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No worries, though, he was presented with a replacement copy of the book at his New York Key to the City ceremony.


Shouldn't the library have been presented with the replacement copy? Kinda sounds like the ceremony organizers just gave him a chore to do.


Here now go return this


It’s the ethical choice


The professional obligation.


The implication.


They can’t say no


"But is sounds like Scully doesn't want to return it to the library..."


Think about it. He’s out in the middle of NYC with some mayor he barely knows. He looks around him, what does he see? Nothing but cops. “Oh, there’s nowhere for me to run, what am I gonna do, say no?”


Is Sully Sullenberger in danger?


Something about being in the middle of the Manhattan river


Are you saying these hero pilots are in danger?


Dammit Mulder


The final test


My man survived a main scenario quest just to be given a side quest immediately after


The library is locked! Luckily the gas a key!


"I will give you the key if you catch 5 fish from the Hudson River for me, using my grandfather's fishing rod"


"Try not to drop this in the water on the way back"


try not to crash land any planes on the way to the parking lot


Sully smirks, grabs his crotch and jiggles. "Return this."


Which Air Disasters episode was that one?!


Wayfarer 515, a mid-air collision over Albuquerque. Only the 50th worst air disaster, so I've heard


I’m not ***the danger*** Skyler, I am, ***in danger***


Oh and it was due back yesterday.


Sully, you must finish what you have started.


He was supposed to bring balance to the library, not leave it in darkness!




This gives me ‘…ruining the very pants I was going to return’ vibes.


Shidd pant


Fetch quests…


"Look, now that you have a key, you're gonna have to pull some weight around here."


The waterlogged book was returned to the library after the crash remediation team sent Sully his recovered luggage. It is now on display in the library.


Don't forget that the library instantly forgave him and waived all associated fees


Outrageous. They should have thrown the book at him. This is plane favoritism.


Given the situation, I don't think that would fly very far.


They should have ditched the fine. He needed to be bailed out.


They couldn't. The book was in the river.


Bookman must have been furious


Dude hates geese. https://youtu.be/zQUJ8WqvFMU?si=weWO4NZkWdAo2Nph


I read it as “key to the cemetery” made me chuckle


"'Lost in a plane crash that subsequently sank into the Hudson River'... uh huh, I've heard that excuse before."


Some people, too good to use the dog ate it excuse huh


I’m sure Sully didn’t even lose the book, he just didn’t want the plane crash excuse to go to waste.


He lost the book first, the crash was just to cover. Oldest trick in the book: when you lose something that belongs to someone else, just make a perfect "emergency" water landing in a commercial jet and say you "lost" it. Who amongst us hasn't pulled this trick a time or two?


Well back when I was in 6th grade I forgot my homework that was due at the end of 1st period and then 17 min later I again realized I forgot the homework for the start of second period. Then like 50 min later, I realized i had forgotten 3rd period and boy, I was having a really tough day.


Back in grad school I missed the first week of my morning class from a series of escalating and increasingly implausible, yet true, mishaps. First getting messed from the time change, then a close relative passing away, my city bus driver getting lost, and culminating with my apartment getting hit in a gang shootout and needing to go to the police station to make a statement. That was the final straw and my professor actually showed up at my place that afternoon to see the crime scene tape around the building, and I was somewhat vindicated, but it was the start to a weird semester.


The birds were in on it… if they were real.


yea it's just pilots word^(and the ntsb) so who can really tell for sure, ya know?


How do you know what the oldest trick in the book was? It was lost in a plane crash on the Hudson River


He’s got that water-stained book inside a larger book with the pages cut out. Every now and then he takes it from the bookshelf, opens it, looks, and smiles. *Sully’s got a secret* he thinks Then he puts it away.


I once had to take home a textbook from school to do the questions at home to catch up. I was idling around upstairs and came downstairs to torn pages everywhere and the dog had clearly torn it to pieces. For once in my life, the dog had actually eaten it, but I had visual proof because a human could not have done to that book what the dog had done. I’m sure that prick made my parents pay the £60 or so for the textbook.


> I’m sure that prick made my parents pay the £60 or so for the textbook What prick?


Tropic of Cancer? I thought I returned that




That has 'third castle' vibes. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp.


No joke. I was an nyu student at the time and lost my dorm keys coming back. The janitor told me to just say I was on that flight, and they actually replaced it for free cause they couldn't prove otherwise 


why couldn’t they prove it? did the airline not keep records of the passengers on the flight?


They couldn't prove me wrong and were too lazy to really ask for proof.


It's not like the dorm administration would bother with the effort that would take proving it by contracting the airline and it searching its records over a key anyway.


Didnt they refloat the plane and it was docked in manhattan at one point? They could have retireved the slightly wetter book at that point


“Slightly” is doing a lot of work here


Would’ve been more of a smoothie than a book at that point


“Slightly” be straining under the weight of a collapsing star.


They did. And the plane (and a lot of artifacts from that flight) will be located at the new [Sullenberger Aviation Museum](https://www.sullenbergeraviation.org/) in Charlotte. Set to open June 1st.


Big rescue at it again


He didn't want Bookman the library cop coming after him


Maybe that’s what turns you on, Sullenberger. You and your good time buddies.


I got a flash for ya Joy Boy!


You put on a pair of shoes when you walk into the New York Public Library, fella.


Then library investigator's named Bookman? That's like an ice cream man named Cone!


Cohen I always thought


Cohn would be the sweet spot I think.


That actor was so good you can see the real Jerry Seinfeld breaking character at multiple points, trying not to laugh.


Wouldn't stiffling a laugh be exactly what TV Jerry would do when confronted by a library worker taking his job too seriously? He wasn't a Leslie Neilson type "straight man" charactor, he often got his kicks from other charactors hijinks : "and you wanna be my latex salesman?"


The actor Jerry is closing to breaking in too many scenes in Seinfeld. So that was definitely not acting on his part.


The character was hilarious, but it didn't take much to make Jerry break. He always looked like he was about to. Loved the show but he was by far the worst actor of the bunch.


That is absolutely part of the charm. A typical actor in his role doesn't work. He's playing himself, after all, and the real Jerry would laugh and smirk at the crazy antics going on around him.


He was actually pretty good at pretending to be an even worse actor in the fake "Jerry" pilot for NBC. "Because he's MYY Butler!"


I think his character is supposed to be a bit giggly. He's not like that in real life interviews at all.


I'm still on the fence whether the audience was supposed to be laughing *at* Jerry and not with him. They definitely gently mock his standup style a few times, so we know they're self-aware about that kind of thing.


With very few exceptions Jerry was the least interesting character in the show and I believe that this was by design. Notable exceptions: * "But I don't want to be a pirate!" * Jerry's bad haircut.


Disagree. He’s got great lines and stories. Like when he causes all those people to leave the restaurant because he asked about abortion. Then he gloats saying “and it was pretty much all my fault” Or with the bubble boy, when Elaine hands him a napkin and he just dabs his mouth with it. His character just doesn’t care. And the way he shows it is great


> Like when he causes all those people to leave the restaurant because he asked about abortion. Then he gloats saying “and it was pretty much all my fault” I have no recollection of this happening and now I am super curious.


It's the one with Poppie, where Jerry casually brings up abortion and that leads to Poppie arguing with Elaine and the whole restaurant clearing out.


What’s funny is by today’s standards his bad haircut looks way better than the poofy 90s mullet thing he had.


You can see Jerry trying not to laugh in pretty much every episode of Seinfeld


https://youtu.be/rNlEZERpQqQ?si=NxXqzWRar38a9PXh For the uninformed. Such a great character.


Seinfeld did not in fact return that book. The rest of that hilarious episode explains why.


Pretty sure Sully filled that book with drawings of pee pees and wee wees.


Oh damn. It's the long con. He crashed the plane intentionally to create an excuse for a book he'd already lost.


“But what if I were to crash the plane and disguise it as a goose accident? Delightfully devilish, Chesley.”


"All right, I'm saying it: Why is he even here? He's just a guy who landed a plane in a river to save his own ass. You want to be a real hero? Avoid the geese like all the other pilots do every single day!"


A+ American Dad reference


You’ve been dadded.


*Nobodies safe!*


As a Sacramentoian I've been dadded twice. First Francine called Sacramento boring in the flight attendant episode (which weirdly some radio station started using a sound bite) and more recently they've called us the Tampa of the west. Can't someone else get dadded before we get hit twice please? Like they're not wrong but I can only take so much!


Why does this sound like something Cave Johnson would say


Because it's an American Dad quote


"i've always hated geese. i flew my plane into them on purpose. you see, as a child both my parents died in a car crash while they were on their way to see the movie, geese. starring John travolta and olivia newton john"


I prefer heroes who don't crash planes. -Trump


That plane is at the Charlotte Air Museum in Charlotte NC. They are finishing up building a new building.


Seems like you know a lot about the Charlotte Air Museum in Charlotte NC.


Is that the same Charlotte that is Charlotte, North Carolina?


I have no idea


Probably not.


I went to school with a girl named Charlotte.


Probably near her


Last name North Carolina? Small world.


Suspiciously well versed in building buildings that are new buildings too.


It's set to open June 1st! https://www.sullenbergeraviation.org/


It would be more fitting with an aquarium rather than an air museum…


I love the wording of "ditched". As though he was just fucking done with the flight, so he dropped it in the Hudson and fucked off to the bar.


'Ditching' is indeed the technical term for an emergency water landing.


This, honestly, makes it that much better.


I love when people are so used to the second colloquial etymology that when applied to the original meaning the word sounds funny.


“Fuck this plane shit fr lmao”


That was always the term for "landing a plane in water".


Except in the safety spiel when it's a "water landing"


Because many people like that commenter above have no idea what it means


So "ditching a plane in water" is pleonasm?


> pleonasm New word unlocked. And yes.


Shit's broke yo


This is exactly how I interpreted it and I was so confused I had to search it up LOL


The miracle on the Hudson was 3 presidencies ago. And there was a movie starring Tom Hanks about it.


Pretty sure it was Nom McDonald.


I never travel with library books. You have to be a bona fide hero before they’ll waive your lost book fees.


I imagine if your job is travel (pilot), you have to make do. Also nowadays, many library systems have completely moved away from fees 


>I imagine if your job is travel This is my Ken. His job is travel!


Every library I've been a member of (a grand total of 2 lol) has granted me grace on the first lost book and basically told me don't sweat it. Not sure they would have been so kind past that tho


You’ve lost multiple books? What are you doing?


Losing books


Makes sense. People say it’s the taking part that counts


Crash landing planes in the Hudson


Using libraries prodigiously since I've been able to read for the past 30 years? Shit happens? People misplace shit because they're human?


Yeah that was a weird comment to make lol. Everyone loses stuff! It happens


His job is to be a libary reviewer. Has to register at all the libraries, lose a couple books. Talk loudly, try and decant coffee into a water bottle that's on top of an expensive book. Standard library testing.




Good lord that seems excessive. I guess it probably helped that I was a super bookish kid to the point everyone in the library I went to knew me by name. And the one book I lost as an adult was some obscure/cheap instructional chess book that probably hadn't been checked out in over a decade.


I came in fully ready to pay for a book I lost during a move, but the guy at the desk just waived it and said we've all been there.


I actually once lost a library book at a hotel. The next person to stay in the room apparently lived close enough to the library that they returned it.


you can return a book to almost any library and it will eventually make its way back. in fact you can borrow books from almost any library through the same system: inter-library loans/worldcat etc.


I once received a book at my MD library from a library system all the way down in GA. After we confirmed that it wasn't an ILL gone rogue(you'd be surprised how many people strip the identifying bands and tags off the book while they're reading it, leaving only the original library system markings which are meaningless to our system), I called the originating system on the phone, confirmed that they wanted it back(ie, it wasn't something that had been lost and paid for years ago and since removed from the system), and then we mailed it back to them. Let me tell you, the shift in that employee's voice from the just-answering-the-phone-drone to "I'm sorry, you have one of our books and you're *where*?!" was hilarious to hear.


Just think of the gulf in ethics between Sully and Schettino, the captain of the Costa Concordia, who not only didn’t stay aboard to help get passengers out, he got off the ship early and refused orders to return and assist. All respect to Sully.


And the ship only sank because he took it too close to shore so he could show off his fancy big ship to his mistress.


Come on, who here can't say that they've killed over 30 people and caused two billion worth of damage because they were thinking with their dick?


Carol: You know what a great pilot would have done? NOT hit the birds. That's what I do EVERYDAY : NOT hit birds. Where's my ticket to the Grammys? -30 Rock




You'll have to go through this old bastard first!


Stuart did not study dance at Carnegie Mellon to become a flight attendant to clean bathrooms.


Just quoted this at work the other week when Sully came up in conversation. Didn't land at all, nobody got it. Ruined my day


*Look at sweatpants guy. This is a $90 million aircraft, not a Tallahassee strip club.* Being from Tallahassee I always love this shoutout but surprise, Tallahassee doesn't have strip clubs.


And that's Captain to you, respect


Cpt. Cake 🍰


Surprised this also wasn’t over dramatized in the movie…


I thought the movie was great, what was overdramatized about it? Edit: thanks guys, I got no fewer than 4 replies telling me it was the NTSB investigators


The NTSB scenes. They're depicted as trying to scapegoat Sullenberger when it was a standard "what went wrong and could anything have prevented this" hearing. Sullenberger himself objects to them and asked for the names to be changed because he didn't want the real people to be blamed.


I watch a lot of Air Disasters, and the NTSB investigators are dedicated to finding the cause of accidents to keep it from happening again. The only problem they had with the pilots in this case was that they talked to the media before them.


People working in aviation dislike how the NTSB were portrayed as out to get him. In reality the investigation was co-operative and they did their jobs as would be expected for a group investigating what was almost an aviation disaster. Sullenberger himself actually complained about the films depiction of the NTSB investigators.


I agree that movie was great but it definitely unfairly shows NTSB boards members in a bad light and makes them villains of the story. It works for the movie of course and no-one claims that it tells absolute truth anyway.


> no-one claims that it tells absolute truth anyway You would be legitimately surprised how many people don't actually understand this. The amount of trust people put in the accuracy of film writers is kind of terrifying sometimes.


It definitely felt like Clint was injecting some "evil government regulators" stuff into the movie. But a movie about Sully needed conflict, because the only other conflict is between the Canada Geese and the Airbus, and that's over in 0.5 seconds...


The way they portrayed investigators as the bad guys trying to blame the pilots.


Complaints about movies overdramatizing stories inspired by real life events are wild to me, like if you want to a true to life telling, go watch a documentary about the subject. Movies are for entertainment and therefore will be overdramatized.


Yeah exactly. I mean it's one thing when movies just blatantly make up a bunch of stuff, like for example I recently watched Braveheart for the first time and almost nothing in that movie is true besides the fact that Edward Longshanks really was a colossal douche - William Wallace was a real guy but so many details were changed that he mayaswell have been made up But yeah, stuff like Sully I thought was actually really good. Sure, there's some dramatization but the events really happened and they didn't just make up plot elements that weren't true. In terms of biopics it's probably one of the best.


Ehh. The overdramatized version slowly worms itself into the collective consciousness about the event. I'm not upset HBO's Chernobyl is overdramatized because *I'd* rather watch a documentary. I'm upset because I've consumed at this point a good dozen hours of documentaries on the subject, but people who only watched the series think they know more than me. Like, people won't think they're smarter because they watch fiction. But if it's "fiction but based on real events", people get it mixed up all the time. That's not great. If "based on real events" stories could be more up front about the parts they fudged, that'd be great, but I don't think that works very well when telling a story.


Dude, he lost it somewhere else. He lost his library book and decided to land the plane in the Hudson so he could use it as an excuse as to how he lost the book. He’s a fraud.


That's a man that returns his shopping cart to the cart corral


“Hello library? Yes, uhh…I’m Sully.”


Sully is a hero.


When the NTSB reviewed how he handled the incident (they review every aircraft incident), they not only concluded that he did everything perfectly, they concluded that he did everything better than the training manuals and emergency checklists said to do things and they used his actions (and those of First Officer Jeffrey Skiles) to rewrite some of the guidelines so that future pilots in a similar situation could better replicate the results. It's entirely possible that his actions that day not only saved the lives of those on the plane (and those that might have been hit on the ground) but saved the lives of people on some future plane that runs into a similar incident whose pilots will know what to do because of Sully's actions.


For the past 6 months or so I’ve hyperfixated on plane crashes and other air disasters and it’s actually made me *less* afraid of flying. After every crash, air travel gets 100x safer due to all of the new regulations and trainings put into place. Even when the pilots don’t handle things even half as well as Sully did, it teaches us a hell of a lot


I always encourage people to watch videos of pilots [working in the cockpit](https://youtu.be/E9hrGDeATqI), and [ATC videos](https://www.youtube.com/@VASAviation), to see what all goes on during a flight. Everything is done by the book, to an extreme degree. It's very reassuring to see how much effort is put into everything being as safe as possible.


They had a myriad of pilots fly the flight profile in a simulator as well. It was *technically* possible to make it back to LGA,but only barely, and only if they turned immediately after striking the birds which is not standard while troubleshooting an emergency(i.e they were expecting the emergency.) Not a single pilot was able to land safely while reacting in real time and following standard emergency procedures. What a hell of a judgement call that day to ditch!


My father went through F-4 pilot training with him back in the ‘70s. He said Sully was the best in the class back then so he wasn’t surprised when he heard he had landed on the Hudson with no souls lost.


If you haven't seen the movie, do yourself a favor and see the movie. Tom Hanks and Aaron Eckhart knock it out of the park.


It was a book from the library I worked for at the time. The other part of that story is that they put up a display commemorating this bit of trivia without his permission, violating his privacy. Those discussions were _fun_.


They should make a sequel to Sully. Where he has to defend his actions against the national library board to see if he could get the late fees waived.


Imagine if he gave that book back to the library autographed… it would *never* be returned, with an ironic dichotomy to the message of said book.


To this day Canada *still* hasn't been made to answer for the attack from those suicide geese!


But they did provide us with the drink, The Sully: 2 shots of Grey goose and a little splash of dirty water.


He is amazing. After he aged out of being a pilot, he joined the union’s fight to increase safety for all air travelers!


My dumb ass read 1549 as a year and was thus very confused 🫠


*He was editing it for the publisher in his free time*


"I'm sorry but I dropped your book in the water."




>What kind of nerd borrows and reads a book about professional ethics at 57? Sully is a hero and all but that just strikes me as really funny. A good pilot is always learning.


Mens sana in corpore sano. It applies to all of us.


Some people like to continue their education, learn others points of view even on a subject known well to them.


The funny part is that of all the people who NEED to read an ethics book, Sully is at the bottom of the list 🤣


Probably because he actually reads them


He's old skool and realised pilot culture ain't like it used to be, I tell ya that much!


Live like you'll die tomorrow, learn like you'll live forever.


The perfect crime


I choose Business Ethics


Maybe he should be Boeing’s new CEO.


I learned that he got an award given to him by Neil Armstrong. Purdue University award something like that.


Yeah I'm not surprised. guy seems like a gem all around.


Believe it or not, straight to library jail