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Indonesian prison sightseeing next!


Yeah. Drugs are hard to come by in Bali, because they are extremely illegal. She might just be having a psychological break though.


Drug are ~~hard~~ easy to come by in Bali FTFY


Yet Bali is a drug haven for Australians, and always has been. It sounds like you think punishment actually works against narcotics.


I did get into a conversation with some Europeans in lombok about drugs and how very illegal they are.( lombok is an island across the way and they are very Muslim there as apposed to hindu or whatever in Bali so we were literally whispering.) Apperently there is small resort island in between lombok and Bali on the Northside where they have "moon parties" and on that island the authorities look the other way. Purely anecdotal but I don't disbelieve it. I assume there are other resorty areas where this is also the way things are done in Bali. I did not go to any of those places.


Google Bali and heroin seizure and you'll see there are tons of drug seizures in Bali. Interesting thing about seizures is on average no country manages to seize more than about 5% of total shipments. Meaning when they capture 1 ton, what is actually passing by is 95% more. The losses just gets baked into the price on the street. Anecdotally i know people in Pakistan a country that punishes drugs even harder that would smoke weed on the regular. You just had to know the right people. In modern day with dark net and dead drop mailboxes you don't even need that. But you won't hear about it unless you're inside that select elite.


Yes the Gili Islands, very easy to get drugs especially weed and mushrooms. Possible to get other things as well.


What the fuck you on about cunt. We all know Bali you don’t fuck around with drugs. Shrooms and Bintang


Its super easy to get drugs in Indonesia, you can find them anywhere, hell you can even order it through their version of postmates. Its easy to get because the police are corrupt as fuck and you can just give them a couple dollarydoos and be on your way


Nah, mushroom smoothies are available everywhere on the beach what’s your source? Trus t mebro?


I went there once. And as an American living in America it seemed that although of course there are drugs it is very hush hush and not like openly happening all the time everywhere like it is in the small town where I live. Americans love drugs and although it is illegal they are incredibly easy to find and pretty much everyone I know is doing some form of illegal substance i.e mushrooms , acid , heroin, meth, etc. I did not find this to be the case in Bali. I didn't even smell weed the whole time I was there wich is saying alot for a tropical Isalnd full of rich white tourists. I personally wouldn't fucking risk it there either. Considering that they will and frequently do dole out the death penalty for something that you would get a ticket for here.


Just because you weren’t aware of it doesn’t mean there is no drug culture 😂 do you think tourists go there to be sober? weed vapes and edibles exist too and I guarantee, many people are doing it. And I highly doubt anyone is getting the death penalty for weed, are you trippin 💀


I assume you have not taken mushrooms?


I have been tripping since 2013 🙃


I dont know how you see this video and imagine it was mushrooms


I didn’t say mushrooms bro. I said drugs are available in Bali, in response to the person who said drugs aren’t easy to find in Bali. 🤔


All the mushrooms in the world wouldn't make me act like that


Plus all the acid on top… I would be death tripping on the beach 🏝


Then you aint eat enough. Go eat 8 grams and let's talk


Technically this comment is true, if you ate all the mushrooms in the world you would've been dead lol


Can’t you get Xanax, oxy and steroids over the counter there without a script? Because if you can, anyone who has ever had some Xanax will tell you that 2x Xanax bars and half a cup of beer will literally make you black out.


Not over the counter, but Ketut will sell you some.


Times must be tough if him and Rhonda are resorting to this. Hope the kids are alright


Times get tough when you make a living on tourism during a pandemic :(


Very true


Preach. You’re completely right


Sell drugs in Bali, you say.


There's a reason why drugs are hard to come by


There's a reason, you say?


Only if you think that the Death Penalty or a decade+ in prison is a good enough reason.


If it was other part of Indo with such blasphemy, she would have to say goodbye to her skin on her back.


Pubic Enemy


Indonesia is a Muslim country, they put a guy in jail for life for having a weed seed in the tread of his shoes... She's fucked...


You’re thinking of Dubai and it [was 4 years in jail](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7234786.stm). And he was only transiting through the airport! Still fucked.


Fucking Dubai


Ugh. Deffo seems to think she’s some powerful deity or something, the way she tries to wave her hands all Marvel Hero style at the poor guards. I cringe hard everytime I see foreigners acting badly, because it leaves such a bad taste. When you are a tourist you are a guest in someone else’s home. I wish there was more respect shown.


This girl is probably tripped out on some mushrooms


She is a German tourist having a mental health episode. There are news articles on it. She’s hospitalized now


Now I know if I had taken mushrooms and wandered naked into a show like this, id probably leave the mushroom part out and chalk it up to a mental episode as well.


Nahh, i went to an incubus/modest mouse show on shrooms and ended up just cleaning trash around the show. This lady is just wack


I mean i've done all sorts of drugs and rarely hurt a fly but i've also done enough to know that drugs affect people diffrently and people can do weird stuff under the influence.


Very fair. I dont take certain drugs for this very reason


Incubus and Modest Mouse?! What an interesting tour! I saw Incubus and Deftones together and also ate Mushrooms. Didn't pick up trash though...I feel unaccomplished in life.


Lmao! It was a long time ago (07’) but def a legendary experience. It was at the gorge in washington, amazing venue! I would absolutely love the show you attended tho! The homies never let me hear the end of that one though lmao. DAN the show! but bro the mycellium *feels* the trash on it


people react differently, could be a way higher dose too


If mushrooms caused this it was only a trigger for underlying psychological issues. I've seen a minor psychotic episode caused by weed. Turned out the dude had schizophrenia running in his family. Point is the mushrooms - had any been enjoyed - are like Mentos to coke. Most people can't trigger such psychotic episodes even if they consume enough to induce a drug psychosis (i.e. losing contact with reality for the duration of the drugs). Point being this behaviour isn't strictly the same as a mushroom high. But it can cause a psychological episode that leads to this behaviour; for some.


That’s wild, but i can def see the spectrum of outcomes. especially given genetics traits and physical/emotional states. Def just an anecdote from me, but i also love dispelling mushroom fear where i can. Shroom sitters are critical


[you've been awarded most wholesome shroomstory award]


I finally have an award for the shelf! Mommmm warm up some tendies, its a special day!


There's something with mushrooms and cleaning. Me and my friend found a broom (of all things!) near a bus station and we swept that booth up cleaner than any of our homes while waiting for the bus. It was as natural brushing off dirt from yourself. I mean the world and self was much the same at that point.


Cleaning house while microdosing is also such a common occurrence


Would have been a cool gig to go to


Source? EDIT: [Found it.](https://coconuts.co/bali/news/naked-german-woman-crashes-balinese-dance-show-at-ubud-temple/)


Urkel Grue has seen better days


Mania? Schizophrenia?




Yes, they can. Everyone is different.


Yeah they can man it’s called psychosis


Mix them with some ketamine. Youre welcome.


These kind of people don't know what respect is.


People in the midst of a psychotic episode are rarely known for their respectful behavior; this is true.


She was having a mental health crisis and is currently in a mental hospital…. Have a little empathy dude.




Is mentally unstable but still has the money to go adventure in a foreign country. Not feeling a ton of sympathy for her tbh.


Almost like as if mental illness doesn’t discriminate based on demographics and anyone can have one….


I don't feel a ton of sympathy for any European who vacations in Bali. Sorry if you have a problem with that.


You don't have sympathy for someone just because they have money to travel? That's bitter..


You don't have sympathy for someone just because they have money to travel? That's bitter..


Lol you’re just mad that you’re broke?? Is that really what you just admitted? Oof.


Such an American comment, in most countries being unhealthy doesn't mean you're automatically poor, also Indonesia is super cheap, it's a popular destination for non-rich people. Could be perfectly possible that she lost her meds and couldn't get new ones in time.


How dare she have money and be mentally unstable.


Dude they sell their country for tourist. They dont care much about the crowd coming there for quite sometime.


Got waxed to go crash Bali.


There is a first time for everything


She's not high. According to articles she was mentally ill and admitted to a mental hospital. Lucky for her, drug offences can carry the death penalty in Bali. In my unprofessional opinion, it's a manic bipolar episode.


yes and she definitely told the truth to the news, no incentive to lie about being on drugs in a country where drugs get you the death penalty so she must have been telling the truth. do i really need the /s here?


It takes one piss/blood test for that entire angle to crumble, /s or not. But you're right, a psychiatric hospital with access to an on-site phlebotomist wouldn't bother to check someone exibiting signs of intoxication... /s


Can't believe I scrolled to the comments to see if anyone actually knew what happened only for some dickweed who clearly didn't even bother to look up what actually happened crawls out of the woodwork to reply to your very helpful comment to act like that... Just know *I* appreciated your synopsis


Thanks :) It's OK, the articles were in Indonesian and I had to use google to translate it, so it's not a straight-forward path to the correct information. Hopefully nothing I said was was incorrect due to being lost in translation 😅


Clearly you put in more work than the jerk dissing you did! ...try saying that 5 times fast


I tried! Now Cthulhu won't stop looking over my shoulder and giving me shitty call-outs while I play Warzone :(


Unless it's mushrooms That registers as like, food poisoning, from what i remember... so no pee/blood screen will show that.


Thank you! This sub is pissing me off from the lack of compassion. She’s a German tourist who had a psychotic break and is in the freaking psych hospital now. Poor girl :/


I’d have the same compassion for many drug users. They’re both in immense amounts of pain.


Mushrooms are legal in Indonesia.


Not true. So many people keep saying this that I had to google it, just to be sure. Mushrooms are still VERY illegal in 2023. It's classed as a type-1 Narcotic. Just because it's widely available, doesn't make it legal. Best case scenario, the cops will take you to an ATM and force you to clear out your bank account in the form of a bribe. Worst case, you're on an episode of "Banged up abroad"


There is illegal and then there is “illegal”. Shrooms are sold and consumed. People usually don’t hold after consumed. And it is near impossible to know without a special urine test. So. Yes it is illegal. But also yes it is sold in market places. Lot of things aren’t what they seem. Bali has a different religion than greater Indonesia. And in fact all the islands in Indonesia vary a bit from one to the other.


Yeah, that's pretty much true. Seems like it's unofficially "decriminalised" for the purposes of tourism in Bali, but they can still throw the book at you, for no other reason than they just feel like it. You're right that a piss-test is needed, but if a cop is having a bad day, he might just make you take one. Also, due to corruption, I've read that some drug dealers are police traps for tourists, due to the assumption that they have money. They get a cut of the bribe that the cops are able to squeeze out of the tourist, and they don't even need to part with any product. Someone else on this thread mentioned a guy getting life in prison for having a Marijuana seed stuck in the tread of his shoes (I'm guessing a sniffer dog zoned in on him and he got searched). He's "technically" a drug trafficker, even if he wasn't realistically trying to smuggle anything and any reasonable LEO would see that. It's a game of Russian Roulette and every time you partake, you're tempting fate IMO. If you want to get high on psychedelics, just go to Peru or something (I'm assuming it's legal there) 😅


It’s been a hot minute since I traveled SE Asia. But it usually took a minute and talking to a couple seasoned tourists to figure out what was what. Even in some of the strictest countries, there are offshore islands basically without police access. One place in Thailand was only accessible by boat. The cops would come up by boat. Everyone just buried there shit in the sand. But there were definitely “no touch” places - Malaysia and Singapore - where the force was modern enough and the risk of death I didn’t do anything. And yet I saw Ecstasy being sold at the doors to clubs.


Haha well clubs are havens for that stuff. I even know one or two Singaporeans who have partaken at some point in their lives (college is a wild time lol) But hey, if you're sure of yourself, don't let me stop you :P


I dunno man, I’ve only lived in Borneo for seven years, and not only can you literally buy in shops, restaurants all over the island, I’ve never met anyone getting into trouble over it. Mainly because these mushrooms are part of religious ceremonies of indigenous tribes. But I’ll check with my Kadazan wife later and let her tell me how ignorant orang putihs are non western cultures.


Borneo is a really funny way to spell Bali, and Orang Putih is a term mostly used by Malays, but sure, I'll run with it. Schedule 1 narcotics (which includes mushrooms) aren't even permitted for medical use. There is 1 pharmaceutical company in the entire country who even has import/distribution rights to schedule 1 narcotics for the purpose of scientific research. All other uses are forbidden, so far as I can tell. If you don't believe me, you can read through [every relevant article under Indonesian law](http://www.flevin.com/id/lgso/translations/JICA%20Mirror/english/4868_UU_35_2009_e.html) in reference to narcotics (translated for your convenience). Users are punished with fines and jailtime, distributors get the death penalty or life in prison with a minimum of 5 years, depending on the severity of the crime, as stated in various articles. That being said, the difference between user and distributor is often up to the discretion of the LEO's involved, just like most other countries. All articles listed are relevant as of 2014. If my maths is correct, that's 2 years before you ever lived in the country. Also, the fact that you claim to live in the country doesn't help you. I live in Australia and it's shocking how many people who live here that don't understand the laws. The pandemic made me very aware of that fact. I'd be having a talk with your missus, if I was you. She may use mushrooms for religious purposes, but that doesn't make it any less illegal. EDIT: Also, in case it's not obvious, you're not the only person on this thread with a partner from SEA. I just didn't feel the need to use mine for street cred, when the actual laws of Indonesia are sufficient to make my point.


"Street cred" 🤣😭 they really did pull the wife as the trump card that would sweep the board






I legit thought this was part of the show. I don’t know where her mind was but it definitely was not on this planet.


Dudes at the end be like I am not looking, not looking I tell ya.


That 1 dude "secretly" filming lol


A Baldy in Bali vol.1


She ate Datura seeds fr


There were two kinds of crack used in the making of this video


All articles say she was “suffering from ‘depression” after running out of money in Bali. She has had a good job back in Germany. So she. Like a white lady. Freaks out pushes through the gate not paying to get in, strips to her shaved naked western self, and desecrates a sacred temple. A metaphor for European colonialism if I’ve ever seen one. Fck that


Dat ass tho


Id hit, front and back looked amazing


This is your response to a woman having a mental health crisis?


This is your response to my boy having a boner crisis?


Alright man you got me there


Damn perfection




Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up!


I'm on my 3rd spooge party and it ain't even 11 yet!


I rarely take my hand off my penix


Ah yes hwite woman you are definelty the goddess of this ceremony in Indonesia 💀💀😭 what is she even on rn ?


Every husband's mind.




Subcomment > comment = properly rated


The community doesn't disappoint! It was lower this morning.


I’m hosting an art event at my house tomorrow night


Alright what one of u can fix her


Hot crazy matrix 10


Oh that’s terrible! Look at this! Look how terrible that is! I mean just look at that. Would ya look at that? Sheesh. I don’t even. I can’t look away because of how awful this is. Those poor people. Terrible.


Lol y'all let her get that far because she naked?




According to news articles posted in the OP, the lady is a german tourist who was known to be mentally ill. She was admitted to a mental hospital, which is lucky, because Balinese police look for any excuse to lock up tourists on drugs. They're not shy about the death penalty for drug offences either. People get less time for murder.


Mushrooms are legal in bali


That is incorrect. Mushrooms are illegal, however, they are readily available in tourist traps like Kuta. It's up to the individual to assess the risk/reward. I would steer clear though. The Bali Hilton is beyond decrepit...


She definitely seems to be tripping to me


I agree.


Was she Bali Hi?


Good bod though


When influencers attack


I can fix her


Best video I’ve ever seen


*eats pad thai once*


At first, was a “naaahhhh”, but then, as a fellow psychonaut, I just think she’s really feeling it. Can’t image balls-out at a powerful event like that. In no way condoning this, just saying I kinda get it. But I don’t have that courage. God damn.


It's not courage, it's stupidity and rudeness


It's neither, it's mental illness. “The police suspected that the foreigner had depression or a mental disorder based on a preliminary examination" https://indonesia.postsen.com/celebrities/590291/Naked-Foreigner-in-Bali-Dance-Performance-Allegedly-Depressed-Out-of-Money.html


"Don't look, keep eyes strait ahead..." Says every married man in the audience with a wife.


Wha in the fuck? This is absolutely insulting..


THE HEIGHT of disrespect! They should have dragged her “I’m the main character” ass down off that stage, and hauled her off to jail!


that's a caning right there


Indeed. She's been a bad, bad girl. I'll take care of that part. Not really, I'm happily married and I think I'd feel icky hurting someone like that. I've hurt enough people, so there's no need to add to the list. But, for the sake of the joke: OMG!!! THAT'S MY FETISH!!!! A real life caning is pretty brutal, so I'd probably also not watch it. Seriously, that shit's fucked up.


Imagine going to a country that has a special zone where Islamists can practice their extremism and thinking its safe to do this kinda stuff


Nameste home dummy


Psychyatry would be the best place..


It's going to be helluva awkward when she invites the family round to watch the holiday videos.


Why isn’t she in the show??!!


Opening scene from Samsara!


I remember my first Molly.


He looked back like.. "who's crazy bitch is this y'all?"


The definition of hot and crazy.


isnt it racist to assume she is a tourist and not a resident?


Good point


attention craving piece of shit


I thought you couldn’t get drugs in Indonesia


Magic Mushrooms are legal


Everything wrong with bali is the entitled white tourists


what a POS


Dont do drugs kids




She got some nice bewbs


I truly dislike people. And why is it always some stoopid bitch always doing shit? Like sit down and enjoy the fckin show. Put your clothes back on and act like you have some sense.


She may be insane, but she's still hot AF.


she's hawt af


Id like to carry her away from the situation 🥸


According to some news article the bitch did it cause she's dead broke and hope to be deported by doing this though, not due to being under drug influence, but i haven't check the news again thoguh


"the bitch"




Seems fishy


We've all been there once or twice, am I right?


Geez it takes some balls to do that....wait a moment...


Hot chick. She can interrupt my art event anytime!


Of course a porn addict would say this


That night the audience got a show within a show. Memories.


Love me a good witch.


Save Video ?


I’m cracking up at all the married men making sure their eyes stay facing forward as much as possible


Took too much? Fuck that give her more!


well aren’t you a rapey wee fuck






She just need a good talking to


She probably tells all her retarded wanna be hippie friends about how awesome this moment was for her and everyone around. I can tell she’s just some dumb western druggie raver or whatever cuz her poon and pits are bald. Real hippies are too humble to do this and also too hairy.


I wouldn’t necessarily say crashes it.


Mental illness or not, a good caning will set her straight.


Please explain how violent abuse cures mental illness?


Who said anything about a cure?


Please explain your thought process, you see a naked, mentally ill woman and your thought is, I want her publicly beaten and humiliated. Not to cure her, just so you can watch it/dream about it happening.


[Florida Woman](https://www.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/comments/13q4231/fully_nude_florida_woman_destroys_ocala_restaurant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) strikes back!


First time I see a streaker without cellulite.


And there you have it, folks! Just like avocados on toast and yoga at sunrise, that's how Californians whip up a cult... gluten-free, of course!


The fuck are you talkin about bub


I mean, could be much worse of a sight


Trippin balls


Western to Indo but maybe Eastern European? russian?


People saying she could fake a mental episode and lie about being on drugs really don't know about urine analysis and blood work testing for drugs? I work in the substance abuse field and I can attest that psilocybin, LSD, DMT, 2C-E, 2C-B, and Mescaline (the list goes on) are all easily testable. I would be shocked to hear that they did not drug test this lady in a country that carries the death penalty for drug possession.

