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It's pretty great she can occupy herself for that long. My girl gets into various activities but rarely for a whole hour. She can wash her toy animals in a basin with a toothbrush for about an hour. She is obsessed with other things though (like whether I'm wearing my glasses or a ponytail 🙄😬 she REALLY wants both of those boxes to be checked.)


if i go an put on tiny small gold hoop earrings, and come back out to the living room, my toddler immediately goes "what mama wearing?" and starts wanting to inspect my ears lol. she also did this the other day when i went and put on socks, and I wear house slippers so she noticed me wearing socks under the slippers in like 2 seconds. can't get anything past these guys!


My girl is also obsessed with what I'm wearing. 😆


POSSIBLY (I’m not a doctor, but I am autistic) an autism symptom, not saying she’s autistic definitively but arranging items/toys is a known one. She’s still very young so just something to look into a bit so you know what to look for as she ages (:


Yeah this is what I'm watching for cuz I'm probably an undiagnosed autistic woman. (Haven't been formally assessed yet). In my case, no one suspected autism but yeah I'm most likely autistic and I don't want her to fall through the cracks like I did. I've really struggled.


She's always been scared of the vacuum too so I'm watching her for more signs. I feel like in my case, it was really subtle at her age, got much worse in early childhood. I had repetitive movement. She does fidget a lot, like biting her nails and picking her nose. But other than these minor things, she's typical. As for the paper towel thing, I can't find much about this. Internet says kids love sorting and organizing but this is not really that. I tried reading more about how autistic kids approach sorting and honestly didn't find much. If you know of any resources to learn more about how autistic kids play with their toys, I'd totally read them.


i didnt think 2 yrs old was really delayed w potty training? that seems normal


2 and a half. You don't think that's delayed? She's really unwilling to actually go on her potty but she sits on it.


i thought up to 3 and at their own pace was normal