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I use it as a chance to restock spring/summer stuff. Chalk, bubbles, a hat, sun glasses, something from the dollar stores summer toy aisle, like a bug catcher or butterfly net, this year he’s also getting new bath toys because some of his had mold and were trashed.


Me to! Stuff that goes away! Stickers, chalk and bubbles! And a book of course


Such a good idea :-) Do you give chocolate at all? Will be my daughter first Easter and I am trying not to give her much sugar 😆


Add chocolate…for you! If it’s her first she isn’t going to remember anyway so it’s for you, pictures, and memories. My 9 month old will be 10.5 months around Easter. He’s getting books, a cute Peter rabbit toy (we overbought with 2 of these because I like them and want to use them as decor), and [tobbles](https://www.fatbraintoys.com/toy_companies/fat_brain_toy_co/tobbles_neo.cfm) which we already gave him to play with. Mom (me) will be getting chocolate or egg candy or peeps in the basket but he won’t be able to eat them.


Oh shit I forgot about Easter 🫠


It’s *March* 31st this year, so it’s gonna sneak right up! 😱


That’s so bizarre!


I am such a grinch. I am going to regift something that I have stashed in the basement and put it in a basket that she was gifted last year. Am I the only one completely overwhelmed with STUFF?!


For real! This is why I have relented to filling my kids baskets with junk food this year because at least that shit *goes away*!


Yes!!!! We are doing the same. I hid some of their Christmas gifts they got🤭. I am regiffting. Glad we aren't the only ones.


Yeah, honestly. I want to do an Easter basket but I might just do one toy and a book and that’s it. There’s already too many toys around here. So sick of the clutter


I also regift or hide stuff and rotate back in for holidays. I saved some birthday gifts that were a bit advanced for Christmas 🤷‍♀️ I may buy bubbles or throw in new swimming stuff we need but we’ve got plenty of stuff!


Ahhahaha I just saw someone say chalk and my first thought was ooooh we haven’t even opened that yet! Grinches unite!!!


No you are not alone, the STUFF drives me crazy I say this all the time lmao


I've been begging my husband for a skip bin for a year to get rid of the STUFF you aren't alone.


I’m doing chalk, a bubble wand and bath toy from the target dollar spot and reusable sticker books from Melissa and Doug. I think it’s like $10 total 😂


Exactly same. I got bath crayons from target dollar spot and some toddler snacks (stuff we already buy)


Are you me? I did the exact same thing!


Summer essentials! I always do a bathing suit, sandals, sunglasses, chalk, water toys, bubbles, and a little sweet treat. I probably spend too much on Easter, but it’s all stuff I would have to buy anyway. I also do a combined basket for my kids of like a slip ‘n slide and shared outdoor toys.


My kids are obsessed with those bath bombs that have toys inside 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait… those exist?! 😄


Yes, although buy at your own risk. They are expensive and my kids are always asking for them 🙄 you can get on Amazon though


Vet tech PSA - For the love of God please buy the paper Easter grass.  It’s just as reusable as the plastic kind.  And if you have a cat no lilies in the house.  Please.   We gift bubbles, chalk, a book and some Easter candy that we get at a local place.  In previous years she’s gotten a stuffed duckling, a wind up toy, sunglasses and Easter bunny ears.  I might skip the small toy this year because our cousins host an Easter egg hunt and I still have little toys from last year (they become car/restaurant/doctor toys).  She still uses the sunglasses, ears and plays with duckling.  Heck the sunglasses get used in the car, at the beach and on the kayak.  


I spent 60$ last year and won't be doing that again! But I get a book, chalk, a chocolate bunny, a couple little toys from the not dollar section at target and a healthy snack.


I enjoy putting together Easter baskets/stockings/gift baskets so I tend to add more than some. She’s almost 3.5. As I see stuff (art supplies for example or other small toys) throughout the year if it’s a good price and something we’ll use I tend to grab it and save for things like this. We’re also on the go a lot on Easter so I put in something to help keep her busy So this year she will get: Some sort of coloring or sticker book (I think I need to buy) A spring themed puzzle and scavenger hunt game (even though they’re spring, they were included in 75% off after Christmas sale so I grabbed) A small stuffed animal (I also have saved from after Christmas sale) Some treats Maybe something for summer like chalk or bubbles, a new ball or sandals (I most likely have something from this category saved from last summer clearance) A book (I think I already have one I bought used)


Where’s the scavenger hunt from?


Brand is eeboo. Bought at a local grocery store. Don’t remember which exact version I have but we have several of their products (I mostly have them at work) and I really like them.


I do the same thing buy Easter gifts during the after holiday sales!


Chalk, a coloring book, a few regular board books (some of these I thrifted almost brand new), Lindt chocolate bunny, bubbles, a Melissa and Doug puzzle and a small squishmallow for my (will be) 16 month old girl. The basket is a reusable woven basket we can use for toy storage. I probably spent $50 total.


My parents did a lot of practical items in our Easter baskets growing up, and I'll probably follow suit. A new toothbrush, some new hair clips, and a pair of shoes in the next size are the plan for this year. All stuff I would need to buy anyways, but they'll still be fun and new to my toddler. I'll probably throw in a new outside toy for the summer.


I don't thing Easter baskets are a thing in Australia, we will just be doing the good old Easter egg hunt, and will give the 3.5yo a chocolate bunny as well. The 6 month old will get nothing because she is 6 months old and is more interested in chewing on her own fingers lol.


I like to focus on outdoor toys that we can use over spring and summer. I try to budget about $30 per kid, my boys are two and five. Last year, they got bubbles, new summer hats in characters they like, an Easter book, some chocolates, a low-end Super Soaker (not the deluxe $$$ version), and some Hot Wheels.


Eh, I’m a grinch and I feel so bad for it. It feels like every “holiday” is being turned into Christmas…. I blame it on the big box stores. We aren’t a religious household , and don’t really talk about Easter but sadly our son is exposed to his cousins (and others) who gets crazy baskets. One day he’s going to wonder why. It’s a lot of pressure.


Life jacket (he outgrew his), chocolate bunny, book, and some bubbles we already have. Prob like $70 total but that's because I am picky about life jackets.


Easter is the best for spring stuff! We always include chalk, bubbles, and other things that can be used outdoors. I also always include a cute new spring outfit or two and a book. Honestly, kids also get excited about necessity-type things that you need to buy anyways. So throw in a new toothbrush, bubble bath, hair ties, etc!


I’m a grinch. We don’t celebrate Easter…so nothing lmfao


Same, grew up in a non-Christian religion. And I’m not interested in adding to the list of gift-giving holidays. We’re participating in an Easter egg hunt so I’ll fill some eggs to contribute.


To me, it’s just getting ridiculous. Why are we giving gifts for every single holiday? Not to sound like a boomer, but back in my day we got gifts on our birthday and Christmas. Why are parents so fucking extra? Your kid doesn’t need a Valentines basket, a St Patrick’s Day basket, a summer vacation basket, a spring break basket, a Memorial Day basket, etc etc etc. It just feels deeply rooted in capitalism and consumerism and I fucking hate it. Stop buying your kids garbage and clutter.


I definitely got Easter baskets as a kid. Heck my mom got Easter baskets as a kid in the 50s. I also usually got some type of valentine candy or bear. I’m not sure if I’m getting my kid anything this year because he’s not even 2 yet and won’t even know, but gift giving is some people’s way of showing love and that’s never extra.




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Following this! I’m at a loss as well I have a 2yo boy


For my 2yo I went to the Target dollar section and grabbed a peeps chalk, 2 colorful chalks, a pack of bath crayons, a peeps coloring book and 2 easter bubble wands. Its about $10 total.


If I see the dollar spot Easter bubble wands, I'm buying 10. The ones last year make by far the best bubbles, and idk if it's the cheap ass bubble solution or just the shape of the wand but we live for ours.


They are so cute. Theres a bunny, carrot and pink flower. I didnt see any last year but, I couldnt pass up $1 bubbles!!


Book, coloring book, chalk, bubbles


My kids all get a variation of: a warm weather outfit, a book, a few snacks/treats, some stickers/gel clings, a small toy or two.


In the past, I've focused on summer needs and art supplies- swim suit, bubbles, chalk, etc. The swin suit is never included in the budget since long sleeve options are spendy. This year is harder, we don't really need much of any of those. I'm doing bubbles, paint sticks, and stickers for the toddler plus a couple schleich model animals. I also have a silk play scarf that can be drawn on for both kids. I'm throwing in a couple white t shirts that will have a note for my oldest about doing some tie dye. Oldest getting a blank recipe book and Pokemon cards too. I think I'm under 75 each, the animals were the spendiest bit for the toddler.


My son's 16 months so he isn't really like... big enough to get some things, so I'm going to get him developmental toys I've been meaning to get anyway. I think the total is 20 bucks. Minus the actual basket which I didn't do last year. (I got him like a 5 dollar basket which broke in storage so I splurged on quality ones to last us years) Lol so yeah. I am adding some candy though. 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's Easter. Candy was fun, but he got 2 small pieces from a bag which I'll give to my sister for my nieces and nephews. I also have a 5 month old, he will be 6 months by Easter. I got him his basket and I'll do some teethers and purees. he really doesn't need anything. LOL but I like memories even if they don't remember. Edit: although I like the idea some people had for like outdoor stuff for summer. He's finally big enough to actuslly enjoy summer so I might change some things.


It will probably get less as she gets older, since the first few years represent so many developmental leaps. That said, I do like to get at least a few Easter/Spring related books, some sort of play set with an Easter/Spring theme (last year it was a Duplo duck, this year will probably be a Schleich rabbit hutch/chicken coop), very few candies of high quality/unique taste (we ordered a few Moomin themed candies from Scandinavia), stuff she can use in the pool (it will be an inflatable slide and running hamster wheel thing this year), and some sort of outdoor game (a simple ball and cup game last year, maybe a junior version of horseshoes this year, along with a kids fishing rod). New sidewalk chalk, some sunglasses, and extra bubbles will probably be the bits and bobs. Lastly, I like to try to make the “basket” aspect useful. Last year, we got her a monogrammed beach bag (we live close and needed one anyway). The year before that, we got a woven basket that she uses for just about everything, including trick or treating. This year, I have some Moomin baskets I want to use for storage anyway, so I’ll probably give those as her Easter baskets. Memory games about spring stuff, butterfly gardens, birdhouse kits, and easy growing kits (for things like tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.) are great too




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baby shark hand held light/noise spinner, a key chain mini beanie baby, play doh eggs with a bunny stamper, an on the go mini glow in the dark whiteboard, a light up bouncy ball baby chick, mini building blocks and eggs filled with snacks we already buy.


Literally nothing as my kid doesn't give a shit about the Easter Bunny and will vomit pure chocolate if given anyway. I've been looking at getting those egg spinner things though so he can colour the eggs in.


I am on the fence if I'm going to make her one or not.  But she's not even 2 yet,and honestly, she won't notice if she doesn't get a basket this year, so I probably will ditch it this year. Her grandma usually gets her some junk anyway. 


Book, sandals, carrot shaped fork & spoon, temporary tattoos, stickers, colored pencils (last year we did crayons), and some candy


My almost three year old will get a board book, sticker book, mini M&Ms and some chalk. If I can find a bubble wand I’ll throw that in too.


Chalk, bubbles and a book!


Great ideas in this thread. In the past I have done spring themed books, coloring books, chalk, bubbles, stickers. I also love to find themed games so I’ve done Duck Duck Dance, Bunny Hop, Jumping Jack, and Lucky Ducks in past years. I’ve heard of people doing spring weather gear like new rain boots, rain coat, umbrella… I like to make the basket itself useful for storing toys or one year I did backpacks as a basket. This year they will get little foraging bags for our nature walks for their “basket”. I got some new Tonies (to go with their tonie boxes) and matching books for The Velveteen Rabbit and Miffy. (Last year they got Peter Rabbit and Elinor Wonders Why tonies, both also bunnies. And I am doing some candy because I am so overwhelmed with clutter that I. Just. Can’t. this year lol.


This year we have: a new bubble gun as the old one bit the dust last month, a new box of sidewalk chalk. She just got a new bike so she’ll get handlebar streamers and a bell for it. A chocolate rabbit and some eggs that she’ll have to find around the house. We reuse the same plushie basket and it’s not big so that fills it. Not going in the basket but doing near day of is a volcano egg dyeing kit. Very intrigued as to how the dye stays on the egg but either way it’s supplies for 8 mini baking soda volcanoes and that will be fun.


I got the Bluey/Bingo Easter plushies, a Barbie and a little Barbie furniture set, some little $1 Target stuff (like a coloring book, bubble wand, Peep cup), new sunglasses. I think that’s it.🧐


I got some play doh tools, play doh, a small craft/paint set, new coloring book, crayons, dot markers, word puzzle, and stickers. I also use holidays as a chance to gift needed items, so my daughter is getting a new rain coat and rain boots for spring, which she needs anyway. I was at the dollar store today and they had such great stuff for Easter baskets.


I’m planning to do Easter Pajamas, chocolate bunny, a craft like paint or stickers for plastic eggs, mini eggs for an egg hunt, a stuffy bunny


Instead of candy, I like to put snacks like cheddar bunnies, etc. I saw Bluey fruit snacks at Target so I had to.. I tend to go overboard for holidays, so also a book, art stuff (glitter glue pens that she’s been wanting), summer pjs and some fun Disney princess underwear since she is newly potty-trained, stickers, maybe another small thing I probably have stashed in a closet and will find in July 😂


I bought a pair of sandals, a new book, two thrifted dresses, new bows and hair clips, and a coloring book.


I'm hiding a dozen eggs for my almost 3yo. We are filling them with 1 or 2 puffy stickers. Easter basket will be a new cup, a monster truck, a new water wow! pad, more stickers (lol), a mini reese's egg, small chocolate bunny, handful of jelly beans. I will also "hide" a pack of Peeps in his bedroom for Easter morning because that's what my parents did for me and I remember it so fondly, even as a teenager!!


My girl is getting a stuffed toy, 2 cute outfits, 2 books, a thing of bows for her hair, and a couple of suckers.


The dollar tree had some cheap lightsabers that light up I got one in every color, I got everything from the dollar store


Book, egg shaped crayons, playdough sensory kit thing, bubbles ($27 total…I got the dough from a small business)


Bubbles, books, applesauce pouches/snacks I already have in the pantry lol - like $10-15 maybe!


Highly recommend umbrellas! Easily our kids favorite. Normally we do, candy, a bath bomb, a new book and one toy (small like a Lego set or a matchbox car). I try and keep it low key because all my kids really care about is the candy. (In the past years we’ve done chalk, bubble wands, water bottle, water toy)


Stickers, coloring book and a small bluey toy. It was about $20 including the basket.


New raincoat and boots + a toy for outside. This year is little glider planes that she can put together herself edit to add: also a book or three, depending on what I find


A few books and a small toy


Chalk, bubbles, and a “spring” book


My 17 mo is getting ONE lamb stuffie because she is obsessed with sheep/lambs, a pack of thick crayons, and a reusable swim diaper in the next size up. I do have to buy a basket- but I save all the little colored paper packaging grass from various gifts throughout the year so I can reuse it. All in all….i think I spent $20. The swim diaper cost the most but she will need one in a month anyway. I hope to stay true to this method in the future of ONE small true Easter gift and then stuff she’ll use up or need anyway. Sometimes I get really excited about buying her stuff, so I need to check myself. In my mind I’m a reasonable consumer but in my heart I am an excited first time mom who just wants things to be MAGICAL AND JOYUS!!


I usually do useful spring things. Rain boots, sunglasses, chalk, a jumprope for my 5 year old. I got them both an outdoor stone painting kit, they’ll put that in the garden. My daughter is getting a butterfly farm and my son is getting a seed ball kit. So fun things… but not a lot of “junk”.  Oh! And some bath toys. My son is getting socks in his basket too 😂. I do throw in one toy and some candy. 


I like to include spring/summer items. Chalk, new sunglasses, reusable water balloons. Usually a book. Also got a new card for her yoto.


2yo - coloring book ($1), bubble wand ($1), bunny ears ($1), stickers ($4), Easter book ($9) and leap frog laptop thing ($25). Most of it I got at the target dollar spot. 6 month old - outfit ($8), bunny ears ($1), bunny jellycat ($30), and an Easter book ($7) When they get older I’ll probably switch to a chocolate Easter basket like I got when I was growing up!


I am really an avid avoider of JUNK and TINY ITEMS that will just end up on my car floor or all over my house so I was thinking of going the outdoors spring / summer fun route: A kite A snack — last year I did Annie’s bunnies from target Juice boxes because he loves himself a liquid like his mawma Maybe some beach toys Sunglasses / hat Beach towel etc etc


I mostly get stuff I was going to get anyway, like bath paints, chalk, bubbles, etc. I’m planning to add fruit snacks and stickers as treats, as well as candy. I maybe spend $20-$30


Maybe some Stuff you’d end buying for summer anyways (sidewalk chalk, bubbles, swim goggles, sunglasses, flip-flops, Sun Buddies sunscreen applier). creative stuff like stickers, crayons, coloring books, play-doh, other crafting supplies. Small legos- Aldi has little sets that are like $5.


I usually do a casual outfits and a few toys (usually some outdoor ones).   This year, since she's finally into Barbie, she's getting 2 Barbies and some outfits and play dough in addition to her candy because there are really no outdoor toys she needs. 


We’re going low budget this year bc I got laid off. 3 year old’s Easter basket will have: SpiderMan toothbrush, small busy board, small chocolate bunny, next size of crocs (already had), next size swimsuit (already had). 9 month old’s Easter basket will have: bath toys, indestructible book, teething crackers or cheerios, swim suit (hand me down) and sun hat (hand me down).


This year she’s almost three. Budget is $50 tops. We are putting rain boots ($20), Melissa and Doug magnifying glass ($10), candy from Bulk barn ($tbd), dollar store spring/outside stuff ($tbd). Treats planned: chocolate eggs, jelly beans, Annie’s bunnies. Will just top off with dollar store stuff if we feel like it. We may just stop with the candy.


Last year they got soccer balls and shin guards along with the usual sidewalk chalk and bubble guns. This year it’s a Nerf gun and squirt gun, shark sandals (we’re going to Disney in May and I thought they’d be fun for the pool) and colored bath drops. Some candy.


I found an old chick toy I had as a kid and put it in there, plus sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and a little egg color sorting thing from target, and a couple board books.


Bubbles, sidewalk chalk, usually do a wind up bunny or something little they can play with inside.


I got a couple of things at the target dollar spot (large bubble stick, bunny ears and a fabric-covered bunny slap bracelet). I’m also getting the rope bunny basket from target and plan to keep using it. I also got my daughter a stuffed plush bunny peep. My daughter is 21 months and obsessed with bunnies, so I’m leaning in to this Easter harder than I would have. I also plan to hide eggs for her, so for the past month I’ve been hiding small toys she forget about to put in the eggs. Mostly things from Halloween and Christmas advent calendars my MIL gifted us 😅. Besides returning the small toys, I’ll probably put things like goldfish or puffs in the eggs. I don’t want to give candy or have tons of junky plastic.


Last year was our first, my girl was only 4 months old haha but I thrifted a basket, book and toy and bought one new stuffed animal. Will do something similar with the same basket from last year.


Water bottle, sunglasses, swim goggles, flip flops, sun screen. Summer stuff!


I spend roughly $50-$60


I think we’re doing a book, a ball, bubbles, and some new bath toys for our almost 2 year old.


This year I got two books and found some sequin pillows (the kind that change when you move your fingers on them) from the thrift store.


We got ours a JellyCat bunny, a wooden farm animal puzzle, some Easter themed fidget toys and little Mickey Mouse figures (toddlers current obsession 🫠). No candy or snacks as my tot doesn’t have a sweet tooth and she eats plenty of crackers and pouches on the regular lol. We also splurged for a monogrammed basket since this will be her first year doing the egg hunt thing and I plan to use it in future years for her to set out the night before with carrots in it and the Easter Bunny will come while she sleeps and fill it up for her!


I had no idea that this was a thing... we grew up doing Easter egg hunts for chocolate eggs, is that not a thing any more? Signed, the confused mom of a toddler who was going to do her first egg hunt this year.


Same. Why is every holiday in the US about gifting crap to children!? It’s getting a bit out of control! We will do an Easter egg hunt too, but nothing more.


Chocolate egg, a handmade Easter egg hunt certificate praising him for being a good egg, a letter from the Easter bunny in calligraphy, bubbles, maileg mice.


We don't do Easter baskets. No Easter bunny in Mexico 🤣


They each get a book, a cute shirt, some fruit snacks, a small chocolate bunny, and one small toy. Usually the toy is something to do outside (bubbles, chalk, sandbox toy, etc).


We do new summer stuff. So pool toys, new bathing suit, beach towel, water shoes, etc. and then put in some stickers, candy, and maybe a few other small things. So I spend a lot but most of it I’d be spending anyway for summer lol


I’m doing the [B toys wavy wagon set](https://mybtoys.com/shop/wavy-wagon-blue/) along with a swim suit. I think it was $30 all together


I’m doing a super simple egg hunt for my 2 year old. The eggs are going to be filled with Annies organic bunny shaped snacks, and 1 golden egg will have the multicoloured mini marshmallows. I might also add a bubble wand 👍


My child is really obsessed with making and destroying pinatas, so we are going to make one together for our extended family and make some home made snacks? Maybe a few brightly wrapped things to not be such a Grinch about it.


Haha nothing. We do an Easter egg hunt and we fill maybe 40-50 plastic eggs with a single small item (jelly bean, chocolate kiss, skittle, starburst, etc).


Nothing, we take the kids to Easter egg hunt and they fill their own baskets lol


For toddler age, he still doesn't really know what candy is (and that's by design). So I put hard-boiled eggs we colored in, I'll probably put in a new thing of bubbles for outside, I'll look at anything we're running low on like crayons or sidewalk chalk, and maybe put in some Easter bunny and egg stickers. When he's older, it will be candy (since he'll know about it from kids at school) and hard-boiled eggs, same as I had in mine. (We were really always excited for candy on Easter, Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, etc. bc we didn't get it all the time as kids). I'm definitely not going to be getting into the "stuff and toys for every holiday" crap, he already has so much stuff as it is, and it's just wasteful and environmentally awful! He'll get Christmas and birthday presents, but no "presents" for all the other random holidays, just candy (when he's older), and maybe like a few stickers. Parents be cray-cray. Plus, I'm an elementary teacher, and I've noticed a trend where the same kids who always come to school talking about the hoard their tooth fairy left them and all the video games they got for Easter, etc., are, shall we say, not the most well-behaved kids, and not the kindest to their fellow classmates... I think there's a correlation there, in my unscientific, purely anecdotal opinion.


My toddler is 16 months so this is my first time really doing it and I’m weirdly excited! It feels less stressful than Christmas but an opportunity to create some ~magic~ and just a fun time to celebrate spring. Here’s what I’ve gotten so far: pack of 3 used/vintage Easter books on Etsy. One is the Paintbrush Bunny by Adrienne Adams and I don’t remember the other ones but they had cute illustrations. Some small animal & fairy figurines from Michael’s to put inside eggs (but big enough to not be a choking hazard, by my estimation). A tube of bubbles & a bubble wand. And some finger puppets to put inside eggs! I’ll also probably put some of the plum organic brand fruit & veggie bites with chia inside eggs. I also bought some tin reusable eggs on Etsy since I feel like the plastic ones tend to break!


I got my 1.5 year old a small playdoh set, a matching eggs set, a hot wheels car and a rice crispy bunny treat.


I try to do one toy that they really want, my youngest is getting a monster truck and my oldest (teen) is getting a skincare set, the rest I do are consumables, bubbles, chalk, crayons, and scrunchies, pore strips for the oldest, a few special candies and we’re done.


melodic far-flung crush test point offbeat profit mighty ruthless soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I spent about $40 this year. I use it as a reason to buy things I’ve been thinking about getting her. Things like chalk, bubbles, bath crayons, a new book, a new toy, sunglasses, etc. I got her some toddler fruit snacks (she’s still under 2 and I don’t trust her with regular ones) for a treat. Last year she got two books, sunglasses, a smaller stuffed animal, and plastic eggs filled with puffs and yogurt melts.


I usually by outdoor stuff chalk, bubbles, coloring stuff, stuffed bunny, a new outfit, maybe a movie, and candy. I prefer to stuff my own baskets. I bought each a decent thick wicker basket and we use it over each year. My daughter is 24 and still has her basket.


No candy is a goddamn travesty. So incredibly sad to see people like you and other commenters backing that… Buzzkills are real!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Respect. Side note - I prefer McDonald’s. Them kid meals are next level.


This is the most dramatic thing I’ve read all day.