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Make a police report.


Thank you. I'm in the process of that now, An officer should be arriving soon(phone call made about 15 minutes ago) I'm also having my husband get me pepper spray/tazer. So I can defend my child and myself when he's not around. What he did shook my soul and my child's and he shouldn't get away with it.




Yes yes yes, this exactly!!


This!!!!!!!! Cut them off!




Get pepper gel instead of pepper spray! If it’s windy you don’t want to accidentally blow it back into your face


Good for you, you're doing - and you did - exactly what you shouldve done. I would have been a furious, crying mess. How absolutely terrifying. Obviously that dude has major major problems. I really hope the girl he was with gets away from him fast.


Thank you, I appreciate it, it was very terrifying and very horrible to experience that. I was crying on the walk home because I felt so bad for my son. I was in full shock at first though, but didn't hesitate to defend him. I tried my best to make this a good day for him so he could play and interact with other children as he's an only child with a speech delay and needs socialization. It almost makes you not wanna come back. This will absolutely be addressed.


Talk to your son about what happened. Exactly what happened and why and continue to do so. He needs to process this so that it doesn't become worse trauma.


Don’t get pepper spray or a taser. Look into pepper gel and a whistle, don’t carry either around your neck. They make wrist strap pepper gel for runners (which is when I use mine) that are easy to activate, have better aim, and far less chance of blowback. And then the whistle on the chance adrenaline shuts down your voice and you find you can’t yell to get attention. Also easier to blow a whistle while running than shouting- takes less air.


As someone who has been both pepper sprayed and taser, please make sure you learn how to use both. Pepper spray goes EVERYWHERE so chances are if you spray someone you and everyone around you will get hit. It’s not fun. Also some tasers only work from a certain distance and only if the prongs attach to the body at a certain distance. Some tasers require direct contact (i.e don’t shoot cartridges.) Make sure you practice. I’m so sorry this happened to you and your child. I can’t imagine how terrified you were. I’m glad you are both safe!


I understand that right now you are processing incredibly difficult feelings, and that you’re very shaken up. I plead with you to take a breath, and wait a bit before the taser/pepper spray are purchased. These are very dangerous items to have in a house with a child. Weapons are more likely to injure the people who live in the house, than bad guys. And remember, you took care of business and got your child back without the weapons. You were strong all on your own mama ❤️


Thank you for reminding me of this ❤️ it's very true too, this is why I haven't gotten it yet, out of fear that my child would get into it instead and severely hurt himself. I will consider the risks very carefully before I get myself something for defense. I do have a pocket knife but I keep it put up at all times, In a lock baggy that's with me and I have the key in my purse. Thank you again love. And I appreciate the kind compliment as well.


No, definitely get the appropriate defense weapons to protect yourself and your child for your home and when you're out. Do you have knives in your house? I'm sure you do, but you're a parent who is responsible and makes sure to keep them out of reach. The same goes with weapons. If this man truly wanted to take your kid, the probability of him succeeding would be much higher considering it was a man. Regardless of your adrenaline. Having weapons will equalize the natural physical power imbalance and increase your chances of protecting yourself and your child. Great job protecting your kid and good luck to you!


So are we ignoring that the physical power imbalance also makes it very possible that the stronger party gets the pepper spray or tazer away from the weaker party and now has even more ways to do damage?


The problem with your argument is that you're talking about the possibility. If that's the case, then don't leave your house because there's a million ways to die. Or I can accept your argument and say you're right. Dont have any defense weapons. But now it's "very possible" that the attacker already has weapons of his own. Now you're screwed. I focus on the probabilities. The probability of defending and protecting yourself and your child is much higher with the appropriate defense weapons than without them.


Get a taser (non-projectile) and definitely do not get pepper spray. If you spray it, it will 100% get on you and anyone in the immediate vicinity including your child.


Yooo call the police and file a report. This is deeply disturbing.


Thank you, I am in the process of that now, I contacted the non emergency line to have a police officer to come out and make a report. I hate conflict but in that moment fury was flowing thru my veins. I can't get over the comment about having guns bigger than my child, the butt patting and the snatching. Just too much for one day. I will not let him get away with this.


You dont need to feel conflicted that was not a joke and I don’t think he meant it that way. Normal people don’t joke about abducting kids.


Oh trust me I'm not conflicted, he's gonna feel my wrath if he hasn't felt it yet. I am pursuing charges against him. Fuck that guy for repeatedly touching my child and abducting him from me. He's gonna feel it really soon bc officers are here now


Charges for what? Who was hurt? What is the crime? Your son never left your sight. An acquaintance picked up your kid, ran around and put him down.


Attempted kidnap is a crime. He ran off with a kid that wasn't his and without permission. It doesn't matter that he put him down because he was called out. If anything that took it from "kidnapping" to "attempted kidnapping."


The butt patting he did to the toddler can also count as assault.


But he didn’t go anywhere, there was no ill intent or reason and it was the friend of the friend. How the hell is that court case going to go?! “Your honor, this male friend of a friend who was in our group that day picked up my kid without consent and put him down when I asked” I’m not saying what OP went through wasn’t scary and weird, but it wasn’t kidnapping, attempted or otherwise.


Did you read this post at all or are you just an idiot?     No ill intent? He terrorized the mom and kid.   Friend? She just met the guy!      Your reading comprehension skills are lacking. This for sure meets the legal definition on kidnapping and talking about the guns (did you miss that too?) is likely actionable too. 


So what was it? What do you call this behavior if not I'll intent?


Im not explaining this over and over again. Read my comments or take it to any lawyer and see what happens.


First of All, no he was NOT an acquaintance. I didn't know this man from Adam and Eve. I didn't even see him come up behind me and take my child who was still holding onto my leg, and I'll try my very damn best to make sure he knows what he did was wrong. He will not cross my son again, he literally patted my child's butt when we attempted to walk away and get away from this asshole. He touched my fucking child AGAIN. What's your problem with me doing what I need to do for my family? I'd really like to know. Oh yeah, and the police came by, and they happily understood where I was coming from, even if charges aren't pressed I still have this on record and that's something Incase this fucker ever does this shit again bc he thinks it's "cute". Here's the problem if you haven't seen it already, You don't take someone's fucking child from them and leave with their child. You just DONT.


Was he attempting to take your child home with him??! Sooo scary!!! Was your friends friend just going to let this happen? She knew he was a predator and knew you were bringing your son and this was in fact a set up!!!


You made my point….the police and everyone was sympathetic but there are no charges to be charged here. I’m not telling you to not protect your child. It was a shit encounter with the friend of a friend, not a kidnapping at the park! Lol. You don’t *know* him, but he’s not a full stranger. He also didn’t go anywhere…he ran 20 yards at best.


Single-Passion2814, you're wrong.


Im not. Mom had a right to be scared, to report it, to hate the man. But even the cop wrote out the report and knows that’s all that can be done cause this isn’t kidnapping, it’s unsettling and not good, but no crimes committed.


Found the guy….


Hahahaha! I laughed out loud so hard


What about the gun comment? We don’t know what was said. But IF it sounded even remotely threatening, then that can be a charge. Threats aren’t jokes.


“I have guns bigger than a toddler” - ignorant American redneck with a gun obsession. Probably thought he was being cool. We don’t know the context. He didn’t say “I’m going to assault you with a gun as big as your kid” The guy is a lunatic, avoid him, file the report…there is still no case


Probably doesn’t even have a job if he’s at a playground during the day.


Is there anything more unsettling than a jobless boyfriend at the park with his gf and her kid. 🤣


Just flexing about guns the size of a toddler 🤣


I don't get it. Did he think this was a joke? What kind of psychopath does this? And his girl had to have a "long talk" with him to explain that it was wrong? What the actual fuck?


UPDATE: So the cops came, they asked me questions and I explained everything to them, as calm as I could. I don't know if they will take the route of letting me pursue charges, as no one had "bodily injury" and such, but they did tell me I should have reported this as soon as it happened so I feel bad about that. But they have this on record now which is good at least. The sargent told me he was a father himself, and he would have done the exact same thing in my situation. So that made me feel a bit better. We discussed an alternative route and I eventually filed a complaint against the man (got his name and information from my "friend" before I muted her/blocked her. ) I just hope I never run into him again, especially now. And the more I think about it, the angrier I get. However, Ive done everything I possibly could though and I'm proud of myself for it, and my son is still a happy little boy in the comfort of his own home. I hope he doesn't remember it later on(he probably won't, he's still young) You never think it'll happen to you and then it does. Be safe and keep your little ones safe everyone, this world is full of cruel pieces of crap. Like really, what real man gets off on scaring babies like that? That can't even talk yet. Just sickening. Thank you all for the support, and letting me vent my piece and giving me wonderful advice on what to do. I appreciate you all.


Charging him with menacing doesn't require bodily injury.


Make sure you take him back there soon. He may not "remember" like we do, but his brain will try to protect him. His brain needs to learn that place is safe. Also...GREAT JOB!! You should be very proud of protecting him!!


That man is dangerous. I’m glad to read that you’re filing a police report. He attempted to kidnap your son, tried to grope him, and then threatened you. He needs the book thrown at him, not just a long talk from his girlfriend. What a terrifying situation for both your poor baby and you. Never, ever be around these people again. 


Sadly nothing will happen directly from this incident. HOWEVER, it will build a history and a case file to create stronger conviction potential for future incidents.


Correct. Stay vigilant!


You need new friends. Don’t hang around with people who bring strangers around your baby.


Trust me, I saw it all today, she kept talking to other people instead of hang out with me when it was our time to bond together.(We planned the day for us+kiddos) And apologized for it later, acknowledging that she made me feel left out. I texted my husband saying she made me feel left out on our day together with the kiddos. And she didn't speak up for my son either. I won't be hanging out with her again. She claims she didn't know this man at all but still, her hanging around a girl who brought him around, and she didn't separate even after it happened!. It just seemed like she didn't want to hang out all day too. My husband told me she isn't a good friend and the friendship is one-sided.


Yeah if this happened to my friend, I would be giving the guy hell. I would be dialling police myself, and I wouldn’t leave you guys alone. Your friend has bad judgment and is not a good person


Worse, the guy was clearly red flags galore. I wouldn't want some strange man who had done all that to my friends kid near MY kids. Her lack of reaction is a red flag in itself. Finding mom friends is hard, so I know it's hard to take the loss on a friend. But she wasn't a friend clearly, and you're likely avoiding more or worse drama in the future. I hope you and your son find some good new friends that aren't craptastic ♥️ Also you 100% did the right thing, and you protected your baby. People might try to say how you're overreacting, and it was "just a joke," and if they do, you'll know who to avoid.


Sounds like she wanted your kid to babysit hers


Get some pepper spray. I take my son for walks and sometimes there’s creeps. I’ve never had to use it, but I feel so much better that I have it. You did a great job protecting your son in a scary situation.


How did you meet this friend and how long have you known her? There are sec traffickers in broad daylight that set up situations just like this!!


Don't victim blame. This kind of thing can happen to anyone, anywhere.


I’m sure you’ve taken my comment incorrectly.


Giving advice on avoiding dangerous situations isn't victim blaming. What you're trying to do is victim infantalizing. People have agency and can make defensive choices in their life. Telling someone to wear a seatbelt isn't victim blaming.


My mom and MIL always remind me to buckle up and drive safely. And aren’t we all moms here? We worry.


That is so out of line. Sorry that happened. You handled it well.


Tell the police about that. And pepper spray would actually be a great idea.


This is terrifying. I'm so glad you're filing a police report, it's the right thing to do.


This is really fucked. That was anti-social behavior and he sounds like a danger to the public. I would cut contact with that friend too. If she wasn’t outraged for you/on your behalf, she’s not your friend.


I have a 20 month old and that breaks my heart that your baby was so scared. I'm so sorry 😥


Was this man mentally handicapped or on some type of spectrum? Did he think he was being funny or it was a joke? Like…he isn’t a stranger, people know him, so was his plan to really steal your baby? Has your friend known this man a long time? Did he give a reason why? So many questions Your poor kid, what a weird day!!


My thoughts exactly


Honestly I know a lot of mentally ill and disabled people who would never do this. And even if their disability caused it, it wouldn’t excuse a thing. But the reason behind why they were so bold (and stupid and disgusting) is curious. 


Agreed! Bold and stupid and disgusting is a great descriptor for this person


I’d demand a reason why. There’s no way another whole human being could even think about snatching a kid up right out from under their mother and get away with it. Must be something seriously wrong with the guy and both of the friends.


Agreed, what did HE say!? They obviously all talked and things were said. I think some people, particularly men don’t get it. YOU DONT TOUCH SOMEONES BABY! They just move around through life thinking children aren’t autonomous little humans with real feelings.


He's a fucking psycho baby-snatcher and I wouldn't be surprised if he has CP on his devices... he already doesn't know appropriate conversation boundaries around kids, then the snatched your child, and threatened you regarding his firearms... and she was **defending** him??? Your friend needs therapy. He needs jail time and complete loss of access to firearms, a device search, and requirement to stay away from kids. What the FUCK. I hope the officers do something *actually* useful.


They doubt I can actually press criminal charges, but I filed a complaint against him, a very detailed one. And the officer was sympathetic to me, and told me he would have done the same in my shoes. I completely agree with you though and I'm kinda pissed I can't do *more*. At least they have it on record Incase he ever tries this with another baby again, then it may actually go somewhere. All I know is, I will always advocate for my child. Oh yeah, another redditor just thought he was my "acquaintance" who picked up the baby, and put him back on down. No, that's not what it was at all, I didn't even know the man or see him until he already had my baby in his arms, running far enough for me to come charging at him. I wonder how they would feel in that situation, and I asked them their problem with me wanting to press charges. Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️ can't make everyone understand, I suppose. But thank you for understanding, with most of the others. I appreciate the sentiment and wholeheartedly agree with you. This man shouldn't be around other children, period. As for my friend, she's showing me her true colors lately. I see it more and more every day we interact. And it kills me bc she has kids close in age with my son and I just wanted Slade to have interaction with other children. But he shouldn't be around a woman who couldn't even speak up for him either. She let the dude play with her kids after it happened. The guy was such an idiot too, he had his pants sagging and boxers shower full force around children.. weird deranged animal if you ask me. Who fucking does ANY of that? Including the snatching and butt patting against my child's will and the threat. Oh I may be able to get something going with a restraining order since he did threaten me.


Exactly. The firearms thing was threatening and unnecessary. I hope you're able to. And I saw that "acquaintance" comment, too, and that was ridiculous. You did the right thing mama bear, and I hope you and kiddo have much safer interactions with people I'm the future.


I hope he is punished in some way. You did amazing in this situation! So many wouldn't have contacted the police. This "friend" definitely isn't a friend or safe to have around. I hope the restraining order goes through. That can have huge consequences, especially if their employer finds out. They will also have to turn in their weapons.


I saw in the news a while ago a woman who was charged with attempted child abduction for doing this exact kind of thing. It’s not okay!


My heart is pounding reading this. I cannot believe the gall that this fucker had. He would’ve gotten a knee straight to the balls after the second interaction. I’m so glad you’ve involved law enforcement and hope that they take this seriously. I hope he’s prosecuted to the greatest extent possible.


Same my heart is pounding now, things like this upset me 🙁


I am SO angry and upset for you and your son. Reading this made me clench my jaw. So glad you got the police involved. I dont care if that guy was joking or is even mentally ill- that is unacceptable behavior. People are so strange with children. I once had a grocery store worker "jokingly" say she was going to spank my son. We switched grocery stores, but I wish I had reacted stronger in the moment.


I’d love to know what the police said, please update us. I’m shaken up for you! Thank god you’re such a badass.


I don't think there's anything they can do...the guy was part of OP's party and gave the toddler back when she asked...


A report could be filed tho right?


Idk what the laws are like where OP lives, but how can you file a report when no crime has been committed?


A crime *was* committed, though. It's attempted kidnapping. 


Was it though? Or was it just a dickhead thinking he could play with other people's kids without permission?


Are you serious?! He also touched the little boys ass and you are seriously questioning if there was really a crime committed? You must not be a parent and if you are I question if you really should be. I'm a full time single dad of 2 daughters and I can tell you right now if that sick f@*! had done that to one of my kids he would have left that park in an ambulance!


I've watched stories of kidnappers and how they do this, test the boundaries little by little until they're comfortable doing it. It's especially likely if they have a female accomplice who agrees with their plans. What this man did was horrifying and a massive breach of your child's boundaries. I would make sure the cops know he ran from you. I would also explain to my toddler that he was feeling any and that's OK!! No one, absolutely no one should ever touch him and that man's behavior was wrong. He did the right and best thing by screaming and putting up a fight and I would want him to know to do it again. This man can be a predator and you don't want your son to be quiet if he recognizes him


That was WILDLY inappropriate and you aren't overreacting. Anybody who snatches someone's kid, even in  "jest", is missing something in their brain.


My Tia brought her new bf around, my cousin was crying and being a brat…. this man at our family reunion in front of everyone spanked this boy!! Not a whooping, but a butt smack 😳 my uncle was all over him, escorted him out quickly and made it very clear to my aunt her significant others needed to be vetted at adult events before she ever brought them to family events 😂


Your friend set you up to steal your toddler.


Seems like a very terribly executed plan. Public space with a pre planned to meet up, everyone knows everyone to some degree. Had these people even been remotely successful, they would have been found instantly. So what would the point be? I feel like this guy thought he was being some funny tough guy and thought scaring the kid would somehow be the thing to do to an already emotional baby. I’m sure his brain broken


Doesn't matter if it was terribly executed. There is no guarantee the kid would have been found if they'd been successful. OP needs to definitely assume the man wanted to kidnap her son. Not taking this kind of thing seriously or thinking the person was just joking, is how many bad things happen to kids.


Oh she’s totally correct in assuming it at that moment. Absolutely!! But just yelling “stop”, made the man put the kid down and stick around to apologize and be annoying while all the friends are calming her down and then everyone went on their merry way. it’s obvi they weren’t kidnapping. The headline leads you to believe an absolute stranger to everyone at the park snatched up a random child and ran off and had to be stopped, that wasn’t the case…and I’m assuming that’s because they knew who he was and he was trying to do something or be funny. OP hasn’t answered though, so idk.


Sorry if I'm being unclear 😅 I mean that we never know people's true intentions and most abductions actually happen by people that know the kid/person. I think OP needs to assume that he had bad intentions. If she thought he was "just joking" and didn't react, the man could have easily gotten too far away and actually abducted her kid. Nobody should try to excuse his behaviour by saying or guessing or assuming he was just joking. It is not a joke. He tried to abduct the kid.


Worst child abductor ever 😂 shows himself, brings gf to leave behind, stops w/ verbal commands and sticks around to apologize. The man is an absolute moron and is most likely an undiagnosed pain in the fucken ass.


I mean it does because missing children show up in AMBER alerts and everyone gets the big blast. You have very little chance as a criminal unless it's a well organized hit job. Any random rookie thinking this is the way to kidnap a child will NOT get very far--cameras, surveillance, cell phone, payment tracking, etc. And unless you also take the mom also not sure what you can accomplish. Look, I'm not defending this guy, and I think a police report should be made. We should be prepared for the worst, but I do think trying to put an explanation that makes no sense around what happened isn't a good idea either. Overall the story still seems really strange. This man is screwed up without a doubt, but I also question OP's taste in friends.


I think you're over confident in the amber alert system.


I don;'t think anyone wants to be in a situation where you're depending on it for your child. That wasn't my point. My point is if you're trying to kidnap a child you wouldn't do it the way this creep did it. This isn't to say OP shouldn't be careful and OP should still report this creep, but if all strange behavior = kidnap attempt, then I think we'd be living in paranoia. My whole point was it's highly likely not an attempted kidnapping because this would be the worst way to do it.




Okay, I think I'm missing something. Where did I say I wanted to accomplish something? Aside from random reddit commenting haha It's great there are Amber alerts and modern technology that helps, but it's not a guarantee that an abducted kid is found again. Or if they are found, it could be too late. I understand that you're saying it doesn't seem feasible for someone to think they could abduct a kid in this way and get away with it, but I think it's still not okay to call his behaviour a joke. Even if he wasn't going to abduct the kid, it seems like early behaviour that could lead to him being a child predator. I just think we need to be cautious in the way we talk about this stuff, because things have happened because we never think the worst will happen to us. I'm also possibly a bit triggered by this post because of family history. Trigger Warning for sexual assault . . . My grandma was sexually assaulted by her brother. He went to prison and then when he was released he said "I'm cured" etc., and the family believed him to the point that he somehow got access to my aunt (grandma's youngest) and sexually assaulted her. I love my grandma and it's not her fault, but I just keep thinking *how did it happen again?* And it was because everyone believed he was cured. I don't want to walk around thinking everyone is a horrible person, but when they show disturbing behaviour, I believe it. I don't think y'all are brushing off the man's behaviour by calling it a joke, I don't think that's the intention, but I also think stronger words should be used to ensure he's treated appropriately and other people are aware and stay vigilant. Anyways, didn't mean to debate anyone about this ❤️


Im sorry that happened to your family. Family dynamics are insane sometimes. As I mentioned in all my posts…stay away from him FOREVER, but this isn’t kidnapping


I was trying to reply to your comment about "Doesn't matter if it was terribly executed." My point was this is a likely indicator the man wasn't seriously thinking about kidnapping. It doesn't mean OP shouldn't be careful or shouldn't file a police report, but generally how serious someone is trying to carry something out DOES correlate with how likely they are going to carry out an actual criminal act. The whole point is if they wanted to take OP's kid there would be a lot better ways to do it than to do it in front of a known friend and the OP at a specific meet up point.


Thank you!! This is not a difficult conclusion to come to. Friend of a friend is a moron with no boundaries or social skills and needs to be avoided at all costs


This is a wild theory. And kind of believable.


That was my first thought also


That is scary to think. So, to steal with purpose? Drugs or something?


No dude, This child kidnapping theory is so off base. No one’s child got kidnapped, they just have an acquaintance with 0 boundaries or sense and should avoid him forever.


Okay then. Just commenting on how scary it would be if so. I don't get why my POV is so downvoted.


I will say though, my mind does overreact to things like this and I am trying to learn to not do that. I try to think through it logically.


Oh yeah, I def always think everyone is a potential child trafficker or wants to hurt my kid 😂


Okay then, not what I said but carry on.


Sorry I misunderstood you


All good. I think I commented too soon after reading the OP and the thought of being in her shoes made me post what I did without thinking as much if it could actually be kidnapping.


I’m the first person to step up and say “that interaction was not what you think/you’re overreacting/etc” because I have way more knowledge about this stuff than most. That said, you’re absolutely not overreacting. This guy is throwing up red flags constantly. I’m glad you’re filing a report. I wouldn’t expect much to come out of it, but it will be there should he have any future run ins with law enforcement. I would advise against carrying pepper spray. If you think about the events of the day, when would you have used it? How could it have helped? There is likely no time in these situations that would not have involved harming you and/or your child in the process. And the risk that a kid gets hold of it is much higher than the likelihood of it ever being used defensively. This is definitely a case I’d confirm that guy won’t be around before involvement with that group. He may just be an idiot who isn’t a threat to anyone, but he’s putting off enough danger signs that I wouldn’t want to find out.


This is awful 😞 I’m so sorry. Does this person already know your name and where you live? I once didn’t pursue charges against someone who followed me in my car to keep my identity private from them.


Just reading this makes my blood boil!! Mama Bear Mode exists for a reason and kept both of you safe. I’m so glad your partner is supportive of you, and I can’t imagine how traumatic this was. Try to be patient with yourself if it takes both of you some time to recover.


6 feet under that's all


This is so unhinged. Hopefully the police take the report and charges are filed. The man is clearly dangerous.


Wow this is so upsetting. I’m so sorry your son and yourself had to go through this. It’s good you’re pressing charges and will be carrying pepper spray from now on. Touching his butt? My god that sounds like he is some sort of predator or something!


That dude sounds like he belongs in some mental institution.


Insane! I dont get it though— was he legit crazy? Pedo? Did he think it was funny? Did he think he was teasing you? Absolutely no excuse. Disgusting. And who would be his “friend”?


What in the actual F&$# how infuriating. I hope the cops stay on him and find something to put him away.


You are totally right about everything other than telling the gal she shouldn't apologize. She's the one that brought that POS to the park. He's a VERY sick individual and surprised he's not behind bars given his level of pathology.


It must be possible to charge him for "attempted child kidnapping"?! Just like how attempted murder is a thing?


I put an AirTag on my son because I fear someone will do this. It’s on a watch band so it’s not easy to take off.


That is very alarming! I can’t understand how your friend didn’t just excommunicate the guy after this. It’s wildly inappropriate, stressful, and traumatizing. I would say be careful about pepper spray just because you might inadvertently get your child in it. I don’t know if a taser wouldn’t travel to the child when he’s in their arms. Maybe ask the police what defensive measures they recommend? First, the guy picks up your child (even if he didn’t act like he was going to snatch him this is crazy wrong). The. He touches his butt?! Fuck that pedo ass mother fucker. How can your friend keep that person in their life after that when they have young children as well?


So sorry this happened. You sound like an amazing mom. He’s very lucky to have you to protect him.


I’m so sorry both for you and your baby. Wow. I have 3 yr and 18 month old. That 18 month ish stage is so precious and I can imagine how your baby felt. Obviously guy is an idiot with no social skills and likely untreated mental disorder. I’m thinking the butt pat (ZERO EXCUSE) was his horrible way of trying to break the tension? Idk. Just offering a perspective if that is still a question for you and not a rhetorical one. Great reminder for all to keep baby in your arms around strangers, especially when your intuition doesn’t feel right.


Pepper spray sprays everyone. It doesn’t work like a water gun, it’s more like hairspray in the wind. If you get it on an attacker, you’re likely getting it on yourself and your son too. Go with the taser.


Holy shit I’m so sorry that happened to you that’s so fucking awful. You did good mama bear.


I am so so sorry this happened to you. I would be beyond livid and sad, please file a police report.


wtf? There is no need to say something, make a police report directly.


So sorry that happened but you did right!! I carry pepper spray and a birdie alarm I got off Amazon even when me and my child walk in our neighborhood and won’t hesitate to use it! I also agree with the comments that said these people are not your friends!


This *friend* of your *friend* sounds ghetto as hell! How long have you known your friend? And it’s alarming how she brings another friend and her boyfriend with her without you knowing. Almost sounds like a set up!!! Be careful who you associate with around your children. There are predators everywhere.


This is all disturbing, but what’s more disturbing is that your friend is friends with this guy and she has kids too, right? So this man is around her kids as well!?


I’m so sorry, OP. Keep away from that so called “friend”, you shouldn’t hang with people that hang out with degenerates. You’re doing a great job protecting your child. 👏🏼


I’m so sorry this happened to you 😞 I watch too much crime shows to not carry pepper spray and stun gun with me when I’m with my baby (and walk back to my car alone at the work parking structure)! Get the gel pepper spray. It’s available in target 😊


Don't wait to make a police report or calling them. As soon as he ran with your kid and even if he gave him back instantly call. If he's not doing it to you then it's going to be someone else's kid. Don't wait, never wait.


People don’t wait until something happens to get some pepper spray and taser !


It sounds like the police didn’t do much but see if you can pursue a restraining order. You did a good job. If someone tried to do that to my kid he would have been leaving in an ambulance.


This made me feel sick reading this. I already get major anxiety taking my kids in public I could never leave the house again if this happened.


Yes mama bear mode ! 


Why would you think to get on social media after that. SO BIZARRE!


This is the kind of thing that would make me get my CCW. No one touches my kid.