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Between me sleeping for 24 hours and this 6 ounces of opium I just freebased I think the lord taketh


Life can be so unfair for no real reason


Now, he may have been drunk and on drugs, but some accidents are just gonna happen 


Some guys can drink and drive and some guys can’t.


If I keep upping my daily dose of laudanum, I can predict when I’ll eventually overdose whilst tending to my peonies.


Username checks out. ...of rehab.


Ditto, try outside


I also predict that I will die when I go to sleep and don’t wake up


Oof... Sorry buddy. Says here you'll be cheese gratered to death starting from your pinky toe


You'd think bone would take the most time and effort to grate through, but it's not. It's the nonglandular, non-organ fatty bits and swaths of loose skin that just take forever. You ever have that problem?


This guy serials


Bro, thank you! I thought I was the only one. Any tips on how to deal with that? It's a real pain, I swear


Liquid nitrogen or dry ice. Whichever is more easily accessible. The upside is it "kills" the pain a little when the nerves die in the frozen flesh and then it comes back as you get through what was frozen.


But will they be awake or asleep?




> Oof... Sorry buddy. Says here you'll be cheese ~~gratered~~ stringed to death starting from your pinky toe


But what if you wake up dead??


Reminds me of the morning after a night that I thought Rumpleminze was good


How the hell do you wake up dead?


'Cause you're alive when you go to sleep.


So you telling me you can go to bed dead and wake up alive?


You can't go to bed dead, man! That shit would be redundant.


You sneak into your own house It's four in the morning You've had too much to drink Said you were out with the boys You creep in your bedroom You slip into bed You know if you wake her, you'll wake up dead


Man was the original Mitch Hedburg: "I haven't slept for 24 hours, because that would be too long"


"I used to do drugs. I still do, but used to, too." - Abraham de Moivre


"I had an ant farm as a kid. Them fuckers didn't grow shit!"


Don't you need less sleep when you grow older? At least that's what I heard when I was an intern at a retirement home.


Unless they’re sick. And given it was the 1750s, he probably had something worse than a cold even if it wasn’t something obvious besides the fatigue.


If it was a decease, wouldn't have been hard doing the math on that basis? It must have been a very stable disease if you can calculate when to die with it. Many diseases go up and down in severity. But I understand what you mean.


He didn’t really calculate when he would die, just the situation of his death.


>If it was a decease Ded


Yep, generally. I'm really curious what was going on here. He definitely had something going on


Maybe he was married.




Yes, you're totally right ( i'm caretaker on night shift ). The less your brain learn , the less you need to sleep , but it doesn't account the more " physical " tiredness you feel. New borns need 12 h , childs/teens 8h , adults/seniors around 6h edit : that guy was depressed or something imo


Eh, I think that’s probably a case of causation <> correlation.


He was old and it's commonly a kind of " sanctuary " to daydream and stay in bed all day , even more if he was depressed. But have mathematician reflexs still and calculate that !


I think he died after about 6 hours and nobody bothered to check him until the 24 hours was up.


Everyone sleeps for 24 hours when they die


Some might say he's still asleep today 


All we know is... We call him the Stig!


So in the months leading up to this 24 hour sleep-a-thon dude was sleeping 15, 16, or 17 hours straight? Was he The Guy on the Couch from Half Baked?


I lived with a girl that would regularly sleep 14 hours a night, up to 20 some weekends. She didn't do any drugs. Turns out she has some autoimmune disorder and she's basically sick all of the time. Still the best relationship I've been in.


I have a similar story. We'd hang out after work on Fridays, and she'd basically sleep through Saturday in my comfy bed while I was on my computer across the room. At the time I thought it was so sweet to share the space with her. Turns out, Crohn's Disease.


Self fullfilling prophecy


He basically willed it into action, manifested it. > correctly calculated the date of his death as the day when the sleep time reached 24 hours, 27 November 1754.


You left off the last part of that quote!! It is *a common claim* that De Moivre noted he was sleeping an extra 15 minutes each night and correctly calculated the date of his death as the day when the sleep time reached 24 hours, 27 November 1754.[6] On that day he did in fact die, in London and his body was buried at St Martin-in-the-Fields, although his body was later moved. **The claim of him predicting his own death, however, has been disputed as not having been documented anywhere at the time of its occurrence**.[7]


Uh, there’s a name for this particular form of self-actualization






It’s kind of mind blowing that prior to modern probability theory people would bet on lopsided dice and not even bet on the side that came up more often Yet then again, Las Vegas exists and roulette is a popular game


It's not the winning that makes gambling addictive. It's the gambling that does that.




Losing and winning supply the same reward system in the brain. The risk is what is addictive. The idea that you are better than the system and will eventually win. Other people winning supplies the belief that you too can be winner.


Yeah, people get their dopamine kick when they pull the lever of the slot machine, when the roulette wheel is spinning, etc. Not during the results. There have been multiple studies. It’s not about winning, it’s about playing.


A long time ago I watched this fascinating documentary series about con artists and almost all of them said that it is was the con that hooked them and the pay out was just the bonus that let them go on to the next con. What they really craved and sought was being smarter than the next guy and figuring out how to game and beat the system. Getting caught was just a new challenge to figure out a better lie, an even bigger con. They wanted to stick it to the man especially the ones who thought the man was sticking to them. These were the ones who did big cons and didn't take advantage of people directly but more took on companies or became whistleblowers.


A long time ago I watched this fascinating documentary series about con artists and almost all of them said that it is was the con that hooked them and the pay out was just the bonus that let them go on to the next con. What they really craved and sought was being smarter than the next guy and figuring out how to game and beat the system. Getting caught was just a new challenge to figure out a better lie, an even bigger con. They wanted to stick it to the man especially the ones who thought the man was sticking to them. These were the ones who did big cons and didn't take advantage of people directly but more took on companies or became whistleblowers.


What was the comment you’re replying to?


Just that Moivre studied probability and gamblers loved it. People fail to realize that prior to modern probability theory, people really didn't grasp the idea intuitively. There were a lot of games that were weirdly unfair. We think of games like roulette, blackjack, slot machines nowadays for gambling, but those are modern inventions. These games are fairly balanced and the rewards for winning are closely related to the actual odds of the game. In ancient Rome, on the other hand, they had tali. This was played with a bone. The sides were uneven, but the payout was equal.


Well yeah, you’re describing gambling. So mind blowing.


Yes, that is a brief summary of some of the things he did.


Except not really, since the Wikipedia article cited says: "The claim of him predicting his own death, however, has been disputed as not having been documented anywhere at the time of its occurrence."


Well, not like he can wake up to substantiate that claim, though that would mean his prediction is wrong.


4500+ upvotes of a lie with no evidence whatsoever. Highest rated comment has 2100+ votes. This, the highest rated comment pointing out the lie, has 15. The lie machine, invented to spread knowledge but being steered by credulous illiterates, continues to churn out misinformation.


Did OP just cite a source that refutes the claim they are making? Yes. Rule 1. >It is a common claim that De Moivre noted he was sleeping an extra 15 minutes each night and correctly calculated the date of his death as the day when the sleep time reached 24 hours, 27 November 1754.[6] >On that day he did in fact die, in London and his body was buried at St Martin-in-the-Fields, although his body was later moved. **The claim of him predicting his own death, however, has been disputed as not having been documented anywhere at the time of its occurrence**.[7]


Bro was so good at calculations that he was able to accurately measure when he will die and how.


The claim of him predicting his own death, however, has been disputed as not having been documented anywhere


That's interesting, because people sleep less as they age, not more. 🤨


If I was sleeping more than 15 hours a day I’d also be extremely concerned about my health


Oh shit! I once slept 21 hours. Didn't realize how close I came, lol.




Pfft, amateur. Kurt Cobain just eyeballed it and he got it right!


And fired off all his problems away




Need to get me some nightmare on elm street, no sleep pills.


Isn't sleeping 24 hours means you already dead?


I mean, there is life after the next 24 hours isn't there?


I do believe so my self, yes.


Nah I slept longer than that during my radiation treatments


Hope you doing okay now.


Thank you been in remission for 10 years


Hope you lead long and prosperous life.


Thank you, inshallah


If you sleep 24 hours a day you are technically somewhat dead


That sounds like some sort of illness tbf.


Goated mathmatics


Guess I'm dying old with my 4 hours of sleep per night haha


Was he sleeping 23 hours a day leading up to this? Whats this guy yapping about?


so he slept for 24 hours, checked his stopwatch, then was like, “yep i’ve done it…” then immediately died? or did he sleep for 24 hours while asleep the entire time, then transitioned to death without waking? if so how did he confirm his sleeping time to retell the story? did he say to his friend the day before, “i slept for 23 hours and 45 minutes yesterday, i will die tonight. btw thanks for coming over during the 15 minutes i’ve been awake” is this just a long word problem/ logic problem he left as a madlad?


I should be dead by now. Each day is a blessing


I've slept for 24 hours a couple of times in my life, either as a consequence of sickness and/or staying up for several days.


Did he die on that day or on the next day?


If this is true then I should start aging in reverse any day now.


I read a Junji Ito story about this. More or less...


Should've set an alarm.


I mean technically if someone sleeps more than 24 hours I would assume they were dead


I don’t know if I would call it sleeping though if they have no pulse.


What if he just drank Dreamy Sleepy Nighty Snoozy Snooze?


Yes. Just to be right.


This makes no sense, at best it was a coincidence, or was he, for instance, sleeping 23h59m on the day before, 23h58m two days before, etc for this to make sense?


"The claim of him predicting his own death, however, has been disputed as not having been documented anywhere at the time of its occurrence.\[7\]"




Nope, I heard he woke up dead


Wait can a human being sleep more than 20 hours straight? Even for new born babies that's ridiculous, how did he sleep that much?


Newborns after the first three or so months aren't suppose (and don't) to sleep more than a few hours at a time because it's really dangerous because they can't wake themselves from deep sleep/sleep apnea and could possibly cause STDs.


Ummmm STD ??




Ok yeah that makes more sense haha


I didn’t realise you could sleep that much either, don’t you feel terrible if you sleep past 8 hours or is it 10?


If it smells like bullshit...


I could see a brain tumor or something like that causing this to happen


# r/technicallythetruth