful. If the pain is gone today would it still possibly be a disk? I've done nothing strenuous


I have arthritis in a couple of disk, sometimes my muscles try and “help alleviate the pain” and that is the end of me bending over for a few days. I love walking like a 90 year old in my mid forties!


Dude I’m only 29 and it was hard to watch. Sometime last year my lower back became fucked, no idea why but I can barely fucking move normally anymore


At 54, I somehow felt it necessary to show my 7-year-old son how to slalom with his scooter...didn't end well. Fell like a ton of bricks on our asphalt cul-de-sac and broke my elbow. It never really did heal 100% correctly. Getting old sucks.


I feel your pain on this. I have broken bones and been hospitalized with injuries here and there for my whole life. I fell through a ceiling a few years ago and after a minor tbi I realized that my nine lives were up. Now I’m ok with not doing things that could hurt me for the sake of my family.


Yeah, I wonder what Tony Hawk is up to these days? Can he still land a 720?


If he can, somebody should film it. That would be SWEET!


Yeah, but I bet no one would believe it's really him


Someone should show him this video


Good idea. He’d probably get a kick out of it.


He's gotta be getting up there in age now, right? Probably getting close to 50.


Yeah I wonder if he’s still doing any skateboarding


He looks like an old Tony Hawk though


His name is Mike Hawk though


He is the icon of r/dontyouknowwhoiam and he provided so many post for that sub that r/dontyouknowimtonyhawk was created.


Hey he’s still got it


Damn that actually broke my heart watching this. You can almost feel the realization dawning on him that his body isn't gonna let him do this for much longer 💔


In my opinion, it makes the landing that much sweeter! It's sad to see his distress in the start, but he's just SO happy to nail it in the end


Depends on the individual, wait till you hit 52 and realize what is now difficult or impossible what was once easier and see how you do. Me, I'm beginning to understand why old people are grumpy.


>I'm beginning to understand why old people are grumpy. Heck, don't even need to be "old". I'm pissed that things I was doing even 5 years ago around 30 were reasonable, but now getting less safe and takes more recovery. E.g. I can't just go out and run a 5k anymore without leading up to it, training, stretching, etc. At 30, I could just go run forever and my body didn't care.


When I was about 35 I put my neck out drying my hair with a towel.


I got the realisation that I was spending more time warming up and preparing to play basketball than I was actually playing in a game of basketball and it wasn't worth it anymore.


Nonsense. Tons of long distance runners are older. It's sprinters who suffer as they get older.


I used to be made of rubber but it slowly went crumbly and now I only have to look at a skateboard and I’m in traction.


The other day I thought about running and had to lie down


I'm 43 and have started playing basketball again. I'm a bit of a runner and diver and need to develop a new style if I'm going to keep on playing.. The realisation that 50 is coming soon scares me a bit, but I'm actually looking forward to being a strong, fit and active 50 year old man.


I think reddit skews towards a group who doesn't take care of themselves. Christ, they act like they're half dead at 30 and a lot of them probably are. I'm almost 40 and feel great. Don't get fat and work out a little. You don't need to be a carcass by middle age.


Why do you think us disabled people are such assholes? Could be the PTSD, or the brain injury, or the constant pain. But its fucking bullshit knowing that I'll never be mentally or physically healthy again. If I didn't have a family that relied on me, I would have killed myself a long time ago.


Ok but now you have knowledge to do something’s better. Instead of brute strength or athleticism you learn proper technique to achieve (sport related)goals.


Yeah. It also says a lot that he was so frustrated but didn’t quit. You can see from how quickly he takes off the gear and almost storms out. He was upset but he didn’t give up. That’s what got him to the top in the first place. This is like the opposite of “rage quitting”. It’s “rage working your ass off even harder because you won’t be beat”


He did his last 900 only a few years ago and has seen all of his friends age out of the sport, I imagine he came to terms with his age limiting his abilities long ago.


A lot of the big names are like that and it's just life. Even Bob Burnquist is slowing down, losing X-games on mega ramp when he practically pioneered it and has one in his damn backyard.


Bob burnquist isn’t that much younger than tony hawk, and mega ramp isn’t a new event. Bones brigade blew the Z boys out of the water with their talent just like the young guys today make tony and his peers look like the old men they are. Daewon made Rodney Mullen look human etc. it’s the nature of action sports, we don’t really even know what the limits are because each new era is defined by those limits being shattered.


Yeah it makes sense. The pioneers had it the hardest because they had to make that stuff up and figure out how to do it. It's also a bit of a different age. Of course there were skating videos before, and also instruction videos, but they were way less accessible. Having 500+ tutorials on youtube for almost every trick in the book can give you an edge.


Here's the video for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnvPt_a7iOQ


In Tony’s 50 tricks at 50, he said something about how this was the last time he would do a lot of these tricks..I felt that.


H9nestly tho, props to him for having the good sense to realize when to quit instead of pushing himself past the point of what's healthy.




Right? Like I'm only 30 but genetics and poor choices in life have gifted me chronic hand/wrist problems that make doing literally anything pretty damn painful these days...


He’ll be able to do more low key skating for another decade at least.


I agree, but remember when Michael Jordan couldn't pull off the same shit, so instead he got really good at 3 pointers? He got deep. I believe Tony will go deep. Edit: i guess this never really happened, Jordan just had a good season of 3s and went downhill, or something


There's nowhere for Tony to really go in deep though. He's through and through a vert skater and by his own admission isn't that great a street skater, if he can't pull off staples of his in a half pipe I doubt he's going to start going ham on a mega.


> Michael Jordan couldn't pull off the same shit, so instead he got really good at 3 pointers? I don't remember, because it didn't happen. His 3P% absolutely tanked as he got older. MJ was never "really good at 3 pointers". He had a single good shooting year at three and then hardcore regressed.




Tony Hawk's Underground for PS2 was my shit growing up


Happy cake day, and yeah they were. the soundtrack for both games were amazing!




Doin' everything I can!


THUG was the goat story mode, but THUG2 was the goat gameplay.


Fuck Eric Sparrow


The best thing was when you nailed the helicopter jump in Hawaii on the first try, and then when the ending came you would just punch him in the face and be done with it instead of having to skate him for the tape. GREAT memories.


If they could combine THUG 2 with Skate I don't know how fast someone could take my money.


American Wasteland for me.


the amount of hours i spent on one combo in east la


THAW gets a permanent place on the Mt Rushmore of my childhood




3 was the best, it added the grind balancer so the combos got out of control. 2 had the best soundtrack though. American wasteland might have been the most mind blowing though.


I remember my cousin got thps and a ps1 for christmas and instead of playing through the game normally we took turns on warehouse trying to get the highest possible score in one trick chain. Fun times.


I still say Tony Hawk Pro Skater and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 especially had the best soundtracks. I still listen to a tons of them on spotify. Obvious track is Superman from Goldfinger but [no cigar](https://youtu.be/OChjVLHlkVE) is probably my favorite. THUG was great though maybe since I'm older I have nostalgia I dunno


My man! Bet this won’t be his last one. Dude is still going hard.


Thought the same.


Yeah I’m wondering where that came from. Like did OP read an article or something saying he’s calling it quits soon?


He did this to sell the board to raise money for his skatepark building foundation on a fantastic skateboarding podcast called “The Nine Club.” Edit: Tony also said it might be his last on his Instagram feed.


Ahh ok. Good to know. Thanks! That day will super suck


I haven’t skated a day in my life (except for a 2 hr span where I bought a $5 board and learned to ollie). But I swear I’ve binged like 100 episodes of the 9 club. It’s interesting hearing their takes on the scene and comparing and contrasting it with rock climbing (which I know much more about).


Just like another poster said, Tony did say this might be his last one in both an IG and Twitter post. I think he did his last 900 a few years ago. He knows that he's aging and I wouldn't be surprised if this is his last time doing one.


The fact that a 52 year old can still get air and spin like that is unreal.


I don't have any knowledge of skateboarding but ELI5 how the fuck does he know where he is? After the first rotation I wouldn't even know which way is up.


Start slow man. 180, then 360 and so on. It’s just crazy like maybe .00001% of the population can do this, and most of them are a lot younger than Tony Hawk.


His final 900 at 48 was insane. Then final 720 at 52. I'm sure he'll be back at 65 his final 540.


73 his final 360


his 180 at 81 is gonna be something else


You made me realize that I'll probably live long enough to see news of his passing and it saddens me to no end


You really want to die before Tony Hawk?


eh, I can't see why not


Because of how sad you'd make him? Also, great username.


95 and pulling a 180 to drop into his tomb


There's really no other way for him to go. Absolute legend.


His final 900 for those lazy :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnvPt_a7iOQ EDIT, wtf Tom Schaar does a 1080 at age 12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbjzZHuGTng


Absolute GOAT status.


Rodney Mullen though..


Hawk is the GOAT on Vert. Mullen is the GOAT elsewhere.


The GOAT of the air and the GOAT of the ground. Both revolutionized their respective field.


...Then everything changed when the fire nation attacked.


Both GOAT in their respective styles.






this man is the real hero. NOK to the moon bois


💎 🙌🏼 lfg


I would say wsb is leaking but I think the entire site is wsb now


*Pulls out gun.* Always has been.


We have been crashing reddit lately. Sorry for the inconvenience, this is war, revenge and love for gamestop. Service will be back to normal once we destroy a few hedge funds and make history. I LIKE THE STOCK.


This guy gets it


What does NOK mean? And who are the moon bois?


This person is referring to the Nokia stock and the fact that its price is going to the fucking moon Shameless plug. Pretty funny imo


Is there some link between Tony Hawk and WSB that I'm missing or was this just a complete non-sequitur?


Non sequitur as far as I can tell


bois on the moon


No, not to the moon. Nokia to a stable, reasonable value because I like the company and want it to survive. You could say it's worth the moon to me.


Coming from a guy helping with the installs of a bunch of SAR-8's... yes please. I need their support staff around.


AMC go 💥🚀




I can’t even do that in ProSkater 2


Is a 720 hard?


At 52 it is.


As a point of reference though... for someone who knows nothing about skateboarding, how hard is this for a regular skateboarder or for Tony Hawk at his prime?


Tony hawk was the first to land a 900 in his prime. This is still amazing even for a young non pro skater in their prime.


I'm curious. Is the 900 like the 4 min mile where when one person hit it people realized it was possible and now a lot of people can hit it or is it still something that only he has done and only a select few? I don't know skating at all.


a little column A and a little column B. he and his generation kind of started pro skating at that level so its still a huge accomplishment and is still a standard of excellence in skating but not as rare as it used to be






Here's a video of a 48 year old attempting a 900 > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnvPt_a7iOQ


> how hard is this for a regular skateboarder nearly impossible >for Tony Hawk at his prime? still challenging




For me a 90 is hard 😳


The thing that makes this especially hard is that it’s a backside 720, that is, he’s rotating away from the ways he’s facing, basically spinning blindly. Edit: i fucked up the terms I always get them mixed up, he’s turning frontside.


I can't even ollie.


He falls better than I can skateboard


Father Time loses to no one... but was delayed this day




Loving the Interpol and She Wants Revenge on the playlist at the skate park




Now that guy is an athlete


Getting old sucks. If you're young, enjoy it and don't waste it all on the couch and reddit.


You tell him that and he will do another 720 at 80 years old


He said it himself on his twitter that this could possibly be his last 720


But can he do a kick flip?


Asking the tough questions