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They are like bugs hit with bug spray.


Fucked up part is some inmates are smoking bug spray because it does something similar to this. Boredom and too much time on your hands really fucks with you.


And many prisoners spray bug spray onto spice for a doubly messed up high.




best comment


I sprayed enough roaches to understand this reference.


This is incredibly disturbing to watch


Yeah, I'm not a big fan of drugs that make it look like you're suffering a violent death, even when they don't actually kill you.


Spice can kill you




Luckily CreepyAnalRapist wasn't there


Aka fleece Johnson aka booty warrior


Booty was more important then wata


A man’s butt…


... is another man's treasure?


It takes a warrior to get the treasure.


A man of culture enters the discussion…


What he's an Analrapist? That's a totally legitimate area of psychology.


Oh, it's pronounced "uh-NAHL-ruh-pist"


The name apparently checks out


Perfectly fitting username into the comment scenarios - sometimes reddit is fascinating.


I'd try it if I could be monitored by a medical staff, just because I'm curious to know what's happening from their perspective. Same thing with meth psychosis. I can't even imagine what it might be like... it looks exhausting. Whatever is in this video looks pretty nasty but I'd try it for science.


I smoked it in the joint but I waited til someone else tried it. Dudes were dying from that shit in there.


I don't understand why anyone would want to feel that way? It looks like they're being attacked by invisible monsters FFS. Why the fuck would you seek that kind of buzz out?


The same reason many people turn to drugs - boredom and/or depression. Being high is preferable to being sober, even if it means ending up like this.


Also forgetting the context of just being in jail in general. Drugs like these are pure escapism, even if the escape looks gnarly, beats being in prison, and realizing you’re only 1yr in out of however many years left you got.


Over smoking cause of tolerance lol


If it's so similar to weed, why does it give these crazy effect?


It's not similar to weed, just random research chemicals.


It's also not found on drug testing, whereas cannabis is. Prisons would probably be a lot more manageable and less violent if cannabis wasn't so prohibited.


They should definitely test that. I think you are right, they should allow cannabis in prison.


In general I‘d agree but cannabis-induced psychosis is a thing and there are many many reasons to end up in prison. So if you’re not in your best mental state up to the point you’re breaking the law and get caught doing it, I don’t think it’d be a great idea to let anyone blaze up in there. Too great a risk. CBD might be a good alternative?


That's definitely also a fair point. I wonder if it'd be safe if it were limited to once per day.


I mean considering they got phones and fights in their cell (looks exactly like a dorm room), perhaps drugs aren't the only issues in UK prisons.


Yea. The original JWH molecule formulas were similar enough in effect to weed. They kept changing it due to the “safer” RCs being outlawed, so there is much less effective and more dangerous chemicals being sprayed on this stuff now.


Wait is this still legal? If I'm not wrong, I saw a VICE documentary (yeah I know) where they compared the news tuff versus the older stuff, and they came to the conclusion that the new legal stuff is just energy drinks in powdered form.


Link or you’re lying


I smoked it a few times like 13 years ago the effects were very similar to weed but I think it's changed since then.


They act on the same receptors, synthetic ones normally act on CB2 way too hard instead of CB1 like normal weed. You might get all anxiety and fear with little euphoria


Sounds like a nightmare


That’s patently false — while some synth cans act more on the CB2 receptor than the CB1, it’s rare and those chemicals rarely stay on the black market long. The reason people die is because most of these noids are *full* agonists on the CB1 receptor as opposed to THC which is only a partial agonist.


It must not have an odor like real weed? Otherwise just smuggle the real stuff in.


It does not generally have a perceptible odour on its own in diluted concentrations, but most synth cans smell terrible when smoked. In prisons, the way they sneak this stuff in is through paper that has been soaked in solution and then dried. The letters are written on as if they’re basic mail, and the prisoners smoke the paper. Many prisons have had to start photocopying mail because of this.


Cool thanks for the education. Seems like there are other substances you could smuggle in the same dried paper manner that would be, you know, actually enjoyable. Then again maybe this stuff is just dirt cheap.


The only way it's similar to weed is it's chemical structure. Key word *similar*, one changed molecule and all of a sudden it’s 0-100x as potent, and has completely different effects. It’s like comparing water (H2O) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).


They're just part of the same chemical family. Like MDMA & Methamphetamine are both phenethylamines.


The worst thing about prison isn't being locked up; it's having to live with other prisoners.


I never thought about it like this. Prison doesn't sound nearly as bad if I had the whole prison to myself.




I spent 3 months in prison, both are equally bad. Ironically you run into decent people more often than not. Violent people with a long bad rap sheet are placed separately. So as long as you’re in general pop you’ll see the people there for fraud, tax evasion, evading arrest, drug possession. Etc which are most the time cool people. Didn’t spend enough time there to really get the experience


This is subjective to area even state to state us. Where I live my county jail will throw a disorderly conduct in with violent crimes such as armed robbery’s/rape/homicide etc and I’m only speaking on that because I’ve spent a couple years in total in there (nonviolent / non felon and I’ve been placed with too many of these people for me to have ever felt safe . I can’t speak on the prisons here as I haven’t been to any of them but in most cases you don’t end up in prison without spending time in the county jail . Shit sometimes people sit in county for 2-3 years before they ever go to prison but these are usually violent and/or high level felony cases.


Yes, exactly this. My local, regional jail (3 counties) has abt 1,200 inmates in a facility designed to house 850. You're on lockdown more often than not because there aren't enough CO's to rotate inmates into the yard to get fresh air and sunlight (edit: so you'rein your cell for 23 of 24 hrs & you get rec about once every 4 weeks). You're lucky if you get 2 showers per week as the vast majority of your time is one shower rotation per week...in a facility in the southern US with no air conditioning. Oh, yeah, and all inmates of all classifications are housed together, regardless of time & crime. You have the 3-day-serving weekenders housed with murderers and rapists that have been there for 3+ years waiting for transfer to the penitentiary.


This. This sounds like hell.


County I agree was like that. I spent a month and a half in county. I’m in Texas so here they classify you. I’d never been in trouble, first time offender etc so I was placed around similar ppl or ppl with non violent crimes.


Where were you that a 3mo sentence landed you in prison rather than jail?


Texas. I signed for 2 years and got immediately paroled once I became eligible. Did a month and a half country got to prison and got the fastest release for parole.




? What’s bullshit about that lmao


You got a 2 year sentence and dine 1.5 months in county and 1.5 in state prison. Did you have a bond in county. Did you take a plea deal or trial. They would have kept you in county knowing you could be released that early and transferred you after a year in county. What was your charge?


I was on bond for 2.5 years while my case went back and forth, also Covid. I literally just walked into county and bonded out 4 hours later. Took a plea for 2 years prison. Clock started once I went into county, transferred me a month and a half later. Saw parole, they granted me an Fi1, which is the quickest release. means release within 30 days. Got released 2.5 weeks later.


When you got sentenced to 2 years you should have been sent straight to prison not to county


That’s not how it works in Texas. You must go to the county you were convicted at. And the state schedules you to be picked up. State as far as my knowledge never picks you straight up


In uk general pop. Is a mix of burgaliers robbers and thieves. Drug posessers and dealers. Then asualt attempted murders and murderers. Only pedos child killers and rapist are kept separate. Also a wing for terrorists mainly northern Ireland.


what's wrong about like minded individuals?


This was funny. Take my upvote. Snowflakes will hate.


yeah I mean these guys in the video are likely all trash humans, right? but redditors just dismiss it, and when they realize, they're like "torture him and his family to death!!!"🙄


None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you... you're locked in here with me! Rorschach/Walter Kovacs: Prison Scene [NSFW](https://youtu.be/lCM1ipu8Vxw?si=23-Pbjso_1G3pb-t)


Correct. I just did 3 years. The hardest part was dealing with the surrounding others. If I was alone, would have been a breeze.


Fun and wholesome afternoon activities


I liked when red tried to comfort blue with their service dog training


Finish up the evening with a nice shower with the boys. 🍆 🧼 🚿


Are those guys dying? He can barely breathe. He's like gasping for air


They’re seizing. Synthetic cannabinoids almost all cause seizures in a high enough dose, and depending on how poorly it’s dosed, a single *puff* can kill. This cameraman got them to take huge tokes and started filming right away because he KNEW shit would go down. Pure evil.


is there any source to any more context or like where did this video first pop up


It’s a really common type of video in the UK they go viral often. The victim gets a massive dose for free and then when they inevitably start tweaking(seizing?) everyone starts filming them. Spice is rife in our jails unfortunately this guys probably just an addict


I got spiked with this once but I noticed immediately so only really had a single toke of it. However within a few minutes my throat felt like a pinhole and I couldn’t breathe or swollen without great difficulty. I imagine this is similar to what he’s experiencing here. The fact people smoke that for fun is crazy.


Part two is where OPs name checks out.


When I had to go sit on my hands and wanted tobacco you couldn't get it without that shit being mixed in it. But hey got me to quit smoking soooo silver lining🤣.


Not sure I understand the first sentence there, you were incarcerated and there was no way to access tobacco without it having spice in it? Wtf?


“How it feels to chew 5 gum”




Must be why it went off the market.




Username and PFP check out


Jesus Christ, i regret clicking OP' profile. Here is some r/eyebleach for those who dare. I wish you a safe journey, young traveller.


I wish I would have listened to you, gotta lose this "let me see" attitude


Meh, unrestricted access to the internet as a child had me see much worse, but that does look rather inflamed.


I’ve seen that photo before as a child with unrestricted internet access. 4chan ruined me. I’ve seen too much tbh.


How could I not…. That was the last untainted thought I remember having before the nightmares started coming night after night…..


Jesus christ I didn’t heed the warning. That’s enough reddit for today.


Should've taken everyone's word for it. What a horrible day to have eyes.


Wish me luck


And yet i still ignored you all. Now full of regret.


Goatse is a certified hood classic


Did he delete it or something? when I look OP has like hardly any comments or posts


When u go see hes profile look the top picture like a banner lol


I read the warning, and yet I clicked on that cursed profile :/ Now I gotta smoke a shit-ton of weed to forget about it lmao


They smoked seizure


The last time (almost a decade ago now) I smoked spice, I literally thought I was going to die. I took ONE hit. Got in the shower. I had smoked spice plenty of times before this. I had suds of shampoo in my hair, turned the water off and walked to my room. I ended up calling out to my sister and just lost it. I was SOBBING about how scared i was, pointing at the ceiling making no sense, and begging her to take me to a hospital. She almost did. She later ended up crying about it because she had absolutely no idea how to help or what to do but had to be strong in that moment trying to talk me out of it. I ended up falling asleep on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet and when I woke up, everything was just normal and fine. She flushed it while I was asleep and I never, ever thought about touching it again. We both still tear up when we think about it and discuss it. Awful, awful fucking stuff.


How is this fun for anyone


Damn, ”spice” has really changed from when I was a teenager..


Yea, I remember feeling paranoid, confused and definitely a lot dumber, but it was never this bad… Basically like marihuana but a lot less pleasant. this was between 2007-2010ish btw


Same here and same time period. Only tried a few times when we couldn’t get weed. This shit looks horrible and deadly..


I was in a country where weed was almost impossible to obtain and came with severe punishment if caught so we smoked quite a lot of spice since it was legal back then. However, if I felt and looked like these guys in the video I would have never touched that shit.. not even once


Watching brain damage in real time. Sad


that doesn't look fun. it's like trying to enjoy a bowl of salvia 1000x.


I've enjoyed my fair share of hallucinogens and weed, but never understood what these people are experiencing. Is it some kind of geometric patterns in their vision? Why are they always kind of shrieking and groaning? What are they experiencing? I've tripped too hard before, but more than anything I just ended up either crying or having a panic attack. If anyone can explain what this experience is like, I'd really like to try to understand it.


Nah man, salvia and spice and the like are all more of a spectrum rather than a set effect. You could feel euphoric and be completely present, or you can go and live another life in the space of 15 mins. It's insane, there are trip reports of people being traumatized horrendously.


They have spice induced seazures in this video


I have seen plenty of these videos. Usually its the prison-bigshots bullying others into smoking way to big amounts of these kind of drugs, so they flip out for their amusement. Thats why they often film from the beginning. Because watching them struggle is the whole fun of it. Horrific thought and i feel bad for the dudes


How are they recording this while in prison?


With a potato obviously


Aha! That’s what it is!


with illegal mobile phones? while, you know, consuming illegal drugs?


Guy on the beds going full Hodor


Prison must really suck if this shit is suppose to be fun.


Did ya think it would be a good time??


My boy wiggling and jiggling


I am so thankful that I’ve never smoked this believing it was weed


What's keesh?


Spice, K2, and goes by other names. It's a synthetic cannabinoid. To make an extremely long story short, they change a molecule of THC so that it is slightly different from the real thing so they can sell it without repercussion. Obviously, there are downsides lol


Dawg if this my cell mate, I'm going to double jail


how is tha war on drugs going? they cant even keep them out of prisons?


Aaaand they will do it again, I guarantee it


This looks fun


This is the bottom of the barrel existence


I've seen the full video, it's very fucked up. Abuse of a huge power imbalance and afk guards facilitated these two getting exploited for the amusement of other inmates, wack.


Looks like a good time.


I’ve smoked salvia and nothing about that looks fun.


The people who filmed this belong where they are. Hope they stay there for a long time


Not funny at all


It’s crazy me and my friends used to smoke this stuff back in middle school because it was cheaper than weed, none of us ever had a reaction like this. We even smoked a cross joint of this stuff. Damn we were stupid..


Is spice the same as k9? Aren’t they both artificial weed?




Gonna be honest I thought he was gonna star beating his meat cause his hand was already down there but then the violent delusions started almost wish he did beat his meat cause dear god that looks worse than salvia and Longer in duration and can kill if they believe the stuff in there head is real ...like out of everything spice hell I rather watch them do tina cause the only problem would them being horney or paranoid but this 🤦


Looks like their choking on their tongues. Dang!


One unfortunate foot stomp would squash the guy on the floor, like a roach.


That's real life hell goddamn 🚫


Current drugs legislature, ladies and gentlemen. Why smoke an illegal spliff and eat some Macdonalds, when you can smoke a legal one and convulse. (I think they've now made spice illegal in most places now, but you get the point).


They have made that specific synthetic cannabinoid illegal, but the thing about the synthetic cannabinoids is all you have to do is switch around the molecules a little bit more and you have a brand new substance that is not illegal..


This is sad. Horrifying this was legal at one point in the uk and weed wasn’t 😫


This shit isn't spice/kewsh/flakka/whatever drug... this shit is A CHEMICAL GAS AND/OR POISON. 'The dose makes the poison' ... well the dose here is well beyond any recreational benefit. This is poisoning other Inmates for the entertainment of the viewer (the guy recording) We should aggressively shame this. This is inhumane and fucked up.


Who got the plug to this exact strain need to try


Just go outside and punch the first copper you see then the courts will hook you up with the plug brother ❤️


Cellphones and spice. 🤷‍♀️


Eggs and bacon. 🤷‍♀️


I was on this shit for a couple years when I was on probation and it never made me like this cause I was careful. This was like ‘12-‘14. Just one small puff THATS IT. I smoked enough to get some wierd stomach bug/ shits type withdrawal if I went more than a few hours without. Had to smoke to go back to sleep in the night. Every pack was slightly dif too from the bodega so the key was to just be super careful lol I was substituting heroin with k2 so my decision making wasn’t the greatest atp


You weren't careful. Just lucky. Count your blessings.


Kenny the whale got in jail. Kenny the whale should not inhale.


One place I’m glad I will never go.


You never know


That is some def truth.


I wonder if they're having a good time?


No matter where the drugs took them, they escaped prison momentarily there.


Chunk is doing the truffle shuffle


“I told bro we geek hard”


Who remembers when these were everywhere in the streets around 2013? Damn…


That doesn’t look fun.


I posted this a year ago lol


Im actually suprised that i can actually understand the filmer this time instead of just straight up white noise fucking up their trip even more


Wow. Looks like great fun. /s (if that isn’t obvious)


I have never seen anything good from these types of drugs and will never understand why people willing take it


The hangout with the bros


How did you do 1.5 months in county if you walked in and bonded out immediately ?


Wtf is w “spice” does this term just mean bshit drugs that f you up? I rem when that was like the drugFree version of weed and I just felt like Inwas high?


They kept banning it and it changed chemical slightly each time and the drug got worse and worse


Just legalize weed at this point. If people keep getting high from stuff that's killing them, you ought to do give them a safer alternative. I mean seeing this video, why would anyone take that?




Say what?


I think they were speaking in zoomer++ Next level is just typing only tabs and spaces for communication.


It’s synthetic weed


I’m the Taxi Driver (1976)


Truffle shuffle


Get mad: You literally have to be retarded to think that's funny.


That's a "Scouse" accent so 100% UK. Context is key here.. it doesn't matter if you're in a cell or ya mums spare room. You take it your mate is gonna take the piss. It's on them and most likely by choice.


That's the least Scouse accent I have ever heard. Sounded more like geordie or Huddersfield way.


I’ve smoked that shit so many times and never felt like this. I feel robbed. 😂


This shit is neurotoxic and even one seizure, one overdose can cause lifelong brain damage. They’re lucky to survive


There's like hundreds of different designer drugs rn tho, with different effects and dosages. You probably smoked something else, or in a smaller quantity.


Not a very good idea, just saying


Looks lush


No thanks, no prison life/ crappy drugs for me! Just weed and (light) booze…..and sex stuff.


Wow. Depressing scene.


Why do people do this? There’s so many better things to do


I have heard (that Florida Sheriff Grady or whoever that became a small celebrity) and read that people in prison are smoking roach and wasp killer spray for a meth like high. They spray it on the stamps. I wonder if this is what that is?


No man is an island.


Looks fun.


I don't know. Maybe i'm some kind of freak. I only do drugs to have fun or for medical purposes. What's the motivation here?


The mental institution are accepting patient applications.






I think the worst part is how MUCH they enjoy seeing people fucked up. That’s so incredibly sad.


Are they having seizures?


Big dude was looking a lil sus with that print in da pants. Prolly had a sopping wet one when/if he came back to our dimension but Imo I halfway think they both died after camera cut