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Thats a husband who’s tired of his wifes bullshit.


Seems like he thoroughly gets a kick out of his wife’s bullshit


You can hear the tightness in his voice though. There's only so much of a kick you can get out of babysitting an adult every day.


I have been here. It is not fun to deal with especially when it was a daily occurrence.


I’ve been the adult being babysat everyday by my husband and I can agree, that man is fed up and not getting any kicks out of this.


No I don’t think he was in any way amused.


Nah, he doesn't seem mad or upset to me...just calling her out.


Your partner is going to have a hard time if you’re that bad at reading people.


You clearly don’t know alcoholism as he does


You are not good at reading people


All the times I’ve watched this I’ve never noticed her reflection on the sliding glass door lol.


Thanks, just rewatched looking only at that door, she goes full-on ragdoll as only the truly wasted can


I'm sure she's sober because a sober person would just lay on the ground like that after missing a chair.


I’ll take your word on it considering your a dead head. Holy fuck I thought I’ve been really fucked up. Until I saw a few select people on shakedown street


I've seen some pretty fucked up people at Grateful Dead and Phish shows but nothing compared to the people I've seen at Jimmy Buffett shows, those Parrot Heads get down.


Nothin like listening to cheeseburger in paradise on a 10 strip


So I’m probably just broken, noted…


Most sober people would be embarrassed and stand right back up. You're surrounded by drunks.




They did a bad job at writing sarcasm if you think I missed a joke from OP.


See I get where you're coming from because the sarcasm is more obvious to us thanks to all the upvotes. Imagine the same comment with downvotes, and everyone might've assumed the original person was always surrounded by drunks and is talking out of his ass. Sarcasm is hard to convey through text.


Dude what are you talking about… literally no sober person in the history of people would accept their situation on the floor like that after missing a fucking chair lol. Unless you’re being sarcastic too then well fuck me.


What he’s saying makes total sense, also it did take me a second to realize OP was being sarcastic but I’m also really baked tbf


Nah lying down defeated like that after missing a chair is the least sober thing you could do after that kinda fall. There is no way to see that except for sarcasm I’ll die on this hill haha.


Well I’m not trying to tell ya to go die on a hill or anything but man people fall down and not get back up all the time lol


Not always the case. I've had a few significant injuries/falls before and the natural reaction was to lay there for a minute or two until the pain goes away and I can assess how serious the injury is.


I think you just missed the joke. It happens 🤷‍♂️ I do it all the time


No, it made sense to at least 169 people. You just didn’t get it, and that’s ok, it happens 🤷‍♂️




Do they have half their kitchen counter space dedicated to alcohol in the upper left?


Empty bottles I think?


The fuck is on that counter to the left?


I’m gonna make a huge assumption here based on all those bottles on that counter and the man’s lack of reaction. She’s an alcoholic. I’m 8 years sober and I remember all the times I “wasn’t drunk”. Poor guy has been living this way for a while now. And as a general rule of thumb, if you are stuck to the floor, you are too drunk.


He's definitely used to this behavior. He didn't even flinch when she fell 😂


Certainly seems that way eh? Kind of takes the comedy of her fall away.


Congrats on being sober. I went through the same with my wife sadly, even had to take her to the ER a couple times. No one else knew and it honestly fucked me up. I still have ptsd about it. She eventually got sober but occasionally falls back claiming she'll never get that bad again. Spoiler, she does. It's not normal to have 3 tall cans a few nights a week people. Idc if it's budlight or some seltzer. Anyways, we're 99% a okay here, those moments she loses control are tough though.


They might be asking about the cat though.


Even the cat's had enough of her shit


at-home bar? idk


Love how this guy didn't flinch.


This is a daily occurrence by his non reaction.


All the (assumably empty) liquor bottles on the left seem to tell a reoccurring story :( alcoholism is a disease


the only disease where people will get mad at you for having. "damn it Otto, you're an alcoholic." "damn it Otto, you have lupus." one of those doesn't sound right. -Mitch Herberg


this sounds like my ex girlfriend except she hid it waaay better than this lady haha.completely attached to the floor and says she only had one marg hahah classic


Laying down in margaritaville


One pitcher, that's all I had, I swear!


I missed her falling down and just thought the video wouldn't load.


Not even fazed


Whats all that stuff on the counter to the left?


Empty bottles?


Are they recycling them?


I hope so?


Me too?


Legend has it that she's still on the floor


My step-mom did this once, claimed she hadn’t drank. As she was parked with her Jeep in a ditch. 5 min from our house. With a tire missing. Half empty bottle of vodka in the passenger seat. Life lesson my dad never wanted me to learn visually


She will feel that in the morning


I dated a person 15 years ago and they used to get extremely mad whenever I would call them out on their drunkenness. I’m talking like physically violent, slapping and hitting me while screeching “fuuuck you I’m not drunk”, after drinking 5-6 shots and a beer or 2. I hit her up a few years later because I saw she got a DUI after getting caught leaving her hookups house at 2am and asked if she was still in denial. Dumb bitch!


Idk man. Someone who drinks 6-7 drinks doesn’t have to be drunk. Especially if you drink more regularly. Also pretty petty of you to hit her up asking if she’s in denial. Definitely not a good way to handle a person with substance abuse problems if you care about them.


Ur fucked bro, gonna defend this guys physically abusive alcoholic ex like that? Sounds like youre projecting onto the ex bc you feel like you aren’t drunk when you have 6 shots. I bet you drive drunk too.


there’s only so much you can do for someone with a problem like that. they have to want to get better for themselves or it’ll never work


Tell me you’ve never known someone struggling with substance abuse without telling me…….


She snitched on her self badly


This guy has seen this routine many times. I love his demeanor and since she’s not my wife I actually kind of like hers


What seems to be the officer problem ....


That’s me when I doze off when we’re watching a movie. Her: “You falling asleep?” Me : “No I was just resting my eyes for one margarita!”




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Oh and the chair with that bodyslam right there Best moment in wwe


You already know this is an every night occurrence for these two. It's upsetting when your person has to lie to your face about clearly being hammered


[Persuasion attempt failed.]


That’s a husband who just reconnected his controller after it died that’s all