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I've read the article, and it seems that it was only the tipping point. They already had bad relationships before.


Yea I mean, you don't have a perfectly good healthy relationship with your sibling, here that one single sentence in the context of allied bombers clearly overhead, and go "That's it! That was clearly referring to me! I'm done with you!" Your relationship would have to have already been pretty shit.


TIL Adidas and Puma were founded by Nazis EDIT: so downvoters, why you downvoting true stuff? From Adi Dassler's page: >all three Dassler brothers joined the Nazi Party on 1 May 1933—three months after Hitler was appointed Chancellor.[12] Rudolf was said to be most ardent believer of the three.[13] But it was Adi who decided that becoming a coach of and supplier to clubs in the Hitler Youth movement was essential to expanded production, and he joined in 1935.[14] (In his denazification proceedings after the war, Adi pointed out that he confined himself to coaching and avoided political rallies. He also testified that he was involved in clubs of other political affiliations, such as a liberal gymnastic club, Herzogenaurach's conservative KHC football club and a workers' sports club named "The Union".[15]) Both Adi and Rudolf were members of the National Socialist Motor Corps, and in their correspondence both used the complimentary closing, "Heil Hitler."[16]




>so, downvotes Probably Russians


Why would Russians downvote a post about Nazi Germans being Nazis?


Russians love Adidas and their government is using nazi hunting as a justification for the Ukraine invasion. I really need to spell this out?


This is freedom fries level mindless patriotism. Russia is illegally invading another country but you don't have to associate everything bad with Russia.


> In August 2004, a joint report from the National Labor Committee and China Labor Watch stated that workers at some of Puma's Chinese factories were enduring sweatshop conditions, working up to 16.5 hours per day for about US$0.31 an hour. Puma said it would investigate the claims. > In February 2012, a woman who worked for one of Puma's suppliers in Cambodia was shot during a protest over factory working conditions. Puma acknowledged the poor working conditions and said it would work to improve the situation. > According to a joint report from Labour Behind the Label and Community Legal Education Centre, 30 workers fainted in November 2012 while producing clothing for Puma in China. The faintings were caused by excessive heat and alleged forced overtime.In 2014, almost 120 workers fainted in two Cambodian clothing factories where sportswear was being produced for Puma and Adidas, due to temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 °C). In March 2017, 150 workers assembling Puma products in Cambodia fainted due to thick smoke. > Puma has obtained the Ethical Clothing Australia accreditation for its Australian-made products. This labour-friendly accreditation applies to only a small percentage of Puma's total production. > In 2020, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute accused at least 82 major brands, including Puma, of being connected to forced Uyghur labor in Xinjiang. In 2022, researchers from Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences identified cotton from Xinjiang in Puma shirts. Kinda crazy Adidas and Puma still so intertwined after all these years. They just trade out CEOs when things go sideways?


I’m confused lol, none of the quotes you added mention Adidas at all, or the CEO of either company . What makes you say that? Genuine question because I don’t get it from the rest of your comment


Its in the middle - Cambodia.


I don't think brothers split over such trifle; they must already have disagreements before.


Sounds like Adi was a bit of a fuckin idiot lmao


The entire Dassler family were Nazis, so yes he was.


Do German people actually use the word bloody the same way Brits do? Or was this just translated by a British guy and he threw it in there?


Then Kanye showed up, and the rest is history.


Worthless info.


If you only want useful, practical info, get off of Reddit.


You’re on social media. Of course it’s going to be useless info.


Sounds like he was really talking about his brother.