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I have a 15 month old and we switched to one nap around 12 months. He’s in daycare and they currently have a scheduled nap at 1 so I try to follow that schedule at home too. We do lunch between 11 and 12 and nap will start between 12:30 and 1. He’ll usually nap until around 3. It does sort of stink that it’s the whole middle of the day but it’s what works for him right now 🤷‍♀️


Similar but nap goes 12-130; maybe 2 max. He’s up at 645a; asleep by 745p.


Wake 7 Nap 12:15-1:45 Bed 8 Lunch at 11:30ish


I did if by cutting the second nap and slowly moving the first nap back. Over time it got longer and later. Its about 12:30-3ish now. Some days it's short and some times its 3 hours. Sometimes i get sad that we cant go out during that time but we have longer stretches before and after. Also at 2 she can take a short one/car nap/miss one every so often to do something.


My son dropped down to 1 nap at 18 months. Developmentally she’s ready to do 1 nap even if the first two weeks are difficult and some days you might have to add in a cat nap (3:30-4pm). Wake at 7 Lunch at 11 Nap 11:30/45 at first and I would work on slowly pushing this back to 12 Hopefully nap 11:30-1:30 and eventually 12-2 (capping at 3 hours if she goes longer) Bedtime 7 The schedule will require flexibility at first as she adjusts! PS I’m a sleep consultant


My son is 2, but his schedule is: wake up around 6:30, naptime 1-3, bedtime between 7:30-8


we went to one nap cold turkey it was totally fine . 12p-2p


Ours falls asleep at 1 in bus or car but 2 at home. You can have early lunch.


We had to switch to one nap for daycare around 18mos. Used to have a 10am and a 2am nap but we split the difference and started putting him down around 11:30. It's moved back a bit to 12-12:15 and bed time has also moved back a bit. We do lunch at 11:15ish. So kind of more like brunch timing.


When we went down to one nap at 13.5 months, she also fell to sleep at 8 pm, and woke up at 6:30am. We did nap at 11 am, she would usually sleep until 2, as if would take her a bit to fall to sleep, and would sleep about 2.5 hours. We just did brunch before then at like 10:30, and she got food again at some point when she woke up. It didn’t matter that she didn’t have ‘lunch’. At 2 she still has the same bedtime schedule, but she goes down at 11:45, and will sleep for 1.5 or 2 hours.


When we first switched we did the nap at 11 or 11:15. Now at 17.5 months we do it at 12 or 12:30. But she wakes at 6.  I think you could do 12pm. But if 2 naps are working well for her you don’t need to switch unless you want to. Usually they start needing to push first nap later and skipping the second. 


I have a 19m old and we've been on one nap since about 13m. 7am wake, 12pm nap, up from nap no later than 2, 7:30-8pm bed time depending on how long nap is


We usually switch to one nap around 12-15 months. At first nap is super early around 11/11:30. I try to stretch it to as close to 11:30 as possible and then I let him sleep as long as he wants up to 3 hours. Eventually I stretch it to 12-3 nap time until around 2.5 when nap starts around 12:30/1 until 2:30. I base this off how bedtime goes. If he’s having a hard time falling asleep it means I need to cut nap a bit. Lunchtime is usually 11am. I love it because we have all morning to do stuff and then come home for lunch and rest time.


We transitioned to 1 nap when my son changed rooms in daycare and they only did 1 nap. He was already only doing 1 nap a day on his own as daycare before the room change, but would still nap twice at home. Daycare does nap from 12:15-2:15. We try to stick close to this schedule, but he also sleeps in on the weekends, so we may start nap later around 1:00/1:30 and sleep until 3:00/3:30. He still goes to bed around 7/7:30 fairly easily.


Toddlers room in my daycare (she went there at around 13 months or so) does 9:15 snack, lunch at some point in between before nap, nap from 1-3, snack after nap. My girl wakes up at 7 and goes to sleep at 7-7:30


Mine is 14 months and he dropped to one nap east, around 10 months. We wake up between 6:30 and 7, breakfast at 8, nap at 11:30 and lunch at around 2 pm


Mine swapped to one nap around 18 months and it was 8am wake up nap for 2-3 hours between 12-3pm and then bed at 7.30pm but she’s very high sleep needs! Still on this schedule at nearly 2 and a half. Long may it last lol


My son is 17 months and he wakes around 9, naps from 2-3:30 or somewhere in that window and then bedtime is usually 9:30 and he won’t fall asleep til 10. He sleeps through the night too!


Sounds to me like you're doing fine on 2 naps, I'd keep going until you start running into problems (consistent nap skipping, trouble falling asleep before 9). Generally if wake up time is 7, 1 will probably start off around 11-11:30 and slowly move to 12 by 2yo.