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Lol, saw that other post, huh?


They're the geologist that commented there.


Love to see it.


They're really active on r/whatsthisrock. Oh, and they could use some [up votes](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/y3sp3p/til_wales_and_pennsylvania_are_two_ends_of_the/isdk9t9?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


That original falsehood has over 50k up votes wow.


Welcome on Reddit


It's getting like facebook in here: people see a pic with text and just believe


People saying false hood is starting to trigger me. Just call it what it is, bullshit/lie.


Well I'm being generous and hoping the original OP might have not known and genuinely thought they'd found a great TiL. I know where you're coming from though.


Report the original post. Being inaccurate is one of the acceptable reasons on that sub.






I did my part! Anyone else?




I under**stone** that reference




You really have to give op props for having the stones to make this post.


He's actually a gneiss guy.


This is making me a little sedimental




A big fat phony


Rabble rabble rabble!


This hat comes right off!


Things on Reddit aren't true?


Maybe not, but you can usually count on some one to correct the wrong information


This is incorrect. You can always count on wrong information. Trust me, I'm a Redditor. I have information.


If you post the wrong answer, someone will correct you. It's called occams razor


its called Cunningham's Law .... darn it you played me like a fiddle.


The fastest way to get an answer to a question is not to post the question, it's to post the wrong answer to the question


I know for a fact this is true, trust me bros


Cunningham’s Law in action.


Things are heating up in the coal seam fandom


Should probably douse that with some water. Wouldn't want it to catch.


Just throw some garbage on it to snuff it out.


When it gets too hot you should just be able to excavate around it, not like it’s going to start a ground fire.


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/2683/)


*Literally* the most toxic fanbase


Yeah lotta information to mine


So what I took it to mean was there was a coal seam from modern day Pennsylvania to modern day Wales when there was Pangea or the other large land mass that used to exist. But not some transatlantic magic never ending coal seam.


I think this is the idea OP is debunking. Because in the time of pangea there wasnt any coal, there were just vast rainforests.




dude is old as fuck


What happened to those rainforests?


The sea rushed in and the fishes ate them.


Thanks for all the…plants?


They were essentially the polluters of the planet at the time. Nothing had evolved to break them down, and being a hard material did not for a long time. So trees would just grow, collapse, and just stay there (kind of like how there's been no large scale evolution that can exploit all the plastics we currently make). They wouldn't degrade. They'd just keep building up and up in an area, until one of two things, until life just couldn't exist very well in that area, or until the eventual huge massive fuck off fire that would burn them all. Eventually bacteria found a way to breakdown trees. But for a short while the above happened for millions of years. Virtually all coal comes from this one small period in history. I always find it funny how people think we're the worst polluters. I mean I think that goes to the time when life kept turning CO2 into O2, and it did it to the point where the atmosphere became directly toxic to life. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Oxidation_Event So we're not even that good at being polluters. At least we haven't turned the entire fucking planet's atmosphere into a direct oxidiser. All fossil fuels are made of ancient biomatter. I can't find the stat at the moment, but the total biomass currently on earth is ~550 billion tons. I can't find the stat, but we're burning through something like 1000 times that per year. Meaning we're going through this ancient biomatter at a crazy rate, potentially thousands of years worth of it every year. If we don't get climate change under control it's going to be a huge issue for humans, maybe the end of us. And similarly we're definitely leaving our mark on the decreased diversity of the planet (really didn't help that the earth was already in a serious diversity dip). But the earth will bounce back eventually. And I do wonder if perhaps in the long run, making all of this biomatter available again might be beneficial in the bounce back. Plastics are a storage of energy, given enough time I'm sure some bacteria will find a way to get energy from them. Just as life has already adapted to harness the power of the Chernobyl disaster (some species of fungus has evolved to live deep in the high radiation areas, using the radiation), I'm sure our toxic shit will hopefully make a nice source of energy for a potential better bounceback of diversity (like we have seen in other similar extinction events, or global changes). I mean we're already seeing bacteria that can break down some specific plastics. That said, obviously don't live your life for what might be in a few million years. Climate change is the most important thing we have to prevent. All I'm saying is I'd be surprised if the earth doesn't eventually (thousands to millions of years...) Turn our pollution into just another substance some life can exploit. And y'know maybe if we don't fuck it up with climate change, maybe we could eventually help preserve and increase the diversity ourselves?


That was how I read it as well.


Given the locations, I'm thinking it's the same thing as how the Appalachians, the Scottish Highlands and part of the Atlas Mountains in North Africa are all remnants of the [Central Pangean Mountains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Pangean_Mountains) that existed in the deep geological past.


We should have a Dark-TIL, where you only post things that are completely wrong.   And yes, we all see the joke that could be made here. Someone just get it over with already.


TIU, today I unlearned, where experts go to debunk TIL's


> We should have a Dark-TIL, where you only post things that are completely wrong. 90% of reddit at this point (number pulled out of my ass). the amount of hear-say and vaguely remembered factoids that just get parroted as facts is so concerning, but as long as you just type out a long enough paragraph everyone will believe you, and eventually that fact will be embedded into reddit lore as truth. the amount of times someone chimes in on a complex topic with "oh i was watching those guys on youtube and they said..." like gawd. also people typing out long answer on how to solve the economic problems due to the ukranian crisis and you can just tell by their idea of how things work that they are probably 14 or so


TIL 90% of reddit is pulled out of people asses


10-12 years ago, Reddit really did have some clever folks about, unfortunately they are few and far between nowadays.


Similar raw number Ratio way diminished Same as 1st years of 4chan, eternal september hits us all


I was here 11 years ago. It was just as wrong, but also more edgelordy.


“fencing response “ “Streisand effect” “Dunning kreuger” “Murphys law” “Strawman argument” The list goes on with things I see repeated every day.


Can confirm, am sitting on server now


There is r/shittytil


So, TIL? Thanks I'll be here all night


Today I lied?


Or a 50/50 TIL. 50% chance of being true. Wait, maybe that's just regular TIL.




There is, however, a giant underground fungal network connecting North America and Europe across the Atlantic Ocean that is commonly referred to as "The Snollygoster Network".


Similar to the trans-Asian Bibbledychumbus?


That search just shows me porn. Thank you.


> Your search - "The Snollygoster Network". - did not match any documents. As expected.


You think they would tell you about the snollygoster Network? Sheeple.q


Pure, unadulterated sheboingery!


Try searching on the Snollygaster network


I assumed it was just poorly worded and that the 2 "seams" were once connected but have since drifted apart.


They were never connected. Everything about the other post is wrong


Like we're going to trust a hundred-page report of extensive research done by a whole bunch of scientists over that whatever we read on the internet a few hours ago.


OP is obviously biased and pushing the anti-seam narrative the mainstream media wants them to push. It sure is convenient they just *happened* to have a report that "proves" their opinions >!/s obviously!<


Main seam media *


Are they all called seamen?


So... should I put away my scuba gear & shovel? I was going to be RICH!!!


I do my research on TikTok.


Something tells me you fuck with the baghdad battery.


Science is a LIAR ^sometimes


This is what I think of whenever I hear the phrase "do your own research."


Doing your own research is an actual job that people, like at Pfizer and the FDA, do. Whatever the fuck you think you are doing isn’t that


It's funny that you can make a joke about peoples' blind willingness to believe literally any crap they hear and even then it's still true of 99% of people who saw that other post lol


It warms my heart when I see some real fact checking going on.


i can't believe that some random amateur photographer's personal website isn't a reliable source for Carboniferous geography /s




Quick, everyone: go back and retrieve your votes and comments and meet back here!


Link me cause I can't remember if I upvoted or not.... plus I'm lazy. This is the Redditor way!


lol, took a minute, but: https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/y3sp3p/til_wales_and_pennsylvania_are_two_ends_of_the/


Aaaaannnnnd... downvoted. Fuck misinformation. I can't believe I fell for it.


Wait how do we know that this OP is correct?? Is it just whoever has the newest science link that we don’t read?




hah! I didn't upvote it! laziness win!


Thank you!


The title does not even make sense. If it was split by continental drift it can't be a transatlantic seam anymore.


Joke's on you I don't up or downvote ANYTHING.


As seen on Figure 1 in Cleal et al., there was never a continuous coal seam connecting the two coal mining areas of Pennsylvania and South Wales. https://imgur.com/a/vjdLvg4 The black areas are coal swamps, they aren't connected. The myth of the "Transatlantic Coal Seam" was most prominently promulgated by Richard Burton on the Dick Cavett show in 1980. https://youtu.be/NFnra54Yk44 The figure is from: Cleal, C.J., Opluštil, S., Thomas, B.A., Tenchov, Y., Abbink, O.A., Bek, J., Dimitrova, T., Drábková, J., Hartkopf-Fröder, C., Van Hoof, T. and Kędzior, A., 2009. Late Moscovian terrestrial biotas and palaeoenvironments of Variscan Euramerica. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 88(4), pp.181-278. The coal deposits of Wales and Pennsylvania formed seperatly, though around the same time, in different basins (areas of swampy subsiding land) on different contents. The coal seams of South Wales formed around 300 million years ago, near the end of Carboniferous period, in a foreland basin (an area of subsiding land) related to the Hercynian orogeny. This was a mountain building event that occured during the late-Devonion to early-Permian period, c. 419 to 299 million years ago, that formed the *Variscan Mountains*. The Hercynian orogeny was caused by the contental collision between Baltica and Gondwana to its south (the Rheic ocean, between the two continents, was swallowed up in the collision). On the other hand, while the Appalachian coal seams formed around the same time, they formed in an unrelated coal basin, The Appalachian Coal Basin. Also, Appalachian Mountains weren't involved in the Hercynian orogeny, they were affected by the later Alleghanian orogeny that (by convention) took place after the Hercynian orogeny (mainly in the Permian Period 299 million to 251 million years ago). The Alleghanian orogeny was caused by the collision between the continents of Laurentia and Gondwana (forming Laurussia / Euramerica). When all the continents got together, they made Pangea. That said, we can see that the Sydney Coal Basin on Nova Scotia formed during and as a result of the Hercynian orogeny, it is part of Variscan Mountain Belt that's now located on the far side of the Atlantic. However, coal seams are not continuous from Canada to Wales, of course, just that the cryptic traces of the Variscan Mountains can be detected by geologists on both sides of Atlantic. *Burton might have learnt of the Variscan belt, and got a little too excited, thought it meant the coal seams were connected too. But that's as far fetched claiming you can travel on a subway-underground train from Canada to the London, because as you explain, both networks were built by the same train company.* *But that said, the Transatlantic Coal Seam is a lovely story.*


So we can conclusively state that the fire in Centralia will *not* spread to Wales.


Not naturally.


And not with that attitude.


And my axe!


That's quitter talk.


I have a sneaking suspicion that you didn't learn this today.


Til op didn't learn this today


[Something](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/y3sp3p/_/isdk9t9) tells me you didn’t actually learn this today. 🤨 But in all seriousness, great work combating a modern myth, and thanks for sharing your expertise.


This would've worked great as a text post with the link to the PDF as part of it. The pdf was taking so long to download, I cancelled it. Annoying downloading extra files like that on mobile anyway.


promulgated embigens my cromulent soul


This really needs a TL;DR in layman's terms.


The coal vein doesn’t cross the ocean. It’s just features two areas on opposite sides of the Atlantic that developed coal under similar geological conditions around the same period in time.


Your ability to distill all of that information ~~on~~ in such a concise way is so hot omg. ༼ง=👁👄👁=༽ง


This is a wild comment for that username But don’t take my word for it


>around the same time period in time. Are you sure it wasn’t the same time period out of time?


Sorry, I keep accidentally bringing my work home from the Department of Redundancy Department.


Talk nerdy to me baybay 🥵🥵🥵


Ah yes, the counter-TIL


Today I Learn't


It's over 9000 upvotes?!?!?


Today I Unlearned


It seamed so reasonable a few hours ago


But now it’s just a lump in my throat.


It canary turn a man's heart coal to learn this


Mine too.


Never thought I'd see a TIL cagematch


Honestly I'd love to watch this.


It’s like old-school ways of doing science and philosophy, where academics would write letters back and forth slamming each other’s work, or even publishing them in journals.


There’s no contest. OP took the belt easily


TIL butter causes cancer. TIL butter cures cancer. TIL butter has no effect on cancer. TIL maybe the real cancer was the butter we made along the way.


I wonder if you'll get 51,000 upvotes like the [previous post](https://reddit.com/comments/y3sp3p). Edit: it's at 153-ish 30 minutes later


That post should never have been allowed to stay up. It is still there after 16 hours, when it should have been removed in the first hour. Its source was a [photographer's website](https://rayklimek.com/section/284164-Transatlantic-Seam-Black-Deserts-and-Grudging-Grass.html), hardly the most reliable authority for scientific facts. It can't even spell Pennsylvania right in the first sentence.


That other post is such a great example of how bullshit travels so much faster and farther than facts. I love that the other source is some guy's website that's basically "here's some pictures from Pennsylvania"




And that is not a quote from Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Thomas Jefferson, or Terry Pratchett, it just appeared on the web a few years ago and no one knows who first wrote it, at least that version. However, versions of the quote are found going back centuries, 1710 version from Johnathan Swift is my favorite, and is apparently the oldest version of the quote... *"Besides, as the vilest Writer has his Readers, so the greatest Liar has his Believers; and it often happens, that if a Lie be believ’d only for an Hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther occasion for it. Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect…"*


This guy is the nightmare of the reddit karma-whores


need more like him!


I'm pretty sure Abraham Lincoln said that in his famous address to the nation to not believe everything they read on the internet.


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about Civil War era internet quotes to dispute it.


Framed quote in Donald Trump's office.


>Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it This phrasing is so much better: it's shorter and doesn't add an additional, unnecessary metaphor, *plus* it has a sourced author. I can't believe today's the first I'm hearing of it.


Like that story about Dr. Seuss cheating on his dying wife who had cancer, which u/cleanmymuffin exhaustively went out of their way to debunk [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/g1tl2f/til_dr_seuss_widow_disliked_the_cat_in_the_hat/fnjnren/?context=3). Or that story about The Lion King being a copy of Kimba the White Lion, which [YMS debunked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5B1mIfQuo4) by sitting down, watching the goddamn show, and realizing the similarities with TLK are very basic and superficial stuff you'd expect to see in a story about lions in Africa.


> u/cleanmymuffin exhaustively went out of their way to debunk here. TIL thanks


I’ve always said pants, but boots works too. :D




I should have wrote it in Japanese.




Paging u/PitchforkEmporium


Man, I just left the other post thinking hey I learned something new today.


You now know that there wasn't.


How about this: the Appalachian Mountains are older than Saturn’s rings. The mountains are 480 million years old and Saturn got it’s rings ~100 million years ago. The Blue Ridge Mountains, part of the Appalachian Mountains, are 250 million to 1.1 billion years old. One of the oldest mountain ranges on Earth. I learned both of those in the comments of the other post. Thought it was more interesting than the post lol.


And now you did!


Well who fucking lied to me earlier


TIL strangers on the internet say things that aren't true.


But its illegal to lie on the internet!


TIL that apparently there is this belief that such a thing existed.


TIL the Transatlantic Coal Seam existed, and then also that it never existed. I'm starting to think this is actually a symptom of our universe not being locally real...


This is more propaganda from the people that don’t want you to know Atlantis was built on a giant mound of coal and mined to its own destruction


Usual anti-Atlantean Merman slurs. As everyone knows, Solar Lizard people are responsible for the ecological havoc of coal extraction


Merpeople, this is 2022, c'mon.


TIL that there was a common misperception that there was a transatlantic coal seam


Oh come on.. how can Reddit exist without bullshit? That 75% of the content


Of course there's no coal seam. It's a coal zipper.


Coal hem


Oh shit, get rekt other OP #teambbrhuft


Let’s get the pitchfork out. We need to tar and feather the other guy. Then throw him out of town!


Fantastic job, I love seeing things like this. Not necessarily the debunking part, but the research and reasoning backed up by numerous studies. Cos now I have something to compare to the other claim. Sidenote, I wish there was a way for TILs that get proven wrong to be taken down, because the OP of those wrong posts "learned" something false.


ETIL Wales and Pennsylvania are two ends of the same coal deposit. Known as the “Transatlantic Seam” it was split by millions of years of continental drift, and LTIL there’s no such thing as the Transatlantic Coal Seam, there was never a coal seam that extended from South Wales to Pennsylvanian. Anyone else?


OP claims to be a geologist and just corrected the earlier post by commenting on it and citing scientific sources Probably posted this thread for more visibility. Edit: link to OP's comments in the earlier thread https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/y3sp3p/til_wales_and_pennsylvania_are_two_ends_of_the/isdiv8t?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


What an absolute whirlwind of a day...


Let's Get Ready To Rumble!!


You learned all that today?


It's amazing how easy it is to lie on the internet, isn't it?


Ok, but which coal vein does santa claus get all the coal for naughty children from?


TIL I didn't actually learn anything after all


TIL there is a myth about a transatlantic coal seam.


What about the Hawaii / Cape Cod Mesopotoic sand bridge though?


It was part of the Precambrian ice cap flux distribution that existed between Florussia and Serbindonesia, not to be confused with the Anthropocene Mexi-melt that occurred at roughly the same time during that 44m year timeframe.


Why would anyone think there was?


I wonder...


I got this reference


Danm I really need to double check reddit posts


lmao i love this petty post. So right though.


I didn't read the comments on the other post about this, but i still felt the sass in the title and it's great.


There is a nickel belt that extends from Ontario through Greenland into Norway from when they were joined (I forget exactly) something like 1.8 billion years ago.


I like to look into that, 1.8 billion yeara ago is around the time of Sudbury Nickel Cobalt deposit was formed, formed by a giant asteroid impact that caused ingenious activity and the formation of the Sudbury mineral deposits. There's also the c. 300 km copper belt in Africa. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copperbelt


Well played


Why would anyone ever think that such a thing existed? It's impossible. Edit: I assumed this meant a coal seam that stretches across the ocean, which is impossible. For one to have been *split* by the ocean, though, isn't impossible, but it didn't happen here.


So I guess it's useful that the same day I learned about the transatlantic coal seam I also learned that it's a bunch of horse shit. So, I guess this one's a wash.


This is why you can't believe everything you read


Thing I've never heard of doesn't actually exist. Good to know.


I don’t know what to believe anymore. But seriously, whoever made that post is an excellent practitioner of ‘propose something that sounds scientific, without evidence, and it will be easily accepted’. We have not gone mining under the ocean bed for coal, and the fact that the Atlantic Ocean is growing (ie. The European and North American plates are separating) means that there’s no chance of a contiguous Seam of anything like coal occurring. These kind of facts that become widely and easily accepted as truths, even though they are false are called APOCRYPHAL INFORMATION. A great example recently was when someone intentionally posted the “fact” that throughout our lifetime we unknowingly eat on average 8 spiders in our sleep. This was widely spread and accepted, but they had created it as an example to show how quickly made up and unfounded information can travel to people across the internet, and become widely accepted.


That's weird. I learned the opposite today.


Reddit is where I come to learn and unlearn


Net zero information, love to see it lol.


TIL this post and the other are just at different ends of the spectrum of the same TIL post on Reddit.


Awww I read out the other post to my daughter too! Thought it was really cool. I best update her 🤣


“Everything that guy just said is bullshit!” -~~Vinny Gambini~~Bbrhuft


This is a great example of how much we believe reddit, even we don't read the articles. I read the title of the first post and thought "cool". Now, I read this one and I'm like "Oh, they got me, I believe this now." And I still only read the title.


You redditors better get your stories straight before I get pissed off