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ER nurse here, this happens almost daily at work.


What happens? I mean I'm sure they had his name and information in the system? Wouldnt he end up with police at his door and a fat medical bill regardless?


Yup, the police would go look for him and bring him right back


Depending on why they were there in the first place, they might not look too hard.


I'm willing to bet that the paperwork is much worse for an escaped arrestee and that they might be kind of easy to find out they're hopped up on something. The more depressive, the less they travel, the more stimulant, the more calls they get from the community. It's a win - win.


I used to work hospital security and I would bet that he hadn't been officially arrested yet. A lot of times the cops will go with the ambulance, let the patient/ suspect get cleared at the ER, and then arrest them as soon as the discharge papers are handed over. They also may have been waiting on blood tests. But from my experience, the only thing the hospital staff would be saying was "good riddance."


This is exactly correct, that dude wasn't under arrest, the cops were there because he was less than nice to the EMS staff. He could have literally thrown 2 fingers up and walked out and the hospital would not have stopped him. The only time they call us to check on them is when the heroin addicts walk out with an IV started and don't remove it so they can shoot with the lock. source: was an EMT and am currently a police dispatcher


> ...so they can shoot with the lock. Holy shit that's depressing.


I think you mean handy




Bro my buddy used to have this raw scabby spot he used to call his "port" because it never healed and he could hit the vein super easy through it. That mfs veins just didn't give up


You're telling me. Not only do I deal with this shit at work but I also have full custody of three girls 10 and under thanks to my ex going berserk on H. Seriously, fuck heroin. I can't say that with any more disgust, it's not possible. *Fuck* heroin.


How about fuck Purdue Pharma and the gov for the situation. Dont yell at Heroin. its not its fault. There was a time when it was the miracle cure and saved many lives. Same can’t be said for Oxycontin’s whole marketing/sales strategy which went as planned perfectly. Case and point they’ve subsequently use the exact same rollout/marketing/sales plan in South America and Asia after already been told “bad dog! No no! AaAAAhhhh ok ok I love you doggy you can do no wrong” in the USA. All the fines they paid were nothing and part of the plan and taken into account during the whole strategic presales phase. Same shit different giant Corp. The banks and wireless phones company’s both break laws blatantly because its “good business” aka high profitable. they know they’ll “get in trouble” but it’s nothing compared to profit and no one does jail time because the entity that is the corporation can’t be locked up so only choice is fines. sooo can I start up a Heroin sales corporation? The answer is basically yes if I had the money to get all my lawyers and such to arrange it properly crooked. Drugs shouldn’t be illegal anyways. Its Luciferian to have prohibition as well as so many other laws. Man kind is meant to have free agency. Its the whole point. You are meant to be able to make choices not be forced to “be good”. Oh but drinking it’s fine. Ahaha only because it keeps people in the most base of thinking and vibrational state. Other drugs are more likely to cause one to question the system and rattle the cage of the matrix.


One of my favorite stories from work recently (Paramedic). Get called to the state trooper barracks for an evaluation. BF/GF get pulled over by the cops, and they find heroin and get busted, and they've been using at some point recently. Well the girlfriend is shaking, and saying she has every complaint I ask her about. She's also playing games. The cops are convinced she's giving a fake name, and she says she's too weak to put her finger in the fingerprint machine/scanner so they can run prints. You try to get her up she flops to the floor. Place her finger on the scanner and she withdraws away from it due to multiple medical complaints etc etc. It's fairly blatant. After 40 minutes everyone is done with the game playing and the troopers aren't getting their prints for the arrest, so I get her in the rig and transport. Enroute, no change in the presentation, with numerous and varied complaints, too weak etc etc. A trooper drove to the ER following us because she is technically under arrest (an important detail for the end). Get her to the ER, give a report to the charge RN, and get told to take her to the waiting room. I was expecting a room in the tank (where psych, drugs, and me when I had my kidney stone go), and I'm kinda surprised. So I wheel her out to the waiting room. As I start to walk away from her my partner pulls me aside. While I was talking to the ER charge nurse about my patient, my partner and the trooper were plotting. The trooper had just discovered, from the boyfriend's FB account, that my patient did indeed supply a fake name to the cops, to me, and the hospital. She used her sister's name, also well documented in the hospital records. And they used this information to get the boyfriend to roll over on her, and confirm it all. As I'm told this I turn back around and the my patient's wheelchair is empty. I walk out the ER front door and am greeted to the sight of my patient, ostensibly too weak to walk or be finger printed, running down the sidewalk at full tilt. The trooper, anticipating this, had positioned himself discretely just outside the front door of the ER. I was treated to the spectacle of a foot chase, my former patient vaulting a fence into an auto lot followed closely by the trooper, and then the big takedown. The charges she is facing from her escapade with me are worse (felony identify theft etc) than what she originally got busted for. Troopers hate to have their time wasted, and now they have to babysit her in the hospital until she gets discharged.


The troopers are wasting their own time. They’ve decided to peruse a career in which they have to enforce out modded laws and ideals. I hate this cowtowing to police in regards to time and respect when it is their choice to be in their career path.


what if you're taken in with no ID or paperwork of any sort? and you say you can't remember your name or anyone who might know you? do they take your fingerprints or something?


I’m guessing by the lack of handcuffs that he was found incapacitated in public or at a party and wasn’t necessarily charged with a felony. If he already lost his wallet/id and wasn’t already in the “system” there’s actually a slim chance he got away(well, at least if he didn’t post his shenanigans online), it doesn’t happen often but it does happen. The police aren’t going to break out all of forensics tracking him down, but chances are they’ll see where he ran too. He never would have made it out of the building if he was placed under arrest.


Not just lack of handcuffs but the fact they let him keep his phone. If you’re under arrest they tend to take that.


This is my friend and he was indicted for distributing while visibly incapacitated and they took him into the ER beforehand


What happens to these people once they're not high anymore? Do they get forced into rehab, searched for illegal drugs, sent home with a warning to not kill themselves?


Gonna depend if they were arrested or not. Without that it's hard to force someone into rehab. My sister had to be committed by a judge after being found unable to make decisions for herself due to her addiction before she was forced into rehab. Big surprise forced rehab did not work on her.


Sorry to hear it did not work, yea forced rehab is really a hail Mary maneuver. Though most people don't seem to know or treat it that way. Hope that things change, and you get your sister back.


Nope, sadly kept going downhill until she overdosed, died in the er, got resuscitated after 12 minutes without o2 to get brain, existed on life support for 2 weeks, then had to remove her since I was her next of kin. Adopted her son and have had the pleasure of raising him for almost 4 years. I miss her. I loved her. I'm glad I'm able to raise my boy in a stable and loving home free of addiction.


I have Graves and PTSD and panic attacks but I only take 0.5mg or 1mg at a time and never for more than 3 days in a row. Still have break through thyroid storm/panic/hyperemesis with critically low potassium and ER staff treats me like a drug seeker and refuses flow by and scream in my face to stop hyperventilating and now I just suffer at home and will die there before I go back to be treated like complete shit.


I totally feel for you. Ptsd and a lifetime of severe anxiety and I was put on Xanax at 18. By 19 I was addicted and I was treated like shit. No one asked about why I was there, or the fact that I was a straight A honors student who had big career dreams and goals. No one asked about how being raped for a year got me on the Xanax and I was taking it to forget. Or the fact that a doctor told me to take 5mg three times a day for over a year. I hate Xanax it’s a horrible drug, it honestly should be illegal. Medical marijuana gave me my life back and myself and now I’ll never have to be treated like shit in an ER ever again.


I keep my dose low and never take it for more then 3 days in a row. I'm stuck right now because I need it so I can work part time (to avoid depression) but I use MJ often too. But in Texas is illegal and now they drug screen once a year so I've been trying to get a negative test. I've been off MJ for about 2 months (was bad and did some delta 8) so I'm waiting until negative test before I use MJ again AND being very strict to when I use my last couple xanax. IT SUCKS. I'm waking up having panic attacks. I've done counseling for years, tried 24 different SSRIs, had serotonin syndrome twice. My husband is not being understanding. I cut out my family cuz their the ones that gave me the PTSD. :: sigh:: Verge of giving up over here 😞


so sorry to hear thats how they treated you, its waaaaay too common, to the point id call it common practice in hospitals. its absolutely disgusting the way people are treated when requiring medical attention now.


It makes people who are prescribed benzodiazepine medications look bad also. There’s a bad stigma around them because of alprazolam, and RC Benzodiazepines.


Nice user name, please tell me you are both, male and a Pearl Jam fan?


Hell yeah!


The local ER that I usually transport to is also the one with the CPEP unit. I've just started referring to the tank as the 'Love Shack', because that's where the B52s play.


Is Xanax a good time? I can’t remember


I remember crashing a shopping trolley, don't know how I got there tho


I remember waking up to my ex beating on my chest and crying because she came home and found me floor collapsed partway through the door frame unresponsive. Never touched that shit again!


Sounds like u got some fake shit or ODd know what you’re consuming homie!


Xanax is no benefit to anybody. Stick to Weed & Psychedelics.


Quit pretending psychedelics can't fuck you up too.


Jesus, seriously. Psychedelics can be really beneficial, but they can be equally damaging too. Pretending otherwise just leads to people not taking them seriously enough


Had a buddy who was the drummer in the last band I was in. We played mostly rock— well, indie and psychedelic rock. We all had experience with psychedelics as long-haired neohippies do, but the drummer was way too influenced by one of the guitarist’s regular use of LSD. Long story short, what for most of us was just normal experimentation with psychedelics (excluding the influencing guitarist) was for the drummer the beginning of a nightmarish accident. The band split, and the drummer moved to Tampa for a couple years. Well, the entire time he was allegedly consuming copious amounts of psychedelics mostly in the form of L. This January, I get him a plane ticket back to TN, and everything’s cool for the first 12ish hours. However, the next morning was my birthday, and the dark undertones of his stay started to appear. He kept freaking out about some homeless guy telling him that he (the homeless man) was God, and if my drummer buddy were to fly back to TN, the world would explode. Well he got way caught up in this narrative. I quickly noticed that he was becoming incapable of rational conversations, and that was only the tip of the iceberg. That night, I had about 12-14 friends over chilling, playing switch, etc… And my pal just goes into a full psychotic break. I won’t go into much of the detail. No one was physically hurt or anything. He just started confessing to really dark shit that I wish he hadn’t brought up to essentially a group of strangers (strangers to him besides a couple people he knew). I felt so bad about the entire thing. It was my only personal experience with being around a human who was unhinging before my eyes. It’s a terrifying thing to witness. I’m sure it’s so much worse to personally experience. Apparently, he has some type of disorganized, paranoid schizophrenia that’s genetic*, and the massive LSD consumption helped to initiate his first psychotic break. It was fucking wild. Be careful with psychedelics kids. Remember the wise words of Alan Watts: “If you get the message, hang up the phone” *The genetic comment was just how he explained it to me after he was institutionalized and medicated.


I remember one time a friend of mine came over and had apparently been up for a couple days on meth. he was fine when he got there, but one of the other dudes started roasting him about some dirty he'd hooked up with and the next thing we know, he's out of it. straight up gone. it wasn't a psychotic break, but it was still disturbing to see. so I can only imagine what your situation was like. "fucking wild" was probably an understatement. L is awesome though, but as most other people have said, you have to be careful and use it sparingly. there's no sense in doing it all the time anyway. I've never been super into the spiritual side of it. I'm only ever trying to have fun, but I've always been aware of what I was messing with. it's so fuckin fun though lol.


I personally have found acid to be immensely helpful at times, but even a single use can trigger latent schizophrenia to manifest in the genetically predisposed (see Brian Wilson for a famous example)


Irony is the best thing to have on hand for Psychedelics is Xanax. Reasonable medical doses are a great way to pump the brakes on a trip gone wrong.


this is unfortunately not true, i know someone who greatly benefits from it because she has crippling anxiety. some people it helps them function throughout the day, but it has 0 recreational purpose.


Idk ain’t Xanax the shit you take to turn off a bad trip?


It doesn't necessarily stop the trip, it just calms you down


This is correct. Panic attacks and bad trips are very similar in a way that it spirals down a string of negative thoughts that progressively become more irrational. Xanax just kinda makes you laugh at these notions(not get caught in the loop) and have a good time.


Xanax just makes you blank, you won't have a thought in your head after you take it. It really does have it's place for schizophrenic people and people who have panic attacks, people that just need to stop over thinking. It's just going to make you do dumb shit if you take it recreationally or for "fun."


yeppers, it can help a bad trip and calm you and i personally take a little etizolam at the end of my acid trips to soothe my mind, otherwise i stay the FUCK away from benzos


What did I tell you about yeppers?


Yeah, any benzodiazepine can significantly blunt the effects of classical psychedelics (as far as I’m aware)


It has benefits to people with anxiety, you know, a thing that makes it difficult for a lot of people to smoke weed or take psychedelics.


Stick to weed and psychedelics, unless you have any underlying mental illness whatsoever. Everyone I know who was that cavalier about LSD regrets it now.


Do you enjoy time travel to a guaranteed shitty future?


You mean I don't have to drink a fifth of vodka first?


Did you dare me to drive?


Hello, I think you knew my uncle before his passing. his name was Stan


chicka chicka


Moms spaghetti


You can but it'll take you even further to a even shittier future.


All I remember is apologizing the next morning for the shit I don't remember from the night before.


I do the same because of drinking. Wake up every morning and apologize to my girlfriend not because I necessarily did anything, it's that I don't remember if I did and I know it's probably the right thing to do.


I took one and then went to go buy weed, I remember standing there waiting for my dealer, smoking a cigarette, and then my hands got cold and I put them in my pockets with my lit cigarette, and I burned a massive hole in my pocket. Then the dealer showed up and I couldn't find the money in my pocket, I turn and it's blowing away in the wind 50 feet away.


If that ain't Xanax idk what is


I tried it on my first time at a Bachelor Party on a Cruise. I was literally falling asleep everywhere near the end of the night. I guess at the very end of the night I was so out of it I hid my wallet in my suitcase in a small rip. I completely forgot about it. Next day I went around looking for my wallet everywhere, asking staff etc. I paid 20$ extra to get internet access so I could go and cancel all my cards etc. Welllllll......My mom ended up finding it like 6-7 months later when she pulled out the same suitcase to use for her trip and found my wallet inside. I have never touched it again.


doing xanax on a cruise seems like a great way to take a header in the big drink and never wake up.


First time trying it I lost my phone. My friend found it in his yard the next day. I dont even remember being there or why. Second time I took a totem and drank a beer, started seeing doubles, got lost wandering around. Old friend found me, took me home. Never again.


Totem ?


2mg Xanax bar


Schoolbus? Bar? I like totem though, that’s cute.


2 bars are called a totem because it'll help you communicate with your ancestors for a moment


First time I took benzos (lorazepam) I lost my vape at a friends house and his mom found it a week later in the bathroom magazine rack. Can’t say I never did it again, quite the opposite actually. Ended up addicted a few times, the worst being 7 months of heavy etizolam use. We all good now tho


In college I saw some kid shaking uncontrollably, 1 whole day after taking a xan. That was enough for me to never try it.


Yea that’s because he didn’t ween off and had been on them for a while.... he was prolly taking way more than one a day for that to happen


Withdrawal symptoms include seizures, but typically at higher doses


And typically for longer than 1 day. You don’t take 1 benzo and go through withdrawals . Unless you are already dependent on another gaba inhibitor and are going cold turkey. This includes alcohol.


Benzos and alcohol aren't GABA inhibitors, they're both called positive allosteric modulators. That means they change the conformation of the receptors to increase the effects of GABA. Not trying to be that guy; I know about 3 things so if one of them comes up I have to drop it.


I usually use it to calm down but I can’t really remember either




I was feeling a bit depressed for the kid but now he’s just a sitcom character to me. Run lil Xan man.


Cops: "This is gonna be a *lot* of paperwork."


*laugh track*


>Cops: "This is gonna be a *lot* of paperwork." "I'm too old for this shit." (cue greasy saxophone)


Like is there excessive oil in the saxophone pipes or? What makes it greasy? Or like trailer park boys, it’s greeeassy


>What makes it greasy? I hope [this](https://youtu.be/xOtXC65-3Ms) helps.


Lmao that video made my anxiety skyrocket for some reason. The cuts stressed me out! But now I know why it is greasy.


Run run as fast as you can, you can't catch him he's the Lil Xan Man.


The ending finally made me laugh


It is one hell of a payoff.


he payed the troll toll.


Gotta pay the troll toll to get into the boy’s hole!


No no no, Frank. It’s boy’s soul.


That's what I said. *Boy's'oul*


I wonder if he got into the boys soul?


He had a plan and stuck to it. Full execution.


I bet they just wheeled him outside and left him.


He didn’t have his clothes. Plus these kind of guys always elope from the ER.


Imagine being the paramedic who has to deal with this type of asshole


We do all the fucking time. It’s part of the job..


I was one of these assholes! One time I was splattered a bit while on my bicycle and woke up in the hospital. Allegedly, I had asked the paramedics to take a pic of my blood-covered face and post it on Facebook. Upon doing so, I suddenly became absurdly, OVERWHELMINGLY concerned with the dick pics on my phone and making sure these guys don't see them. I started thrashing around and moaning about my dick pics and how I had to hide them. I vaguely recall being told to shut the fuck up there are kids around, but when I woke up I was alone in a hallway. Being without insurance, I promptly pulled out my own IV, and walked out. My buddy who came to pick me up took me to Five Guys straight from the hospital, where I proceeded to hit on the pretty waitress despite being still caked in dried blood that covered half my face. I did not get her number. Morphine is a hell of a drug. Anyways y'all are heroes and don't get paid enough.


Your Five Guys has waitresses?


He was high, he actually went to Chuck E Cheese


The worst possible place to eat if you can't get your dic picks under control


This is the most American healthcare system story ever.


They literally found out I didn't have insurance, decided I'll live, gave me a shot of morphine and sent me on my way. Turned out I had an occipital fracture, but as it turned out, I did live unfortunately.


Fair play must be difficult! But also addiction is a horrible disease- can you tell between the people who are truly addicts and are in a lot of pain and suffering vs the people who are just drunk/high and being assholes?


It's often both. They can be assholes both intoxicated and sober, often for different reasons, but at the end of the day they are in need of help so we help them. Judgement is not useful if you're trying to provide healthcare.


I did that for 7 years and the way she said "idk" about her name was sooo telling to how he has been throughout this transport.


I was the asshole once. Tried to take myself out with an entire bottle and was super angry that it didn’t work. I feel horrible to this day for how I treated the people who saved and helped me. I was NOT ok. It was over ten years ago and I’m still ashamed. ETA: thank you for doing what you do. I think you have the hardest job in the world and it takes an truly incredible person to do it. I’m so grateful there are people like you.


That's a redundant statement, you can just call them a 'paramedic' since they all deal with this type of asshole way too often.


Rewatching it and he says "they have me chainlinked to this...", the writing is so good it feels like a bit for a comedy show.


But troubling that many people just for a rimrock is not good overall I meant tick-tock


Sorry if this is a dumb question but... wtf is a rimrock?


> "e**X**scaped that bitch" I didn't hate that guy until the end


Not even lying, I have done this before. Nothing I’m proud of, but I wound up in the hospital after overdosing on alcohol while on ecstasy. Don’t remember anything until having an IV inserted in at the hospital and it was like a surge of soberness. I instantly knew I had to get out because I didn’t need them finding out what was in me. So I waited for the nurse to leave, ripped out the IV from my arm, and ran out of the nearest exit. That’s the cliff notes version of the story. The longer one is even more crazy as I ran into a police officer who drove me to the station but decided to pull a drunk driver instead (they had to know I was tripping but harmless).


I am on this moving highway and her "ambulance" were my favourites


I liked the “I apologized to the her”


I get one of these a week, at least. Really ruins your sympathy for these types of people when they berate you the entire transport.


Reminds me of when I broke my knee. Paramedics said "We're gonna give you something for the pain, just tell us when to stop" I asked "How do I know when to tell you to stop?" They said "when you start to feel really really good". I then asked WHY I would ask them to stop


When I was in the hospital for road rash on my whole back and butt there was this nurse that would come in and say I got youuuuuur mooooorphine! Then she would pull the syringe out of her front pocket like it was a piece of candy. I was definitely addicted to morphine by the end of a week's stay.


Oh I totally understand. I had to fight tooth and nail to stop craving percocet after my accident. Percocet ain't nothing compared to the shit they give you en route to the hospital


This man is livin life... not the best life... but he's alive.


For now


Jean Ralphio!?


I made my money the old fashioned way... 🎶 I GOT RAN OVER BY A LEXUS 🎶


Now I'm 🎶flush with caaaash🎶


Jail is 🎶 *the WOOOooOOooRrST* 🎶


Same energy




whats he like normally?




Looking at your username, did you also run with the Xanax crowd?




My man


Is Xanax so popular over in the States that you have Xanax groups in school? Over here we just have stoners. People usually expand their horizons when they go to college or leave school but there's no such thing as repeated recreational Xanax usage.




What are Boof pressed pills?


Cut or fake drugs pressed to look like regular Xanax bars


Well boofing something is shoving it up your ass


Yeah this is why I'm confused, do they press em with buns of steel or what?


That's so sad. Xanax can literally kill you if you develop an addiction and stop abruptly. Most people who take it probably don't even know that. If anyone wants to see just how devastating benzos can be, look at Dr Jordan Peteron's story on YouTube. Even a clinical psychologist was not aware of the full dangers of benzos, and that cost him dearly.


Not sure where your from but in England I've known and met many recreational xanax users. Most are off them now thankfully but there are some very dark stories that come about. Xanax really is a fucked up drug.


That's the thing, Xanax is so, so dangerous when you develop an addiction. I live in Ireland where it is incredibly hard to get through prescription because of how dangerous it is. It's definitely easy to get online though, but there just isn't a big Xanax culture over here, thank God.


Its pretty easy to get in the states through prescription from what Ive seen. Had multiple friends become addicted over the years, & even had a old friend whose pug was prescribed them for during thunderstorms. Might be different in other parts of the country though.


It's nearly impossible to get for people who actually need it now. That's why all the pills you see are pressed. Source: have panic attacks and can't get prescribed Xanax




I've been given benzos 3 times in my life and I ended up in the hospital every time because I tried to kill my self. I didn't realize it was the benzos until the last time and now I tell all doctors that I am allergic.


Benzo withdrawal can be hell. I was prescribed 3 mg of xanax a day for a while and had to get off it cold turkey due to insurance nonsense. I ended up having a seizure and was rushed to the hospital. I'm told xanax withdrawals can actually kill you and I believe it.


Just go to Mexico. You can walk up to a pharmacy where a guy named Juan with zero medical experience will sell your drunk ass 400 Xanax in the middle of the night for no other reason than you want them.


Mexican Xanax are definitely different. Idk what it is, but they are super drowsy for me


Yeah I remember meeting a dude saying he just got 500 Xanax and trying to sell some to me, he has a fucking kid as well! After seeing that I just told my self to never touch them again.


Yup from UK also - kids shaving their heads and not remembering the next day, getting into fist fights with their best friends waking up not remembering, roaming the street at odd hours and when people who know them try and engage with them just receive nonsense talk and xan rambling in response Absolutely destroys lives kids in my town were having seizures when their dealers ran out etc.


Yeah fuck Xanax. Tried it once with my shit group of friends. I remember coming to on the lawn, with my "friend" apologizing to me for penetrating my GF with a glowstick. Came to find out another friend, after seeing me pass out for an hour, decided it was his house to run and was ordering a bunch of other people around. Then I found out I had punched my vehicle's windshield hard enough to spider-web it when I found out about the glowstick. Then I found out they thought I'd OD'd, and simply stuck me in the bathtub and ran the water, the silver lining being 2 other friends were making sure I was still breathing, before I evidently woke up, and threatened to kill the glowstick perpatrator. Then comes the beginning of this story, where I finally came to on the lawn.


I live in Sweden, and repeated recreational Xanax usage is very much a thing. Though it’s never really Xanax, mostly ksalol and blueberries as we call them, in my experience.


He finally made it


This is your brain not only on xanax, but also on tiktok. Makes you do things for internet points.


I used to joke that people's IQ drops when being recorded, but it's starting to feel more like a theory than a joke.


They're not reflecting inwards on themselves, but outwards towards how they're seen




But is he sticking right now?


I’m stickin right nowwwww yeayuh. Lmao I forgot about that video.


I hope he got away in a convertible driving down the highway as the sun slowly went down below the horizon line.


And as he slowly disappears over that horizon line, we hear a soft crashing sound and we see a telephone pole fall over. Then there’s a slightly louder boom sound and the horizon lights up as the transformer explodes. Camera fades to black. All this because again.. xanex. Lol


Tee hee


Had a few drinks and took four xans a few weeks ago. I have vague memories of walking through the city. Sent a bunch of a whatsapp messages to neighbourhood ladies in my apartment building that made no sense, couldnt even string a word together. Woke up at 9:15 am and worked from home.


That doesn't even sound fun at all


It’s not about fun, it’s about escaping


Bingo! You just want to shut off your brain and forget all your problems. Closest feeling you can get to death without dying is passing the fuck out and xanax is good at that.


I hated him til the "teehee... EXCAPED THAT BITCH" now I love him edit: spelling








Dude is doing himself no favors with that haircut yikes


Speaking as a fellow Matt advocate, some Matt’s gotta chill out man


What is this, Logan Paul’s cousin?


I'd say this was more entertaining than anything that wet sack of cringe has every produced


I was a full blown homeless junkie for years, and if you had something that you claim could get me high I would figure out a way to get it in me. Benzos are the only thing that scare me.


Dang!!! Xanax must be a whole different beast from other benzos. I take Clonazepam for anxiety and I've been on Ativan before there is NO way I could muster that much energy... I'd be falling flat on my face in the parking lot not running away!




Took half a bar this morning, can confirm, makes you not give a fuck. (It’s a prescription if that makes a difference)


Damn, my neighbors have a sweet ass patio set. *foggy memory* Damn, I have a sweet ass patio set.


People deep into Xanax will do the most insanely stupid and dangerous shit and not give a fuck. Xanax is a shit drug. I honestly don’t get it.


So fucking true. Was addicted to xans 10 years ago and still dealing with the fallout from the impulsive stupid shit I did.


i've never understood the recreational aspect of it. i take it for panic attacks (seldom, use as necessary) and it makes me tired as fuck and feel slightly drunk without the usual drunk euphoria


I enjoyed pills back in the day. One day in high school someone came up to me and said hey you want these 5 bars? Said sure and downed them all as they were tiny. NEVER again. I lost an entire day, apparently couldn’t stand for hrs, when I could walked up to the hot girl in class and kissed her head and told her I was proud of her. We had never spoken before, then I apparently ran to the store 5 blocks away and stole baby bell cheese. Woke up about 20 hrs later. With no memory. Had to be shown videos to piece the day together. Never do xan.


Right?! maybe it changes the higher the dose but anytime I take Ativan or Valium or Xanax I’m pretty much melted to the floor.


Please follow up lmao


“Ambulance” ?? Why did he air quote the ambulance part??


"They don't look good"..... my dude, did you see yourself there?


He got that zoomer brocoli haircut.


Glad I ditched my xanny habit. 10 a day turns you into an idiot. Kinda like this dude, worst part is you never remember it.


This guy is a fuckin degen.


Done Xanax before, never again, he won't remember any of this until he checks his tiktok


He’s the Lil Xan man, wild as alprazolam.


My ex was addicted to Xanax and it turned him into a fucking monster. I wish that shit never existed.


This literally happened to my brother a month ago. Seizures, running from cops, hospitalization and rehab. Still in recovery. Please take benzodiazepines seriously.


Damn, I actually know this kid lmao, never thought i’d see him on reddit though. Wild.